Crazy From the Heat (11 page)

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Authors: Mercy Celeste

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: Crazy From the Heat
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sorry,” Grey whimpered at the slightest touch of Paul’s tongue along the shaft.
Taking him wasn’t going to be easy, but damned if he didn’t want to try.

not. I like a big dick. Jesus, Grey you look so fucking good.” The teacher
actually blushed as if he’d never been told anything like that before. Paul
wanted to climb back into his lap and kiss him until he came. Worse he wanted
Grey to kiss him until Paul came again. “This is getting dangerous.”

think, Spicoli?” Grey said mimicking his tone from earlier.

me hot as hell when you call me that.” Paul found Grey’s hands and hooked them
behind his head. “Makes me want to do bad things to you, Professor.”

watched Grey’s face as he tongued the head of his dick. Sanity soon gave way to
lust and Paul let him take control. He loved the way Grey’s fingers gripped his
scalp as he opened his mouth and swallowed him inside, his hands free to stroke
the long shaft. He eased one hand into Grey's briefs and under his balls
forcing Grey to ease his legs wider. It was Paul who groaned when he found
something he wasn’t expecting. A ring of metal at the back of his scrotum. Oh
fuck, the professor was into kinks after all.

gave a startled cry when Paul flicked the piercing. He couldn’t do more than
that in this position. No sooner did his cry die away, than the crackle and
hiss of the intercom interrupted them yet again. Grey wouldn’t let him pull
off. He held him there, moving slowly while the secretary said, “Dr. Talbot do
you have Paul Gibson this block?”

thrust into his mouth and leaned back in the chair.

had him last block. Kept him after for sleeping in class, but not long enough
he’d miss his next class. Which I think is Economics.” Grey fucked into his
mouth, his voice calm as if Paul wasn’t between his legs and he wasn’t the
subject of interest. And Paul didn’t care. He flicked the piercing harder and
dove his head down on Grey’s cock just as he fucked into his mouth. His balls
drew up tight and Paul swallowed the first shot.

you Dr. Talbot, sorry for the interruption.”

a problem,” Grey said in his normal voice, his hands holding Paul’s head still
as he filled his mouth with cum without making a sound.

lay his head on Grey’s thigh trying to breathe silently. The cock in front of
his face glistened in the fluorescent lighting. His heart beat fast. His dick
ached in his boxers. Grey just sat petting his head while the intercom crackled
then went silent.

have a guiche,” Paul said stunned that the visibly upstanding professor just hit
all of his buttons. “And you…Fuck, Grey, that was probably the…I can’t find the

traced his face with a fingertip, lingering on Paul’s lips. He kissed the tip.
“Was it good?”

that would be probably…I should probably turn up somewhere else since they’re
looking for me. I don’t want you busted for perverting my delicate
sensibilities.” He forced himself to stand while Grey tucked his flaccid cock
into his briefs. The mood changed and Grey looked away guilt in his eyes again.

want to see you tonight. Will you come to my place after the game?”

was looking forward to it.” He waited a moment for Grey to say something, he
didn’t. “Will you be there? At the game I mean.”

thought about going, would it matter to you?”

Even if I can’t show it, I love seeing you outside this place.”

be there.”

I’ll see you there,” Paul said as he fumbled with his clothing making sure
everything was in place. He grabbed the sunglasses off Grey’s desk and slid
them onto his face. His phone buzzed in his pocket which reminded him…

lost your number when my phone fell in the street and was run over. Could you
send me a text or something at lunch?”

Grey said smiling, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I’ll see you tonight.”

Paul placed a hasty kiss on his lips and got the hell out of Dodge before he
lost his fucking mind and tore the man’s clothes off.




block came and Grey sat at his desk, his hands shaking. What the fuck had he
just done? He looked around the room for anything that might conceal a hidden
camera. What if the class rooms were under surveillance? It’s not like he knew
everything that went on in the office. Hell, they could be under surveillance
from Central Office for all he knew. And he’d just fucked a student’s mouth.
Just had that student spread out on his desk as if he were a buffet, and fuck
he was gorgeous. Main course and dessert all in one sitting.


pushed away from his desk and paced the room. Paul was a grown man, older than
Grey even. It wasn’t like he was really luring a student to his apartment for
sex later that night. But it sure as hell felt like it.

can’t do this, shouldn’t do this,” he said in the quiet of the room. Going out
of his mind wasn’t going to solve anything. Hiding wasn’t either. He retrieved
his lunch bag from his desk and made his way to the cafeteria. He snagged a
diet drink from a vending machine, he’d rather a full sugar drink but the
schools only allowed diet drinks now. Which sucked. But he needed the taste of
cum out of his mouth bad enough that he’d deal with a little aspartame.

waited for him in the cafeteria. She had a cat just ate the canary look on her
face. He figured the page he’d gotten was because of her.

principal called in his guardian, they’re in the office having a meeting. The
other kid is there too. Wonder what happened to their parents?” She paused her
gloat for a moment to rake him with a quizzical glance. “And what’s bothering
you? You look frazzled.”

Well, it’s Friday. I just spent my planning period grading quizzes and
rewritten essays from last week. I’m sort of ready for a break.” He chugged
back his drink liking the caffeine that hit his system.

you need to stop tearing your hair out,” she said as she reached out to smooth
his hair for him. Fuck.

why do you assume that the Gibson kids’ guardian isn’t a parent or uncle or
something?” he said, to get her attention off him and back to her current
obsession namely Paul Gibson.

burly black man? Come on Grey, those kids are trouble and—"

Sarah. Your racist is showing.”

not what I meant. I, it’s just they seem out of control. The younger one is
rumored to be a drug dealer. The older one seems to try to keep him out of
trouble but he cuts class and sleeps through most of the ones he does show up
for. He’s a smart-ass punk. No wonder the younger one is into things he
shouldn’t be.”

you ever thought that maybe they don’t
parents? That maybe the
foster system isn’t all that great? That maybe they’re just trying to make it
until they turn eighteen and then the system will dump them and…” He stopped
talking. His knuckles ached from trying not to throttle the bitch. “I know what
that is like, Sarah. I
a foster kid most of my childhood. It’s
tough. Going from one house to another. Never knowing what would be waiting
inside. Going to new schools in hand me down clothes. Good kids go bad

fiddled with her lunch without meeting his eye again. “But you turned out all
right. Grey, this is different.”

isn’t different. I was a kid like that. I didn’t care what happened to me, or
what I did. And then when I was in high school I went into my last home. They
turned me around. That family helped me save myself, Sarah. Maybe this guy is
trying with the Gibson boys. You don’t know the story. Neither do I, for that

you said that you couldn’t help them unless they gave an effort. Is this you
saying do as I say not as I do?”

You can’t help them anymore than I can. That doesn’t mean I can’t feel for
them. If they ask for help or whatever then…” He felt the cold prickle of
another life easing under his skin. “As far as I can tell they’re good kids.
Maybe the guardian will help them turn it around before it’s too late.”

maybe it is too late. He’ll be out in society soon enough. Probably on welfare
because he can’t stay sober long enough to hold a job.”

closed his eyes for a moment looking for a peaceful place but couldn’t find
one. “Shut up, Sarah, before I—"

you what?” She looked over at him with innocent eyes but he could feel the
bitterness coming from her in waves. “Rumor is that you’ve developed an
unhealthy relationship with Paul Gibson. Maybe you should think about that
before you say anything…helpful.” She plucked the snack bag of cheese crackers
from his lunch and walked away leaving her lunch tray on the table.

sat rigid hoping to squash the murderous feeling running through his veins when
his phone vibrated in his pocket.

look like you want to kill someone.
The text was from
Paul. Grey looked around the cafeteria until he found the familiar blond head
at the table in the corner with a bunch of other kids who didn’t seem to be
paying him any attention.

thought you lost my number.

well I took a chance and keyed it in from memory. So what just happened?

happened in the principal’s office?

I was wondering who the snitch was? Not much, our handler came in and we had a
progress meeting. It was the principal that asked for us to come in and nose
around after all. Still I’m doing detention all next week for excessive

on detention duty next week.


funny we can’t


didn’t say anything.

didn’t have too, I watched the conversation, I can read lips. No one saw me

can you be sure?

there wasn’t a soul in the hallway. And I’ve looked all over for cameras. She’s
just pissed that you stood up for me. Thanks for that BTW.


really were a foster kid?


I’ve seen what the system does to some kids. And you did get out of it just

can’t see you anymore.

waited for a reply to that for a long time. Meeting Paul’s gaze across the
cafeteria wasn’t an option while his heart was about to beat out of his chest.


he looked up Paul was gone. There were no more messages before the bell rang.


* * * * *


the hell is up with you, Paul?” Vinnie fell into his Cajun accent as soon as
Paul climbed into the car. “You been mopin’ round since that meeting and then
you seemed about to bounce off de walls.”

I’m just tired. When this job is done I’m thinking about putting in for a
transfer out of narcotics. I’m just tired of playing this game. I’m here to do
a job, not deal with petty crap that I dealt with half a lifetime ago.”

you aren’t banging the professor?”

paused too long before denying the accusation. And that’s what it was.

hell, Boudreaux. You know better,” Vinnie drawled out, disappointment in his
voice. “At least you keep it off campus right?”

haven’t had sex with the man,” Paul said his hand clenched into a fist. “And it
looks like that won’t be a problem. He doesn’t want to get involved with me.”

he is a smart man, after all. But you are upset aren’t you?” Vinnie looked his
way as they sat at a light waiting to get out on to the main road. “It’s like
New Orleans all over again, you falling for him and all when you know better.”

nothing like New Orleans. The professor is clean. I checked him out, okay.
Through official and unofficial sources. And I’m not falling for him. I like
him. I’m not in love with him.”

his rejection hurts, so you must have gotten to a point that it was something
to look like someone stole your ice cream cone.”

the hell are you? Some kind of Dear Abby? You’re all of twenty-two. What do you
know about love?”

hell, Paul. You got too close. He’s under your skin.”


you don’t know what his dick tastes like, either.”

Paul paused too long before even trying to formulate a denial.

where you were when they were looking for you fourth block. Because you sure
weren’t hanging out with me at the field house. You were with him. And now he’s
had a taste of you and he doesn’t want no more.”

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