Crazy Baby (18 page)

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Authors: A. D. Justice,Lisa Hollett,Sommer Stein,Jared Lawson,Fotos By T

BOOK: Crazy Baby
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“It did, actually. It was just telling me how neglected it feels. Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?”

“I admit it. I was eavesdropping.” Leaning into her ear, I whisper enticingly. “There are other body parts that are also screaming for a kiss. I’d be more than happy to oblige them, too.”

After a shorter choking fit, she nudges me in the ribs with her elbow. “Eating breakfast with you is hazardous to my health.”

After a few minutes, the rest of my band and the girls from Fireflies join us for breakfast. Andi and I get a couple of sideways glances from Cami and Katelyn, but no one comes out and asks us anything. Anyone who knows me should know better than to ask anyway. I’d tell them it’s none of their fucking business, and if they don’t like it, they can hit the fucking road.

Before long, we’re keeping the waitresses busy, and we’re all stuffing our faces. For this short time that’s still way too early in the morning to be up and around, we act and feel like just regular people. There are no rock stars here. There are no egos, no demands, and no camera flashes. We’re just a group of good friends, sharing a meal, and enjoying insulting each other in every way possible.

“Andi, you’re eating more than I am. How can you eat so much and stay so little, but I have to watch every bite to keep my perfect girlish figure?” Kale shouts at Andi from the next booth.

“Because I burn off the calories with lots of vigorous sex, Kale. You just lie there like a bump on a log,” she replies dryly as she pours the sugary syrup on her waffle.

“I don’t do that,” Kale argues.

“Yeah, that’s what she said,” Andi retorts.

We all erupt in laughter at Kale’s expense, and he throws a piece of his biscuit at Andi’s head. He can’t help but laugh, too. He loves a good insult sparring partner as much as I do. Andi fits in perfectly with us in so many ways. I don’t want to see this tour come to an end.

When we retreat back to the buses, we all climb on mine for the rest of the trip to Oklahoma City. Taking my seat beside Andi, I wrap my arm around her and ignore all the blatant looks of surprise we get.

“Yeah, this is happening, so get used to it,” I announce to the room as I turn on the TV.

“About damn time,” Drew replies. “Thought you’d never make a play for her.”

A commercial promoting the upcoming fight comes on, effectively dousing my good mood. Andi keeps her eyes averted from the screen until the next commercial starts. Leaning in so that only she can hear me, I try to console her.

“You don’t have to do that concert, Andi. I can push back and have you removed from the lineup. Just say the word.”

“No, you don’t have to do that.” She looks up at me, her eyes relaying her openness. “I’m singing with you, Travis.”

She just made me feel ten feet tall.








“What did you just say?” I glare menacingly at Syndi.

“Luke, you have to go. You’re one of the main fighters in the lineup. You’re not the main attraction, but you’re close to it. People want to see you, and all the promotions we’ve been doing have really built this up. You can’t back out now,” she pushes.

Scraping my hand down my face, I pace back and forth in the suite. This must be some kind of sick joke. There’s no way this is a coincidence. Someone is getting a big fucking kick out of this whole disaster, but at this point, I’m not sure who to trust.

Charlie and Artie have done some super shady stuff lately, like going behind Joe’s back and arranging this fight for me instead of the exhibition bout Joe originally set up. They’re not my managers, I’m not their fighter, but they elbowed their way into the mix and complicated everything.

Now, Joe and I can’t back out now without looking like a couple of loser punks, so he’s been training me harder than ever. Adhering to John’s advice, my sparring partners have all talked shit about Andi until I’ve become outwardly numb to her name. Inwardly, I’m saving every insult, every innuendo, and every comment about her for the guy I’m going up against.

I’d feel sorry for him if I didn’t want to crush his skull with my bare hands. I’ve projected his face onto every sparring partner’s face, so I see and hear him making all these comments about Andi. He’s the one who keeps bringing her name up, reminding me of her betrayal, and telling me how she thinks Travis is more of a man than I am.

Yeah, I’m ready to fight and win. My hand will be the one lifted in victory. My arm will be stretched high to the heavens. I’ll be the one in the middle of the ring, the winner’s circle, when it’s all said and done. My opponent will still be facedown on the mat after the count of ten.

Syndi has persistently chased after me even though John turns her away every chance he gets. She knows I’m not interested in her. I’ve made it abundantly clear, but she has some delusion that we’ll live happily ever after once this match is over. The day I caught her alone in my hotel room was the day I told her to get out of my life and stay out. Thankfully, John showed up soon after that, and he’s kept her out of our suite ever since.

I finally agreed to have a weekly meeting with her to discuss anything PR related, but only while John is here. Since I’m not doing interviews or photo shoots while I’m training so hard, the meetings haven’t lasted long. Until today. Right now, I’m so far beyond mad that I can’t see straight.

“What the fuck does that have to do with attending a special concert with Andi and Travis?” I growl at her through gritted teeth.

“All the boxers will be there, Luke. It’s a high-profile event that a corporate sponsor requested. The CEO of Heavy Handed Boxing Gear
Steven Garrett, is the nephew of the record label’s president. Steven called his uncle, Tom Carter, and asked for Sound Bar to perform. They’ll be in this area, so Tom agreed to add an extra date to their tour for them to play. You have to go,” she stresses. “I’ll be there with you.”

“You do need to be there, Luke,” John chimes in. “If a sponsor is organizing it and he has these kinds of connections, you’d be a fool to miss it over a girl.”

Being in Vegas has taught me a few things. I can now keep a poker face when I need to, I now see that everyone is trying to fuck me in one way or another, and most people are not what they really seem to be. Take John for example. I thought he was a great guy when he first arrived, although I was confused as to why I needed an assistant all of a sudden. The fact that he works for Charlie and Artie should’ve been a major red flag from the get-go, but I soon learned where his allegiance lies.

If he’s urging me to go to this concert, there’s most likely something in it for those two dickheads. I have no idea what they have on him, or why he is so loyal to them, but I’m not getting mixed up in their schemes. I’m doing this one fight with them, and then I’m getting the hell away from them for good.

“Yeah, thanks, John. I’ll consider it,” I reply, not giving away my true thoughts.

Turning to Syndi, I finish with her. “You’re not going anywhere with me. I’ve told you in every way possible that there is no
. There’s no happily ever after ending. There’s no relationship whatsoever. In fact, I’m still completely in love with Andi, and I can’t even imagine my life with anyone else. Ever.

“I didn’t hire a PR person, and I don’t even want one. But since I have one, you’ll stick to doing your job. Are we clear?”

She hastily wipes away a tear and nods. “I know, Luke. You’ve been very up-front with me from the beginning. I’d hoped it was the stress of training and the breakup with Andi that made you say those things. I understand that it wasn’t. We’re strictly work colleagues now. I’m sorry for crossing the line with you, and I’m sorry for pursuing you like I have.”

Now I feel like such a dick. I am such a dick. “The truth is, this whole thing with Andi has really gotten to me. I’m sorry I’ve been so harsh, Syndi. You’re doing your job, and you’ve been nice to me. You’ve been a friend to me when I didn’t have one here. I’m sorry for being a shitty friend in return. I’m sorry for basically using you to help me try to forget Andi. And I’m sorry for being so mean to you when you obviously cared for me. It’s no wonder she left me, huh?”

Syndi looks down at her lap for an uncomfortable amount of time. “You don’t have to apologize to me, Luke. I knew that you weren’t over her from the beginning. You love her. Your love for her is real.”

“I’d really like for you to accept my apology. I’ve been unnecessarily unkind to you. I’m really sorry for that. Can we be friends again?” I ask her.

“I’d like that.” She gives me a small, sad smile.

“Are you okay with being just friends? I know I’m not ready for anything else, Syndi. Even if I didn’t have restrictions on my dating life, I wouldn’t be ready for anything yet. This has completely gutted me, and I’ve handled every aspect of it very poorly.”

My eyes implore her to say that she’ll be just my friend. I could really use someone else here I can trust. Brandon’s patience is wearing thin with me. Mack and Joe have been working nonstop with the other fighters who also have matches the night of the title fight. There’s no one else I can talk to since I can’t call my best friend anymore.

She already has a new man.

Syndi nods solemnly. “Apology accepted. And yes, I can be just your friend. I’d rather be your friend than nothing at all.”

Smiling broadly, I can’t contain my happiness over her answer. “I’m so glad, Syndi. Honestly, I am.”

“I haven’t seen you smile like that in a long time,” she says thoughtfully.

“I haven’t really had a reason to smile,” I reply, reflecting on everything that’s happened the last few months. I wish I could go back to December of last year and never leave home. I’d talk Andi into staying home, getting married, and we’d be well on our way to having a baby by now.

That’s all just a pipe dream now.

“So, tomorrow night, huh?” I ask dismally.

“Yes. I’m sorry. I know it’s painful,” Syndi says sympathetically.

“Fine. I’ll be there.” I regret the words the instant they leave my mouth.

“Thank you, Luke. It really means a lot. I’ll have the tailor come up to your room right away so your tuxedo will be ready by tomorrow night,” Syndi says, clicking a message out on her phone.

“Tuxedo? To a concert?” I ask incredulously.

She laughs at my response. “Well, it’s not just any concert, Luke. The place will be full of Vegas royalty. It’ll be the high rollers who don’t blink at dropping millions of dollars on the table, the casino owners, the CEOs of major corporate sponsors, and all of their guests. So, basically, anyone at billionaire status and the lucky people who get to count them as friends. This is not a time to wear jeans and a T-shirt.”

“Fine. Monkey suit. Got it.” I roll my eyes.

“I bet you’ll look very handsome in a tuxedo,” Syndi says without a hint of flirting.

“Oh, yes. I’m sure I’ll be stunning, really standing out in a sea of black and white,” I quip.

A knock on the door prompts Syndi’s departure, and she says she had to go shopping for a dress to wear to this shindig. Since I’m being forced to go, I’m making Brandon go with me. After the tailor takes all of my measurements, I have Brandon step up to get his, too. The tailor disappears with a promise to have both tuxedos and shoes ready by the time I return from the gym tomorrow.


“Wow. You look stunning,” I compliment Syndi when she opens the door. I insisted on picking her up from her condo since she is technically my date tonight.

She’s wearing a floor-length, strapless navy blue evening gown. The top is ruffled with a rhinestone design that enhances her ample cleavage. The body of the dress fits tightly, like a mermaid, while the bottom flares out slightly. The simple pearl necklace she wears gives her jewelry an understated look but only enhances her overall beauty.

Her long, black hair is pulled up off her neck, showing off her dangly earrings. She really is a beautiful lady with her green eyes sparkling as she gives me a once-over.

“You look so handsome in a tuxedo,” she gushes. “Maybe you should fight in a tuxedo, too. I’d go to more fights then.”

I laugh at her attempt to put me at ease. “Yeah, I’m sure that’d work out well for my fights. At least I’d have one more fan in the audience, though.”

“You know I’ll be there anyway. Right?”

“I hope you will. I’d like for you to be,” I answer honestly.

Part of me feels like I haven’t given her a fair chance because she just isn’t Andi. Maybe what I need to get over Andi is someone who is the exact opposite. Someone who makes me feel things I haven’t felt, think things I haven’t thought, and do things I haven’t done. Getting me out of my comfort zone and all.

Offering her my arm, I smile. “Shall we?”

“Why yes, let’s,” she laughs.

Walking into the MGM Grand Garden Arena, the same place I’ll be fighting tomorrow night, I murmur to Syndi, “I thought you said there wouldn’t be that many people here.”

“I never said that,” she whispers back, a smile plastered on her face as we move through the crowds of beautiful people.

“You said it would just be the billionaires and their friends,” I retort.

“It is, Luke. Billionaires have a lot of friends.”

Waiters and waitresses are circulating with trays of champagne and various types of
hors d'oeuvres. When we find our seats, I’m somehow not surprised to learn that my seat is center stage and as close as I can get without actually being onstage.

No doubt in my mind that this was all done on purpose now.

The house lights blink, alerting everyone to take their seats, and the black curtain begins to rise within a couple of minutes. Andi’s beautiful voice fills the arena with her soulful and heartfelt lyrics before I actually see her. When she makes her appearance in the stage lights, she looks even more breathtaking than I remembered.

She’s also dressed to the nines in a spaghetti-strapped evening gown. It’s light pink with a colorful mixture of rhinestones covering her entire breast area. The stones sparkle in the spotlight, but not nearly as brightly as she shines. The pink in the dress matches the pink stripes in her blond hair. It’s styled in long, flowing curls tonight, making her look even more gorgeous than I’ve ever seen her.

The first couple of songs she sings are the ones the label gave her. At the end of the second song, she stops to speak to the audience. Engaging them, telling everyone about herself and how she was lucky enough to join this tour, I know the very second she sees me in the crowd. Her eyes lock on mine, she loses her voice, and she stops breathing. She’s not simply surprised to see me—she actually looks

I don’t think I’m breathing either, to be honest. I’m not sure, though, because I can’t feel my body. My eyes refuse to leave hers, even when she breaks contact and looks down at something else. Then her face completely changes right in front of me, morphing into a look I’ve only seen once on my sweet Andi. The look in her eyes is the same look that was in those pictures from the mental health facility.

Hatred. Pure, unfiltered hatred.

Looking down to see what has changed her so quickly, I immediately regret what she sees. I’m holding hands with Syndi. My eyes fly back to Andi, pleading with her for understanding, but she’s no longer looking at me.

“This next song is a cover song that most of you will be familiar with, though I’ve made it my own by adding a couple of extra verses at the end. Sing along with me as I perform ‘Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’ by Journey,” she encourages her fans.

She changed the lyrics around so it would be accurate for a girl to sing to a guy. As she sings the song about a love lost because the guy cheated and then was cheated on by his new lover, she makes it a point to sing directly to me. At certain parts, she stops directly in front of us, looks Syndi in the eye, and then cuts her eyes to me.

Instead of ending the song the way Journey ended it, she lets the band play softly in the background while she re-energizes the audience.

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