Cowboy Cool: Book 5 (Cowboy Justice Association) (27 page)

Read Cowboy Cool: Book 5 (Cowboy Justice Association) Online

Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Romance, #Western

BOOK: Cowboy Cool: Book 5 (Cowboy Justice Association)
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Kaylee’s cheeks turned a deep red and he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close so she wouldn’t bolt. She hated this shit and today wasn’t going to be easy for her. He’d promised to never leave her side and he’d meant it.

“Thank you, Linda. That’s so sweet but I’d hardly call myself famous. Stephen King is famous. Hardly anyone knows my name and I’m fine with that.”

“This is only the beginning,” Cheryl raved, hugging a clearly uncomfortable Kaylee. “The name Kaylee Blue is going to be known everywhere.”

Kaylee thanked Cheryl and the three of them launched into a spirited discussion of what cover elements sold books and what turned off buyers.

“I do like a hunky man on the cover,” agreed Linda. “But I don’t much like women with them. I don’t know why but I like to just look at the male.”

Cheryl eyed him over her wine glass. “There’s nothing like a hunky man.” She turned to Kaylee with a sly smile. “So will Reed be moving here or are you moving to Montana? Isn’t your friend there as well? He’d be a man worth relocating for.”

Reed slid his hand around her shoulders and under her long hair, his expression full of adoration. “Kaylee and I have a lot of decisions to make. I’m sure we’ll find a way to make things work.”

Linda and Cheryl looked impressed by his smitten display and Kaylee was breathing easier although she looked like she wanted to laugh out loud. Perhaps he’d overdone it but the women bought it hook, line, and sinker.

“I’ve got movement in the back of the house,” Griffin’s voice sounded in Reed’s ear. “A man with dark hair, mid-thirties. Blue suit and tie. He’s carrying a small bouquet of flowers and what looks like an envelope. Moving to the back door but staying behind a crowd of people. Jared, are you picking him up yet?”

Adrenaline coursed through Reed’s veins and his pulse pounded at his friend’s pronouncement. It was fucking working and the description sounded like Brent. They would catch the little bastard red-handed.

“I’ve got him,” Jared answered. “He’s moving toward the stairway very slowly, and trying not to garner any attention. Evan?”

Reed glanced casually over his shoulder but the stalker was keeping hidden very well. Even at his over six-foot height Reed couldn’t see him behind the crush of bodies. His grip tightened ever so slightly on Kaylee’s shoulder and she turned to give him a strange look. He raised his eyebrows and her own eyes widened in surprise as she realized what he was trying to communicate.

“I got him,” Evan stated. “He’s at the top of the stairs and heading down the hall to one of the bedrooms. I’m guessing Kaylee’s. Seth?”

Reed was already bounding up the stairs, his hand under his suit jacket where his service revolver was nestled in his shoulder holster. Pulling the weapon, he waited outside the door for Seth’s signal.

“He’s just placed flowers and an envelope on Kaylee’s bed. Move in.”

Reed shoved open the door so it banged on the wall. Brent whirled around, his expression going slack and his eyes going round. Putting his hands up, he began to step away from Reed.

“Freeze and don’t move.” Reed pointed the gun at Brent who had gone pale with sweat popping out on his forehead.

“Hey, man. I was, um, just leaving Kaylee a present.”

Brent’s voice had gone up at least an octave and he lowered his hand as if to reach for something.

“Don’t fucking move,” Reed snarled again. Kaylee was at his elbow and he never took his gaze from Brent, letting the man know this was fucking serious. “Kaylee, call the police. Brent can explain it to the cops why he was sneaking around your house and in your bedroom.”

“I told you, I was just leaving her–”

“Save it,” Reed cut in, keeping the firearm trained on the man who seemed to have absorbed what was happening and was now shaking like a leaf. “Put your hands on your head and turn around.”

Brent hesitated but then complied, placing his hands on his head and facing the wall. Reed holstered his weapon and retrieved his cuffs from his back pocket before cuffing the man’s hands behind his back. After checking him for weapons, Reed stepped back and pressed Brent in a chair near the bed.

“Why have you been harassing Kaylee? Are you in love with her?”

Brent’s face turned bright red and he shifted uncomfortably in the chair. “I like Kaylee a whole lot. She’s always been real sweet to me.”

“But you didn’t tell her about your drug conviction?”

The man scowled now, his lips twisted in anger. “How did you know about that? I never told anyone.”

“No such thing as a secret anymore,” Reed countered. “Why were you trying to scare Kaylee?”

“Reed.” Kaylee placed her hand on his shoulder. “The police are on their way but what am I supposed to do with all those people in the living room? Walt is holding them at bay but they all want to come back here and see what’s going on.”

Reed glanced over his shoulder and Kaylee was flanked as usual by Cheryl and Linda both looking shocked. Reed on the other hand was feeling triumphant. He’d finally caught the rat in the act of leaving a letter.

“Send them all home,” he answered grimly. “The party served its purpose and is over.”

“I’m not sure they’ll leave,” Linda breathed softly. “Most of them just got here.”

“I’m sure you ladies know how to clear a room,” Reed said before turning his attention back to Brent. “Answer my question. Why were you trying to scare Kaylee?”

“I wasn’t, I swear. I really like her and wanted her to notice me, I guess. Since you came here she doesn’t have time for anyone else.”

“And that made you angry?” The question came from behind Reed and he turned to see one of the officers that had been on duty when Kaylee had almost been run down. “Angry enough to try and kill her?”

The police weren’t going to let Reed continue his interrogation. He was probably going to get scolded for putting Brent in handcuffs too but it had been worth it. Brent was out of the stalking business.

“Can we get you folks to step out here so we can get your statements?” the other officer asked. “We have several questions.”

Reed bet they did. He nodded and put his arm around Kaylee and they walked down the stairs to the office. Pulling the earpiece off, he sank down onto the couch, his hand still holding hers. It was going to be a long night.

“Can you start from the beginning?” the cop requested, taking out a notebook and pen. “How did you know the suspect was in Ms. Carter’s bedroom?”

Reed leaned forward, his elbow on his knees. “It’s like this. I’m a sheriff in Montana who came here to help find this guy and protect Kay–, I mean Ms. Carter. I rigged the house with security surveillance in every nook and cranny. Then I had some of my colleagues watching the tape while I was in the party with Kaylee. They alerted me to the suspect sneaking in the back door and hiding behind guests.” He held up the ear piece. “I could hear them with this.”

The officer stopped writing in his notebook and shook his head in confusion. “Wait a minute. Maybe we should back up further. You did what?”

Yep, a long night indeed.

Chapter Twenty-Five

aylee slumped over her coffee the next day and yawned. They’d spent hours talking to the police and the detective that had been assigned to her case. Angry at first at what Reed had done to trap Brent, they’d threatened to arrest him but she still wasn’t clear on what the charges would have been. Reed had been here at her own behest and he hadn’t hurt Brent at all, only handcuffing him. Reed in turn had been calm and professional with them, eventually winning them over as they swapped cop stories.

Brent had been taken down to the police station for questioning but he was denying his guilt even as they escorted him out. Not one person had left the party, too curious as to what was going on. In fact, they’d stayed and eaten her food and drank her beer and wine until quite late. Some friends she had.

It had been after two in the morning when she and Reed had stumbled to bed, bleary eyed and exhausted. He’d been up early but she’d slept in until ten. Already showered, he was too damn awake and cheery.

“You need more coffee.”

Kaylee drained her cup and held it out. Laughing, Reed refilled it before taking care of his own. He was a morning person, dammit. So annoying. Kaylee didn’t like mornings and had never seen the appeal of watching the sunrise or being the early bird. Who likes worms?

“Can you stop being so…awake?”

“Doubtful. How many of the cameras do you want me to leave up? You should have some for security.”

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Kaylee scowled at her man and houseguest. “You know I can’t make decisions until after a couple cups of coffee.”

Reed smiled indulgently. “Then I’ll decide for you. The weather report said it was going to rain later. If I want to do anything outside, I better get it done soon.”

“I like to write to the sound of the rain.”

But first she needed a shower to wake the hell up.

“Is that the plan for the day? Writing?”

The caffeine was beginning to kick in. Did Reed have some fun planned? Perhaps some afternoon delight? Now that her stalker was caught, it felt as if the weight of the world has been lifted off of her shoulders. Of course, it was sad and disturbing that Brent had done those things. She didn’t understand what had driven him. He’d always seemed nice and polite.

“Do you not want me to write today? Did you have something else in mind?”

“I thought it would be nice to spend the day together.” He fiddled with the handle of his coffee mug. “Since it’s my last day here and all. Now that Brent’s been fingered I can be getting back to my vacation.”

She was wide awake and not liking what she was hearing. It hadn’t even occurred to her he would leave immediately. She’d thought he might spend the rest of his vacation with her. Or maybe she’d just hoped it.

“I wouldn’t want to keep you from your vacation.” Kaylee got up from the table, the chair legs scraping the tile loudly in the quiet. “Are you leaving in the morning?”

He was looking at her again with that narrow-eyed gaze as if he was assessing not only her physical appearance but her state of mind.

“You sound mad,” he said flatly.

“I’m not mad,” she denied, warming up her coffee even though it was already hot. She needed something to do with her hands or she was going to throw the pot at his thick skull.

“You aren’t happy.” He got up and came around the table to where she was standing and leaned against the counter. “I didn’t want to assume anything, honey. I did what I came to do. Our deal was that I would leave afterward. But if you don’t want me to just say so.”

“You want to leave,” she accused, her voice low. “You can’t wait to get to Florida.”

He took a few steps forward and backed her into the cabinets, his imposing frame filling her line of vision. He smelled like soap and man and dammit, he shouldn’t smell so good when she was angry with him. “I don’t even like sand. And I’m not planning to go there anymore. I was just going to point the truck in some direction and see whatever there is to see. Now, if I had something else to do that would be fine. Do I?”

A flash of anger ran through her. He’d said he liked being the aggressor in the relationship but then he expected her to take all the chances. “I don’t know, Reed. After everything that’s happened I thought you might stay, but don’t fucking do me any favors.”

She twisted away to get around him but his superior strength easily held her in place. “Relax, honey. That’s not how things are and you know it. I’d like to stay for awhile but I didn’t want to assume that you wanted that too. Why do you think I mentioned leaving so early in the damn morning?”

“To piss me off.” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them.

“Kind of,” he admitted with a grimace. “I wanted your real reaction, not a polite one. I knew if I caught you before your third cup and a shower I’d get an honest answer.”

She’d given him one. She knew that he had to get back eventually but he’d only spent two weeks of his vacation so far. She’d simply been too proud to admit she wanted more. It was hard to remember that he didn’t know she loved him.

“Do you like history?” she asked, already thinking of things they could do together. Most of them involved being naked but a few did require clothes.

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