Covet (24 page)

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Authors: Alison Ryan

BOOK: Covet
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Five Years Ago

arrett arranged
a mansion on St George Island, Florida, for a week, under the guise of being interested in buying some real estate across the bridge in Apalachicola. But in reality, he had no business interests in the panhandle. He just wanted a getaway with Scarlet, one that wasn’t too far from Atlanta in case he really was needed back at the office.

They’d taken one of the smaller private planes that Evers Holdings owned and the flight was incredibly short. They were boarding and disembarking in under an hour and as soon as they’d stepped onto the tarmac the sunshine of a perfect Florida afternoon lit up Scarlet’s eyes, making him excited to take her to the house and have his way with her.

“What a gorgeous day!” she exclaimed as they ducked into their waiting SUV.

“It’s a good sign that we’re about to have an amazing week,” he said, pulling her close to him in the back seat as the driver slowly pulled out of the airport. “I have so many ideas and none of them require us leaving the house. And clothing is optional.”

“Clothing is always optional with you,” she laughed, rolling her eyes. “I think you need therapy. You’re a sex addict.”

“Only when it’s with you,” he nuzzled her neck. “Who wouldn’t be addicted to Scarlet Bloom?”

As the SUV rolled onto the bridge separating St. George Island from the mainland, they were suddenly being paced by half a dozen pelicans soaring over the water next to the bridge.

“One of my favorite things about this island,” Barrett remarked, “are the pelicans. For being so odd-looking, they’re incredibly graceful in flight. I think they like racing the cars on this bridge.” Barret had their driver gun the engine and the SUV overtook the lead bird for a moment, but an effortless flapping of wings later they were once again looking at tail feathers.

“You’ll think I’m a huge nerd, but do you know what a group of pelicans is called?” asked Scarlet. Barrett shook his head. “They’re a pod. Like dolphins. We used to have this little index card on our refrigerator with all that stuff on it. Murder of crows, a gaggle of geese, huddle of penguins, a parliament of crows, I could go on and on.”

Barrett stifled a laugh. “I hope there won’t be a quiz later?”

Scarlet could scarcely believe she was comfortable enough with Barrett to risk revealing her inner geek to him, but he made her feel so safe and so confident that she knew all she had to do was be herself. To really be herself, no matter what. Not many of her friends, let alone a guy like Barrett Evers, had ever made her feel that way.

Scarlet punched Barrett on the arm. “There just might be. But I’m sure you can perform some extra credit to make up for anything you get wrong. Between the words “extra” and “credit”, Scarlet placed her bare feet in Barrett’s lap and turned in her seat, arms over her head, stretching herself like a cat. Barrett swallowed hard and told the driver he had the rest of the day off once he dropped them off.

“You’re in big trouble when we get to the house, Scarlet.”

Within minutes, they were through the gate and inside the exclusive Plantation section of the island, where the largest homes and most secluded stretches of beach lay. The driveway went beneath the house and around the back, where they parked next to the large pool. A fence and sand dunes sat past the pool and beyond that, the waves of the gulf. The driver took their luggage inside and drove off, leaving Barrett and Scarlet alone.

Scarlet, not yet quite used to the opulence that went with being in the company of an Evers, marveled at the size of the mansion. “All this house for just the two of us?”

“This week, just us. But I think Durham holds the record. He had close to two hundred people in here for a party. I have no idea where they all parked. The house belongs to friends of family, but they never seem to use it. One of these days my dad will just buy it. I love it here. It’s so quiet. Nice change of pace. The kitchen is all stocked up for us. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

They entered the house and Scarlet made a beeline for the balcony off the dining room, which afforded a sweeping view of pristine beach and endless water. She sensed Barrett behind her and then felt his hands on her hips. “I’m ready to start work on that extra credit, Ms. Bloom.”

Scarlet straightened up and twisted her head around to meet him in a kiss as his hands busied themselves with her clothing. There was no one immediately visible on the beach, but Scarlet felt very exposed. “What if someone…” Barrett silenced her with a deeper kiss, his hands roaming and discarding clothing, his and hers, as the kiss continued.

“There’s no one. And I wouldn’t care if there was. I’m not waiting another minute. I need you

Scarlet turned completely around and gasped when she saw that Barrett was naked and at full attention. Both of her hands found his manhood as they continued to kiss. She let Barrett finish removing the last of her clothing as she ran a hand across his pecs and the other pulled at his erection.

“We’re going to play a game, Scarlet. Don’t stop stroking me. It feels fucking good. Anyway, we’re going to play a little game. I love when you come. And that you come so easily for me. But I was thinking - I know how good my orgasms feel, but I only get one. I was wondering if you only got to have one, if you had to wait and wait like I do, and put everything into just one, if it would be that much better or if it would be different at all. So what I want to do is to make love to you, but for you to keep me apprised of your arousal. I don’t want you to come until I say so. Ten means you’re there. No turning back. Nine is the brink. Eight means you’re getting close. That sort of thing. If you get to seven, you have to tell me. At nine, you better be punching me to make me stop whatever I’m doing. Does any of this make sense?”

Stroking Barrett’s cock and kissing him while listening to him talk about her orgasms while standing naked in the sunshine on the balcony of a multimillion dollar mansion overlooking the Gulf of Mexico had Scarlet in a dizzying state of arousal already.

She steeled herself and looked him in the eye, feeling a clench between her legs. “Seven, Barrett. My body wants to come for you right now.”

He grinned. “Good girl. This will be fun.”

Barrett spun her around so she was facing the railing, and he pressed on the small of her back, bending her into position. His foot nudged her feet wider apart and with a searing thrust, he entered her from behind.

Scarlet’s hands clutched the railing and she gasped, trying to focus on the waves of the ocean rather than the tsunami threatening to crash inside her. Through gritted teeth she hissed to her lover “Eight. Fuck, Barrett. Eight!”

Barrett pushed deep inside and held her hips, just letting himself throb inside her. “Don’t let it get to nine. Fight it. Control it.” As he spoke, Barrett slowly withdrew until only the tip remained inside. Her hips rolled and bucked softly.

“Seven. Please put it back in. I need it so badly. I’m desperate to feel you inside me!”

“Mmmmm. Good girl.” Barrett entered her fully once more, repeating the slow withdrawal and thrusting back inside at an irregular pace. He noticed her hips were beginning to follow his cock when he pulled out, moving back with him. He’d increase his pace until she reached eight, then pull back and slow thing down until she reached a more manageable number. At six, he was giving her full force, deep, intense fucking. She was doing better, gaining some measure of control, but when he fucked her like that, she was at his mercy. Helpless. Her body needed an orgasm more than it needed oxygen.

“Barrett please. Please. You just feel too good I have to come. It hurts I need it so bad. Please!”

Barrett continued the game, taking her to a nine, as close as he dare without letting her release, and then easing her away from the edge. Twice people strolled by on the beach, but Barrett never stopped, and Scarlet managed to keep her gasps and groans to a decibel level just below that of the crashing waves.

He’d lost track of time, but her pleading had become frantic, and he feared losing her despite her best efforts. They were both sweating from their exertions and pink from the sun.

He led her trembling body back inside the house, to the nearest bedroom, a guest room bigger than the master in most of the mansions in the Plantation. He lay her down on the bed beneath a lazy ceiling fan and knelt between her legs.

“Same rules apply, Scarlet.”

With that, he began to cover her inner thighs with kisses. She was absolutely writhing, conscious thought given over to pure lust. He wasn’t sure she could form coherent thoughts, much less words, so great was her need. To test his theory, he let his tongue swirl around her engorged clit for a moment, waiting for a number. When none was forthcoming, he began to suck. She was humming, her hands balling up the comforter. He flicked at her clit with the tip of his tongue, employing the full range of his considerable gifts to take her to the brink, but she was having none of it. She’d found a place in her head where she could hide from the climax that was frantically searching for her, but she knew his mouth, his delicious mouth, would be her undoing.

“Seven. Oh you are so good at that. That’s my clit, you’re right on my … Oh Barrett eight I thought I could … you have to stop or … it’s nine Barrett please!“

With that, he mounted her and plunged inside. He held her face in his hands and kissed her passionately, his cock pistoning in and out insistently. The end was inevitable for both of them.

Scarlet tried to scream her number to Barrett, but his kisses – and his cock – would not be denied. She started to thrash just as he emptied himself into her. Feeling him pulsing as his seed filled her was too much. The power, the violence, the intensity of her orgasm was terrifying to both of them. It took all Barrett’s strength to remain astride the bucking bronco Scarlet Bloom had become. Her soul felt turned inside out from the explosion, and the look in her eyes was feral. Her fingernails dug into his back and she shrieked into his mouth.

Barrett had no choice but to remain fully impaled, as every muscle inside Scarlet seized and squeezed his cock. As the jolts finally began to wane, Barrett softly kissed all over Scarlet’s sweaty face and neck. He rolled onto his side, where their arms and legs become tangled into a human pretzel. When Barret began to speak, Scarlet raised a single finger to his lips to silence him and nuzzled into his neck. She needed to be held. She needed to be protected and cradled. Protected from the frightening sexual fury that lay buried within her body. Deep in a place only Barrett Evers could ever hope to find.

Barrett had only wanted to express his love to Scarlet and to ask if she was alright, but he could sense from her body language that more than anything, she just needed his arms around her.

She managed a hoarse whisper into his ear. “Four hundred.”

To the sound of waves crashing outside and fussy seagulls arguing over scraps on the beach, the two lovers fell asleep with nothing to clothe them but their sweat and the salty ocean breeze coming in from the open French doors to the balcony where their tryst had begun.

* * *

arrett had woken
up first as the setting sun of the day cast shadows across Scarlet’s naked body which was barely covered by a tiny square of an Egyptian cotton sheet.

His heart swelled seeing her sleeping so peacefully next to him, a content expression on her face. He wished he could dive inside her mind and see her dreams.

He walked naked downstairs to the kitchen to make them both some sandwiches, something he’d never done much for himself, much less another woman. But all he wanted to do was meet her every need, to take care of her. He stared out into his future now and all he could see was her. And it made him happier than anything he could have ever imagined.

When he got back upstairs she was sitting up, stretching her arms again while topless, and making him hard at the vision.

She gave him a drowsy grin, her hair a wild mane around her head, “You brought us sustenance. How thoughtful.”

He handed her one of the plates and a cold bottle of water that he dropped between her legs making her yelp, causing him to laugh.

“You jerk,” she teased. “That’s cold!”

“I can see that,” he said, looking at her nipples. “Your body hides nothing from me.”

She rolled her eyes, “You’re insatiable, Barrett Evers. Thanks for the sandwich by the way. You read my mind.”

Barrett sat next to her, both of them enjoying their turkey on rye as they reveled in the breeze of the early evening hitting their skin. It was beyond heaven, this moment.

“So any plans for tonight?” asked Scarlet as she took a sip of her water. “Besides the obvious?”

Barrett shook his head, “I was thinking of walking out on the beach later. I’m going to jog it in the morning but I’d love to go out there with you tonight and put our feet in the water.”

“Sounds good to me,” she said, leaning over to kiss him. “Thank you for my food. I love you.”

He put down his sandwich and held her face as they kissed. It was a long, lingering kind, the kind that would normally lead into other things, but Barrett had other thoughts on his mind.

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