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Authors: Playing Hurt Holly Schindler

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A scream peals through the night, like the squeal of a balloon with a leak. A few jokesters are already crammed into the cab of a pickup. Sean Greyson, pitcher for our baseball team and photographer for the
Fair Grove Bulletin
, who’d tallied every last vote for “Best Smile” and

“Class Clown,” who’d shouted, “Gabe, stop drooling over her long 34/262

enough to just
at the camera” when we’d posed for the “Class Couple” photo last month, has actually pulled his entire torso out of the passenger side window and is waving at me.

“Here! Chelsea! Catch!” he shouts, launching something right at me. Instinctively, I lean forward, open my hands like I’m receiving a pass.

The truck careens down the street, the screams of joyous freedom growing faint as I turn the object over in my hands. A box of Trojans. My face flames as the team starts to back away, down the street, shouting ridiculous
s and
s. I want to yell at them to stop, to come back, because this isn’t how I want to say good-bye, not like this, me standing there like a moron, so mortified I probably look like exactly what I am: a virgin.

The word itself scrapes me raw.
It sounds so babyish, so pathetic and old-fashioned. My head fills with the image of a grainy black-and-white video from the 1950s, a bunch of girls in crinolines and bobby socks sitting around listening to
How to Protect Your Chastity.

“Better leave you two alone,” Theresa teases, while Megan and Hannah and Lily chime in with “I’d wish you good luck, but you don’t need it” and “
know when we’re not wanted.”

I open my mouth, but nothing comes. They—the team, already a
—become the back pockets of four pairs of denim capris, four pairs of flip-flops smacking against heels, four swishing ponytails. The condoms in my hand are getting screams and
s from the seniors on the street. So I shove the box in my purse, tug at my own ponytail.

Gabe slips his hand into mine. His skin is cool against the fire of my embarrassment, sort of like a bed sheet you slide your body onto in the midst of a summer heat wave.

“Don’t let them get to you,” he murmurs in my ear. “If you hadn’t been hurt, you’d have had the wildest locker room stories of all.”


The tough athlete in me bristles—as it always does, even though I should be used to this by now, six months after Gabe officially took the job of knight in shining armor. The old me would have punched Gabe in the face for trying to take care of me;
I can take care of myself
, she would have said. But Gabe winks, and the new me allows my heart to melt into gooey caramel.
He knows—he always knows
, she thinks. One look at my face and he can see what’s racing through my head; we don’t have to practically
blah, blah, blah
each other to slow and painful death with some horrific and soul-wrenching conversation. That’s a good thing, right?

Under the yellow haze of streetlights, we walk quietly down Old Mill Road, passing the post office and heading for the entrance of White Sugar, my family’s bakery. A giant
Congrats, Fair Grove Seniors!
sign hangs across the plate glass, obscuring part of the view of the store’s interior. I’ve logged so many hours inside, though, that the darkness and the sign don’t keep me from seeing the cream puffs in the display case, the cheesecake under glass—the one with
Yay, Gabe!
written in cherry swirls across the top. I can see, too, the metal backs of the stools that line the counter and flank the small table in the corner. The wall behind the cash register, where a framed copy of
Magazine still hangs, the one with my mug on the cover. The cracked “$” button on the cash register that I push every weekend while customers smile at me, politely, but not with admiration. Not anymore. Just smile like they’re all telling me,
Egg timer went off on that fifteen minutes. That
fame a’ yours is over.

I jingle my keys out of my pocket, slam them into the door. When we step inside, the place still smells faintly like the tantalizing mixture of icing and fresh bread.

I flick half the lights on, in order to give the counter area a soft glow while the area closest to the entrance stays as dark as a shut-tight closet (don’t want to give anyone the idea that we’re open). But I’ve barely 36/262

lifted my hand from the switch when a gasp rattles its way out of my throat.

“Gabe,” I whisper, my fingers flying to my face as I survey the store,

“this was supposed to be a graduation gift for
.” Instead, Gabe obviously used his Mrs. Keyes Seal of Approval to gain access to the bakery hours before we’d tossed our mortar boards into the sky. Bouquets of tulips (my favorite flower) pop from the counter. Iridescent streamers cascade from the ceiling, along with glow-in-the-dark stars on glitterinfused string. A stool that’s been pulled out into the center of the floor cradles my gift, which is wrapped in white tissue and tied with a silver ribbon that shines like a chrome bumper.

“It just wouldn’t be like me if I didn’t outdo you in the gift department, would it?” he asks, locking the door behind us. Of course it wouldn’t. The birthday poetry in my dresser memento box, the framed ticket stub from our first movie (given to me last Valentine’s Day), and the anniversary, sepia-toned photo of our two hands intertwined proves that Gabe Ross definitely outshines his girlfriend in the romance department.

“Just wait until your birthday,” I say, wagging a finger at him.

“Think you can take me?” he asks, then snares my gift box from the stool before I can start shredding the white tissue. “Uh-ah,” he says.

“Not yet. This takes a certain … unveiling.”

I put on a fake pout as I slip behind the front counter. “
graduation gift, kind sir,” I say, hoisting the heavy glass lid off Gabe’s cheesecake. “Made by yours truly. I only have to work seventy-three-thousand indentured servant hours to make up for all the cream cheese I blew on my first attempts. No crummy cracked top for

Gabe chuckles as he folds his arms across the counter. Leans in to get a good look at my—okay, slightly slanted—creation. “Forget the fork. I’ll eat it with a spatula.”


He’s still leaning over the counter when he raises his grass-green eyes. The way he looks at me, it’s like his stare has fingers—it pokes its way into my eyes, then my head, and starts rifling around in the contents of my soul. It’s way too intense, but I can’t quit staring at him. I lean to meet him halfway across the counter; his lips barely graze my own. He pulls back slightly, still close enough for his breath to warm my cheek, but his mouth just half an inch out of reach.

,” I snap.

I start the espresso machine up as he slides onto a stool. Every once in a while, a half-drunken senior’s shout filters into the shop. But this is life, as it’s been for nearly a year—me and Gabe closed in, huddled together, while the rest of the world passes by, their shouts muffled, distant. This is life as it has been ever since I peeled open my post-surgery eyes to see Gabe at my bedside, his face clear while the rest of the room looked blurry. This is life, as it’s been since I’d first returned to school after the accident, the rest of our classmates speeding by us in the hallways while Gabe carried my books and held my hand and murmured as I plodded along, babying my hip,
Just take your time.
Now, though, in the relative quiet, all I can think of is that box in my purse, the one with the stupid warrior on the cover. And the blinds on the front window, which could easily twist shut. And knocking the tulips to the floor while Gabe and I stretch out on the counter, and running my fingers through Gabe’s curls and ripping his shirt right in two

“I’m going to miss you when you’re in Minnesota,” he mumbles, making me jump high enough to practically take flight. I glance over my shoulder. He’s picked up one of the hundred or so Lake of the Woods brochures Mom pummeled me with last Friday, after I’d taken my very last Fair Grove High final exam. “Up there almost to Canada,” I say, mimicking Mom’s high-pitched, breathless excitement. “An outdoor adventure before you head off to college!”


“You have to promise me you’ll be careful up there,” Gabe says. “I mean, hiking, rafting …” He keeps talking, flipping through the slick pages of the brochure. But all I can think about is the blond hair down his forearms, the tan on the back of his neck, the way it would feel if he pole-vaulted over this stupid counter, grabbed me, and backed me into the kitchen. What it would be like if, blinded by sheer passion, we tumbled in a whirl against the shelves, knocking confectioner’s sugar all over our naked bodies, our mouths leaving sweet, sticky trails behind as we kissed each other’s …


This time, when I jump and turn toward Gabe, he’s got his arms crossed over his chest and his green eyes look like combination locks—closed up tight. “No,” is all he says.


“No, not tonight. Not now. Not in your parents’ place. Not rushed through and not on the night before you leave for your summer vacation.

I frown, shake my head like he hasn’t just gotten all ESP on me, reading my mind like that.

“Don’t deny it. You keep staring at your purse, where you tossed those condoms,” he says, grinning. “Look,” he goes on, standing up from his stool and slipping behind the counter. “The guys around here, it’s terrible to say it, but a lot of them go through girls like Kleenex—it doesn’t matter that you’ve used one, because another will just pop up in its place. That’s not
. Even without your accident, that wouldn’t be us. We’ve been together a long time now,” Gabe goes on. “And yes, I want you. You know I do. But I didn’t want to make love to you for the first time on somebody else’s schedule. You know that, right?”

My insides are knotted tighter than a chain net on a basketball hoop.
Make love to you?
The phrase makes me squeamish. Does it have to be so formal? And why is Gabe aiming for perfection
? As 39/262

everyone in the entire gossipy senior class probably knows, he already lost his virginity—the summer before we met, at a journalism camp.

“I mean, I didn’t say anything about it on prom night because sex at prom is a real cliché, right?”

“The prom,” I sigh. Prom had been a night of pumpkin chariots, slow dancing in a strapless, ocean-blue Vera Wang, feeling glitzy and perfect next to Gabe, until we were in his ’Stang and we were on the highway, driving and not sure where to, just the two of us, no need for parties, and we could have owned the entirety of the world that night, the top down, wind destroying my up-do, but who cared, because there had never been anyone as free, all the way to Kimberling City, a good seventy miles from home, to stand at the edge of Table Rock Lake while the sun dyed the water the same color as orange childhood lollipops, and Gabe started tracing a pattern on my bare shoulders.
Know what it
he’d asked.
The infinity symbol. Just like us …

“How’s the Carlyle sound?” he whispers now, into my ear.

“The Carlyle,” I repeat, as Gabe wraps his arms around my waist.

“I was going to surprise you when you got back from Minnesota. But I figure, it’ll give you something to look forward to … ”

“The Carlyle,” I say again, like these are suddenly the only two words I know in the entirety of the English language.

“I’ve already put a deposit down on a room. A night of our own, on our

My head becomes a carousel on warp speed. “Swankiest hotel around,” I mumble. “Guess—that’s—the perks of snagging a summer job at a prestigious law firm in Springfield.”

“I’m the grunt under the paralegal, Chelse. That’s all. No capital murder cases this year. But it beats flipping burgers. Besides,” Gabe goes on, a mischievous glint sparkling in his eye. “I’ll spend whatever I want on what should be one of the most important nights of your life. Of


I roll my eyes at him, wordlessly reminding him that the gossip about FGH’s gorgeous sports editor and a mystery journalist from a rival school had spread through the girls’ locker room long before he’d started dogging me in the hallways, flirting shamelessly with me. Gabe shakes his head insistently, whispers, “I’ve never been with somebody I
. And you deserve much more than the Carlyle, Chelse. I’d fly you to Paris if I could.”

The espresso I’ve made for Gabe has drizzled down from the coffeemaker into a tiny white cup. But we just stand there, arms wrapped around each other’s waists. I can feel Gabe’s pulse racing through every inch of his skin, even through his shirt. I know I ought to do something—say something—utterly romantic. But I’m no poet. I’m an ex-ball player with zero experience in the bedroom. And I’m too tall even to put my head on Gabe’s chest.

Suddenly, now that it’s upon me, now that it’s going to be real, my fantasy’s taking a detour. I see Gabe and me in some lush bedroom, tangled in the heat of passion … but when Gabe puts the weight of his beautiful body on top of mine, the room fills with the sound of metal crunching.
What is that?
Gabe asks, lifting himself off me. But it’s too late—the metal plate in my hip (every time I think of it, I always picture the rusted metal roofing that tops outbuildings in and near Fair Grove) has crunched in on itself, and my leg is stuck, bent so that my knee is practically up in my ear.
Stop laughing,
I’m screaming, but Gabe can’t quit …

“Come with me,” Gabe says, erasing my disturbing daydream. “Just for a minute. The cake’ll wait. I want to give you
graduation gift.”

I start to reach for the white box, but he swats my fingers away.

“Don’t need that,” he says, grinning and dragging me toward the door. Confusion wrinkles my face.

I get the keys back out of my pocket, make sure White Sugar’s locked up tight while we’re gone—not that it really matters in Fair 41/262

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