Coventina (16 page)

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Authors: Jamie Antonia Symonanis

Tags: #love, #justice, #vengeance, #extraterrestrials, #hacking, #romans, #sex slavery, #human trafficking, #ninth legion

BOOK: Coventina
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They heard a loud pop in the distance when the Mercedes got alongside the Nissan. An instant later the Nissan started to spin out of control, coming to an abrupt stop as it skidded along the guardrail on the right side of the road.

“We must stop,” Marcus said.

The woman that had been driving the Nissan exited the car and hopped over the guardrail still trying to escape on foot. She wore a white dress, or what was left of it. It was torn and hung off her right shoulder.

The Toyota glided just past the disabled Nissan and pulled over, allowing room for the doors to open on the right side.

“They are obviously in possession of firearms,” Anna said.

“I have an idea,” Lucilla said. She instructed the men to get out of the van with her and follow her lead. She had them keep the sliding side door open. She brought them around to the front of the van, as if inspecting damage or a problem with the vehicle.

The men in the front seat of the Mercedes did not see them as a threat.

“Marcus, bend down and shake that tire,” Lucilla said.

“Shake it?”


The two men that had exited the Mercedes to pursue the woman on foot caught her in short order, as she was barefoot. They had to literally drag her back to the car kicking and screaming.

“Lucilla, get back in the car and get ready to leave quickly,” Quintus said.

The woman nearly got away again when one of the men let go of her to get over the guardrail. He held her while the other man stepped over it, and together they pulled her over it, each dragging her by an arm towards the Mercedes.

The four legionnaires ran towards the Mercedes and in what seemed like an instant, left the two men outside the car who had been dragging the woman lying in bleeding agony. The driver stepped out of the car and fired three quick shots at Marcus and Petilius who were now leading the woman to their van. Lucilla watched in horror only to see the bullets bouncing off them before Quintus and Odumnus dispatched the two men inside the car.

They all loaded back into the van and Lucilla calmly put on her left merging signal and drove down the highway towards Madrid.

“Are they alive?” Anna asked.

“Yes, I think so, at least for now,” Odumnus said.

“You should have killed them all the dirty rotten pigs,” the woman moaned.

“Why were they chasing you?” Anna asked.

“I escaped in that silver car but not soon enough. They caught me.”


“Yes. I was kidnapped by the pigs, to have sex with more pigs, as some sort of fuck slave.”

“There seems to be a lot of that going around these days,” Anna said.

“We are going to have to leave Madrid,” Lucilla said. “Quintus, can you arrange it?”

“Yes Lucilla.”

“How did you, I saw them shoot right at you?” Lucilla asked.

“Our friends upstairs thought it best if we had shields we can wear, much like Denise and Layla,” he said, pulling a medallion out from under his shirt.

“I see. Remind me to thank them when next we meet.”

“That will be in two hours. Is this enough time for us to be ready to leave?” Quintus asked.

“Perfect,” Lucilla said. She looked in the mirror to see the woman’s head leaning on Petilius’ shoulder, her eyes closed.

“I wonder what her name is?” Petilius asked.

“Maria. My name is Maria,” the soft voice at his shoulder said.







“Hey, they have a Laredo here too,” Denise said.

“I’ll bet it’s nicer than Texas.”

Denise’s phone rang. “Inquilina here.”

“How has your day gone?”

“Up and down, like shopping in a thrift store. What did you do today?”

“We went to see an aqueduct.”

“Really. That must have been nice. Anything else?”

“We had a nice meal and returned to Madrid.”

“Returned. Where was this aqueduct?”

“Segovia, just north of here.”

“Well, I wish I had more to offer,” Denise said.

“We picked up a Maria on the way back.”

“Picked up a Maria?”

“It’s a long story. We have to leave. We are going upstairs to take advantage of their offer for living arrangements.”

“I can only imagine why? Are you taking Maria too?”

“Yes. Petilius has asked that we do. She’s a real pistol.”

“Petilius. Got it. Keep us posted please and we shall do the same.”

“Quintus has asked to join you, please.”

“Well, I’m sure you won’t have a hard time finding us. Sure. How soon?”

“Within the hour.”

“We’ll be watching for you.”

“Thank you,” Lucilla said before hanging up.

“He might come in handy,” Layla said.

“He just might.”

They had been heading east along the coastline, sending out a random pulse that could be felt within a mile, hoping that Coventina, who Denise had a clear connection with, might be able to feel one and it could narrow down where she was being held.

“What’s she up to?” Layla asked.

“Bathing at the moment, being cleaned up for whatever they have in store for her tonight.”

Two of Coventina’s captors were having an argument and slamming doors, so she did not feel the pulse emitted as the Mustang passed within a mile of where she was bathing.

“If we only knew where she was going,” Layla sighed.

“This is a bit distracting. Let’s set down somewhere out of the way until Quintus arrives.”

Layla touched down above the ocean on a remote strip of land without a road nearby.

“Beautiful coastline,” Layla said.

“Very. Where are we?”

“The nearest town is Laredo, right over yonder. If we got up a bit higher we could see Bilbao on the horizon.”


Yes. Coventina.

Just overheard a name where we are going.

What is it?

Alex Salin.

Got it.

Denise did a Google search of the name. “Only one in Spain.”

“Does it say what he does?”

“He is a she and Russian if this is the right person. She’s a banker.”

“Well, what bank?”

“This one,” pointing to an image on the screen.

“It’s going to be too late to talk to anyone when we get there, they’ll be closed.”

“Still, it may be a good place to start,” Denise said before stepping out of the car, Layla following.

“The wind is picking up.”

“Yes. That salty air can really travel on a windy day.”


I am here.

Being told to hurry.

Are you certain you are going to Bilbao?

Yes. Alex is across from the Maman.

“Whoa. Across from this,” Denise said, showing Layla an image of the large sculpture outside the Guggenheim Museum.

“Impressive. A spider.”

“A spider indeed, and a true source of inspiration. I have an idea.”

The now familiar hum could barely be heard with that of the waves crashing below. They turned to see Quintus walking towards them, the light from a golden sunset glistening off the decoration on his scabbard when the wind blew his cloak aside.

“Greetings,” Layla said.

“Thank you for allowing me to accompany you.”

They filled him in on what they knew and decided they should head to Bilbao.

“I don’t know exactly where we are going, but I have a plan,” Denise said.



They have finished putting on makeup. We will be leaving shortly.

What color is your dress?

White. I can’t explain why, but I feel very close to those I love in this moment.

When we meet I am certain you will know why. We have a good idea where you are going, so we are heading to Bilbao.

I will try to keep you informed of our progress.

Be strong. We will find you.

I believe you will.







“You know, it is not easy to eat on the run in Espana, at least not like spoiled Americans are accustomed to,” Layla said.

“I know,” Denise said, hopping back in the car with two Big Mac’s and two Cokes.

“Sometimes you simply must give in and stop at McDonald’s.”

“Yep. Let’s take five minutes. Even if they left when we did they won’t be here for nearly an hour.”

“Our meal was excellent today,” Quintus said.

“When you haven’t eaten all day, even a Big Mac tastes pretty good,” Layla laughed.

They quickly ate their meal and headed towards the Unibertsitate Etorbidea that ran along the river across from the Guggenheim Museum.

Before they got there, Layla put the Mustang into stealth.



We are on our way. They are driving very fast.

Who is with you?

A man and a woman.

The woman who purchased you?

No, another.

Did they get you ready a certain way for the person you are being delivered to?

My hair had to be worn up and I had to practically be bathed in Chanel No. 5 perfume.

Good to know. Let me know when you reach Bilbao.

I will.

“Okay, this is the block, stop a minute,” Denise said.

“Can’t we just watch them pull up and free her?” Layla asked.

Free her, ala Gladius?
Denise asked.

I see your point, but we’re here.

“I have an idea for how to do this without bloodshed but we must act quickly,” Denise said.

Denise activated her medallion and in an instant was dressed as a FedEx delivery person. “Can you do the car?”

Layla transformed the Mustang into the appearance of a small FedEx van.

“Pull up to that place with the white brick.”

Layla parked the Mustang in front of the first building and Denise exited.

“No package to deliver?”

“No. Here for a pickup,” Denise winked.

“Hey, I’d invite you in,” Layla laughed.

Denise walked up to the first building that actually had a list of four names of occupants.

Shit. Not this one.


Just in case. Coventina.


What type of vehicle are you in?

A white BMW.


Denise. I can see the city growing larger.

Keep me updated.



They are in a white BMW.

Eyes open.

Denise walked up to the next residence. It had no name on or near the door, but she saw a bell and rang it. After a few moments a young woman asked who it was on the intercom. “FedEx. I have a pickup from Mrs. Salinas.”

“I’m sorry, but there is no one here by that name. Try the next block.”

“Thank you.”

Denise got back into the car. “Fuck. We’re running out of time. Let’s try the next block driver.”

“Okay boss.”

“Perhaps my way would be easier after all,” Quintus said.

“I hope to avoid bloodshed at all costs. Quintus these people are pretty scummy, but they have not harmed Coventina, at least not yet,” Denise said.

“Any of these?” Layla asked.

“No. Not this one either. Someone who landed in Forbes would not live there.”

Layla drove slowly to a fork in the road. “Not left.”


“Well now, that certainly looks like it might be a place a rich banker would live.”



We are in the city.

Thanks. I will get right back to you.

Denise hopped out of the car and walked through the gate past a Mercedes and a BMW to the front door. The initials A. P. S. in gold letters hung above the doorbell. She pushed it. A male opened the door. “Yes?”

“I have a pickup scheduled from Mrs. Salinas,” Denise said.

“Mrs? Wait a moment,” he said before closing the door.

This is it.




Who is driving the man or the woman?

The woman. We hit a little traffic. I hope that helps.


The man returned to the door. “I am afraid there must be some mistake. Ms. Salinas has no pickup for you.”

“Thank you. I will get ahold of my dispatcher and let them know.”

The man closed the door and Denise hurried back to the Mustang. “Quick. Get out of their view and into stealth,” she said.

“Okay, so what’s the plan?”

Denise looked at both Layla and Quintus and grinned.



Describe those with you.

The woman has red hair, shoulder length, dressed from head to toe in black leather. The guy has black hair, well built, in a dark gray suit it looks like with no tie or anything like that.








“Quintus, change places with me,” Denise said.

Denise stepped out of the vehicle, Quintus following her. When he looked up he saw the face of Coventina gazing back at him. “How’s my height, is the height accurate?” she asked.

Quintus could not speak for a moment.

“It will have to do. We must hurry,” she said, sliding into the back seat.

“Yes, the height is accurate,” Quintus said.

“Don’t let them see your Gladius,” Layla said.

Red shoulder length hair sweetie, in black leather from head to toe.

Affirmative, and oooh baby.

“One last thing. We must be a white BMW.”

Layla made it so. She drove around the corner and down the block before turning into the driveway where she parked.

“Quintus. Remember. You and Layla are each one of them and I am your property. Can you act as such?”

“I will try Coventina,” he said.

“Coventina. Very good. Let’s do this.”

The door opened as soon as Denise got out of the car.

“Come in please,” the same man that had answered earlier, said.

Please answer her questions.
Denise said.

“Are there others here with you?” Layla said quietly.

“Just myself and your host. Ms. Salinas will be down directly. May I get you something to drink?”

“No, thank you,” Layla said.



We are across from the Guggenheim and will be there any minute the way she is driving.

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