Coventina (12 page)

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Authors: Jamie Antonia Symonanis

Tags: #love, #justice, #vengeance, #extraterrestrials, #hacking, #romans, #sex slavery, #human trafficking, #ninth legion

BOOK: Coventina
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Thank you for accepting my offer.
Aya said.

Thank you for having us.
Denise said.

It must be something important to have us here,
Layla thought.

Yes, but first.

Appearing on the table in front of them was a large steaming pizza with bell peppers, plates and eating utensils, and glasses filled with Coke.

I heard you talking about not having a good pizza yet while in Italy,
Aya said. A green beverage appeared in front of her in a tall glass.

Layla and Denise looked at each other after eyeing the pizza, then back to the pizza.

I assure you it is safe. The recipe is from your friends on the Tyrine.

Well then it must be delicious,
Denise smiled before shifting a piece to her plate and taking a first bite.

“It looks delish,” Layla said.

“Oh yeah, it is.”

“Have you tried any of this?” Layla asked.

Yes. It is a taste I would need to grow into. Our physiology is considerably different from yours.

“You have something important to share with us?” Denise asked.

Yes, but it can wait until you have finished eating.

“I sense we are moving,” Layla said. “Where are we heading?”

I believe some of the victims in your last assault referred to him as Big Bucks.

“You found the bastard?” Layla asked.

“Where are you from?” Denise said.

The lights in the room darkened and the ceiling projected a view of the vastness of space.

This is our home,
Aya said, as the view took them beyond the home of their friends on the Tyrine.

“What do you call it?”

The galaxy is called Sep. Our world is Lis.

“Lisians?” Layla asked.

Pronounced perfectly.

“And the world our legionnaires will inhabit if they choose to return with you?” Denise asked.

They may call it what they wish. We call in Nin.

“May I ask your opinion on something?” Layla said.


“Why are so many species advanced beyond ours?”

I would offer that the path your species chose was perhaps the worst to choose, riches and greed over the betterment of your species, over the preservation of your planet. It is what keeps so many other advanced civilizations at a distance, keeps an unwillingness to share technology that would catapult your species forward. Because of the path you chose, you have evolved into a violent and untrustworthy species. Interesting to note is that once you have been separated from all that corrupts on your world, you change for the better almost instantly.

“I will accept the punches and bruises for all humans,” Layla said.

“You are not the first visitors we have heard that from,” Denise sighed.

And yet, there are humans like yourself, and Lucilla that are a wondrous exception to all you suffer from.

“Thank you.”

Unfortunately, those in power on your world it seems will never change.

“At some point they will be forced to, but it will be too late I fear.”

Aya said, motioning to the new view on the ceiling,
is where you will find Big Bucks.

The view was that of a walled off complex that easily afforded privacy.

The town nearby is called Sezze.

“Is it far from Rome?” Layla asked.

Roughly 65 kilometers.

“I see no vehicles at the site. They say he moves about in a large vehicle, a limo,” Layla said.

He moves about in his choice of three vehicles. Two are housed in this structure.

“Can you drop us nearby?” Denise asked.

If that is what you wish. He is in Rome at the moment and will return shortly. He is simply there to instill fear in what is left of his men, to get his business up and running as soon as possible.

“Anywhere along this stretch of road will be just fine,” Layla said, pointing at the screen.


“Now,” Denise and Layla answered in unison.







“I can smell the ocean,” Layla said.

“Some people lead such a grace filled life and simply are unaware,” Denise said.

The Mustang was parked inside the complex in stealth mode.

“I bet very few residents of that undoubtedly marvelous seaside town on a hill have any idea what exists right down here under their noses.”

“Oh, with Italy’s history, I bet some can imagine it,” Denise said.

“Maybe we should just come back when we know someone’s here.”

“Oh, someone is here, just not the head of the beast,” Denise said.

A pair of headlights turned off the Via Veneto stopping at the gate before being allowed entry.

“It’s smaller than I expected, you know, they way his goons were talking about it,” Layla said, as they watched the black Mercedes limousine pull up to the house. Three men exited the vehicle and went inside.

“No Coventina?”

“Crap, she may have been inside all this time?” Layla said.

“We need to make sure she is not in the car, or the trunk, but let’s give it a minute.”

They watched as lights went on and off in various parts of the building.

“Ok, it’s been a minute,” Layla said.


They activated their medallions to stealth mode and exited the Mustang. The doors closed behind them in silence as they walked over to the limo.

“Great, they didn’t lock it,” Denise said.

“Why should they, this is friendly turf?”

The interior light came on long enough to reveal an empty interior.

“Think you can find a trunk release?” Denise said.

“Nope,” Layla said as she forced the trunk lid open.

“Fuck, that is disturbing,” Denise said, gazing down at a blood stained dress and a shovel.

“Come on, we need to get inside,” Layla said.

They started towards the house when the front door opened and one of the men stepped through it walking quickly to the car. As dark as it was he did not notice that the trunk lid was not completely closed. He reached into the front seat and grabbed a carton of cigarettes. By the time he returned, Denise and Layla had slipped inside.

That’s him,
Denise said. They watched Big Bucks enter the room carrying a drink.

Come on; let’s have a look around upstairs while they are all down here,
Layla said.

It’s not necessary. She’s not here. He’s actually somewhat disturbed that she is not here.

Where do you think she is?

Don’t know yet.

Would you like me to beat it out of them?

Although I would really love to watch you do that, let me try it my way first okay?


Big Bucks was staring at the television seemingly removed from the discussion going on amongst the others in the room as they watched the recording of a soccer game.

Denise gently massaged his mind, sneaking in to hear his thoughts.
Did you even know her real name?
she asked.

Names are insignificant. I never want to know their names.

What is your name?


That cannot be your full name.

Wassily Grencko.

Her name is Coventina, the girl whose absence you mourn for.

That is a beautiful name.

She is a beautiful woman.

Very beautiful.

Where is she Wassily?



I don’t know.

Try to remember.

There is nothing to remember. I never ask a client where they are taking someone they have just purchased.

You sold her?

Yes, for a very huge sum.

Denise looked down at Layla’s clenched fists.
Control yourself darling.

If you insist,
Layla said.

Give it your best guess Wassily. Is she still in Italy?

Yes, somewhere up north, but she won’t be for long. They will sell her for an even greater profit.

What did those you sold her to look like?

Denise and Layla both saw mental images of the men Coventina was sold to.

Try to forget these inner voices, try to forget thinking about the beautiful woman you sold, for now.

Denise had a tough time convincing Layla to leave the men and the building in tact as she took her by the hand to a back door where they slipped out into the sweet night air. “Once we get out of this complex let’s drive back to Rome. I have to think about how I am going to break this news to Quintus.”

“I need time to cool off as well.”

Layla had them briefly traveling through the air before touching down on Via Veneto heading north. What they did not notice was the six legionnaires touching down not far from where the Mustang had been parked.





Breaking News


Layla put her ear to the door of each of the other rooms but could hear nothing.

Come on baby, let’s try to get a good night’s rest. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long, intense day,
Denise said.

Layla nodded and followed her to their room where they settled into a deep sleep in each other’s arms.

Denise had been up for the better part of an hour wondering what to do next, and craving a coffee when she heard a soft knock on the door.

“Come in,” she said, seeing that it was Lucilla and Diana.

“Here, I brought you a coffee,” Lucilla smiled.

“You must have read my mind,” Denise giggled.

“Did I wake you?”

“No, actually, I’ve been up for a while.”

“Have you heard from anyone since you left last night?” Lucilla asked.

“From anyone?”

“Marcus, or any of the others?”

“They are not with you?”

“No. Quintus collected them. They left just before ten last night.”

“Did they say where they were going?”

“They said not to worry,” Lucilla said, sounding stressed.

“I have a feeling I know where they went,” Diana said.

“Mmm, is that coffee I smell?” Layla moaned from under the covers.

“There is one waiting for you,” Lucilla said.

“Diana, you were saying,” Denise smiled.

Layla slid out of bed and walked to the bathroom, returning wearing a robe. “Very considerate of you, thanks,” she said before taking a sip of the still hot coffee.

“Please understand that I mean no offense by this, but when you are intimate with a man you can read them easier.”

“No offense taken,” Denise said.

“They went out on a mission, that much I know. I heard Quintus tell Venutius they had new information from Mys.”

Denise’s gaze met Layla’s that was a look of concern. “Twelve hours, that was more than twelve hours ago.”

“They left armed,” Diana said.

“Yes, of course they would,” Layla said.

“There is something else. Against her family’s insistence, Anna arrives back in Rome in a few hours,” Lucilla said.

“Anna, back here, but why?” Denise asked.

“She thinks she can be of help and can’t sit by doing nothing. She is very close to Coventina.”

“I have a feeling we will need to switch hotels again. Let’s find a larger, busier one okay? Do you have her flight information?” Denise said.

“Yes,” Lucilla said, handing a slip of paper to Denise.

“Well, if you’ll excuse us, I’d like to tidy up and get breakfast before we head over to the airport.”

“Of course,” Lucilla said.

“Try not to worry Lucilla, I’m sure they are alright.”

“Thanks Denise,” she smiled, leaving with Diana.

“Well, our entourage keeps getting bigger doesn’t it,” Layla sighed.

“Yes, but if she can offer anything I welcome it because I am at a loss for where to head from here. I’m going to hop in the shower.”

Layla turned on the television before walking over to a dresser to decide what to wear.

“Breaking News,” she heard. “Residents of Sezze awoke this morning to a grizzly scene,” the announcer said. “Beneath the town, the body of a man was found crucified to a tree. In and around the villa, the bodies of three other men were found badly mutilated. It appears they were killed with sharp weapons. Investigators are on the scene….”

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Denise said, shaking out her hair walking over to put on a thong.

“Yeah, well, I believe we both did, but they weren’t ghosts just yet.”

“Would you care to explain?”

Layla pointed to the television where the distant view of a man hanging on a tree, crucified, looked back at her. As the camera zoomed in, the bloody face became recognizable. It was the face of Wassily Grencko.

“Well, I think the mystery of where the boys have been has been solved,” Denise said.

“Oh yeah.”

“Well, we know how they found him, but where are they now?” Denise asked.


“Yeah, but where are they now?”

Above the bloody head of Wassily, written in Latin, were the words SEX SLAVE PIMP.







“I think I am going to get sick thinking about how many traveling women will never make it to their destination,” Denise said as they waited at the airport for the plane Anna was on to empty.

Layla turned towards her with a grim look on her face. “We can’t save them all sadly, and things are only getting worse worldwide as this sickening plight continues to grow, continues to have law enforcement turn a blind eye towards it,” she said.

“Turn a blind eye or willfully participate in it as is the case right here in Italy.”

The first of the passengers began coming through customs. They almost did not recognize Anna walking towards them. She was covered in flowing robes that concealed the condition she was in, a deep red scarf covering her head and bruised neck. Even though they could not see her eyes under the large dark sunglasses, they recognized the smile.

“Hello again,” she said.

“Here, let me help you with those,” Layla said, taking the larger suitcase from her.

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