Conviction: Book 3 of the Detective Ryan Series

BOOK: Conviction: Book 3 of the Detective Ryan Series
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(Book 3 in the Detective Ryan Series)

By Andrew Hess

Published by Phoenix Entertainment and Development 2016

Copyright ©Andrew Hess, Phoenix Entertainment and Development

Cover design by Stephanie Littlefield, Trident Book Promotions

Cover Photography by Andrew Hess, Trident Book Promotions

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, lving or dead, or actual event is purely coincidental.

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.




First and foremost, I want to thank my wife for putting up with me as I bounce ideas off her while figuring out the plots and twists that I line each story with. She has also been my rock and source of encouragement throughout this journey. I can never thank her enough for supporting my dream.

I also owe a huge bit of gratitude to my friend and business partner, Stephanie Littlefield. She is so talented with cover and teaser designs. I am thankful to be working with someone like her.

And of course, to the fans of the Detective Ryan Series. You have all been so amazing. I love writing, but I love writing this series for each and every one of you as well.



Sitting in the confines of his pitch black office, the man the police once labeled as the Puppet Master pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper from the cold metal desk. He clicked on the light and stared at the names crossed off with red marker. Four names remained on the list, but when his eyes found Matthew Alvarado, he merely laughed while inking out another name.

Tucking the paper away, he took his suit jacket and exited the room. The T.V. in the bedroom could be heard down the hall as they announced the funeral for latest victim of his manipulation. The evil grin was unmistakable as he looked in the mirror. He remembered the carnage from a week earlier as Matthew’s body was wheeled out of Detective Ali Ryan’s home. The blood soaked, white sheet was secured around the deceased, keeping from the public’s view.

Much deserved
, he thought.
At least you won’t get in my way of killing her again
. His hands gripped the black tie and tugged it tightly at the memory of his foiled attempt to drown Detective Ryan only few months prior. He would have to settle for seeing the devastation in her eyes as she watched the man she loved get lowered six-feet beneath the ground. The thought calmed his anger long enough to fix his tie.

He arrived at the funeral. There were so many people there, blending in was easy. There were so many grieving men and women there, no one would think twice about questioning who he was. He slipped into a chair without drawing attention to himself. There would be no master plan, no attacks or murders. He was there to watch Ali Ryan’s spirit get crushed beneath his brilliance.

Matthew’s family naturally stood at the front, welcoming everyone as they paid their respects. A large group of people walked by, making it increasingly difficult to hear anyone approaching. At the tail end of the group were three people whose names were inscribed on his list.

The man bringing up the rear was the most recent addition. Detective James Thornton, the man who was so full of himself he believes he’s god’s gift to women. The man had a habit of getting what he wanted and leaving a trail of broken hearts behind. In front of him stood Amanda Ryan, Ali’s sister. Her coal black hair and thin body’s appearance made her look anorexic compared to the rest of her friends and family.

The sick smile returned to his face, remembering six months earlier knocking her onto the train tracks at the Poughkeepsie Train Station. As much as he would have loved to watch her death eat away at Detective Ryan, he was happier to see Amanda’s boyfriend jump down to save her. The unfortunate bastard never had a chance. He saved the girl only to be crushed by the inbound train. Amanda’s cries for help may have alerted others to her impending abduction, but failed to stop him from escaping with her. Taking her captive was the perfect way to cut Ali deep enough to make her snap. There was never an intention to kill Amanda, she was the bait to lure the police away from Ali’s pursuit of Nick DeFalco. The plan worked to perfection as Ali pulled the trigger, killing his little protégé.

DeFalco wasn’t considered a big loss. He was viewed as a necessary expenditure, a loose end that couldn’t be left for the police to interrogate. If they arrested and questioned DeFalco, they would know he had an accomplice.

The Puppet Master’s eyes moved to Detective Ali Ryan. She looked stunning in the black dress her sister picked out for her. It showed off her curvaceous body, but maintained the class she wanted to show as she hugged the mother of her deceased boyfriend. The tears ran down her reddened cheeks. It was a sight he wanted to savor. She was a pure emotional wreck and the man sitting three rows from her was to blame.

If only you knew the truth Ali
, he thought. He watched the ceremony proceed without a hitch. Then it was time for those closest to the deceased to add a rose to the top of the casket. He watched as Matthew’s mother and brothers gently tossed the roses into the grave, landing on top of the box. A high pitched wail came from Mrs. Alvarado as turned away. Her sons grabbed her arms and directed her back to their seats. More of their family huddled around her after depositing their roses on the casket.

The Puppet Master searched his cold, black heart for any sign of remorse. Sympathy and empathy went out the window long ago. The pain Mrs. Alvarado felt was one he knew all too well, but wouldn’t allow that tragedy to get the better of him when he was so close to reaching his ultimate goal, to kill Ali Ryan.

Once the family paid their respects, they brought Mrs. Alvarado to the side, hoping it would help to calm her down. Then Ali and her sister approached with their new bodyguard. The sisters stood in front of the old woman and cried in each other’s arms.

Before he could lose himself in savoring the moment, the procession line of people paying their respects moved to his row. He was obligated to participate. If he didn’t, he would start to stick out. Getting up with the rest of his row, the Puppet Master collected the rose and approached the grave.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “I’ll make sure you are with Ali again very soon.” He dropped the rose and started to walk back to his car. With one last look, he saw a tall, husky man moved with a purpose towards Ali as she left Mrs. Alvarado.
Now this should be interesting.

Detective Thornton jumped between Ali and her now former partner, Detective Rodney Johnson. There was nothing but anger and hatred burning in Ali’s eyes. The Puppet Master believed if Ali were given the chance, she would murder Rodney in cold blood.

“Listen,” Rodney shouted. “I didn’t pull the trigger.”

That was not the response the Puppet Master thought he would hear. He thought Rodney would beg for forgiveness or for Ali to help him prove his innocence.

He wanted to listen to their conversation, but knew if he got too close, they would turn their attention to him instead of where he wanted it diverted to.

Turning his back to the group, the Puppet Master walked back to his car, hearing Rodney shout, “You think I’d bash my own head in to cover up an accidental shooting?”

Rodney must have found some way to prove he was attacked. If he has enough evidence, he’ll be cleared of the shooting and my plan will be over.

The Puppet Master jumped in his car and pulled away slowly, continuing with his role as a grieving friend or co-worker. Once he pulled up to a stoplight, his fist connected with the steering wheel.

“I’m done waiting. She needs to die.” He looked up at the light with the evil smile. “Ready or not; I’m coming for you, Detective Ali Ryan.

Chapter 1


Nothing prepares you for the complete devastation you feel when you watch someone you love be laid to rest. For me, it was exceptionally difficult because the man that died was my recent ex-boyfriend. He died from an accidental shooting. What’s worse, the man that pulled the trigger was my partner. Now Rodney, my partner, is facing trial for murder charges, while the man I love lays in a box in a six foot deep hole.

The car doors slam shut, rattling me from the zombie-like state I’ve been reduced to. Amanda, my sister, helps me out of the car. She knows the pain of losing someone. Her boyfriend died while saving her life six months ago, another causality of the Campus Killer’s murder spree. She suffered through a severe bout of depression, which made her seek comfort at the bottom of a bottle instead of with those that cared for her.
Damn, I could really go for a drink right now.

“Come on, Ali; let’s get you inside.” It wasn’t long ago our roles were reversed, but now she’s the one who’s taking care of me.

I glanced up at the bachelor pad I was being led to. It was perfect for one person, but cramming three of us in there was a little much. Unfortunately, my sister and I had limited options. Since the shooting took place in my house, it was considered an active crime scene. It’s not like I wanted to go back there and be reminded of what I lost; what was taken away from me.

Detective Thornton was nice enough to let us stay with him for a while. Normally, I would’ve fought him on it, but he never asked us. He helped Amanda pack up some of my things and told me I was going. I didn’t care. The numbness had worked its way in my brain, shutting off any independent thoughts.

Thornton unlocked and opened the front door. His hand fell to my lower back, ensuring I didn’t trip on the step into the house. “Go get changed and I’ll make us some lunch.” He was such a good guy. When I first met James, I thought he was an arrogant prick that thought he was god’s gift to women. Don’t get me wrong; his chiseled good looks, the scruff of his five o’clock shadow, and his fit, muscular body would make any woman drool. He was cocky, but he showed moments of who he really was. I liked seeing that side of him. Since moving into his house, Detective Thornton had been a perfect gentleman.

He directed me to the bedroom, which I’ve occupied since moving in. Amanda typically shares the bed with me, leaving James with the couch.

Amanda and I entered the room. She quickly stepped out of her dress and kicked off her shoes. She was in and out of the room in less than a minute wearing her sweatpants and t-shirt. It took me a lot longer just to remove my shoes. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and wait for my own impending death. Then I wouldn’t feel like crap anymore.

              I brought my knees up my abdomen and moved to my side just as I heard the soft knock on the door. After I didn’t respond, he opened the door slowly.

“Hey, I thought you were going to get dressed?”

“What’s the point?”

“The point is to change before you ruin the dress.” I watched him move towards me. He sat down on the edge of the bed, placed an arm under my knees and the other behind my head. In one try, he scooped me up in a manly way and sat me next to him. My long legs were draped over his. “Now, you feel like talking; eating; sleeping?”

My hands cupped the sides of Thornton’s face, and pulled myself closer until my lips smashed against his. I don’t know what came over me. Maybe it was the smell of his cologne or the way he picked me up with ease and set me down over his lap. Maybe I just wanted someone to distract me from the downward spiral my life had become. All I knew was I wanted to stay just like that.

My tongue swept his bottom lip, but he denied it entry. His firm hands grabbed my shoulders and pushed me away.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

His eyes were wide with shock. It wasn’t the first time we kissed, but it was the first time I initiated. “You don’t know how bad I wanna continue this,” he replied.

“So then kiss me.” I moved closer, but he jumped off the bed and moved halfway across the room.

“Ali, I can’t. As much as I want to…” His head tilted back as he closed his eyes. I could see the anguish in his face. “You just lost someone you loved. You need time to process everything.”

It was the sting of his rejection that finally made me snap, seeing a little of the old me return. “You have no idea what I want and what I need. You have no idea what I’m going through.”

“You’re right,” he shot back. The bass in his voice caught me off guard. “I have no idea what you’re feeling or what you’re thinking, but I want to.”

I looked into his gorgeous green eyes. They were the kind that could turn any woman into a pile of goo. But when I stared into them, I saw a man who had genuine feelings for the woman standing in front of him.

I held my ground, knowing our living situation was doomed to get more complicated and more awkward than we cared to admit.

“I think it’s time Amanda and I found a place of our own.”

James rushed to my side and put his masculine hands on the back of my shoulders. “Ali, I don’t want you to leave. “

“We’re a burden James.”

“You’re not a burden.” He spun me around to face him. I could feel something trickle down the hot flesh of my cheeks.

“You don’t want me, and we can’t be together.”

“Who says?”

“Everyone I love or care about dies.”

We both heard the door creak open. He turned quickly keeping me behind him. Seeing it was Amanda, we both relaxed. “Can you make any sense of her?” he asked her. He shook his head and let Amanda take over.

She waited for James to leave the room before closing the door. “You mind telling me what all the yelling’s about?”

I collapsed onto the bed. “I don’t know what I’m doing. Part of me wants to curl up and die. Another part of me wants to fight like hell for justice.”

“Ali, you don’t mean that. This is Rodney. He’s family.”

“I know, and that’s what hurts. He’s been like an over protective big brother. I love his wife and family. It’s just…he killed Matthew.”

Amanda laid down next to me on the bed. For the first time in our lives, she took on the big sister role. She curled an arm beneath my neck and let me place my head on her chest.

“You said it yourself, it was dark in the house. He saw someone moving.”

I sat upright, staring at my sister as I listened to her defend Rodney. “But he took the shot without identifying himself or if his target was armed. He broke protocol. What if it was you in the room? He could have killed you.”

“But he didn’t.”

“You’re right; he killed Matthew.”

“Are you a hundred percent sure?”

“The shot was fired from his gun. He was the only one other than Matthew in the room.”

“And he claims he was attacked and said he didn’t pull the trigger. He has hospital paperwork stating he suffered head trauma.”

“You’re really going to buy into that crap?”

Amanda placed her hands on her hips. “Are you really going to deny the possibility your best friend is innocent?” She exited the bedroom before I had a chance to reply.

Knowing they were both in the living room kept me at bay despite the anger bubbling up inside. How dare she come to Rodney’s defense? I wanted to yell and scream and curse them both out until I was blue in the face, but what good would that do?

I pulled the dress over my head, yanked the skin tight bra off, and replaced it with a sports bra. The thought of putting on my running gear and sneaking off to sprint up and down the Mid-Hudson Bridge was enticing, but had changed my mind by the time I finished pulling my clothes on. The anger, the hatred, and the fight were no longer there. Loneliness and longing to be in Matthew’s arms again were the only things on my mind. With those thoughts, I curled back under the blankets and drifted off to a more peaceful place in my mind.

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