Conspiracy (9 page)

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Authors: Lady Grace Cavendish

BOOK: Conspiracy
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“My Lady Grace,” John said. “I'm glad to see your ankle is better.”

“Er …” Oh, Hell's teeth, not John, I thought. I wobbled, looked down, and realized that the piece of bear's ear and the staff were on the floor right next
to the bench. Oh, no. What if he noticed? I wobbled again and he put up an arm to steady me. A thought struck me. If he was looking up at me, he wouldn't be looking down at the bit of bear on the floor.

“Er, yes, a little,” I replied. “I have been excused dancing practice and Mrs. Champernowne said I should help, so I am just putting a victor's wreath on the bear here. Isn't he handsome? Such a fierce-looking bear. And I don't know who could have done the sugar-work. It's amazing, isn't it—especially as the Earl isn't married, is he … ?”

I chattered away about how exciting it all was, and what was planned for the afternoon, and the dancing and so on, and I thought I sounded exactly like Lady Sarah at her very worst. In fact, I'm embarrassed to write it down. I was feeling more and more silly, so I thought I'd better come down from the bench, only I tripped on the edge of my kirtle and lurched against the table before John could stop me.

I nearly knocked it over, subtlety and all, because the tables were only trestles and boards covered with a tablecloth. I caught a glimpse of Ellie making furious faces at me while she held it all together from underneath. John grabbed the bear and steadied both it and me.

“Oops,” I said, and cringed at how foolish it sounded. “I am beyond belief clumsy this day. I had best come down, I think.” And with John holding my hand for me, I stepped down and shook out my petticoats, while Ellie's long skinny arm came out from under the tablecloth and grabbed the lump of bear's ear and the top of the ragged staff, and whisked them out of sight.

“Have you any part to play this afternoon?” I asked, walking away from those dangerous tables and trying not to laugh. “I know not what the entertainment—”

“There will be jousting,” John replied. “We're putting up the Tilting Yard barriers now.”

I clapped my hands. “Wonderful!” I said. “I love to watch it. Will you be tilting?”

John laughed. He does have a very nice friendly laugh. “No, my birth might be well enough, since I am a gentleman, but I have not the wealth for it, or the skill, either.”

We were just going to the door when I spotted that Ellie was having trouble getting out under the stretched canvas. You could hardly see her, for the table was in the way, but I glimpsed her bum and a hand as she tried to find a loose place.

“Urn … who will be jousting?” I asked, pausing
and putting my hand on John's doublet to stop him, because I was afraid that if we came out, he might see Ellie just as she escaped. “My Lord Earl, of course, but who else?”

“He has sent for all the tilting plate and the chargers to come up from London, so whoever of the Queen's gentlemen that likes him to try,” John replied. “And Prince Sven may do so also.” He was holding the tent flap open for me now, so I went out graciously and stood between him and where I thought Ellie might emerge.

“Who do you think will win?” I asked him.

“Well, my Lord Earl is one of the finest jousters in England. But Prince Sven has quite a reputation as a jouster himself.” He offered me his arm again.

I thought he was delightfully courteous, though of course he is not a suitor—far from it! So I took his arm and did a little bit of hobbling, and steered him away from where Ellie was squeezing out under the canvas. I saw her out of the corner of my eye, puffing and red in the face, with her cheeks bulging like a squirrel's.

I limped away from the Banqueting House with John in tow. He was talking happily about the betting on the various gentlemen in the jousting, which saved me from having to think of any more foolish
things to say. I don't know how Lady Sarah does it, I really don't. Then I noticed that his right hand was bandaged and stopped still. “Whatever happened to your hand?” I asked.

“It is nothing,” John said, dismissing it. “I scorched it on a poker when I was mulling some ale for his lordship. I have put comfrey ointment on it and it will soon be better.”

He said nothing more, while I wracked my brains for something else to talk about. What
you talk about with youths? They are such strange creatures.

We had just come round by the orchard again, when Ellie came running up, dropped a very respectful curtsy, and said, “Please, ma'am, the Queen wants you,” and winked at me.

“Oh, of course,” I said, laughing with relief. “I expect it's to look at the costumes for the masque, and I so hope I am a dryad, for I think green and brown will become me well—don't you think so, John?”

He smiled. “Perfectly, my lady,” he said, and then bowed and went off towards the castle.

Ellie went with me round to the stable yard, where we collapsed, laughing, in the corner.

“Fie!” said Ellie at last, wiping her face with her
apron. “That was a bit close. Do you think he saw anything?”

“No, I hope he was too dazed with my prattling,” I said, suddenly feeling gloomy and hot in the face. Whatever would John think of me now? “Did you at least get something to eat?” I asked Ellie.

“Oh, yes,” Ellie replied, and licked her lips. “I ate so many marchpane dates I feel quite sick. I haven't got any room for that bit of subtlety you so kindly broke off for me. Do you want it?”

“No,” I said, and shuddered—I hate liquorice root. “You have it.”

“Suit yourself. Are you going to do any pursuiving now, my lady?” Ellie enquired.

“Of course …,” I replied.

“Only Masou's in such a taking about little Gypsy Pete getting hurt, I want to find out who's been causing these accidents and get 'im,” Ellie went on darkly.

I felt a little guilty. I hadn't actually done any investigating yet—though I had been excused dancing classes. The Queen would be disappointed if she knew. Why can I not think in a straight line when John Hull is about? Perchance I have a tertian fever?

There weren't many people about the stables, since many of the horses were out being exercised by the grooms. There was one middle-aged man in his shirtsleeves and jerkin, standing on top of the manure heap, tidying it up and combing it flat— which is usually a job done by one of the youngest boys, for obvious reasons.

I squinted up at him and realized it was Sam Ledbury, who is one of the Queen's grooms. He has helped me on and off horses, me protesting all the while, ever since I was little. And he has looked after the Queen's horses for ever. Of course, he is the Earl of Leicester's man—but the Earl is the Queen's Master of Horse, after all.

“Hello, Sam!” I called. “Why are you up there?”

He had a very miserable expression on his face but he smiled and propped up his rake, then jumped down from the heap. “Now then, my Lady Grace,” he said, pulling his cap off, “what brings you here?”

“Er … Her Majesty asked me to look at her saddle from yesterday,” I said, all in a gabble because, of course, she hadn't exactly asked that, but you could count general investigating as asking.

Sam looked miserable again. “I just don't understand it,” he said, heading away from the manure heap towards the main tack room. “I don't understand
it at all. I checked that saddle myself with one of the Gentlemen of the Guard, not half an hour before the horse was tacked up, and all of it was perfectly sound. Let it came away and nearly took the Queen with it. I don't know,” Sam mused, shaking his head gloomily, “maybe I'm getting too old for this game/That a saddle I put on a horse should have threatened the Queen's sacred life …”

I patted his arm. “I'm sure the Queen doesn't think it was your fault.”

“Hmph,” said Sam. “The Master of her Horse does. I told me not to come to work until he's satisfied what 'appened, and when I said I couldn't keep away from the stables, me—what else would I do?—'e said I could work on the manure heap. So I thought I'd tidy up where the young scalawags have left things messy.”

Messy? I never saw a tidier, better organized stable!

We were at the door to the ladies' tack room. Sam took a key from a lace round his neck and opened it. The place was full of side-saddles on long poles from one end to the other, and bridles hanging up beside them. At the other end, on the workbench, was the Queen's gold-embossed, red leather saddle, with tools all around it.

I went over, trailed by Ellie and Sam, and looked at the saddle. I could see where the two important straps had come loose—the girth and the crupper strap that goes around the horse's haunches. I examined them closely.

They hadn't broken or torn. I blinked and peered closer. “Look,” I said. “Ellie, can you see?”

She looked where I pointed with my finger and gasped. “Oh, yes,” she said. “Cuts.”

“What?” said Sam, with his nose practically touching the saddle. “I can't see nothing.”

“I think you need good eyes to see them—or perhaps one of those miracle lenses for people with bad eyes,” I said. “There are little cuts between the stitch holes—here, and along here—as if someone used a very sharp knife to cut through the stitching.”

“You mean …,” Sam said slowly.

“Yes, someone purposely cut the stitches so that when the Queen rode fast—which she always does when she gets excited on the hunt—the straps would give way.”

“Saints above!” exclaimed Sam. “So it was done a-purpose. My God. Who would do such a thing? A scurvy Scot? A Frog? We must tell my lord—”

“No,” I interrupted. “I think it would be better to keep quiet about it until we know more.”

Sam started to look stubborn, so I added, “We don't want anyone to say it was you, Sam.”

Sam gulped and stepped back. “But I never would!” he said frantically.

“No, of course you wouldn't, Sam,” I said. “I just want to be sure of the facts before I talk to Her Majesty. Can you move the saddle and hide it? Just for a short time? It could be evidence.”

He thought for a moment, then nodded and took the saddle off the workbench. He hid it behind the bolts of leather in the corner, moved the other saddles along, and brought one of the Queen's spare saddles to go on the workbench instead. “It needs work anyway,” he said. “And the saddlemaker don't know which is which.”

“You checked the saddle before you tacked up the Queen's horse?” I asked him.

“Aye, and it was in perfect condition, no stitches loose nor anything. I put it on, done up the girth, and checked it. Then one of the young gentlemen came and led the horse out for the Queen to mount.”

“Do you know who it was?” I enquired.

“Well, I don't,” he confessed. “I think he was one of the Earl's men, or perhaps one of Secretary Cecil's—not anyone from the stables anyway. Didn't
recognize 'im, but then I often don't when we're on progress.”

“Hm …”I looked at Ellie significantly. “If you should see him around the place, could you tell me, Sam?”

“Of course,” Sam replied. “You don't think he could have … Why, surely he wouldn't have had time?”

“Even so, I'd like to talk to him,” I said.

We left the ladies' tack room and he locked it carefully behind us. He shook his head again. “I can't believe someone would want to hurt our sweet Queen,” he said. “Is it true a statue nearly fell on her yesterday, as well? And there was a magic thunderbolt that a black magician loosed off which hit one of the tumblers.”

“No,” I said. “That was a firework. Thank you very much, Sam. We must be going now.”

I could hear dancing music coming from the Long Gallery inside the castle, and the thunder of elephants—well, Maids of Honour. I was so glad I didn't have to parade up and down, and pirouette, and try to remember which move came after which, and bump into people, and fall over and get wailed at by the Dancing Master. I can do dances I know well,
but not new ones. I don't know how anybody remembers them quickly, and as for twitter-pates like Lady Sarah, who pick them up in the twinkling of an eye—well, it's just annoying.

But I was glad Sam had reminded me about the statue, because now we had found that one of the accidents was no accident at all, I was very suspicious indeed about that statue and intended to investigate further.

Ellie came with me. When I asked anxiously if she'd get into trouble with Mrs. Fadget, she snorted. “I'm not having you wandering about the castle without an attendant,” she said firmly. “It ain't right. So I'll attend you and worry about Mrs. Fadget after—the old cow!” she added, which showed she wasn't quite as unworried as she said.

So Ellie and I went and looked at the statue of the lion with two tails. I don't know why that's the Dudley family badge, though it might be something to do with the fact that a lion has his power in his tail—so if he's got two, he's twice as powerful.

When I looked at the place where the tail had been, it didn't look as if it had cracked naturally. I could see some white marks, as if the stone had been hit very hard with something metal. And behind the
statue there was a flattened place in the bushes, where someone had clearly been standing.

“Hm,” said Ellie, poking the white places with her finger. “It looks like it was chipped.”

chipped,” I said. “And recently.”

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