Conna in Crisis & The Marriage of Ulick (25 page)

BOOK: Conna in Crisis & The Marriage of Ulick
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‘Time to go, Ulick. How are the nerves?’

‘I could use a Brandy.’


As they prepared to leave, Paulo gave Setanta a hug. ‘Don’t you worry. Nan and I will look after you.’

Dandaboy stood outside the old stone church and watched most of the locals—all dressed up for the day—enter. The ladies, in their colourful dresses and suits, with a few exotic hats, looked very attractive. The groom’s car pulled up and Ulick alighted; a very handsome looking Ulick, he thought. Paulo, in his dress suit, looked ten years younger. The camera man and video operator went into action. Paulo led the way and surrounded by some of the guests entered the church.

Setanta came cantering along the road and stopped in front of Dandaboy.

‘I thought you were going to put a stop to this wedding,’ he growled mournfully.

He shrugged. ‘Paulo and Nan will look after you. Let’s go in.’

‘I can’t go in; dogs are not allowed.’

Dandaboy grinned. ‘No one see you.’ He put his hand on Setanta’s head.

Together, they entered the church, where the organ was playing, and made their way up the side isle. Coming to the top, near the altar, they could see Ulick sitting quietly with Paulo; Annie hadn’t arrived yet. Everyone was chattering away happily. The canon walked out on to the alter, approached Ulick, shook his hand and chatted with him.

‘What are they waiting for?’ Setanta demanded.

‘The bride.’

‘Can’t you do anything?’

‘It’s too late now.’

There was a stir in that large crowd; the organ music changed to the traditional “Here comes the bride.” The bride was standing at the back of the church with Frankie. Dressed in a beautiful white dress she was heavily veiled; Dandaboy couldn’t see her face.

Someone remarked nearby. ‘I though it was only virgin brides wore white.’

A smiling Frankie marched up the isle with the bride on his arm. Everyone stood up.

‘I can’t take this, Setanta snorted. ‘I’m going.’

Dandaboy held him. ‘No.’

When the bride arrived at the top of the church, Frankie entrusted her to Ulick. Nan, the matron of honour joined them while the canon came forward to greet them. Nan lifted up the bride’s veil; she smiled up lovingly at Ulick.

‘That not Annie; that Nodie,’ Setanta gasped.

Dandaboy grinned. ‘I forgot to tell you it Nodie.’

For once he was speechless.

The ceremony commenced; Ester entered the church and carried little John to the alter where she handed him to his mother. When the ceremony concluded, the guests rose and cheered.

Setanta recovered somewhat. ‘Why Paulo say I stay with him and Nan?’

‘That’s only while they are on their honeymoon. They’re taking little John with them.’

‘Honeymoon; what that?’

Dandaboy wasn’t going to let him see he didn’t know either. ‘You very thick. Let’s wait outside.’

For Nodie it was such a happy day; little John was bemused by it all. He saw Setanta standing some distance away and raced over to him. The delighted wolfhound stretched himself and snuggled up to the lad.

‘Where Dan-da, my funny little friend?’ he asked smiling.

‘I’m here John, but you can’t see me.’

‘Let me see you.’

Dandaboy appeared briefly.

John laughed. ‘My funny friend, you do tricks.’

He raced back to his mother. ‘Mum, I see Dan-da and Santa.’

She smiled happily. ‘I knew they would be here somewhere.’

The photographer approached. ‘Now let’s get everyone together for a group photo.’

As the wedding party piled into cars and departed, Setanta frowned.

‘How you do this?’


‘Get rid of Annie.’

Dandaboy smiled. ‘Not me. Nan find out Annie not pregnant; she gone to work in Galway.’

‘Not pregnant; what that?’

‘Dandaboy not sure; it opposite to pregnant. Anyway, she gone. Now, I go to hotel. Nodie insist.’

‘You not dressed up for a wedding.’

He showed himself as Ozzy complete with dress suit and top hat. Setanta looked him over. ‘This too much for me; I go to Paulo’s for a pint.’

‘No. Nodie gave strict instructions. You’re to come with me to the reception in the Lake Hotel.’


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