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Authors: David Van Reybrouck

Congo (125 page)

BOOK: Congo
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    and Congo’s natural riches, 455–57, 467, 525
    ethnic violence in, 411–16
    and First Congo War, 417-31, 437, 439; map,
    genocide in, 413–16, 426, 437, 442, 521
    independence of, 413
    and Nkunda, 516
    protest against interference from, 438–39
    and Second Congo War, 442–47, 450–51, 467, 471–74
    Tutsis from, 350–51, 440
Rwandan Patriotic Front/Army (RPF), 413–16, 418, 443
Rwanguba, 518–19
Ryckmans, André, 158–59, 295–96
Ryckmans, Pierre, 158–59, 182, 202, 222
Saio, conquest of, 181, 183–85
Sakombi Inongo, Dominique, 350, 351–54, 357, 406–7
Salazar de Oliveira, Antonio, 258
Saleh, Salim, 455
Salum ben Mohammed, 42
Sape, la (Société des Ambianceurs et Personnes d’Elégance), 388, 491
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 206
Savimbi, Jonas, 371
Scheutists, 75, 215, 224, 229, 230, 241, 261
Schöller, André, 251
Schramme, Jean “Black Jack,” 326, 341
Schweinfurth, Georg, 40
Scibe Zaïre, 357
Second Congo War (1997–2002), 439–62
    atrocities in, 447, 454, 459–62, 472, 473, 517
    first phase, 442, 443–49
    as incomprehensible and obscure, 440, 442
    and Kabila’s death, 467
    Lusaka Peace Agreement, 442, 449
    opportunism in, 447, 453
    Pretoria peace agreement, 442, 467–71
    second phase, 442, 449–62
    Sun City peace agreement, 495
    third phase, 442, 471–74, 517
    and transitional period (1 + 4), 467–68, 473, 474
Second Republic of Congo, 400, 407
    emergence of, 282
    end of, 394, 395, 502
    shift to Third Republic, 397
    as Zaïre, 331–33;
see also
Sékou Touré, Ahmed, 245
Sendwe, Jason, 252, 254
Senegal, 309, 467
Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 244, 309
Sengier, Edgar, 190
Shaba (former Katanga), 332, 366–68
Shaba I and II wars, 371–72, 373, 382, 425, 429
Shaggy (superstar), 478
Shinkolobwe mine, 119, 190
Shintwa, Kibambi, 381, 393, 400
Simbas, 322–24, 326, 328, 338, 371, 411
Skol beer, 476, 485
slave trade, 22, 23–25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 124, 154
    and “boys” (household slaves), 62–63
    freed slaves, 70, 72–73, 78, 110
    and Leopold, 39, 62, 78, 80, 94
    and Stanley, 43–46
    and Tippo Tip, 42–43
Sledge, Sister, 348
sleeping sickness, 47, 94, 95–96, 98, 101, 106, 107, 109, 110, 122, 139, 141, 146, 198, 223, 329
Snyder, Andrew, 489
soccer, 172–73, 177, 209–10, 237–38, 247–48, 349
Soete, Gerard, 308
Soki, Dr., 450–52
Somalia, 417
Son, François, 308
sorghum, 23
Soumialot, Gaston, 322, 323, 324, 341, 342
South Africa, 258, 311, 312, 467, 473
South African Development Community, 524
South Sudan, 16, 80, 81
Sovereign National Conference, 397–401, 402–6, 410, 431, 434, 500
Soviet Union, 201, 305, 320
    after 1991,
    collapse of, 364–65
    and First Republic, 283, 297, 298, 299–300, 302, 309, 322
Spain, colonies of, 37, 258
Spanish Civil War, 184
Stanley, Henry Morton, 7, 9, 37, 62–63, 99
    arrival of, 16, 33
    crossing of Central Africa, 33–36, 40–41, 42, 44, 53, 58
    and East Congo, 80–81
    and Leopold II, 41, 44, 49, 50–52, 53, 58–59, 81
    and Livingstone, 32, 33–34
    and railroad, 84
    reputation of, 46, 49
    and slaves, 43–46, 49, 99
    stations established by, 44, 49–50, 52, 60, 101–2
    treaties made by, 50–51, 529
Stanleyville, 164, 264, 324
    government moved to, 305
    as Kisangani, 332
    Lumumba in, 242–43
    riots in, 255, 372
Star of the Congo mine, 123, 125
steel industry, 191, 367, 368
Stengers, Jean, 55
Stiglitz, Joseph, 512
Sudan, 60, 183
    independence of, 234, 241
    and Second Congo War, 445
    trade with China, 526, 530–31
Suez Canal, 183, 186, 187
Sukarno, 233
Sunlight soap, 126–27, 191
Swaggart, Jimmy, 490
Swahili, 15, 32, 169
Swahilo-Arab trade, 52, 62
Swinburne, Anthony, 49–50, 52, 55, 63–64, 67, 68
Swing, William, 468
Swinnen, Johan, 472
Switzerland, trading networks, 457
Tabares, Elisabeth, 345
Tabora, 134, 135, 185, 187
tantalum, 119, 456
Tanzania, 16, 31, 130, 245, 376, 415
Taureau, Maître (Master Steer), 212, 345
Taylor, William, 48
Tembo people, 411
Tempels, Placide, 205–6
Tervuren colonial exhibition (1897), 65, 180, 239, 352, 542
Third Republic of Congo, 502–13
    administration of, 505–9
    atrocities in, 517, 523
    and China, 525–36, 543–56
    Congo on the eve of, 504–5
    constitution of, 505
    corruption in, 506, 507, 508, 509, 511, 512, 529
    economy of, 509–10, 531–32, 536
    and elections, 502–3, 507, 508, 511–13, 516, 532, 556
    life expectancy in, 510
    military of, 524
    refugee camps in, 515
    shift to, 397, 404–5, 406, 502–3
    violence in, 506–7
Thys, Albert, 84, 85, 106, 120
Tibbets, Paul, 189–90
Tigo (multinational), 482–83, 486–88
Timothée (in China), 551, 552–53
tin, 15, 119, 191, 456
Tingi-Tingi massacre (1997), 452
Tippo Tip, 32–33, 34–35, 38, 42–43, 44, 58, 64, 80–81
tobacco, 126, 156
Tobback, Nicolas, 103
Togo, 130, 138
Tombeur, Charles, 133, 134
Tordeur, Jean, 247
tribal associations, 215, 264
tribal awareness, 14, 108, 110–16, 139, 174–75, 252, 292
    detribalization, 207, 341, 349
    and elections, 502
    and ethnic violence/genocide, 411–16, 426, 437, 442, 459, 471, 517, 521
    and poverty, 442
    and race, 139;
see also
    at state level, 351–52
tropical medicine, 106
trust territories, 139
tsetse fly, 94, 106, 109
Tshimbombo Mukuna, Jacques, 398
Tshisekedi, Étienne:
    arrest of, 434
    coexistence with Mobutu, 400, 407, 428
    and elections, 397, 431, 497, 503
    in exile, 383, 434
    and First and Second Plundering, 409
    open letter to Mobutu from, 382–83, 384, 404
    popularity of, 400, 410
    as prime minister, 401, 404–5, 408
    and transitional government, 404–5
    and UDPS, 383, 397, 434, 467
Tshombe, Moïse, 252–53, 254, 256, 470
    and colonial portfolio, 329, 345
    death of, 281, 337–38, 342
    and elections, 264, 265, 329, 410
    in exile, 318, 325, 337, 371
    and First Republic, 283, 284, 325, 329
    and Kasai secession, 302
    and Katangan secession, 294–95, 305–6, 310–16, 318
    and Lumumba, 307, 308, 311
    as provincial governor, 275, 284
    supporters of, 284, 325–26
tuberculosis, 125, 329
Tukeke, Albert, 244, 255
Tunisia, 233, 241
Tupelepele (floaters) sect, 162
Turkey, 54
Tutsi people, 13, 350–51, 443
    and ethnic violence, 411–15, 418, 421, 426, 440, 461, 471, 472, 473
    and Kabila regime, 436, 438–39, 444
    and Kagame regime, 426
    and Nkunda, 516–17, 518, 521, 523
    and Rwandan invasion, 418, 421–24
    and Second Congo War, 471, 472, 473
Tutu, Desmond, 523
Twain, Mark, 97
typhoid fever, 106, 125, 164
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