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Authors: David Van Reybrouck

Congo (122 page)

BOOK: Congo
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    ethnic organizations in, 175
    ethnic violence in, 411
    and First Republic, 265
    Gendarmerie Katangaise, 295
    and independence, 253, 264
    industrial capitalism in, 125
    and Lumumba’s death, 310
    mining in, 119, 120, 121–26, 444, 526–27, 529
    nuclear technology in, 190
    political parties in, 252–53, 254
    and railroad, 122–23
    rough capitalism in, 527–28
    secession (1960–63), 282, 294–98, 301, 302, 305–6, 310–18, 371
    as Shaba, 332, 366–67
    slave trade of, 80
    strikes in, 191–94, 205
    UN intervention in, 315–16
    workers’ camps in, 164–65
Katangan Tigers, 371, 425, 436
Katondolo, Sekombi and Katya, 513–15, 518–19
Katsua, Masika, 460–62
Katumba Mwanke, Augustin, 509
Katumbi, Moïse, 508
Kaunda, Kenneth, 245
Kavundiji, 161
Kawang, Didace, 377
Kayser, Lutz, 366
Kazhakstan, trading networks, 457
Kelenge, Matemu a (Mundele Funji; White Storm), 162–63
Kengo wa Dondo, Léon, 391, 410, 416, 425, 430
Kennedy, John F., 316, 318, 319
Kenya, 183
Khakism, 153
Khonde Mpolo, Dominique, 493
Khrushchev, Nikita, 299–300, 301
Kiamuangana, Georges (Verckys), 333
Kibwe, Jean-Baptiste, 307, 308
Kigeri, king of Rwanda, 271
Kikongo, 215, 233
Kikwit, 14, 126, 159–61
Kilo-Moto, gold mines, 120, 125, 164, 455, 511
Kimba, Évariste, 281, 329, 336, 339, 342, 410
Kimbangu, Simon, 88, 89, 142–51, 152, 154, 162, 168, 192, 209, 220, 260, 294, 307
Kimbanguism, 142–44, 147–48, 151–55, 157, 175, 355, 384
Kimbangu Kiangani, Papa Simon, 143–44
Kim Il-sung, 355, 364
Kimuenza mission, 72–73
King, B. B., 235, 348
King, Don, 347
King, Martin Luther, 273, 391
Kinshasa, 4–5, 14, 15–16, 117–18
    author’s visits to, 98–100
    Chinese embassy in, 534–35
    dance music in, 213
    elegance in, 212
    First and Second Plundering, 409
    as Léopoldville,
    markets in, 24, 67
    orchestra in, 144
    population of, 117, 164, 207, 336–37
    prison of, 463–65
    protests in, 401–3
    public hangings in, 335–37, 339–40, 507
    public services, 433–34
in, 387
    Rwandan invasion of, 429–31
    station established at, 49–51, 52, 63
    street children of, 478, 484, 492
    violence in, 506–7
Kintambo mission, 71
Kintondo, 146
Kisangani, 15, 332, 340, 451
    diamond trading in, 450, 456
    Rwandan conquest of, 425, 522
    as Stanleyville,
Kisantu mission, 74
Kisase Ngandu, André, 418, 435
Kisema Kinzundi, Oscar, 354
Kisolokele, Charles, 294
Kitadi, André, 129, 182, 185–88, 199–200, 346
Kitawala, 153, 175, 192, 193–94, 270, 324
Kitenge, Ambroise, 160
Kitenge, Gabriel, 307
Kitona, air base in, 190
Kivu, 14, 193–94, 523
    ethnic violence in, 411–13, 442, 472
    mines in, 15, 193, 456
    and Second Congo War, 442, 471, 472, 473
    women’s movement in, 446
Kiziamina-Kibila, Pastor, 492
kleptocracy, 381
Kolonga, Jamais, 219–24, 225, 229, 239, 258, 267–71, 274, 288, 300–301, 329–30, 357, 381, 463, 495
Kolosoyi, Wendo, 168, 215–16, 348, 434
Kongo Empire, 21–22, 506
Kongo ethnic group, 13
Kony, Joseph, 459, 524
Korean War, 234, 298, 346
Kudjabo, Albert, 138, 178, 179
Kutino, Fernando, 489–91, 493–94, 496
Kwango, 60, 159, 163
Kwilu, 14, 264, 341
Kyungu wa Kumwanza, Gabriel, 411
Labwe, Riza, 475–76
Ladawa, Bobi, 380, 400
Lahout, Julien, 274
Lake Albert, 525
Lake Edward, 17
Lake Kivu, 132, 350, 525
Lake Malawi, 59
Lake Tanganyika, 12, 32, 33, 34, 36, 132–33, 134, 323
La Kéthulle, Raphaël de, 173–74, 210, 223, 237, 261
La Kéthulle de Ryhove, Henri de, 173–75
Lake Victoria, 34, 36, 59
La Synergie des Femmes, 460–62, 476
League of Nations, 139
Lee, Rev. Dr. Jaerock, 491
Lelo, Patou, 548–50
Lema, Joseph, 86, 222
Leo XIII, Pope, 72
Leopold II, king of Belgium, 102, 243
    and AIA, 41, 51, 54–55
    and AIC, 54–55, 58
    and atrocities, 93–94, 104, 395
    and CEHC, 50
    and colony of Congo, 11, 39–41, 51–54, 87, 271, 393
    and Congo Free State, 55, 57–60, 63, 78–80, 94, 97, 125
    as constitutional monarch, 58
    death of, 105
    expansionism of, 50–51, 59–60, 80, 81, 87
    finances of, 79, 87–88, 105
    and Force Publique, 77, 83
    and free trade, 53, 54, 60, 67, 78, 79, 86–87, 262
    and imperialism, 60–61, 88
    and investigative committee, 97–98
    lasting influence of, 104
    and missionaries, 72, 73, 75
    and natural resources, 118
    profits sought by, 50, 61, 87, 94, 95–96, 97
    promises of, 78–80
    and slave trade, 39, 62, 78, 80, 94
    and Stanley, 41, 44, 49, 50–52, 53, 58–59, 81
Leopold III, king of Belgium, 182
Léopoldville, 117, 164, 167–68
    as capital, 61, 210–11, 284, 325
    culture in, 166, 213, 230
    elections, 238, 241, 264
    as Kinshasa,
    Maison des Blancs, 210–11
    racial legends in, 193
    sports in, 172–73, 174, 210, 237
    violence in, 194, 237–38, 248–49, 255, 401
Les Belges, 176
Lessie, Pastor Denis, 489
Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul von, 131
Lever, William, 126–27, 146
Ley, Tabu (Rochereau), 348, 353, 388, 477, 496
Leysen, Luc, 217
Libya, 183, 186, 187, 439, 445
Lincoln, Abraham, Gettysburg Address, 273
Lingala, 15–16, 77, 215, 230
Lisanga, Pauline, 212–13
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, 95, 106
Livingstone, David, 32, 33–34
Livingstone Inland Mission, 47, 48
Lomami Tshibamba, Paul, 170–72, 216
Lomboto, Nkusu, 89–90
Lombume, Vincent, 335
Lord’s Resistance Army, 524
Lualaba River, 32, 34
Luanda, 59
Luba migrants, 411
Lubanga, Thomas, 473
Lubumbashi, 15, 123, 428–29, 507, 508
Luiswishi cobalt mine, 527
Lukudu, 83
Lukunga mission, 48, 116
Lukusu movement (snake sect), 154
Luliba, Ruffin, 395, 465
    and First Congo War, 428–32
    as Kabila’s bodyguard, 428–29, 445
    kidnapping of, 416–17, 418, 428
    as prisoner of war, 421–22
    and Rwandan invasion, 418–22
    visit to parents’ home, 431–32
Lulua, 175, 302
Luluabourg, Constitution of, 319–20, 404–5
Lumbala, Roger, 453, 467
Lumbeeck, Walter and Alice, 313, 314–15, 318
Lumbi, Pierre, 528
Lumoso, Thomas Masamba, 136
Lumumba, Patrice, 242–45
    arrest and murder of, 104, 281, 283, 304–5, 306–10, 311, 315, 321, 338, 465
    attempts on life of, 304–5, 310
    and constitutional crisis, 303–5
    as defense minister, 302, 470
    and elections, 263–65, 272, 337, 410
    and First Republic, 262–65, 283, 284–85, 294–95, 299–300, 302–3
    and Force Publique, 285, 286–87, 288
    and independence, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265
    legacy of, 284, 325, 372, 391, 392, 435
    as martyr, 309, 338, 343
BOOK: Congo
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