Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete (34 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete
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“I’d like you all to take a trip down to the station with me,” Dirk said, waving towards me, Vic, and Max. “The firefighters have the blaze under control and Chip and Snake Thacker have been transported to the hospital. We’ll go down to the station and talk. I hope we can get this all straightened out.”

Dirk got in his patrol car and the two men and I followed him down to the station in my vehicle. I was sick with worry. What if they arrested Max again? I knew in my heart he hadn’t done anything wrong. As I drove, Vic rambled on about how he was tired of all these false accusations that had been made against his brother. While Vic grumbled, Max didn’t say much of anything at all.

When we got to the police station, Dirk motioned for us to sit down in the hardback chairs in his office. He shut the door and plopped down in a padded blue seat behind his desk. Vic and I started talking but the sheriff ignored us, pulling Snake’s cell out of his pocket. Suddenly, Deputy Bob barged into the room, sweating profusely and wringing his hands.

“Don’t you believe in knocking, Bob?” Dirk asked calmly, glancing briefly at the deputy.

Bob ignored the question. “What’s going on Dirk? What do you have in your hands?” he questioned, frowning.

“What does it look like?” the sheriff answered.

“It um looks like you’ve got a cell phone,” Bob cleared his throat. “I…uh…I thought I saw Max hand you a phone back at the fire.”

“Uh huh. He did.” Dirk grunted.

“Does that belong to one of the Thacker boys?” Bob asked nervously.

“Well, yes, you’d be right on that,” Dirk raised his brows as he looked up from the phone, jabbing a finger towards Max. “Max just happened to come across Snake’s cell phone when he pulled him from the fire. I’m going to go through it now to look for evidence.”

“But you can’t do that!” Bob yelled. “It’s against the law to go through a cell without a subpoena.”

Dirk looked at him, a quizzical expression on his face. “Says who?”

“It’s the law. It’s a man’s right to have privacy.”

Dirk set the phone down on his desk. “The law says that if a phone is in plain view it would be considered fair game. Snakes cell was in plain view. That means legally, I don’t have to have a warrant.”

Bob’s eyes widened. “I think you do!”

“Bob, you want this case solved, right?” Dirk asked calmly.

“Of…of course,” Bob agreed hesitantly, as he chewed on his lip.

“Then get the hell out of my office. Stop bothering the shit out of me and let me do my job,” Dirk growled. He tapped the phone a few times and grinned, looking up at Bob. “Great. It looks like Snake didn’t even bother to use a password.”

“Give me that,” Bob yelled, lunging for the cell.

“What the hell?” Dirk grabbed the phone off the desk before Bob could snatch it. “What the hell is wrong with you, Bob?”

“Nothing, I…”

“Well, looky here. Snake sure had a lot of text messages,” Dirk said. “Just give me a few minutes folks, while I read these.”

We sat on the edge of our seats as we watched Dirk read the messages. Every so often, he would grunt or shake his head. We were all anxious to know what he was reading. I could hear Bob breathing heavily as he shifted from foot to foot.

“What does it say?” Vic asked, “Dirk, come on. The suspense is killing us!”

Dirk held a hand up in the air. “Give me a minute. Just let me read through the rest of these.” He pursed his lips, frowning as he continued to scroll through the cell.

Bob was practically gasping for air, beads of perspiration forming on his forehead. He’d lost that arrogant, rude swagger. In its place was a jittery cop who looked like he was about to lose his lunch.

“Whew!” Dirk let out a deep exhale and placed the phone on the table next to him.

I glanced over at Bob who was biting his lower lip so hard I was surprised blood wasn’t gushing out.

“Well, buddy,” Dirk looked directly at Max, nodding his head. “I’m really glad you found that phone and gave it to me—real glad.”

“Deputy Bob? It looks like you’ve got some explaining to do,” Dirk said harshly.

“Fuck! No fucking way! It wasn’t me! I didn’t set those fires!” Deputy Bob yelled out.

“I guess you didn’t set those fires
,” Dirk said, “but, uh….there’s this little thing called complicity.”

“What?” I screamed. I glared at Bob. His eyes were bugged out and his face was a dark shade of beet red. He had ‘guilty’ written all over him.

“That’s right,” Dirk said. “Seems that Deputy Bob knew all along who really started the fires. In fact, he was sharing insider information with the culprits to divert attention away from them by putting the blame on Max.”

“…and that’s not all Bob knew.” Dirk got up from his seat and walked over to Bob. With his hefty size, Dirk, a tiger shifter, towered over the human deputy. He got close to Bob’s face and reached towards his shirt. “You don’t deserve to be wearing this!” he snarled, grabbing the deputy’s badge. Bob winced, shriveling even smaller in stature as Dirk yanked the tin off his shirt pocket.

Dirk turned back towards Vic, Max and me. “Max, Vic…I’m sorry to tell you some very sad news about your mother’s death. I just learned who did it when I read those text messages.”

Vic let out a low, guttural growl.

I gripped the arm rests on my chair tightly.

Dirk pointed towards Bob, “Deputy Bob…”


Before Dirk had a chance to finish his sentence, Max jumped out of his seat, knocking over his chair, and started towards Bob, his face red with anger. In seconds, an enraged Max was almost on top of him.

“I didn’t do it! It wasn’t me! I swear it wasn’t me!” Bob put his hands up to try to deflect the blows he was sure were coming his way.

“No, Max! It wasn’t Bob,” Dirk barked loudly. He grabbed Max’s shirt to try and restrain him. “I was just trying to tell you that the real killer was mentioned in a text message Bob sent to Snake.”

Max snorted, shooting darts at Bob, his eyes dark and angry. He looked like he was going to jump him as soon as he broke free of Dirk’s strong grasp.

“Who the fuck killed my mother? Tell me now or I’ll rip your head off!” Max bellowed at Bob.

Bob cowered, his back hugging the wall to get as far away from Max as he could. “Brad Stanford…it…it was Brad Stanford who killed her!”




Vic opened the door and pulled me close to him, pressing me against his chest. “Bree, thank God you’re here. I’ve—we’ve—missed you so much.”

I could see by the look in his eyes he liked what he saw. After working a full day at Kane’s I’d rushed home to take a quick shower. I applied light makeup, piled my hair on top of my head, and changed into an ass fitting pair of denims, lacy thong, and a tight, red shirt. I deliberately didn’t bother with a bra, and thanks to the cool air and the excitement of seeing the two men, my nipples were jutting out from my top like pencil erasers.

“I’ve missed you too, Vic,” I stared into his ocean blue eyes. He looked sexy as hell in a baby blue muscle tee and ripped jeans. It was so good to see him. Even though we hadn’t been apart for more than a week, it had felt like an eternity.

Max stood to the side, shuffling his feet. I could see he wasn’t sure what to do. It was obvious he’d taken some time with his appearance. Max was usually a casual guy who tended to wear flannel shirts and well-worn jeans. Today he was wearing a soft white shirt and light-weight, pressed khaki slacks. His hair was slicked back, and even from the front door I could smell his woodsy cologne. It made me feel good that he’d taken time to look nice for me.

“And I’ve missed you too, Max,” I smiled warmly at him.

A huge grin lit up his face and my heart pounded with joy. It was just so right to be with the two of them. Over the past few days I’d taken some time to sit down and really analyze my feelings. The more I thought about having Vic
Max as my mates, the more I realized it
something I
wanted. At first it bothered me that Vic was willing to share me with his brother, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that his willingness to share did not mean he didn’t love me fully and completely—it meant he was open and giving with those he was closest to; me and his brother. It was a beautiful thing. I also realized that the hurt I had felt when Max had tried to stay out of my way was because I had developed deep feelings towards him—I loved the man as much as I loved his brother.

“You look so beautiful, Sabrina,” Max gave me a gentle hug.

I could feel the warmth emanating from his muscular body as he held me.

“Thank you, Max. You look pretty darn handsome yourself.”

I could see Max’s cocoa eyes flash with pleasure at my comment. How long had it been since a woman had complimented him? They were crazy not to. He was sexy as hell.

“I made a mushroom pizza and a garden salad, Bree,” he said softly.

“And I have a nice bottle of red to enjoy with it,” Vic growled. “Why don’t you take a seat at the table and we’ll serve you, m’ lady.”

“That sounds really good—really good.” After long days of working at Kane’s, it was nice to be pampered. I loved having these men take care of me.

My feet ached from a full day of running around at the restaurant so I pushed my shoes off and sat down at the table. It was so nice to relax as the men busied themselves, tending to me. Vic poured generous glasses of wine and placed the hot pizza on a trivet in the middle of the table while Max tossed the salad and placed the large serving bowl near me.

As the men sat down, I could feel their eyes on me. Vic was his usual boisterous self and Max was opening up even more too. It was exciting to think about where the night could lead.

“So,” Vic said in a matter of fact tone, “you’re sure you are comfortable with this? You want to be our forever mate?”

I nodded. “Yes. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how our love would be that much more powerful.”

“You’re absolutely sure?” Max asked. “There’s no doubt?”

Did this man think I was about to change my mind? Hell to the no. Once I’d gotten used to the idea of the three of us together, I was more than excited about it. In fact, I had embraced it fully. I couldn’t wait to experience
that came with being part of this threesome.

“Yes,” I smiled. “I’m one hundred percent certain. There’s no doubt. I want to complete this triad.”

“Good,” Max said, staring directly in my eyes. “I want you so badly, I can’t stand it. I think of you constantly—day and night.”

I gasped, a flush of desire rushing through my body. I couldn’t believe how expressive Max had become. It was like once he knew I was genuinely interested in him, the floodgates of his emotion had opened up.

“And you know I want you,” Vic grunted, “I need you so bad.”

I did know. Looking at the two men there was no doubt in my mind. They wanted me physically and emotionally…and I wanted them. For the rest of the evening, we laughed and chatted as we enjoyed the food and wine. I couldn’t help but notice Max looking hungrily at my cleavage. And I couldn’t resist adding fuel to the fire. He looked so sexy. I moved my foot under the table slowly up his leg, rubbing against the material of his pants. I could see his eyes bulge but he stayed perfectly still. In seconds, my toes were touching the outline of his shaft. There was no mistaking how hard his cock was, even with the material separating us. And his dick felt enormous. I ran my toes along the length of it. I had a feeling Vic knew what was going on but he didn’t say anything.

Suddenly, Vic stood up from the table. “Let’s go to bed!”

I wasn’t about to argue. “Yes…oh yes!”

I looked over at Max. He seemed a little nervous. Maybe it had been a long time since he had been with a woman…or maybe he was intimidated by being in the same bed with his aggressive brother?

“Why don’t you clean up a little and pour us some wine, Vic? Max and I will go get the bedroom all comfy for the three of us.”

“Nah,” Vic said waving his hand at the dirty dishes and leftover pizza, “We can clean later and…”

“Vic…” I said softly, catching his eye.

“Oh…ok…yeah,” he said softly as if a lightbulb had gone off in his head. He’d suddenly realized I wanted alone time in the bedroom with Max. Vic was an amazing man, but he could come on strong. I wanted to start slowly with Max.

“Yeah, yeah…that’s a good idea. You two go upstairs,” he glanced at his watch. “I’ll be up in a little bit.”

“Max,” I smiled, holding out my palm.

Max swallowed as he took my small hand in his large one. His hand felt firm and warm. Something as simple as holding hands—it felt so good—so right. He didn’t say anything as we climbed the stairs to the bedroom—he didn’t have to. I could see the desire and happiness written all over his face.

Inside the bedroom, I leaned in close to Max. I was so ready to explore this man fully. He pulled my body towards his and kissed me, his hot breath a mixture of spice and grass; his embrace urgent with need. His tongue explored mine sending waves of pleasure through me. It seemed like we were kissing for an eternity. His kisses were different than Vic’s, but just as wonderful. He nuzzled my neck, then licked the tip of my nose before locking lips with mine some more.

“Mmm, that feels so good,” I murmured.

Finally we came up for air.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you forever,” Max said, stroking my hair.

“Well, I hope you want to do more than that,” I teased.

Max grinned, eyeing me sexily. “You bet I do.”

He was such a turn on. I loved the way he looked at me; his lust so obvious. I started to pull my top off, but Max stopped me.

“Let me do it,” he said throatily. He slowly pulled the shirt over my head and chucked it to the side, his eyes never leaving mine.

“God, you’re beautiful.”

He reached down and pinched one of my nipples, rolling it between his fingers. Then he leaned in, taking the tip in his mouth and biting it gently. He tugged on it with his teeth. The sensation was electric.

“Mmmm,” I moaned.

“You’re so damn hot, Bree,” Max growled.

His body, his touch, his words—it was all so incredible. But I was ready to turn the heat up even higher. I reached down and clamped my hand on his pants, front and center on his stiff cock.

Max let out a long exhale, “Fuck…”

“Shhh,” I put my fingers to his lips and pulled away from him. Slowly, I pulled my jeans down so I was standing in front of him, wearing just my panties.

“Damn!” Max’s eyes caressed my curves, lingering on my breasts and skimpy panties.

“You like?” I asked, doing a little twirl.

“Fuck! Do you have to ask, but what about those?” He pointed to my little thong.

“Oh yeah,” I said, “Let me take them off.” I pulled the panties down slowly, bumping my hips a little and shaking my ass under Max’s watchful eye. It was fun watching him relish every second of my mini striptease.

“Your turn,” I said as I tossed the panties to the side and eyed his clothed body. “Let me undress you.” Slowly I started unbuttoning his shirt. “We wouldn’t want to mess up this nice white shirt now, would we?”

Max swallowed hard as I pulled the shirt off of him.

“And these khaki pants need to go.” I made a point of rubbing his cock lightly through his pants before unbuttoning them. “Mmm, much better,” I said as they dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them. “And then there are these.” I could feel my nipples harden even more as I slid my hands along the elastic of his boxers. “May I?” I shot him a coy look.

Max looked at me, nodding. “Fuck yeah,” he rumbled.

My eyes widened as I saw the treat Max had barely been hiding under his slacks. I knew Max was going to be big but Max was way

his penis was massive; thick and long. I had to taste it. I got on my knees and fisted it, sucking as much of it as I could into my mouth.

“No, Bree let me pleasure you,” Max reached down to pull me up, but I pushed him away gently.

“Believe me, the pleasure is all mine,” I moaned as I gave his shaft a work out. “This is so delicious; your cock is so good,” I moaned through my sucks.

“Mmm,” Max grunted. “That feels so good, babe, but I have to taste you

Who was I to argue? Max got down on the floor and positioned me so we were in the sixty-nine position; I was level with his penis and he was face to face with my most intimate parts. I pushed my hips towards him so my dripping wet pussy was bucking in his face.

Max started swirling his tongue on my inner thighs, working his way to my pussy. He licked up and down as I continued to suck his cock.

“Hey baby, your lips feel so good, but you’re going to make me explode and I don’t want to come yet.” Max reached down, pulling his cock from my mouth. I cupped his balls, but it was hard to focus on his dick when my pussy was screaming with pleasure.

“Do you like this?” Max moaned through his licks.

“God, yes,” I replied.

“How about this?” His tongue focused in on my clit, sucking and licking the sensitive little nub.

“Yes. Oh yes!” My head spun as his tongue worked its magic. I was so close to coming.

“Well, it looks like you two are getting along just fine,” Vic’s voice boomed.

Vic was here! I had been so intent on the pleasure Max was giving me, I hadn’t even heard him come in the room. But Max didn’t miss a beat. He clearly loved licking my pussy and I loved having him lick, suck and nibble it.

“Hope I’m not too late to join the party.” Vic didn’t wait for an answer, instead he started stripping down. I barely had time to glance at his firm, muscular body as he shed all of his clothes. Max’s tongue on my clit was driving me wild.

   “I’m going to come!” I cried out.

I screamed as my body quivered and a powerful orgasm washed over me. Max kept sucking but I gently pushed his head away…my body was still throbbing, the sensation was so intense. I closed my eyes while I rested on the carpet for a few minutes to catch my breath. I looked up to see both Max and Vic looking at me lovingly.

“Kiss me, Sabrina.” Vic had gotten on his knees on the floor and was kneeling in front of me. He pulled me up so I was on my knees as well and gave me a deep kiss.

“I need to fuck you, Bree,” Max growled.

“Uh, I…?” I wasn’t sure what to do. Did I stop kissing Vic and start to kiss Max again? But it was as if the men read each other’s minds. Max pulled me down gently by the hips so I was in doggy position. He was behind me and I was face to face with Vic’s fully erect shaft. What’s a girl to do with an enormous throbbing swinging cock in front of her lips? I rested my hands on the ground and mouthed Vic’s shaft, savoring the tasty flesh of his rigid dick.

I felt several light, playful slaps on my ass. “Wha...?” I pulled my lips away from Vic’s cock, twisting my head over my shoulder. Max was wearing a devilish grin on his sexy face. It was obvious he was taking full control. And the warmth from his playful slaps turned me on even more. Before I could say anything, his large, warm hands pulled my hips back towards him and he entered my pussy from behind.

“Ahhhhhh…ooooh,” groans of pleasure escaped my lips. His hard dick filled me up. I pushed my ass back so Max would have even better access and I would feel every inch of him inside me. I started to suck Vic’s dick back in my mouth but he stopped me.

BOOK: Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete
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