Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete (27 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete
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Dirk pushed the door open with his foot, grabbed me by the waist and lifted me in his strong arms. I was cradled so close to his chest I could feel his heart beating.

“Your scent is driving me wild. I want you. I need to have you now!”

I wrapped my arms around his neck. God, I needed him too. Just yesterday I’d been thinking what a scruff ball he was and today I couldn’t wait to experience him fully. This was all happening so fast, but it felt so right and so good.

Dirk pressed his lips against mine, his tongue exploring my mouth.

“God, I love kissing you,” Dirk moaned.

He ran his teeth gently along my bottom lip, nibbling and sucking, causing the tissue to swell gently. Who needs lip plumper when they have Dirk? His kisses alone were driving me crazy. I couldn’t imagine how it would feel when he explored other parts of my body.

Dirk put me down so I was standing on the rug, facing him. He pulled away from my lips for a moment, narrowing his eyes. They were dark and intense with lust and desire.

“Damn, you’re going to make me blow my load before we even get started.”

I swallowed, glancing down. I could see the outline of his cock pressed against his pants. Even with the fabric covering it, I could tell he was huge. I could feel my panties creaming at the thought of what was in store for me. I wanted him. I wanted his huge dick—every single inch of it. And I wanted it now!

“Do you want me, Ava?” Dirk asked.

He already knew the answer. He was a tiger shifter, after all. He could smell how wet I had become. But as I looked into his eyes, I could see that he still wanted my validation.

I wasn’t going to play games. “I want you, Dirk—everything you have to offer.”

Dirk growled. “That’s good because I fucking ache for you. I want to fuck you inside and out and upside down…every way possible. I’m going to take you and fuck you until you are screaming with pleasure.”

I moaned softly as Dirk put his hands under my t-shirt, lifting it up and over my head. I just had a tight, thin camisole on underneath. Even though I’m a bigger girl, my breasts were on the smaller side. Many days, like this one, I didn’t wear a bra. My nipples were perky and turgid, pressed against the fabric of the sheer cami.

Dirk pulled me closer. “Mmm, your tits are amazing. I can’t wait to lick them. But first, I need those sweet lips of yours…” Dirk kissed me again. I felt his hot breath against my skin as he ran his tongue along my neck.

His lips were juicy and moist…so incredible. I wanted him to lick me everywhere—everywhere but my neck. I pulled away quickly like I’d been burned.

He gazed at me, puzzled. “What is it, babe?”

“Dirk, please don’t lick my neck.”

“Why not, baby? Are you ticklish?”

“No, I…”


“My neck…it’s ugly,” I said flatly.

Dirk shook his head. “You’re fucking gorgeous. Every part of you is beautiful.”

Maybe he thought every part of me was beautiful, but if he saw my neck… Reluctantly, I pick up the short-sleeved tee I’d had on and pressed it against the skin. I might as well show him now and get it over with. My cover up makeup was waterproof, but a rough rub would reveal my past errors.

Dirk frowned as I started to rub. The scarred tattoo stood out, puffy and pink against my neck. His brows arched in surprise as the full tat was revealed.

I stroked the skin where the ink was. “It was a mistake…a mistake that I fucked up even more when I tried to remove it myself.”

Dirk studied my neck closely. “A heart with the initials ‘L.M.,’ is that an old boyfriend?”

“Yeah…L.M. for Lance Murphy,” I shuddered. Just thinking of Lance’s sorry ass made me feel sick.

He touched it gingerly. “Does it hurt? It’s all red.”

“I made the stupid choice of trying to remove it at home,” I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I just wanted it off of me. It was a huge mistake. It scarred,” I said, remembering the pain of the salabrasion. “It doesn’t hurt now. It just looks like hell.”

“Come here, gorgeous,” Dirk pulled me into his arms. “I’m sorry you went through that. But your scar doesn’t make you look any less beautiful. It’s not a big deal. Lots of people have scars. I have a scar myself.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, let me show you.” In one quick motion Dirk pulled off his shirt, revealing tanned 6-pack abs. As he stood up, his tats caught my eye. A tribal one licked its way up the side of his muscular frame and the words ‘Give me liberty or give me death’ were inked across his powerful, manly chest.

Then I noticed it. Right below his left nipple was a small, round scar.

“It’s a gunshot wound,” he said, noticing my gaze. “It happened years ago. I was just out of training and off duty. I saw some kids robbing a convenience store and chased them. They fired at me and one of the bullets…”

“I’m so sorry,” I gently touched his chest. “That’s awful.”

“I survived. No one else was hurt. That’s what’s important.”

“What happened to the kids?”

A cloud slipped over Dirk’s face. “They’re still around—been in and out of jail many times—punks.”

“Are they from Shifter Villages?”

Dirk grimaced. “Well, you saw them earlier today—Snake and Chip Thacker.”

“Those two? Oh wow,” I ran my finger along the scar lightly. “It must suck seeing them around town.”

“Yeah, and they’re still up to no good. I’ve tried to put them away more times than I can count but the system keeps throwing them back at me,” Dirk shook his head. “What more do they have to do to get locked up? But hey, I don’t want to waste any more time talking about them.”

Dirk’s eyes bore into mine and a hot chill ran through me. There was no confusion about what he wanted!







“Ava… I want you.” Dirk placed his large hands on the back of my jeans, cupping my ass cheeks and pulled me next to him.

I felt my pussy clench. My nerves were on edge and my body was trembling with raw desire. There was something special about him that I’d never felt with anyone before. But seeing the gunshot wound had jolted me back to reality. Dirk wasn’t just a shifter. He was a sheriff. He had a right to know what he was getting into. “I have to tell you something first.”

“What? What is it?”

I cleared my throat. “I was into drugs for a while and I even spent some time locked up in the county jail.”

Dirk’s eyes widened and he eyed me intently. “You’re a little jail bird huh.”

I squirmed. “I’m…I’m sorry. I should have said something sooner.”

Dirk chuckled. “It’s no big deal. You’re clean now right?”

“Yeah…I’m clean.”

“Don’t worry about it. A lot of people make mistakes. I’ve made plenty myself. Come here woman…” Dirk pulled me even closer. “Let’s go to bed,
,” his voice was low and throaty, filled with the promise of what was to come.

He took my hand and led me into his bedroom. It was a huge room with dark furniture and a king sized bed covered in a wine colored bedspread.

Dirk sat down on the bed, pulling me on top of him, and rolled me to the side. He buried his face into the tops of my breasts that were peeping out from my thin cami and started licking.

“Oh God,” he moaned. “You taste so fucking delicious.”

He yanked the camisole over my head, tossing it to the floor. I felt like he was going to devour me as he zeroed in on my tits, sucking the nipples into his mouth and lightly biting them. I grabbed at his head, pulled his hair and twisted the strands in my fingers. My toes curled as his tongue worked its magic, nibbling and sucking my breasts.

“Mmmm, I can’t wait to taste even more of you,” Dirk moaned as his lips started to travel down my belly.

God, his tongue felt so good. Goose bumps were riding across my skin as his tongue slithered lower. His fingers fumbled a little, but found the button on my jeans. Just as he undid my pants, his cell started ringing and the ding of alerts from text messages on the phone sounded. Dirk ignored them; rubbing my thighs gently with his big, warm palms. The noise stopped for a minute, but then started again.

“Shit! Let me turn the sound off.” He picked up the phone to turn the volume off, but his eyes widened at a message on his screen. “It’s from Bob. There’s another fire—he says it’s a big one.”

“Damn!” of all the times for a fire to start…just when my own internal blaze was raging. My body was still quivering in anticipation of more of Dirk’s lips and hands. I felt guilty thinking of myself and my wants when there was an emergency going on.

Dirk pounded his fist on the night table next to the bed.

“Fuck this Ava. I want you so bad. Dammit. I have to get over there. I don’t have a choice.”

“I know. I’ll go with you.” I got up and pulled on my camisole and tee. I didn’t take the time to fix my makeup or brush my hair. We had to get over there quickly. “Maybe I can help.” I thought about the last fire I’d been witness to just yesterday.

“Let’s go,” Dirk grabbed my hand, leading me out of the apartment. We ran to his car.

“Where’s the fire?” I asked as I climbed into the vehicle.

“It’s at Shifter Fitness—that’s the gym near the north end of town.”

“Why would anyone want to set a gym on fire? I mean, what do they get out of that?”

Dirk shook his head. “It’s hard to understand their motivation. Some of these places were robbed and others not. It’s one big mess trying to figure this out.”

“I’d like to hit whoever is starting these over the head with a dumbbell,” I muttered. “It was not the best timing either.” Ugh, there I was again, thinking about myself.

Dirk moved one hand away from the steering wheel, giving my cheek a soft stroke.

“I know, baby.”

The fire was just a few blocks away but getting to it was a nightmare. Traffic was backed up, people were milling aimlessly around getting in the way…now I could see why Dirk had been so bossy during the last fire. He needed to tell people what to do in order to keep the crowd under control and handle the situation.

“Wait here. I’ll be right back. I need to talk to the fire chief.”

As Dirk walked toward the fire chief, he started barking orders at people standing nearby. This time, I didn’t find it bossy though. I liked the way he was taking charge…it was actually pretty sexy to see him commanding the crowd. As I waited for him to come back, I noticed the man Dirk had introduced me to earlier, Deputy Bob. He was standing near the fire, a smug look on his face, not doing much to help anyone or the situation. I had a feeling he was somehow involved in this mess.

Dirk rejoined me, a grim look on his face. “It’s going to be a long night. The fire department is short-handed and needs me to stay to help control the crowd.”

Dirk shook his head. “This sucks. I just found you and…”

“I should be getting back to Pennsylvania anyway. The town needs you now. We’ll have plenty of time together later.”

“I hate to see you go, Ava. Could you stay at my place? I shouldn’t be more than a few hours. Plus your roadside assistance hasn’t come yet. How will you get home?”

Mmm, that sounded good. The prospect of being in Dirk’s arms felt impossible to turn down. But I knew he was going to be awhile and I had to head back. I was only getting in the way.

“I can’t. I’ve got a project for work I have to finish tomorrow…” I looked at my cell and realized I had a text from Gigget’s Garage. “It looks like they’ll be at my car within the next ten minutes or so.”

“When will I see you again?” Dirk sighed longingly.

“Soon… I’ll call you to figure it out.”

“Ok babe. Let me take you to your car.”

“Dirk, don’t worry about me. You’re needed here. Just get back to what you have to do. I’ll walk to the car and meet roadside assistance there. It’s only a couple of blocks.

Dirk grunted. “I’m calling Howie’s Taxi.”

I rolled my eyes. “Dirk, you don’t need to do that.”

He shook his head, “Whoever started these fires is still out there. Who knows what they’ll do next. Humor me Ava.”

He scrolled through his cell, pushed in a number and gave quick orders to the person on the other end.

“Oh Dirk!”

“Howie’s Taxi is on the way. I need to make sure you’re protected,” He growled.

“I’m perfectly fine walking a few blocks.” But I had to admit his concern made me feel good. Yes I was capable of taking care of myself, but knowing he wanted to protect me, gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Dirk was the total opposite of Lance Murphy.

“The cab will be at the corner in a couple of minutes. I told them to put it on my tab.”

“Alright, thank you Dirk. Now please go do what you need to do. I’ll be fine,” After giving Dirk a kiss and saying goodbye, I started walking to meet the cab. As I neared the corner, I saw two gangly, redheaded men across the street—Snake and Chip. Chip had his hand inside a potato chip bag and Snake was casually chatting on a cell phone. A chill washed through me and I wrapped my arms around myself. I was glad Dirk had called a taxi. Who knew what these two were up too?

I wished Dirk was with me. I could just imagine his strong hands wrapped around my waist, his lips caressing mine…and so much more!


BOOK: Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete
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