Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (20 page)

BOOK: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2
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Carrin said nothing as she took off to help my dad tend to Breeanna. The rest of us girls were just standing in the kitchen trying to take in as much as we could by listening in on the conversations going on around us. From what I could hear they wouldn’t know much until they could get Bree to talk. I began to cry, not out of fear per say, just the overwhelming sensation of these crazy fuckers out to get us. I wept silently leaning against the kitchen counter when I could feel eyes on me. I knew without looking that it was Axle. When I finally raised my head to look back at him my tears caused a pained expression on his face. Before I could say a word, Axle had cleared the distance between us, pulling my head up to look him in the eye.


When I caught the sight of Avery leaning against the kitchen counter with her head bowed I felt relieved. My woman might be upset right now but at least she was in one piece. If she had fallen to the hands of those crazy fuckers again, I don’t know what I’d do. When she raised her head to look at me with tears in her eyes something inside me snapped. I quickly cleared the distance between us pulling her into me. I couldn’t stand to see the tears or the fear in her eyes. She had to know that I would do anything to keep her and my son safe. I couldn’t have her running away when things went to shit. I needed to tell her what I’ve been thinking since the day she showed up here almost five weeks ago.

With her looking in my eyes I spoke the truest words I’ve ever spoken. “I love you baby. You are mine and I protect what’s mine. You have nothing to worry about. I will keep you and Hunter safe at all cost. Please baby don’t cry.”

Avery stayed quiet while searching my eyes for truth. I’m not a mind reader but I could tell my girl was raging war in her head over my words. She was trying to figure out if she could trust what I said. When I couldn’t take her tears anymore I spoke again. “Baby believe what I tell you. Don’t ever doubt what I say to you. I will keep you safe, now cut the tears. I can deal with you cussing and screaming at me but it kills me every time I see you drop a tear.”

“You said that I was yours. You said you love me. Don’t say those things. I know you will keep us safe but you don’t need to say those things. I won’t be running because of this. Hunter isn’t going anywhere,” Avery whispered. Her words shook me. How can this woman doubt that I love her? She is mine. Looks like I need to take the time to prove that shit to her another way. I pulled her lips to mine and kissed her as my life depended on it. At first she seemed surprised by my actions but soon was opening to take my tongue in her mouth. We stood in the kitchen with our whole family watching as we held our lips to one another slowly rolling our tongues together. The kiss wasn’t fast and frenzied it was slow and easy. I put every bit of emotion in that kiss. I channeled every loving thought I had of her summoning her to feel it. When I pulled back my girl let out a little whimper causing me to chuckle to myself.

“I’m glad I can still kiss ya stupid babe but you keep doubting me when I tell you I love you I’ll be spanking that pretty little ass of yours raw. Don’t ever doubt me woman. I love you and you are mine. You will always be mine. Now, that was just a taste of what I plan on giving you tonight,” I promised her when I noticed Tank and Doc had emerged from the bedroom. “Looks like I’ve got some shit to deal with at the moment but I will be up to bed shortly. It won’t be long before the sun comes up and I plan on licking and fucking that sweet little pussy of yours before our son wakes up. Now head upstairs and get ready for bed. I want you naked and that pussy dripping for me,” I said before quickly kissing her lips. I let her go and turned to the men in the kitchen. “Everyone to the den. Let’s get some shit hashed out before the brothers’ start rolling in from the other charters.”


I stood still as Axle lead the guys from the kitchen. I kept running everything he just said to me over and over in my head trying to come to grips with what it meant. I know the words he spoke were true but I wasn’t convinced that after Romy and I left tomorrow for California he would be feeling the same way. Romy must have known what I was thinking but didn’t dare comment on it in front of the rest of our audience. She took me by the arm and pulled me into the living room to question me in private.

“Are you okay woman? I’m sure your heads all fucked up with everything that’s happened in the last half hour. Tell me where your head’s at girl. You going to cancel going to Cali”? Romy kept her voice quiet while questioning me but I know she wasn’t going to let up until I gave her an answer.

“I’m scared to go Romy but, I know I have to. I don’t want this shit to follow me and put the rest of the band in danger but, if I don’t go that asshole manager will fire me.”

“It’s your choice honey. I can understand why you’d be leery of dragging this to the bands door step and I know you don’t want to lose your job but are those the only things swimming in your pretty little head? Axle just all but claimed you in front of everyone here tonight, including your parents. That has to be fucking with you.”

“Romy you have no idea. I’m trying not to think about it at the moment. I have to wait until I get back before I can get into that with him. He’ll probably want nothing to do with me when I take off to California for a few days. I’m not sure he’ll respect my job enough to put me disappearing again aside.”

“Honey I’m sure he’s going to be pissed, especially if we can’t get in and out without trouble following us but, I doubt he’ll change his mind on making you his. I’m going to start recording him so you can see for yourself what everyone else sees when he’s looking at you. That man loves you Avery, don’t you dare think otherwise.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not that stupid. I know that he loves me, I just don’t know how he’s going to react. If we try to make a go of it he’s got a lot of shit he’ll have to deal with when it comes to me. Am I going to have to sneak off every time I’m needed in the studio or what is he going to do when I’m touring with the band for months at a time? I want him and I want us to be a family but, I can’t throw away my career just to keep him. I love him while all my heart and yet I know that I can’t give everything up for him. I’d never be happy doing that.”

“I don’t know what to tell you babe other than it’s something you two are gonna need to talk about it. Put it out there for him and if he wants you the way he says he does then you two should be able to reach a compromise that keeps you safe while you chase your love of music,” Romy said to me as Carrin came out of the bedroom.

Carrin talked to both of us, asking if we would want to do the girly sleepover thing to help Bree get through the night. Romy accepted but I had to declined. I simply told her that Axle was expecting me when they got done with their meeting and we had things we needed to discuss. Carrin just smirked and wished me luck before going into the kitchen to pull the other women in on her plan.

Romy had one final thing to say before following after Carrin, “no matter what chick, know that I’ve got your back. If shit doesn’t work out with Axle you still have a family here that will support you. Now go upstairs and get yourself ready for your man. From the way you were blushing earlier I’m pretty sure he let you in on the plans he has for you when he’s done. Enjoy him tonight incase it’s the last. I don’t think it will be, though. I’ll make sure Madison gets a bag together so we’ll be ready to leave whenever we can find a minute to sneak away. Love you, chick. See you in the am.”

I let the words, “I love you too,” go as I made my way up the stairs. I was going to take Romy’s advice and enjoy Axle while I could. I went straight to the bathroom to shower on a mission to get the makeup scrubbed of myself and all the appropriate areas shaved and clean. When I finished in the shower I made my way into my room feeling exhausted. I dropped my dirty clothes in the hamper and curled up in our bed stark naked. I only meant to close my eyes not fall asleep. Not sure how long I had been asleep when I heard the bedroom door shut.

I sat up in bed flipping on the light on my nightstand. I looked around the room to find it empty. I was beginning to think someone had just stuck their head into check on me when I caught sight of his stuff on the dresser. It looked as if Axle had emptied his pockets next to where he had placed his cut. His boots where in the floor which meant he must have been here. I propped myself on the bed in the sexiest position I could think of waiting for him to come back from what I thought was checking on Hunter.  When he didn’t return right away I decided to go find him. I doubted he went back downstairs leaving the one other place, the bathroom. I wrapped the damp towel around me from earlier and set off in search of him.

Thought of being with Axle again brought my anxiety to a level of epic proportions. As I grew closer to the bathroom I could hear the sound of water running making my heart race even faster than before. I turned the handle expecting it to be locked; surprised when it opened freely. I was hesitant at first until I saw his jeans and shirt in a pile on the floor. I eased in the room that was beginning to fill up with steam to pull back the shower curtain. The sight of his back side was absolutely gorgeous and I stood there taking it all in. My memories didn’t do this man justice. In the years I’ve been gone Axle’s body has only gotten more defined along with a few new tattoo’s. His shoulders were broader than before leaving his back ripped with muscles I never knew existed and covered with the club’s insignia tattoo. His quarter-bouncing worthy ass was on full display a top his long muscular les. He was every girls wet dream come to life and at least for tonight, he was all mine. I was pulled from my thoughts when he spoke with his back still turned to me. His lust fueled voice scared me at first but soon had my body burning with need.


Once everyone was gathered in the den, Tank relayed what Breezy had told him. My brother was torn up showing me that he had some feelings for the chick. I didn’t want to pry but, I had to try a figure what I was missing. Yeah, Zeke knew she worked for us but she didn’t belong to one of us, so why her?  “Tank, you don’t know how glad I am that the assholes weren’t able to take it any farther. Bree is a sweet girl and I think I speak for the club when I say we think of her as one of our own. With that being said she doesn’t necessarily belong to one of us. She’s not a club brat or an old lady so why target her? Is there something you’re not telling me man?”

Tank was quiet for a few before he spoke up. “Awe fuck. I’m just going to put it out there and you guys can call me a pussy all you want. I’ve got feelings for the chick man. She’s the only one I’ve ever felt the need to try to impress. I think Zeke was able to pick up on that I cared for her even if I’ve been too much of an ass to act on it.”

Throttle grilled his brother before I could get a word in. “How the fuck would Zeke know that shit? Hell we all chopped it up to you flirting with a girl except this girl didn’t fall at your feet like the rest of the hoes. The fellas and I actually found it funny that your normal asshole charms didn’t work on Breezy. I think that’s what earned her my respect to start with.”

“Fuck you brother. That’s the way I wanted it to seem but you forget before Zeke showed his true colors he was with me a hell of a lot. He was normally that one who was with me checking on the bar. There was many of nights that I would flirt with the chick in right in front of him. That and he might have walked in on something that would put the idea in his head.”

It was my turn to grill him. “What exactly did he walk in on asshole? Did he walk in on you professing your undying love or some shit?”

I could see the anger simmering in my brother. I guess he didn’t like that fact that we were talking bout Bree. When he finally got himself calm enough to speak the tone of his voice was nothing next to menacing. “For the fucking sake of Bree I’m not going to divulge exactly what he walked in on. Just know that the atmosphere and the position we were in would surely have anyone one of you mother fuckers thinking there was something going on. I know in my gut that’s what put Bree on his radar. It’s my fucking fault they went after her tonight. I might not have been there to fucking stop it but, I will be the one who ends that mother fucker. HE IS MINE!”

I wanted to push it a little further but decided against it. It would get us nowhere tonight. We had god knows how many reinforcements rolling in throughout the rest of day and we needed to get some sleep before all hell broke loose. I decided it was time to send the troops to get some shut eye while the old heads stood watch. “Alright men that’s enough for tonight. With the exception of the old heads the rest of you need to get some shut eye. It’s almost dawn now and we’ve got company coming today. Get your asses some sleep and be ready to pick this shit back up this afternoon when the reinforcements get here later. The old heads can sound the alarms if someone decides to fuck with us, which I highly doubt they’ll try anything in broad daylight.”

I left my brothers in the den while they all searched for a spot to prop themselves up for a few hours. I made my rounds through the house making sure everything was locked up for the night before heading upstairs. I prayed that Avery was smart enough to listen to my instructions. I wasn’t kidding when I told her how our time in bed was going to go. It’s been too long since I’ve been balls deep in that tight little pussy of hers but that ends now. For weeks I’ve been walking around with a hard on while trying to give her some space. Jerking off hasn’t seemed to be helping leaving me with the biggest case of fucking blue balls I’ve ever had.

When I walked into the room I found Avery lying with her back to me. I could tell by the skin peeking out from under the covers my girl had listen to every word I said. As I went to pull off my cut to place it on the dresser I caught a whiff of something. I could smell myself which is understandable considering It had been at least thirty or so hours since I had a shower. I emptied my pockets and kicked off my boots before turning around and walking right back out the door. I didn’t want my first time in five years with her to be tainted by the smells of smoke, sweat and whiskey.

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