Come Home Bad Boy (6 page)

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Authors: Leah Holt

BOOK: Come Home Bad Boy
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“What's wrong with this one, dad? You haven't even met him yet, how do you know he's bad news?” Sitting up on my elbow, I thumbed my bedding, following the lines.

“Trust me, sweetheart, he's no good. He's troubled, no stability.”

“What's that supposed to mean?”

“I called a few friends and— ”

“Dad, please! I'm not stupid, I can decide things for myself.” Rolling my eyes, I threw myself upright, slapping the mattress.

Holding his hand out, palm bouncing lightly in the air. “Calm down, it's just that he's spent his whole life in and out of foster care. He's had brushes with the law, minor things,
but still.”
Tilting his head, he sat on the edge of my bed. “I'm not letting you see that guy again, I won't let it happen.” Sternly the words drew out of his mouth, eyes veering down his nose.

“I'll decide that for myself, I'm not letting you choose every boyfriend for me. I know how that goes, and it sucks.
They suck.
Sorry, dad, but I'm not letting you do this anymore. You have to trust me.” Resting my hand over his, I squeezed tightly. “Please, trust me.” Softening my eyes, I looked up into his. “I know you miss mom, I miss her too. But I need you to stop, not everyone is a bad person. Give him a chance.”

“I trust you, honey, I do. I just can't trust anyone else.” Standing, he walked to my door. Holding the trim, he said, “I can't trust anyone else.”

Throwing myself down, I landed on my back, staring up at the ceiling. Maybe Silas was bad for me? But who was my father to decide that? It was for me to make that decision, not him.

Silas was an orphan, no family, not knowing if he had anyone out there. I felt a sudden surge of guilt and pain for him. To think he grew up not knowing his family, not experiencing that type of childhood.

That type of love.

No wonder he didn't care if I got pregnant. He wants a family, and I don't blame him for that.
Maybe he was my answer, my way out.

My father didn't want to give an inch on the leash he held around me. If I had a baby, Silas' baby...

No, stop it! You can't have a baby now! Stop thinking crazy, Heidi.
Closing my eyes, I exhaled a deep breath. I wasn't thinking straight.

Yes, I wanted my life to change, wanted to be a free woman, free to make my own choices. I wanted to be seen as an adult and not a fucking child anymore.

But a baby? That wasn't the most rational idea, not the one I knew I should lean towards.

And for some reason that idea was sticking in my head like glue. It was forming a blanket over my eyes, pooling into not just an idea but a realization.

A realization that I could do it.

Maybe, just maybe, I could.

Chapter Six


ulling the phone from my pocket, I checked to see if Heidi had called, or messaged me back. She hadn't, not yet.

Leaning against the rock wall, I watched the boats cruise around the lake. It was chilly out, tugging up the collar of my jacket, I tucked my head into my chest.

I haven't heard from her in two days, not since that night on the cliff. After explaining a little about myself, I took her home. She wanted to think, needed time to soak everything in.

And when we pulled up to her house, the glaring eyes of her father were set on me. He was standing in the doorway, arms folded at the hips. I was certain, if he could have turned his eyes into guns, I would've been taken out right there.

Which would've been ironic, I've been shot at on several occasions, had the shit scared out of me as the bullets flew by my head. To be hit and taken out by Heidi's dad, by an over protective gun slinging father, on my home soil...

That's not how I wanted to go. But I sure as hell wasn't going to run with my tail between my legs.

He was going to have to get used to seeing my pretty face.

I was going to be around, whether he liked it or not.

Digging into my pocket, I pulled out my pack of cigarettes. A nasty habit, I know. I've been trying to quit, but it's hard.

Especially since I never knew when that call was coming.
'Silas, it's time. You're heading to Afghanistan, pack your shit.'
The voice of my sergeant replayed in my head. His raspy tone filling the inside of my brain, the repeated phrase circulating my entire body.

Shuddering at the idea, I sparked my lighter, igniting my smoke. Drawing in a long pull, my nerves seemed to ease. The poison filled my lungs, calming my muscles, numbing everything else as I pushed the thought far from my head.

If I don't hear from her by tonight, I'm going to go find her. Where ever she is, I'll be there. She can't avoid me forever, I won't let her.

Despite the cool air, it was nice out. The sun hung high in the sky, the bright blue was speckled with white clouds. Even the air felt clear, crisp, and fresh as it filled my chest between inhales of the cigarette.

I wanted Heidi to call me so badly, I needed to hear her voice. She was all I could think about, all that filled my thoughts most of the day. I wasn't sure if she was working or not today, and I was tempted to hit the cafe to find out.

But I didn't want her to think I was pushing her. Heidi was what I've been looking for all this time, and I wasn't going to let her go.

Even if she didn't want to believe it; she was mine, meant for me. And I wasn't going to let her slip away, I didn't care what it took. I was ready to spend every day, every moment, making that woman realize she couldn't shake the ground between us.

My jacket pocket buzzed, the vibration sending chills up my back. Expecting to see her name lit across the screen, I was surprised to see it wasn't. It was Jeff, one of the guys from my Section.

“Hey, man. What's going on?” I said, watching the white cloud spill from behind my lips. The wispy trail rolled against the wind, curling into long strands before it disappeared.

“Silas, where the fuck you been? I haven't seen you around lately.” Jeff's deep baritone filled the speaker. If I didn't know better, it could have been Barry White on the other end.

“I've been around, why?” Twisting the head of my smoke, I doused the red coal, flicking it into the barrel beside me.

“Because I haven't see your white ass in a few weeks. And Jessa, she's been wondering where the all mighty Silas is.” His voice turned high pitch, busting my balls.

Jeff and I had served together on both tours. He's a good guy, someone you can count on. We trained together in boot camp and have been close ever since. I can easily say he's one of my best friends. One of the few people I kept in my world outside of work.

“Is that right?” Kicking the rocks around my feet, I said, “Well, next time you see her, just let her know I'm going to be occupied from here on out.”

“What the hell does that mean?” I could hear the distaste in his words. He knew what I was saying, but I don't think he believed it.

When I say before Heidi I was a man whore, I mean it. It didn't matter what pussy was thrown my way, I'd fuck anything that walked. And every woman remembered me, I made sure of that.

Jeff, he was my wing man I guess. We'd go out, get hammered and end the night fucking a couple girls wherever we could get them to throw their legs up.

But not now, not anymore. Heidi had dug her nails into my brain, gripping me stronger than anything I'd ever felt. No other woman could stand next to her, no one even came close.

“You heard me, man. I'm done with that shit.”

“So, does that mean Jessa is fair game? Because if she is...” Jeff paused, his breathing humming into my ear.

“Go for it, she's all yours.” Chuckling, I glanced around the dirt lot. A small man was watching me from his sedan. Eyes fixed right on my face, as if I was doing something wrong. Throwing my shoulders up, I flailed my arms out to the sides. “What the fuck you looking at!?”

“What?” Jeff asked, confusion filling his voice.

“Nothing, sorry. Some asshole was just giving me the evil eye. But seriously, go for it.” Keeping my glare on the weaselly looking man, he sped out of the parking lot, tossing me one last glance over his shoulder before disappearing.

“Nice, I don't mind seconds.” His low-pitched laugh fluttered through the speaker. “What are you up to tonight?” I could hear him fiddling with something. Metal on metal was clanking in the background.

Instantly I recognized the sound, he was cleaning his gun. Something that always eased my nerves, and helped to clear my head. There was nothing better than knowing your weapon was oiled and ready for use if you needed it.

“I'm not sure yet, plans are up in the air.” Straddling my bike, I didn't know what the night was going to bring, but I knew where I was going.

To find Heidi.

“Well, I'll be at Roger's. You should come down, play some pool with us.”

“Maybe, we'll see. I'll keep it in mind.”

“Don't be a stranger, man.” I heard Jeff rack the slide back, and I could picture exactly what he was doing. The gun was held to his eye, staring down the sight, finger resting just beside the trigger.

“Yeah, yeah. I'll catch up with you later.” Sliding the phone off, I ground down on the throttle. It was time for me to go see her, I was done waiting.

If she isn't calling me, then she's going to deal with me in person. I'm done with this cat and mouse game. She's let it go long enough, now I'm taking control.

I was trying to be nice, let her think she had a choice in the matter. But the truth was, Heidi's giving me a child. It's that simple.

She can try to cower behind her father, hold his hand and hope her daddy can keep me at bay. But that's not going to work, I'm a father's worse nightmare. Her cunt was mine, her body was mine. There was nothing he could do to stop me from claiming his daughter.

That's already done.

Rolling to a slow stop, the yellow light flicked to red. The rumble of the engine that had silenced everything around me was sliced through by a feeling. A strong urge to look left had over taken my mind, as if someone had silently screamed into my ear,

The world around me seemed to slow down, the wind blew but nothing swayed, birds flying out of a tree flapped their wings, but went nowhere.

Squinting my eyes, I tried to make out two figures in the alley beside the library. There was a man, tall and slender, black overcoat, with his hand pulled back. A fist was balled tight, hovering above his head.

Against the wall in front of him was a smaller figure, a woman. I couldn't see her face, only her hand raising in a protective stance. Trying to shield herself, she hunched lower, shoulders dipping to the ground.

What the fuck? Is he really going to hit that woman? Not while I'm here. No fucking way, a piece of shit like that needs a good ass kicking.
Jumping off my bike, I let it fall right to the pavement.

I didn't care, there was not way in hell I was letting that woman get beat in an alley. It didn't matter if she just stole all his life savings and ran off with his credit cards; no man should ever lay a hand on a woman. It was a carnal sin in my book.

The guys that did, I saw them as lower than a cockroach. They were dirt in my eyes, begging to have their ass kicked. Storming up behind the guy, I grabbed the collar of his jacket, tearing him back.

Stumbling backwards, he lifted his head to look at me. But I didn't care what he thought, or what he thought he was going to do to me. Whipping my head to the woman, my eyes grew wide, rage replacing the anger.

It was Heidi, cowering against the wall, clutching her purse. Fear filled her pupils, the black centers reaching out to the edge of green. “Oh, thank god! Silas, thank god.” She huffed, lungs inhaling quickly to catch her breath.

My chest began to tighten, muscles cracking the ribs beneath. Veering my head over my shoulder, I glared at the unknown assailant. He was an ugly bastard, a long, jagged scar crossed his chin, a mix of gray and black stubble coated his face.

Right then, everything in my sight turned to a purple haze, focusing on one thing and one thing only; The asshole who had just tried to lay a hand on my woman.

Baring my teeth, I lunged towards him, gripping his throat in one palm. I watched the shock blanket his body, fear slowly seeping into his face. “Look, man, I... I just...” He tried to speak, but my hand squeezed around his neck. Fingers digging into the veins bulging on the sides, his pulse hitting my fingertips and picking up pace.

“You what?” I said, pushing him against the brick wall. “Huh? You what, motherfucker?” The words broke through gritted teeth, brain buzzing with a rage I had only felt once before.

And that day, that single moment in time, had been buried for years. Until now.

I was sixteen, living with another unknown family. It was a middle aged couple, two kids of their own, a boy and a girl. The father, Butch, had a temper. He was a wretched man, always drunk, and yelling.

Most of the time I would just hang my head and keep to myself. But he crossed a line one night, he got wasted and started barking at his daughter. She was ten then, barely old enough to play outside alone.

Butch kept screaming at her to pick up a mess their dog had made in the trash. And she was, which made the whole scenario even worse. He kept yelling, getting really close to her face, and calling her names. I could see the spit flying off his lips, hitting the small defenseless child in her eyes.

I remembered the girl crying, and begging him to stop. Then he did it, he lifted his arm, and punched her square in the face. Her feeble body crashed backwards, hitting the floor.

After that all I saw was red. Pouncing like a rabid dog, I attacked Butch. Beat the living piss out of him too. I had lost it, rage taking place over every other emotion. I could have called the cops, could have run for help. Instead, I left him with a busted face, and a broken arm.

This had the same feeling, seeing a woman about to be beat by a man.

And then to see it was Heidi, it pushed those feelings to a whole new level. This was more personal.

Heidi was my woman, no man touches her.

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