Come Home Bad Boy (5 page)

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Authors: Leah Holt

BOOK: Come Home Bad Boy
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A slow smile pulled up my cheek, tongue running across my teeth. “Is that a question, or a demand?” Palming the erection in my jeans, my cock ached to feel her warmth again.

Of course I planned on fucking her, that was all I had thought about. All I wanted to do since waking up and finding her gone. That morning, I was hoping to claim her a second time, make her scream a sound she didn't know she could make.

But when I rolled over to find the spot she was in empty, it set a fire in my gut. A raw desire to make her completely mine, every inch of her.

“It's a request. I want your cock inside me.” Her hand slipped over her center, cupping the mound, ass swaying erotically against the cool ground.

I watched her lips, my eyes magnifying the perfect damp flesh. They puckered softly, gloss lighting under the sky. A delicate sheen spread across each one, glistening as her head moved to look at me.

Her eyes were just as magnificent as the rest of her. A hard green, sparkling like a shaded pool under an oak tree in the summer.

“You have no idea how badly I've wanted you again. Your pussy was made for me.” Walking my finger to the button, I popped her jeans open. The bright purple of her panties broke free, drawing my eye right to them.

An air filled coo escaped the back of her throat. “Fuck me Silas, just fuck me.” I could see the heat radiate off her, seeping from every pore.

The night was cooling, a chill had set around us. And even with a gentle breeze, sweat began to emerge across my shoulders. She drove me fucking wild, making every piece of my body painfully hard.

Her hand made its way over my cock, teasing the muscle. My cock was throbbing, pulsing to feel flesh on flesh. I heard the sultry whimper of her voice as she tugged on the zipper. The sound of metal broke the air, click after click as she slid the zipper open.

My chest began to pound as her hand clawed to free my dick. Pulling it through the opening, she squeezed it hard, stroking the thick shaft.

“You want that? You want to feel my cock deep inside you?”

Silently, she shook her head yes, fingers curling over my balls. I wasn't sure how this woman had such power over me, making my entire body shiver with her touch.

And I knew then, that she was the one.

I didn't have a family, fuck the idea of one was lost long ago. But these past few years had been rough, two tours with the Army, and every time I made it back home... No one was there to greet me off that plane.

An empty terminal, a lone soldier, and not one person to welcome me home.

I couldn't have that anymore, I needed a family. A life outside the walls of the military, one worth fighting for, worth making it back to.

I knew sooner than later, I'd get that call. The one pulling me away, back into hell. Deployment was inevitable, but when I left this time, I planned on coming home to a whole lot more.

Heidi was going to give me what I wanted, a baby. I needed all of her, all of her for me. I wouldn't be satisfied with just sex, the idea was scratching its way over my brain. She was going to be mine, forever.

Coiling my fingers over the trim of her pants, I yanked them over her hips. She was ready, arching her back and lifting her ass. Wiggling her waist, she kicked the jeans off, boots following at the same time. “I've never had sex outside before.”

“There's a first time for everything.” Running my hand under her sweater, I gripped her tit, teasing the nipple. Perking up, it was hard and inviting. Rolling the beaded skin between my thumb and forefinger, Heidi moaned loudly, legs falling open wide.

“You're so hard,” she said, grinding her palm against my length.

Rocking my hips, I inched towards her pussy. “And that's all yours.” Tugging my pants down, they rested at my knees. I could smell the scent of her cunt, the sugared musk filling my senses and coating my brain.

Damn, that's a scent I'll never forget. I want her pussy with me every day.
Flicking her panties to the side, I slid a finger up her wet cunt. The slick juices covered my digit, soaking it instantly.

Heidi's neck bent up, head pressing into the blanket. Bringing my fingertip up to my nose, I held it there. Inhaling a deep breath, her body's perfume filled my head. “God you smell sweet,” I said, licking the creamed skin. “I could eat your flavor all day.”

Dipping my waist in, the tip of my cock brushed her entrance. “Wait—” Her legs began to close, pushing up on her elbows, she asked, “Condom?”

Laughing, my head fell back. “For what?”

“You're joking right?” she asked, a thin brow shooting up, face crinkled in disbelief.

“No, what do we need one for? You didn't object to feeling all of me when it broke last time.”

“Excuse me? I wasn't exactly clear headed that night.” Veering her stare, she slid further back. “Why wouldn't we now?”

“Because you're mine, Heidi. Who cares if you get knocked up, that would cement us together.”

“No, no fucking way. I'm not having your baby. Are you crazy?” Reaching for her pants, she frantically tried to pull the legs straight. “We barely know each other, a baby? That's fucking nuts, Silas!”

“I'm not crazy, but I need you. All of you.” Tracing her knee up her thigh, I softly rubbed the delicate skin.

Shoving my hand away, she yanked her pants on. “Take me home.” Standing quickly, she dug her hands into her hips.

“Heidi, just listen to me,” I said, holding out my palm to halt her. “In my line of work, I never know if I'm making it home standing or showing up in a wooden box—”

Cutting me off, she hissed. “What's that supposed to mean? Are you in a gang or something?”

“No, not at all.” Laughing, I rubbed my jaw.

“I'm glad you think this is funny.” Huffing under her breath, she folded her arms tight across her chest.

“I'm not in a
Heidi. I'm a soldier.” Cracking a smile, I reached up and grabbed her hand. “I'm not crazy either, there's something about you. Something I've never felt with anyone else. And you feel too, I can see it.”

Heidi eyed me, lids static. “You're a soldier? Is that why you said you wouldn't be in that apartment for long?” I watched the tension in her body ease, muscles loosening.

“Yes, I move around, done a couple tours over seas too.” Twining my fingers into hers, I tugged her back down onto her knees. “It's not easy, I've spent a lot of time keeping myself from getting close to anyone because of it.”

Her face softened, eyes flicking rapidly. She was thinking, I could see it. Her mind wrapping around what she just learned. “So why now? Why me?”

“Of all the women I have met in my life, you stuck with me. One night, and you've been plastered in my head ever since.”

Her lips squeezed tight, pulling to one side. “But Silas, a baby? That's a big deal, it's not like going to a movie or out to dinner. How can you even think that's okay?”

Dragging my fingers through my hair, I wanted to answer her. Wanted to tell her about where I came from, what I never had. But that's the piece of my past that drove me into the Army to begin with.

Family, brothers, people who have your back no matter what. That's what I had there, but it wasn't the same. I wanted blood, a legacy to remember me if I didn't make it home.

Sucking in a large breath of air, I said, “Heidi, I spent my entire childhood bouncing between foster homes and group homes. I don't have anyone, no family. I never knew my mother, never knew my father. Fuck, I don't even know if I have any siblings floating around out there.”

Dipping her head, she looked at the blanket. “Silas, this is a lot to take in. I think you should take me home.”

“Heidi, you make me feel something I can't explain. If you want to go home, I'll take you. But I want you to understand I can give you something you can't get there.” Lifting her chin, I forced her to look at me. “I need more from my life, and so do you.”

I hated thinking about what it was like growing up, all the assholes who took me in just to get the extra money for having me there. They never cared about me, only keeping me as long as they could tolerate, then shipping me off the instant they had enough.

It wasn't easy being a kid, feeling like you're not worthy to have a family, to have people who love you.

That's what my life was missing, a family.

Someone to continue my story, tell tales of their father, the great soldier.

If I didn't come home, and there was no child carrying my name, my legacy...

Who would remember me?

I'd be another name on a stone, and that's where it would end.

Chapter Five


e's crazy! Silas has to be fucking insane!
For him to think I'd be okay with the idea of getting pregnant, or that I shouldn't care about it... Really? This was only the second time I'd seen him, that was it.

Not care if I get pregnant? How dare he even let that idea run through his head! I have a life, a future I'd like to accomplish before I have kids. He might be content with his life and what he does, but I was still in school.

If I got knocked up, what would happen to that? To my career? I've been studying to be a nurse, and still had a lot of school to finish. I couldn't work, go to school, and have a child. I'd be overwhelmed, probably end up failing my classes.

And my dad... Oh god, my dad.

He'd kill me, I wouldn't get to see the light of day again if that was to happen.

We didn't speak the whole ride back to my house, I didn't have anything to say. My brain was in overdrive, running with wild thoughts.

Would I love to have a family someday? Of course, but it was to soon to know for sure if Silas was the one for that.

The actual thought of having a baby, being a mother, it warmed my belly. I missed my mom more than anything. The idea of giving the same love she gave to me, that endless love you could only understand when you had a baby— It was intoxicating, filling my heart with a surge of electricity.

But not now, I was too young, there was too much I still needed to do.

As we pulled in front of my house, my chest stopped, tightening under the pressure of fear. My dad was in the door, the look of death set on his face.

I thought, throwing my leg off the bike. Shooting Silas a quick glance, I said, “I'll call you.” Heading towards what looked like my death sentence, I walked head down to the house.

I didn't need my father getting in my face, not right now, not after all that. Ducking in the door, I slid in by his side. Not saying a word, I started for the stairs.

be talking later, Heidi.” He spoke through the screen on the storm door, still heaving fire at Silas with his eyes.

Gulping down a swallow of air, the hard ball scratched against my throat. Silently, I walked up the wood steps, holding the rail tightly. All the blood was draining from my body, I could feel it. Seeping out of my head, it burned its way down to my toes.

A 'talk', his kind words for— chewing my ass out when he was ready. Great, a perfect ending to my perfect date.
Laughing to myself, I shook my head side to side as I entered my room and closed the door.

Letting my body fall weightlessly onto the bed, the springs creaked as I bounced. I didn't know what to do. Twisting my head to the nightstand, I stared at the image of my mom.

Her short curly hair was snug against her scalp, a big smile rested on her still face. She was hugging me, I was twelve in the picture, a goofy, big toothed grin was painted on my face. Her arms were draped over my shoulders, holding the camera out to snap the shot.

And I could still feel her. If I closed my eyes tight, I could still feel the weight of her arms over me. The smell of sunflowers, her favorite perfume, would still collide with my senses. As if she was still here, still here beside me.

Softly, I whispered. “I miss you mom.” Rolling to my stomach, head resting on my elbow, I wished more than anything to have her back with us.

Her death, the last moment of her life, it was tragic. A shock that stunned the whole fucking town, it was the main news story for months while the trial was going on. Her name was Faye, she was fifty-two when it happened. One night she was on her way home from work, taking the route she always did, and our lives were altered completely.

She was the librarian in town, a real book worm too. I try to spend as much time there as I can, it makes feel close to her again. I'll sit in the library for hours reading, or just plain staring off, thinking of her. It was easy to do that there, I could picture her strolling the aisles, smiling with each book she picked up.

When she was gone, even before we got the phone call to rush to the hospital, a pit grew in my gut. As if I already knew, even before hearing the words.

I've always used that as the reason my dad was so protective of me, he's watching out for his little girl. You could see the strain of his fears, the way they bared down on his muscles each day. He was always tense, looking at every unfamiliar face as a threat.

But it was becoming suffocating, weighing on me like a ton of bricks. I deserved a life of my own, he couldn't keep trying to hold me there.

Lightning doesn't strike twice, and I can't live my entire existence around him, harboring the same fears he did. It wasn't fair.

The thud of his feet against the floor grew louder as he approached my door. “Heidi, we need to discuss a few things,” he said through the wood barrier as he opened it.

“What? What do you need to say?” I asked, not lifting my head off my arm.

“Not just me, we're going to talk.” He stepped inside the room, resting his arm against my dresser.

“No, dad. Usually when you say that, it means you talk and I'm just supposed to listen. But you need to stop doing this, I'm twenty-two.” Shifting to look up at him, I held my sight firm.

“I don't want you seeing him again, he's bad news, Heidi.” His finger ran across the rim of my jewelry box. “And I know you're not a kid, but you're still my daughter and you still live under my roof. My roof, my rules.” His index finger bent against the wood, pointing down hard with each word.

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