Read Color of Forgiveness Online

Authors: Madeleine Beckett

Color of Forgiveness (66 page)

BOOK: Color of Forgiveness
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Susie’s mouth drops open. “Are you kidding


“Damn. I wasn't expecting that.”

“Me neither.”

“I'm glad that bitch is dead. I know that’s
harsh and mean and nasty to say, but that’s how I feel. Now you
don’t have to have that nagging worry that she might escape from
that mental institution and try to come after you guys. You all are
completely safe now.”

“I feel the same way, Susie. Well, I better
get back to the kids. I’ll call you later, okay?”

They say their goodbyes and Myra hangs up
just as Dylan steps into the room. “What’s wrong?” he asks,

Myra takes in a deep breath. “Porter told me
Rhonda died of a heart attack today.”

“No shit?”


Dylan sits down on the bed and tugs Myra
into his lap. “I know she had mental issues and was sick and all
but I’m glad she’s dead,” he says. “All I care about is keeping you
and the kids safe. How do you feel about it?”

Myra sighs. “I’m a little conflicted because
I feel the same way as you do yet I still feel sorry for her
somehow. But nothing is more important to me than you and the

“I agree,” Dylan says, kissing her

“Daddy!” Max shouts, running into the room
with Megan and Madison on his heels. “Can we play Tool Man again?”
he asks, all three of them climbing on the bed and tackling Dylan.
Myra giggles and scoots off of his lap and watches as he stands and
turns towards the bed, shouting in his monster voice, “Tool Man
hungry again. Tool Man need children.”

Myra laughs when Megan climbs into her lap,
screaming happily for mommy to save her, and Dylan falls onto the
bed, tickling the kids, causing them to shriek with giggles.

* * *

Myra trails her fingers through Matthew's
feather-soft blonde hair before she kisses him gently on the
forehead. As carefully and tenderly as possible, she lays his
chubby, sleeping little body in his crib and tucks a blanket around
him. She smiles as she watches his little mouth work hard on his
pacifier. Her eyes stay on his cherub face for a few minutes to
make sure he doesn't wake. Quietly, she slips out of the room and
closes the door, making her way down the hallway to the

“Matthew's asleep,” she tells Dylan.

“It's about time,” he says, slipping out of
his pajama bottoms to just his boxers and climbing into bed. “It
took me awhile to get the kids to settle down. They were really
wound up tonight. Lock the door.”

Myra smiles when she locks the door because
she knows what that means. Once her yoga pants are off, she slips
into bed in only her shirt and panties, straight into Dylan's
waiting arms.

She burrows her head into the warmth of his
chest, snuggling as close to him as she can get. “I'm so tired,”
she mumbles.

“Me too… It’s been a crazy couple of

Myra slowly rubs her hand through the hairs
on his chest. “So how’s it going at work?”

“It’s insane. Chad and I have so much to do,
but it’s good. I love the challenge.”

“You guys will do great.”

His hand snakes up underneath her shirt,
rubbing and massaging up and down her back. A happy moan slips from
her lips as her eyes close and her body instantly relaxes at his
touch. “Thanks for believing in me,” he says softly. “I really
didn't think I could do it, but you never lost faith. You know how
many times I almost gave up on it.”

“I knew you could do it, and you proved me

With his free hand, Dylan grabs hers that
lies against his chest and squeezes it close to his heart. “I love
you, baby, so much.”

“I love you too.”

Myra lifts her head and looks up into
Dylan's eyes. She pulls his hand to her lips and kisses his
calloused palm and fingertips. “I have something to tell you,” she
whispers in a serious voice.

He stares at her for a second. “You want my
giant cock?” he whispers back just as serious.

Her eyes widen. “
she says with a
giggle, “you pervert.”

Dylan smirks. “It's hard. You wanna feel

exactly how this
happened,” she says, smacking him lightly on the chest.

“Ow. What? How what happened?”

“You and that hard cock of yours got me
pregnant again.”

Dylan's mouth drops open, and he just stares
at her, dumbfounded. “Pregnant? Are you serious?”

“Yes, I'm serious. You were supposed to go
get a vasectomy. This is your fault.”

Dylan throws his head back on the pillow,
laughing as he pulls her tighter to his chest. “Pregnant?” he
repeats again before laughing some more.

Her eyes narrow. “It's not polite to laugh
at someone when they tell you they're pregnant.”

Dylan continues chuckling and squeezes her
tighter. “Oh, baby, I'm sorry. I'm only laughing because I'm so
happy, and you kind of blew my mind there for a minute. Although I
did wonder why you darted out of the kitchen the other morning like
your ass was on fire.”

“I threw my guts up.”

“Ah, my poor, sweet baby... come up here and
let me kiss you,” he says, tugging on her.

Myra scoots forward on his chest. His soft
lips find hers, sweet and tender, and she feels his hand on her
ass, squeezing softly. She sighs when his mouth ghosts over her
eyes, cheeks and jaw, his warm breath warming her skin. “I'm not
sorry that my hard cock got you pregnant. I'm actually pretty damn
thrilled. But what's going on with you? You don't seem happy.”

Myra's fingers trail along his collarbone.
be happy... of course. It's just that I had it in my
head that we were done having kids. We’ve already talked about
this. We have two boys and two girls, which is perfect. And
Matthew's only eight months, and I've got so much more work to do
on my next book. And I really,
hate morning sickness.
It's so hard throwing up all the time—”

“I wish I could do that for you. You know I
would if I could.”

“I know.”

“I thought we were safe since you were still

“I did too. Matthew's been eating more table
food, and I knew he hadn't been breastfeeding as often. I guess I
should've been paying more attention. It's just that with the kids
and writing and everything—”

“Oh, no, you are not taking the blame on
this one, babe. This one is all me. I should've made that damn
doctor's appointment. You reminded me half a dozen times. I just
kept putting it off because of everything going on at work.”

Myra smirks. “All right, this is definitely
your fault. I'll let you take the fall for this one.”

“Gladly…” Dylan says, smiling.

Myra lays her head on his chest, content in
his arms while she gently touches his chest. After several minutes,
Dylan breaks the silence. “So, five kids, huh? I can't believe
we're gonna have five kids. Never in a million fucking years did I
ever think that I'd have five kids especially after what happened
with Mel. You've made my life so unbelievably amazing. I never
thought it could be like this… I never thought I could be as
fucking happy as I am right now.”

Myra lifts her head, smiling as she touches
his cheek. “You're dropping the F bomb an awful lot.”

Dylan grins. “Mmhm… and you know what that
means, right? Kids are in bed, my mouth is dirty, my cock is hard
and has been hard for quite a while now…” he says, wiggling his
eyebrows at her.

Myra giggles, burying her face in Dylan's

“Caveman wants pussy,” Dylan says in a husky
voice. “Can I have your pussy, baby? I'll make you feel good. Like

“Really good…?” Myra repeats, a smile
dangling on her lips.

Dylan nods. “Like so good that I'll have to
cover your mouth with my hand so your screams don't wake up the

“You think you can make me scream?”

“Oh, I know I can, repeatedly,” he says with
a smirk.

“So, if I let you have my pussy, what are
you going to do with it?”

Dylan flips Myra over pressing her into the
mattress with his body. His lips run wet trails up and down her
neck before he whispers roughly in her ear, “First, I'll touch and
kiss every inch of your body except where you really want it… right
on that sweet pussy of yours. That'll drive you fucking crazy and
make that delicious pussy of yours get really dripping wet.”

Myra moans softly.

Dylan runs his hand up her thigh. “Then,
I'll slip my finger just under the edge of those sexy little
panties you have on, and my cock will get even harder when I touch
that slippery wetness.”

Dylan's mouth finds hers, kissing her
roughly as he slides his tongue inside her mouth. Groaning, he
pulls back slightly. “I'll slide my finger back and forth through
that drenched pussy of yours knowing that I was the one that made
you that wet. Then my finger will just barely graze your clit,
giving you just a taste of what you could have. You'll want me to
touch you so badly that you'll beg me for it.”

Myra's panting and her panties are already

“Then I'll slide my long fingers – you love
my long fingers, don't you, baby?”

Myra nods enthusiastically. He rubs his
index finger on her lower lip. “Suck it,” he commands. Myra pulls
his finger into her mouth, sucking it slowly before gently biting
on the tip. Dylan groans and rubs his cock against her thigh.

“Then I'll shove my fingers up inside your
dripping wet pussy and slide them in and out, finger fucking you
hard, hitting that sweet spot up inside of you as I rub my thumb
over your swollen clit. And then I'll have to shove my other hand
over your mouth to muffle you screaming my name as you come fast
and hard all over my fingers, leaving them dripping wet.”

Myra’s mouth hangs open, her breaths heavy.
“Oh shit,” she mumbles.

Dylan laughs. “I must be doing a good job to
get mommy to cuss because mommy never cusses. Do you like my dirty
words, baby? Do they make you hot? Do they make you want my

“Oh god, yes…”

“Fuck, baby, you make
hot,” Dylan
says, kissing up her neck.

He pulls back and stares down at her with
hooded eyes. “Where was I? Oh yeah, I just made you come and scream
my name. So after I suck your wetness off my fingers, I'll rip your
panties from your body exposing your beautiful pussy. Then I'll
spread your legs open and slam my rock hard cock into you, fucking
you so hard you see stars. Then I'll…”

Dylan stops talking when a loud wailing
comes over the baby monitor.

” Myra shouts angrily as Dylan
flops onto his back.

“That's a bunch of fucking bullshit,” Dylan
mumbles under his breath.

They both lay there breathing heavily,
listening to Matthew cry and hoping and praying that he somehow
will stop and go back to sleep. But he doesn't.

Myra sighs heavily. “I'll be back,” she says
in disgust.

Dylan puts a hand on her arm, pulling her
gently back down on the bed. “No, I'll get him. You need to

“So do you. You have to get up early
tomorrow and go to work.”

“Like you don't work? You probably work
twice as hard as I do. Besides, you're now growing another one of
my babies. You're staying put. End of discussion.”

Myra reaches across and touches her lips
softly to his. “I love you,” she whispers against his lips.

“I love you more, woman. Is your pussy wet
for me?”

“Of course... how could it not be with that
mouth of yours?”

“Good. Keep it wet. I'll be right back.”

* * *

“Ah, buddy, what's wrong?” Dylan asks,
looking down at his son's red, tear-stained face. Matthew screams
even louder.

“Come here, 'lil guy,” he murmurs. He picks
Matthew up and lays him on his chest. “What seems to be the
problem, little man?” He rubs him softly on his back while Matthew
continues yelling at the top of his lungs.

Bending over the crib, Dylan finds his
pacifier under the blanket and tucks it in his mouth. Matthew sucks
greedily at it while his little body still shakes with sobs. Dylan
kisses his forehead then rubs his back and begins walking around
Matthew's room.

“Well, son, I've got some good news,” he
says quietly to him. “I just found out you're not gonna be the baby
of the family. Well, that might not be such good news for you
because being the baby is probably a pretty good spot to be in. I
know Nick was the spoiled one in our family.

“But I have to tell you a secret; it was an
accident and my fault. I should've gotten my butt to the doctor
like your momma told me to. And even though I'm thrilled we're
having another baby, I'm
calling the doc
tomorrow,” he says with a chuckle.

“But you know what? Accidents aren't always
bad things. I never believed that because of what happened to your
older brother, but I changed my mind the second I held Megan in my
arms for the first time. Sometimes accidents can turn out to be
pretty great things.”

Dylan sits down in the rocking chair and
continues rubbing Matthew softly on his back. He holds his small,
sleeper-covered foot in his hand. “Have I told you that I love you
today, son? I can't remember. If not, just know that I do.”

Matthew spits his pacifier out and lets out
another loud wail. Dylan snatches it before it hits the floor,
pushing it back into his mouth. He stands up and starts walking
again, patting Matthew on the back as he bounces up and down,
walking slowly around the room.

It takes a while, but he finally gets
Matthew back to sleep.
Please stay asleep
, he mouths
silently when he lays Matthew back down. He watches him for a
moment, barely breathing. After a few minutes, he gently lays his
blanket on top of him and sneaks out of the room without making a
sound. All he can think about is getting back to Myra and his dirty
talking. But now it’s time to do a whole lotta dirty and not a
whole lotta talking.

BOOK: Color of Forgiveness
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