Read Color of Forgiveness Online

Authors: Madeleine Beckett

Color of Forgiveness (31 page)

BOOK: Color of Forgiveness
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“Do you have a baby name picked out yet?”
Dylan asks Natalie. “I know it’s going to start with a J,” he says
with a half-grin.

“Yes. We’re going to name her Jillian
Alexandra Lawson.”

“That’s beautiful,” Myra says.

Dylan nods. “I like it.”

“We’re going to call her Jilly,” Natalie

we’re going to call her
Jilly,” Chad shouts, “but that ain’t gonna happen. Can you imagine
the names she’d get called by other kids? No way, ain’t doing it.
It’s Jillian… Jillian Lawson.”

“Jilly is adorable,” Natalie argues back. “I
might want to call her Jilly Pop or Jilly Bean.”

Myra giggles when Chad’s eyes widen and his
mouth drops open. He quickly recovers and starts shouting again.
She smiles as another heated debate breaks out between the two of
them. While they have at it, Myra looks over at Dylan’s nephews for
a moment. The boys are amazing. Myra learned that Jay is very
studious; a straight A student in school. Jackson is musical and
plays the trumpet as well as the piano, and thankfully, he seems to
be over his anger towards Myra. He now just ignores her. And Joseph
comes across as quiet and shy and bashful, and apparently, he loves
dinosaurs and Power Rangers. Myra’s heart aches every time she
catches Dylan staring at him.

Dylan’s dad, Dennis, seems to be the
quietest one of the group, but it could be only because he can’t
get a word in edgewise with everyone else dominating the
conversation. The little time he was able to speak, he told Myra
he’s been in the contracting business for over thirty years. He
beamed with pride over the fact that Chad and Dylan followed in his
footsteps, and when he talked about Nick, his soon-to-be-a-doctor
son, his face practically glowed.

Myra also learned that Dylan’s sister,
Trish, and her husband, Doug, live in Florida. Trish works in a
veterinary office, and Doug is a professor at a university.

“Is everyone ready for dessert?” Sherri

Myra smiles as everyone shouts out in
excitement at the same time.

“Dinner was really delicious,” she tells

“Why, thank you,” Sherri says, smiling.

“You’re welcome.”

“Myra’s an awesome cook,” Dylan pipes in,
giving her thigh a squeeze. “She’d give you a run for your money,

“Myra can cook?” Chad asks, his eyes
lighting up. “I
a woman who can cook.”

Dylan growls at him.

“Do you need some help with dessert?” Myra
asks Sherri.


Myra follows Sherri into the kitchen. “I
made Peach Cream Pie. Chad’s favorite. I actually made a whole pie
just for him,” Sherri says with a snicker. “That boy and his

Sherri sets the pies on the counter and
stops, staring at Myra for a few seconds. “I hope you don’t think
I’m being rude by mentioning this, but… Dylan tells me that you
don’t have any family?”

Myra drops her gaze and shakes her head.

“I’m so sorry, Myra. I can’t imagine how
hard that is on you. I just want you to know that you’re officially
adopted into our family, okay? I know I hardly know you, but I’ve
always had a good knack at judging character pretty quickly, and I
do know my son. I know that the woman Dylan falls in love with has
to be pretty amazing.”

Myra’s mouth drops open. “Dylan’s not… he’s

“In love?” Sherri laughs lightly as she pats
Myra on the arm. “Oh, he’s in love all right. I can’t tell you how
different he is around you. The way he looks at you…” She smiles
and shakes her head. “I’ve never seen him look at anyone like that,
not even…” her voice trails off as she quickly shakes her head.
“Never mind. Anyway, you’re good for him, and I couldn’t be
happier.” She picks up a knife. “Now, let’s get this pie served up
before Chad starts a riot.”

* * *

“Long day, huh?” Dylan says as he drops his
shirt on the floor next to the bed and starts to unbutton his

“Yeah... I had a great time, though. Your
family is
wonderful. I know I just met them, but I think
I’m in love with them. They just made me feel so… I don’t know…
wanted? I just felt so comfortable with them.”

Dylan pulls his boxers and jeans off and
tosses them to the side. “Well, I think they’re all in love with
you too. Jesus, I thought for sure a couple of times there that my
mom was gonna break out the damn video camera and start filming us.
And Chad… did you see his face when I said you could cook? He
looked like he was gonna ditch Natalie and try to fucking steal you
away from me,” he says, smiling as he pulls the covers back and
climbs into bed.

Myra giggles as she climbs in next to him.
He bites back a snarl when he looks at her pajamas… fucking
pajamas. Those will not be staying on because he
getting her naked. Quick-like. And yeah, his cock is hard just from
of getting her naked.

“Chad is so funny,” she says as she snuggles
up next to him under the covers. “He seems to really love his

“You don’t mess with Chad’s food, ever. I’ve
gotten my ass beaten by him too many times to count over the years
when I got between him and his food.”

His fingers touch the hem of her pajama top,
pushing it up until he finds the warm, soft skin of her stomach. He
gently runs his fingers back and forth before he starts slowly
moving up, looking for that soft round flesh that he wants to
squeeze and suck on.

,” Myra hisses.

“What?” he asks innocently as his hand
touches that swell of skin he was searching for. He groans as he
squeezes her gently and rubs his thumb over her nipple.

“We can’t. Someone will hear us.”

“Nobody’s gonna hear us.”

“Yes, they will. Everybody’s bedrooms are up

“I can be quiet,” he murmurs. “Can you?” he
whispers, slipping his hand down and inside her panties, squeezing
her ass.

Dylan smiles as she squeaks in surprise at
his touch. “Hmm…” he hums as his lips hover over her neck, his hot
breath against her skin. “I don’t know if you can handle it.”

A soft, strangled moan escapes her lips.

“Do you like dirty talk, Myra?” he whispers
into her ear. “You know I sure as fuck do.”

She hums and nods.

“How dirty do you like it?”


“Mm… I like it very dirty too. I might have
to cover your mouth with my hand tonight while I slide myself in
and out of your beautiful, hot wet pussy,” he says, kissing behind
her ear. “To muffle your screams…” He grins in satisfaction when he
hears her moan.

“Did you like that?” he asks as his lips
trail down her neck.

“Yes,” she whisper-pants. He can tell she’s
turned on. He likes getting her worked up with his words.

He smiles when he ducks his head under the
covers and hears her gasp. He plans on removing her panties… with
his teeth.

* * *

Myra feels sinful. The thought that someone
might hear them makes her feel anxious yet somehow heightens the
experience, making it so much more exciting and raw. Dylan’s dirty
talking has set her skin on fire.

The only sounds in the room are their
panting breaths and the wet sounds of Dylan moving in and out of
her body. Her heart pounds so hard. Her blood pumps so rapidly.
Dylan sits up and positions himself against the headboard and pulls
her body against him, her back to his chest. He positions himself
below her, and she sinks down on top of him, biting her lip to keep
from crying out. He holds her hips steady and starts thrusting
upwards into her roughly.

He moves one hand down to rub against her,
and she can’t stop the moan that erupts from her. His other hand
reaches up and covers her mouth. She balances her hands on his
thighs as his thrusts become faster, his fingers rubbing even
quicker against her. When her orgasm hits, it’s so hard and violent
that she has to bite down on his fingers to keep from

“Holy fuck… Oh shit…” he whispers against
her shoulder before exploding inside of her, panting harshly
against her neck and shoulders. The heat from his breath scorches
her skin. His hand stays loosely on her mouth as she breathes
heavily through his fingers.

He wraps his arms around her, slumping
against her back, his hot breath harsh against her skin. He trails
open-mouthed kisses across her shoulders before he lays his cheek
against her back for a moment to catch his breath. He pulls her
damp hair to the side and gently kisses the back of her neck. “Are
you okay?” he whispers against her skin.

She can’t speak so she just nods.

“Hang on,” he whispers as he stays inside of
her and leans over the side of the bed, grabbing his T-shirt off of
the floor. “You can use this.”

“Thanks.” She’d die of embarrassment if she
got Natalie’s sheets all disgusting.

She uses his shirt to clean up and then
folds it and sits it on the bedside table. “I’m going to go to the
bathroom,” she whispers, pointing to the door.

A few minutes later, she comes back into the
room and climbs into bed with him. He wraps his arms around her.
“That was so fucking amazing. That was by far the best sex I’ve
ever had.”

“Me too,” she whispers. “The best ever…”

* * *

The next morning just as Myra starts to load
the dishwasher with the breakfast dishes Dylan comes up behind her
and wraps his arms around her waist. “Are you sure you don’t want
any help?” he asks as he kisses her on the neck.

“No. I’ve got this. Go have fun with your

“You sure? You know I’d rather stay up here
with you.”

Myra giggles as his lips tickle her

“My eyes, my eyes…” Chad yells as he walks
into the kitchen. “That’s disgusting, bro. Get your filthy paws off
of baby girl and let’s go kick some zombie ass. The boys are
upstairs playing Wii so the basement is
,” he says
before letting out a maniacal laugh and rubbing his hands together

Myra covers her face with her hands,
completely mortified, but Dylan doesn’t seem to be fazed by his
brother catching them since he doesn’t stop kissing her neck. “Go
away,” he mumbles.

Chad laughs loudly. “Come on, dude. We gotta
get some game action in before you guys leave. Don’t make me put
you in another headlock. Next time, I’ll add the painful Indian Rug
Burn to that rug on your head,” he says as he demonstrates by
rubbing his fist fast against his palm. “You know that shit

Myra giggles as Dylan groans. He kisses her
neck one last time and finally lets her go. “I guess I’ll be in the

She nods and smiles as she watches Dylan
follow Chad towards the door to the basement. Chad talks the entire
time about some new weapon he found on the game.

As Myra turns to start working on the dishes
again, her phone rings. It’s Susie.

“Hey,” she says.

“How’s your stomach?” Susie asks first

“About the same...”

Susie lets out a high-pitched wooting sound.
“I know I shouldn’t be excited about you being preggers because you
don’t want to be preggers and Dylan’s gonna shit a solid gold brick
over it because come on that guy is so beautiful that you know he
only shits gold nuggets, but anyway, I can’t help it. I’ve never
even thought of you getting pregnant before, and this is just too
freaking exciting.”

“It’s not exciting. It’s devastating.” Myra
looks around the kitchen and drops her voice to a whisper. “What if
he leaves me?”

“Oh, no, he won’t. I’ll open a can of Susie
Kung Fu whoop ass on him and beat him into submission if he even
remotely tries anything like that.”

“I’m being serious.”

“I know,” Susie says, taking in a deep
breath. “Look, I know you’re worried, but you two are both
massively in love with each other. And if there
beautiful bun in your oven, Dylan will just have to accept it. If
for some reason he doesn’t, I’ll put that hot man in the hospital
and you can always move in with me and we’ll co-parent. We’ll be
like lesbians without all the nasty clit-licking. Just know that
I’m here for you, and I’ll help you every step of the way. I love
you, honey.”

“I love you too.”

“I mailed out your package yesterday and
don’t blow a gasket, but I did get a little out of hand so don’t be
surprised when you see a huge box being delivered.”

“What did you do?”

“I just went a little cra-cra at the baby
store. I could not help myself. I’ve always wanted to buy little
girl stuff, and I never got a chance too. You know I only have
nephews. Anyway, call me when you get it. I want us to open it

“You shouldn’t be buying stuff when I don’t
even know anything yet,” Myra whisper-hisses.

“I know. I was weak. Pink foo-fooey things
weaken me. I kept the receipt so I can always return the

Myra groans.

“Call me tomorrow as soon as you get it,
okay? I can’t wait. I’m literally dying over here.”

“All right...”

“I love you, ‘lil momma,” Susie says with a

“Stop!” Myra says, hanging up the phone with
a huff.

She turns back to finish the dishes, and her
stomach churns and does a flip flop as a wave of nausea hits her.
She was so thankful that Sherri left a pre-made breakfast casserole
in the refrigerator for her to just throw in the oven. She doesn’t
know how, but she somehow made it through breakfast without having
to run out of the room and to the toilet.

She picks up the first plate and holds it
over the sink to rinse it off before putting it in the dishwasher.
Her eyes fixate on the bright red color of the salsa that Chad
smothered all over his casserole and sees some pieces of egg mixed
in it. And that does it. She drops the plate and runs to the
bathroom, barely making it before she empties her stomach into the
toilet. She flushes and after washing her hands, she wets some
toilet paper and runs it over her face and mouth. She thought for
sure she’d feel better after throwing up, but she doesn’t. That
horrible nauseous feeling just won’t go away.

BOOK: Color of Forgiveness
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