CLUB NUMBER FIVE (Immortal Blood) (6 page)

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I sighed, relieved, and went to sit on his bike. This time he wouldn't get away from me. Oh no, I would cling onto him tightly and the only way for him to get rid of me would be to give me the right answers.

The bell rang and, after a few minutes, I saw him. He glanced at me murderously but I didn't move.

“Hi.” I smiled as he got closer.

“Get off my bike,” he growled quietly.

I was aware of the looks and whispers around us and I knew we'd be the new gossip tomorrow.
“I don't think so,” I said, and slid my fingers onto the edge of the seat. I was sure he would push me aside roughly, but he didn't lift a finger to me. He stared at me and I stared back. Nope, no surrendering from me today.

“Fine. Suit yourself then.” He slid himself in front of me
, put his black helmet on
and, before I could act, turned the engine on and stepped on the gas. I couldn't do anything but
quickly place my own helmet on,
put my arms around his waist and hold tight. I heard some girls gasping, but I was too afraid to look back. I had never been on a motorcycle before, but somehow I knew this wouldn't be an easy ride.

Jonathan rode fast and didn't seem to care if I fell off or not. At that moment I didn't remember I was immortal, and if a tiny part of my mind did, I didn't know if I could die from injuries. I closed my eyes and prepared to find myself God knows where, but the bike stopped. I opened my eyes. We were outside my house.

“Get lost,” he snapped and tried to loosen my hands.

I clung to him like a leech. He growled. Every time he got one of my fingers off, I pressed the other
even tighter

Turning fiercely on me, he jumped off the bike and yelled.
“What do I have to do to make you disappear?”

I shivered a bit, hurt. “How about giving me some answers first?” I sniffed.


Was he dumb or something? How could he ask why? I stared at him in disbelief. “What do you mean why?”

He paced before me and flashed angry glances at me. His fist opened and closed and for a split second I thought he was going to hit me. He didn't. Instead he hit our garage wall.
“Why can't you just leave me alone?”

“Because you're the only one who can help me,” I blurted out and wiped a tear from the corner of my eye.

He glanced at me, but didn't seem to be moved by my tears. “I'm not,” he said darkly.

My mouth dropped open. “Yes, you are,” I whispered.

He turned his back on me and burrowed his hands into his dark hair. I could see his back stiffening and his muscles tighten. He looked really dangerous. Too dangerous. I wanted to run. Suddenly, he turned and drilled his burning eyes on me. “Why me? Why couldn't you let me be? Why do you have to stalk me? What have I ever done to you to deserve this?”

Wow, I thought. Was that how he saw me? A desperate stalker? I blushed.

“You're not even my type,” he hissed, and I could see he wanted nothing more than to get rid of me. And still I couldn't help myself.

and stupid?” I

“No!” Jonathan snapped. “A human.”

“Excuse me?” I stared at him and climbed off the bike. “That's a bit lame, don't you think? A week ago I was a human, remember?” I poked his chest with my finger.

“Hey!” he yelled and grabbed my finger.

“There's something else you're not telling me, isn't there?” I accused and poked him with
other finger.

He grabbed that one, too, and looked a bit scared. What was going on? Why would he be scared of me? I struggled but his hold stood. “Tell me,” I hissed between my teeth.

“No,” he hissed back.

I struggled more fiercely only to find myself in his arms. In some other circumstance this could've been tempting. Being so near him. But now it only got me angrier.

“Tell me!” I flashed my teeth. “Or I swear I'll scream!”

He flashed his teeth and tightened his grip. I could feel his fingers biting into my flesh but I refused to yield. He stared at me and I stared at him, and neither of us wanted to give in.

Finally, he pushed me roughly away. “You're someone else's call.”

“What?” I asked, stunned.

“I have no business with you.” He grinned and climbed onto his bike. “Someone else booked you months ago.”

“Who?” I whispered, but he didn't answer. “Who!” I screamed.

“My cousin.

e grinned and sped away.




I stared after him. I was no wiser than before. Well, not much, but I was way angrier than a minute ago. No one had the right to reserve me or do anything else I didn't want to, for that matter. Besides, if Jonathan's cousin really had first call on me, why did he keep disappearing every time I saw him? I kicked the ground. This sucked. Jonathan hadn't given me any useful information, but he had given me a start. The problem was I didn't even know his cousin's name or where to find him. Damn! I kicked the ground again and cursed silently. I had to go back to the
lub again.

The night was full of mist and the air didn't seem to move at all. I hadn't bothered to change my clothes. Why would I? I knew I couldn't get into the
lub, so my tight jeans and black turtleneck shirt were just perfect. The bouncer had seen me coming and nodded at me. I saw from his face that he was relieved that I didn't try to go in this time. I leaned on the wall and hoped that the shadow-boy would come.

Time passed and nothing happened. I was getting bored. I yawned and wanted to sit down, but I couldn't let myself slacken for a second. I dug out my cell from my pocket and texted Kate. She didn't answer. The time was way over three and I knew that within an hour the alley would be full of people. People who actually got into the
lub instead of shivering outside. I wanted to give in and go to my warm bed, but I also wanted to see this through. If I found him he'd have to answer my endless questions.

I yawned again and froze. Had I heard something? I sharpened my hearing, but the alley was as quiet as before. I let my shoulders slump. What had I been thinking? I couldn't be sure he was in the
and even if he were, would he talk to me? I shook my head, turned to leave
and ran into a hard chest.

“Samantha,” a familiar voice whispered in my ear.

I lifted my eyes and met his. “You,” I hissed.


e put a finger to my lips and pulled me closer. “What are you doing here? Don't you know how dangerous it is?”

I stared at him. Was he serious? I was immortal, so how dangerous could it be to be in an empty alley? Yes, I vaguely remembered the bouncer's warning, but the night was clear and I couldn't sense any danger nearby. And besides, the alley, however narrow and gloomy it might be, was clean. I hadn't seen any homeless people hanging out, nor had I seen a single piece of trash on the ground, which was a bit weird, I admit. But I couldn't imagine anything that could threaten me here. So whatever danger he thought there might be couldn't be more dangerous than an annoyed me. I smiled at him and he eyed me suspiciously. Something in his eyes told me to be careful, but I didn't care anymore. I was pissed over my limits and my instincts were telling me to jump on him before he had a chance to disappear again.

I slid my hands seductively over his chest and when a light, self-satisfied smile appeared on his lips, I pushed. I pushed as hard as I could, and with my new powers that was a horse-kick. He flew
to the wall, his surprised eyes fixed on me, and tried to find his balance. A slow smile spread over his face as he straightened himself. I prepared to push him again, but this time he was ready. He leaped next to me and pressed his hard body against me. I couldn't breathe. And it had nothing to do with the warmth that spread from his body to mine.

“Let me go,” I snarled.

“I don't think so.” He grinned and kissed me roughly.

Every rational thought disappeared from my mind. All I could think was that I wanted more. More of this divine boy who totally knew how to sweep me off my feet. More of his warm, demanding lips and the sensational feeling it created inside of me. His hands wandered around my body and I let them. I even pushed my hips closer to him and offered more than he was already taking.

Suddenly, he pushed me away.
“I think they're gone now,” he said.

I stared at him, not understanding a word. My lips were swollen and my body screamed for his touch, yet he acted like nothing had happened. He grabbed my hand and led me away from the alley. I felt like a zombie. When we got to the bigger street, he dug out his car keys from his pocket and clicked. The lights of a black Maserati flashed. He pushed me inside roughly and started the engine. I was still a mute zombie. He glanced at me and I thought I heard the word ‘later’ in my mind. I didn't even flinch. I touched my lips and shivered. What had he done to me? This was not me. I was an independent, intelligent woman, not a weak-willed wimp. He put his hand on my thigh and a luscious sigh escaped from my lips.

He drove like a maniac with one hand and kept touching me with the other. I wanted to scream, but all I could do was stay calm and let him do whatever he wanted with his fingers. My body seemed to be paralyzed and every cell in me screamed for more. Finally, he pulled over and took his hand away. My mind cleared instantly. I jumped out of the car.

“I'll kill you!”

“Easy.” He stepped closer.

“You bastard!” I screamed and backed away.

He took another step closer and held his hands high. “Peace?” He lifted his brow questioningly.

“Never,” I hissed, but I knew if he got any closer and touched me again, I'd be his.
Something in him made my body tingle, and yes, in a good way, but I didn't want that now. I wanted to be me and not the brainless zombie he turned me into every time he touched me.

He came closer again and this time he could've touched me if he wanted.

“Please,” I begged.

“I don't want to hurt
you,” he whispered. “But I will
if I have to.”

“Please,” I begged again. “Don't touch me.”

He stopped. I think I saw pain in his eyes, but I couldn't be sure, as his eyes were blacker than the night. He looked like I'd just slapped him. I stared at him with wide eyes. This was so boyish! He'd kissed me, without my permission, and touched me, again without my permission, and now he acted like he was the hurt one. He let his arms sag to his sides and took a step back.
“Fine. I won't touch you, but will you please get back in the car. I don't know if we're safe here.”

“Not before you tell me everything,” I said stubbornly and crossed my arms
my chest.

“Whatever. Just get in the car!”

I tossed my hair and stuck my nose in the air. Then I marched back into the car and slammed the door shut. He cursed and got in the driver's seat, glancing at me like he hoped his look could kill. I snorted and turned to stare out of the window. The engine boomed and we were back on the road again. I could feel the silence wrapping its fingers around us, as neither of us wanted to speak first. The view became familiar with every minute and I knew we'd be at my home street soon.

Fine, I shrugged. I'd start. “Who was after us?” I asked.

“Not now,” he snapped.

I looked daggers at him. “Yes, now.”

“It's too complicated. Besides, we'll be home in a minute.”

“I am home.” I narrowed my eyes. “You have no business in my house.”

“Suit yourself.” He shrugged. “I thought you wanted some answers.”

“I can talk in the car,” I hissed. “But you obviously can't.”

“Try me.” His voice held a threat.

I knew I didn't have much time, so I decided to concentrate on the prime questions. “What am I?”

“You're kidding me, right?” He glanced at me.


“You have fangs and you've drunk blood. Let me give you a hint. Count Dracula could be your ancestor,” he said dryly.

“Right. Okay, let's assume I'm a vampire...”He eyed me mockingly.
“Fine,” I continued. “I am a vampire. But what does that mean?”

“It means you'll be eating your meatballs raw from now on.” He gave me his killer smile. “And the drink in your glass is not strawberry juice.”

“And?” I wanted to know more.

“And you'll live longer than your friends,” he sighed. “That is if you don't get burned.”

“I knew it!” I cried out. “I knew there was a trick. You said I'm immortal now, but I'm not if I can be killed!”

“Well, technically...” he started to argue, but I pressed my hand to his mouth.

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