Read CLUB NUMBER FIVE (Immortal Blood) Online
Authors: Jennifer Loiske
Then with one pull she tore down my dress and I was standing in front of her
only my black underwear. I was ashamed of myself. Would I really do anything? How low had I sunk? She let her fingers slide over my body and didn't care about my blushing or the fact that I was shaking with fear. I closed my eyes and hoped whatever would happen would soon be over. She knelt down. Oh
od! I knew I should stop this, but then I could throw my hopes of going in into the sink
and I couldn't do it. I swallowed hard and fought against tears. Please, I begged silently. Don't hurt me. And just like that, like she'd known how I felt, she got up and threw my dress
n my face.
“Go home.”
“I can't,” I cried and dropped my dress.
The woman sighed and picked it up again. “I'm sorry. This is not that kind of a club
and even if it was, I can't let you in.”
“Why?” I whispered and tried to make a big lump on my throat go away.
“You're not a member.”
“That's exactly what Will said,” I said, stunned, and let myself slide onto the ground. “I have to get in.” I looked at her.
I was on my knees, halfnaked and on the verge of tears. I didn't know what to do if she didn't yield.
“Go home.” She knelt in front of me.
“No.” I shook my head.
“Then go to your creator.”
I stared at her. “Creator?”
“Yes.” She touched my chin. “He'll know how to help you.”
“Or she, but usually it's a he.” She shrugged and helped me up. “He'll tell you the rules, where to feed, where is safe and where is not. You know, all the important stuff.”
“But I'm not sure who he is,” I confessed and saw her eyes widen.
“Then you're in very big trouble.”
“Can't you just tell me? Or if you'll let me in, I can go and ask if one of my friends knows who did this to me,” I asked, knowing I sounded childish, but as I really didn't know my creator's name, I didn't know where to go.
“Sorry.” She shook her head. “Rules, you know. But here's my card. After you've cleared this mess, call me if you need a friend.”
I let her card drop to the ground. What good was it if she couldn't help me now? How could she do it later? She smiled at me once more and left. I stared at the closed door and knew it was no use knocking on it again. I leaned on the wall and closed my eyes.
“Bravo!” a voice from the darkness said. “Very impressive show.”
I recognized the voice immediately.
“You!” I turned fiercely to the voice.
“Me,” he said scornfully and stepped closer.
In the dim light I could see his beautifully sculpted lips smiling cockily and his dark eyes laughing at me. He knelt in front of me, but didn't let his eyes leave mine for a second. He picked up my wrinkled dress and slowly got up. I held my hand out demandingly, but he didn't give the dress to me. Not before he had eyed my body inch by inch.
“I like your outfit,” he laughed roughly. “I like it a lot.”
I snatched my dress from his hand and wriggled into it. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged. “You?”
I glanced at him. Could I trust him? Last time he had mocked me and my desperate crush on Jonathan. I shrugged. “I was supposed to see Jonathan.”
He lifted his eyebrows. “Really?”
“Uh-ha.” I looked at my feet. I sucked at lying.
He came closer and I swallowed. He looked dangerous and tempting. I wasn't supposed to feel like this. Not with him. He was a cocky bastard. Okay, a cocky bastard with a divine body and a killer smile, but still.
“Because I don't think Jonathan knows about your meeting.”
I looked sharply at him. Why did he say that? Did he know where Jonathan was?
He pressed his lips close to my ear. “I think you're here to meet your creator.”
I paled and pushed him roughly away. “I don't know what you're talking about!”
“Oh yes you do.” He flashed his knee-weakening smile. “Jonathan was very pissed when he got home today.” He shook his head scoldingly. “Very, very pissed. You know, it's not nice to feed from your friends.”
I paled even more. How did he know what I'd done? Had Jonathan told him everything? Had they been laughing at me together? I felt the color coming back to my face and I felt myself getting angrier minute by minute. The godlike boy just stood and puckered his perfect lips. Just as if he knew everything about me and my miserable life.
“Well, what can you do if you're so hungry you could bite your little sister? So hungry it hurts and the only thing you can think of is blood?” I yelled.
h.” He grabbed my arms, but I shook him away. I was so angry I had to let it all out.
“I didn't ask for this!” I cried. “I didn't want to look like a supermodel and I didn't want these strange powers I have now. I just wanted to have Jonathan!”
“Immortality,” he said quietly.
“What?” I asked, stunned.
“Add immortality to your list, too.” He shrugged.
h!” I shouted and hit the wall.
A piece of stone dropped on
the ground. I stared at the round hole, exactly the size of my fist,
n the wall. I turned to the boy, full of rage, just to see that he was gone again. I was getting seriously snappy at people disappearing around me and leaving me alone with my ever-so-growing question pile. I hit the wall again and cursed. My hand was unscathed and it didn't ease my anger a bit, but I was so mad I had to hit something.
I didn't go to school in the morning. Or the next morning, or the morning after that. I Googled and printed. But in the end I'd still hit a wall. All the information about vampires was about Bella and Edward, Stefan and Damon, or the famous Count Dracula. Blaah, blaah, blaah. Boring! I already knew I could walk in the daylight without bursting into flames or turning into gleaming diamonds. I knew I could see my image in the mirror and go into houses without being invited in. So nothing I dug up from the Internet was news to me. But what I didn't know was what I was really capable of.
The boy from the shadows had told me I was immortal, but what did that mean? Could I be killed by fire or a silver bullet? Would I die if someone put a stake through my heart? My mind was a mess and I wanted to scream. And I wanted to hit Jonathan. I had no idea why he had bitten me or, as my inner voice nagged at me, if it was even he who had done it. So far, I knew that vampires existed and I'd met four of them. So maybe me being bitten was just some horrible mistake. Maybe I'd just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I hated being so ignorant. I wanted to put Jonathan's back against the wall and squeeze the answers out of him, but how could I do that if I didn't even know where he was? I texted Kate and she told me that Jonathan hadn't been in school for days. So maybe he was on a hunting trip or maybe he'd hooked up with some of the breathtakingly beautiful women I'd seen in the
lub. I didn't care. All I cared about was finding someone who could help me and, at this point, I would've taken help even from the shadow-boy. Luckily
though, he wasn't around either.
I could feel my hunger rising and I knew I had to deal with it soon. Don't ask me how, as I didn't exactly see volunteer donators lining up behind my door, and I didn't want to ask Kate to be my snack anymore. Luckily, she hadn't died the last time, but I couldn't count on her blood anymore, as I couldn't promise not to hurt her or do something worse. Kate had been so willing to feed me that I hadn't thought of the consequences at all. I had just sunk my teeth into her without knowing what it would cost her. I was so new at this that Kate's trip to hospital was a trifle. I could've accidentally changed her, 'cause to be honest, I hadn't a clue what I was doing when I bit her.
My stomach growled. I needed food, but I had no idea where to find it. And no, I wasn't that weak yet that I'd go and bite any other person. Even the thought of sinking my teeth into some random person made me sick, and after I saw what I'd done to Kate there was no way I was going to drink from anyone I knew. My powers were getting stronger and I felt I could fight against my hunger much better than before. And even if I didn't know how long that would be, I wasn't ready to do anything reckless yet.
I dragged myself to the bathroom and glanced
the mirror. You would think that three days without combing my hair or taking a shower would've changed me into an unidentifiable creature, but no. Thanks to the new me, I still looked hot. I couldn't help smiling. I'd discovered some other new powers, too, that weren't bad at all. I obviously had night vision. My eyes turned all predatory when night came and I could separate all the details in the shadows. So bite that, shadow-boy! Next time I met him he wouldn't be able to hide from me anymore. And I could hear a heartbeat from two miles away. It didn't bother me now, but I knew that if I didn't feed in time, it would. I knew I'd get obsessed with the beats and that eventually I’d have to hunt. Maybe not to kill, but to drink, and I knew already that I'd feel shitty after that. I had also discovered something strange. If I concentrated I could sense what the people around me were thinking. Yes, I said sense, as I didn't actually hear their thoughts. I got vibes from their feelings, and with a little figuring I could get a clear image of what they were thinking.
I sat on the floor and threw the papers away. I raked my fingers through my hair, feeling hopeless. I knew I needed to find my creator. Without him I was like a baby in the dark, trying to lean on the knowledge I'd discovered on my own and making mistakes that I couldn't afford.
I dressed quickly and
to Jonathan's house. I had no idea what the time was, but I intended to wait there as long as it took to get to speak to him. He couldn't hide forever, and being immortal had given me all the time in the world to wait. I knocked on the door and listened to footsteps coming closer. An old man opened the door.
I eyed him warily. He looked like someone's grandpa, but I couldn't be sure. His eyes blinked
and he let my eyes search him properly. I found nothing unusual. No fangs, no suspiciously strong-looking muscles or anything that would've revealed him to be a vampire. And yet I felt uncomfortable. Something in the way he looked at me made me fe
hunted. I collected my courage and met his eyes.
“Is Jonathan Blake here?”
“And may I ask who's asking?” He stared at me questioningly and I could swear he was trying to hide a smile.
“Samantha Green,” I sighed.
“Let me see,” he said politely and closed the door.
I didn't have to wait long until he opened it again.
“I'm sorry, miss, we don't have anyone named Jonathan Blake here.”
I stared at him. “Yes you do. I saw him coming here earlier.”
“I'm sorry. You must be mistaken. The only man called Blake is Dane Blake, and he owns this building.”
“Right,” I snorted.
I was sure he was lying but how could I say so? The options ran through my mind and finally I decided I needed to talk to this Dane Blake. Maybe he was related to Jonathan or, even better, maybe
was Jonathan's code name. For better or worse, I wasn't ready to leave empty-handed.
“Could I speak to Mr. Dane Blake then?” I asked and tried to look innocent.
“Mr. Blake is not here at the moment and I'm not sure if he has time for you. He is a very busy man.” The old man shook his head apologetically.
“You don't understand.” I blinked and tried to calm down. “I have to see him.”
“I'm sorry,” he said, shook his head again, and started to close the door. But just before the door clicked shut he seemed to change his mind. The door opened again and his eyes flashed knowingly.
“Maybe if you leave your number he could call you later. Would that be okay?”
I nodded and fished some paper out of my pocket. He kindly gave me a pen and I scribbled my cell number and my name.
“Thanks.” I smiled.
He smiled back and pushed the door closed.
So now what? Should I just wait for this mysterious Mr. Blake to call me, or should I make a plan B? I texted Kate, but she didn't answer. I sat on the bench near the house and glanced at the people passing by. An hour went by and nothing happened. My mind was getting restless and the more I looked at the people the more I wanted to bite them. I texted Kate again and she sent me back a happy face, as if I should know what that meant. I threw my cell into my bag and growled. A little girl passed me and I had to fight not to jump on her and bite her. She glanced at me awkwardly and I decided to leave.
I went to the school but didn't go inside. I thought I might catch Kate or Jonathan there and, if not, I could always ask if anyone had seen them or knew where they might be. I glanced at my watch. Fifteen minutes. Fifteen long minutes and school would be over. I leaned on the metal wall and glanced at the parking lot. Jonathan's motorcycle was there. A big smile spread over my face and I laughed out loud. So that's why Kate had sent me a happy face. Jonathan was back in school.