Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness (60 page)

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Authors: Fabrizio Didonna,Jon Kabat-Zinn

Tags: #Science, #Physics, #Crystallography, #Chemistry, #Inorganic

BOOK: Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness
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It is important to conduct methodologically sound empirical evaluations

of the effects of mindfulness interventions for OCD, both in comparison to

other well-established interventions, and as a component of treatment pack-

ages, employing sizable samples and established protocols. A further aim of

investigation would be to determine the differential effectiveness of mindful-

ness interventions with different types of OCD patients (checkers, cleaners,

orders, etc., and to explore how improved mindfulness skills correlates with

clinical change in obsessive individuals.

It is the hope of the author that this chapter will stimulate treatment

advances and the empirical study of mindfulness-based interventions for

OCD that can allow clinicians to deal effectively with it and better understand

the clinical mechanisms of change for this chronic and challenging problem.


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