Claimed by Light (16 page)

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Authors: Reese Monroe

Tags: #Forged by Fate, #Trilogy, #Reese Monroe, #na, #Bound by Hades, #Marked by Hades, #demon, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Mates, #Embrace, #entangled, #college, #New Adult, #Claimed by Light

BOOK: Claimed by Light
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Chapter Twenty-One

“Justin. It’s me. Smile and act like everything’s fine. Make an excuse to leave the room,” Halena said into the phone.

“Oh, hey, Beckett. Yeah. How are ya?” Justin said. “Sure. Let me get to my computer.”

Halena glanced around as she guarded the front door to the shop Zander had directed them to. On the other end of the line, she heard a door close. Justin must be finding a place where he could talk freely.

She popped her head into the small Wiccan supply store to make sure everything was okay. This was taking too long. What if Slade was ripped away from them? The thought was a swift kick to the stomach.

At any moment he could be. What the hell would she do if anything happened to him? A pang of fear seized her chest. Everything she’d been scared of was a distinct possibility right now—losing him.

Help me, Great One.

“Okay. I’m good,” Justin said.

“You’ve got to get Theo and Sadie out of the compound. The protection shield has been compromised. It could happen at any second.” Another door slammed, probably Justin storming out of the room he’d stolen into, on his way to find Theo. “I tried to telepathy Theo, but he isn’t answering.”

“Sadie’s in labor. The guy’s laser focused.”

“I hope she can be moved. Have them splice to my compound. Or Beckett’s. His Mate can help with the delivery.”

“And Addie?”

“She’s the target, so anyone around her is at risk. We need to get Sadie and that baby to safety, and the rest of you be ready for attack at the compound. Long story short: Jace has a spell that can breach any protection spell hiding them. Which means—”

“Access to the compound,” Justin finished her sentence.

“And Sadie when she’s vulnerable.”

“Not to mention the Artifacts.”

“You’re right. Cancel that. Get Addie out of there. Right now.” Halena stabbed her fingers through her hair. The demons were probably aiming for Addie
she was with Theo and the Artifacts.

“His wife’s in labor, Halena. You think he’ll— He’s gone. So is Sadie. Wait, he’s….”

A long silence followed.

“Justin!” Halena paced in front of the store. “Justin!”

“Shhh,” he said, then shortly after, “He heard my thoughts. Said they shouted danger about Sadie, and he spliced to your place. She’s close to delivery.”

“Damn it. The Necklace. Get Addie out of there!”

Someone screamed in the background. A female sounding like Addie. Crashes followed. A boom rattled the earpiece to Halena’s cell phone.

The line went dead.

“Justin!” Halena’s throat burned she yelled so loud. “Justin.”

“What?” Slade ran out the door, reaching for Halena. “What’s wrong?”

Halena looked up at him. “I think Jace used the spell.”

“Well, we did this just in time, then.” Zander pointed to Slade’s arm. “Because no demons appeared for him or made him disappear.”

“That’s because I think they’re at the compound.” She held up her phone. “The line went dead.”


Halena shook her head, fearing the worst. “I heard screaming, then an explosion.” She grabbed Slade’s forearm. “What is this on your wrist?”

“Hey. I had to work fast,” Zander said. “Not my best work, but he’s here, isn’t he?”

A black line, as thick as a wide-band leather bracelet, encircled Slade’s left wrist.

“Usually it’s a glyph, one that looks a little better and more artistic considering it’s permanent.”

“Wait, this is permanent?” Slade held up his hand.

“Hey, I just saved your ass. I normally give my spelled ink to a tattoo artist, and he’d have given you something better, but you have to use
the ink for it to work.” Zander stood straight. “Wait. They went after your sister? I thought you were the powerful one?”

“I don’t think they were after her, exactly.” Halena looked up at Slade. “They knew where she was and wanted in
place because that’s where all the Artifacts are.”

“What?” Zander’s voice cracked. “Are you telling me they have an Oracle
five Artifacts?”

“We have to assume that from the ruckus I heard.” Halena dropped her phone into her side pocket as she fought through the worry starting to sour her stomach. Justin and Yvonne would hold them off. They’d survive.

They had to.

“Oh, well, great. Glad I got to enjoy Earth while it was still in existence.” Zander stomped toward the SUV, holding a brown paper bag. “Guess I won’t need this other batch of ink for Addie if she’s already gone.”

“Wait. Zander, you can scry for the demons or Addie, right?” Halena hurried after him, Slade close behind.

“I figured you’d ask me to do that.” He hopped into the backseat. “Come on, let’s go get your newbie Gatekeeper and get to the disaster site so I can see what I’m dealing with.”

Slade slid into the driver’s seat and Halena the passenger side.

“Don’t worry. We’ll get her back,” Halena said.

“Oh. I know. And then I’m going to fillet Votar and Jace. Personally.”

Halena was more worried about Addie, though. Since Slade had recanted on his contract with Votar, that meant Addie was back on the hot seat. If they could get her to kill someone, an innocent, she’d become demon.

A demon Oracle. That might have been what they wanted all along.

“I can’t believe that idiot permanently inked me.” Slade held up his arm. “Hurt like a son of a bitch, too.”

“Get a watch and cover it up. There’s a guy on TV who always wears a sweatband around his wrist, that’s kind of in,” Brenton said from the backseat.

“In for now.” Slade shook his head. “After all this is over, I’m going to visit a real tattoo parlor and get this altered a little.”

“There you go.” Zander slapped Slade’s shoulder.

Slade looked out the window as Lena drove. It was taking forever to get to Theo’s compound. In reality, it was only an hour from the airport, but it felt like days.

The dim brown desert foliage passed by in a blur. Slade had tried to reach out to Addie through a vision but met only dead airspace. Zander said if she’d been taken, more than likely she was moved to someplace protected. Maybe even to Hades.

“Addie can’t help them, so why take her? Especially if they got all the Artifacts. It doesn’t make sense,” Slade said.

“Since when did anything these damn creatures do make sense?”

Zander cleared his throat.

“Present company excluded. Though I’m still pissed at you for doing the spell.” Lena shook her head.

“I never would have if I’d known the big picture.”

“And where the hell have you been?”

“After Lucifer’s henchmen breached Theo’s compound, they sent me back to Hades. But I got a spell out in time that altered their order… And it spit me out in Kansas.”

“Kansas?” Slade asked.

“Hey. I’m new at this.” Zander coughed. “But I found a coven and stayed there a while, then bounced around to a few more, learning, practicing. I’m much stronger now.”

“You’re a witch born in Hades, of course you’re strong.” Brenton rolled his eyes.

“Suck it, newbie,” Zander said, his fangs inching down. “I’m still coming into my powers, but I can turn you into a frog fairly easily at this point.”

Brenton’s fangs lowered now, too. “I’d like to see you try, demon. I’ll—”

“Shut up.
of you. Yes, your fangs are sharp and scary. Quit showing them off and focus—or I’ll kick your asses.”

The tension was getting thick in here, but Slade felt her fear like a fiery rake along his skin.

Settling his hand over hers curled tight on the steering wheel, he smiled. Things had gone a mile beyond fucked up, and right now the only thing he felt confident about was her.

Lena sucked in a sharp breath. “
Mon Dieu

Smoke rose in the dimming horizon as Lena steered the SUV onto the driveway leading to the house. Looked like the front half of the mansion had been blown to bits.

“Theo’s compound,” Zander said from the backseat.

“Holy Hades.” She put the gear in park and got out. “Looks like they went C-4 happy. That’s so not like demons usually.”

“Hope my spell didn’t backfire.” Zander rounded the SUV and joined them.

“Backfire?” Slade yelled. “Are you telling me—?”

Halena held him back. “Don’t. Let’s find out first. If it’s Zander’s fault, we’ll kill him together.”

Zander growled.

“Trust me, you haven’t grown into your growl yet,” Halena said, leading Slade forward as she fell into Shomrei mode. “Brenton, can you walk the perimeter, secure the area? Zander. Can they appear again? Is the protection over the compound forever broken?”

“No. It’s preserved. They can’t get in here unless Addie’s here. And since Slade is protected, they can’t reach him, period.”

“You sure?” Slade said. “You just said your spell might have backfired, you asshole.”

“That’s the retrieval spell I was referring to.” He puffed out his chest. “I know protection spells very well. How do you think I’ve been hiding out for so long?”

“Jace found you.”

“Screw you, Oracle. I’m protected.” He lifted the sleeve of his shirt, showing a large black tattoo. It was a centerpiece to several other, smaller markings. “I’ve got what you’ve got around your wrist, only times ten.”

Slade stomped toward the smoldering structure.

“The demons who found me got a tip from someone. Trust me, they didn’t have a clue I was there. If the coven traitor hadn’t ruined things—”

“Enough, Zander. I need to know Slade is safe.”

“He is.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I hate that Shomrei Mate thing. You all go nuts.”

“You’re right. And I’ll go
absolutely ballistic
on your ass if mine is endangered. It’s already guaranteed I will if we find out your so-called retrieval spell killed Addie.”

Slade smiled inside. It was that instant he knew Lena had truly forgiven him. The vibes of protection rolled off her in tangible waves and empowered him with a supernatural strength to face anything they were going to find in that demolished mansion.

And he was going to kiss her as soon as he could to make their bond even stronger.

Lena scanned the area as she approached the side of the house that had been blown to bits.

“Why aren’t there cops here?” Slade asked.

“Too remote. Protected, too. Planes flying above this area don’t see a compound, either,” Lena said, not looking at him, focused on what she was doing.

Steam plumed from her mouth, and he suddenly realized how cold it was out here. In the mountains at the end of December made for frigid air, but she didn’t let on that she was uncomfortable. He’d seen this Shomrei mode before, when she’d escaped from Votar’s compound, and he was glad for it. She’d find Addie—or she’d make whoever hurt her suffer.

“So, Slade, you’re new to all this fun supernatural stuff, huh?” Zander asked.

Lena growled.

“Back off, Shomrei. I’m just trying to get to know the guy.” Zander backhanded Slade’s shoulder. “Got Marked and the rest is history. Pretty fucked up, though, how she can lose her head once you guys do the deed, huh?”

“What did you say?” Slade asked, spearing the demon with a look he wished could kill.

“Oops.” Zander shrugged and hustled ahead of them a few steps.

Slade faced Lena. “What the f—”

“Relax, it’s not how it sounds. Technically—”

“If we mate you can be killed?” Slade ground his molars. “Why didn’t—”

“Focus, Slade. Do you sense Addie?”

How the hell could he focus on anything other than the fact that if Lena and he had sex, she’d be vulnerable?

“Slade!” Lena smacked his arm. “Anything?”


She stepped over the remainder of the front wall. “Okay. This would have been the kitchen, according to the plans. Those guys were always hanging around in the kitchen at my place, so I have to assume the same here. But I hope to hell they weren’t today.”

Slade’s stomach dropped. Addie was always eating, constantly hungry. If she’d been anywhere near this area there’s no way she could have survived.

“Justin left wherever he’d been to talk with me. He was probably heading up to Theo’s room.” She pointed to where half of a stairwell remained. “I’m not sure how far he got, but if they made it, there’s a panic room on the second subfloor.”

“And the Artifacts?” Zander asked.

“Fourth sublevel.”

“Four levels below this one?” Slade asked. “Wow.”

“That’s why it took forever to rebuild after the first one was breached.” She reached back for Slade’s hand.

“Perimeter clear.” Brenton hopped the half wall and joined them.

“Good. You and Slade head to the second subfloor panic room to check for survivors.” Lena opened a battered door that he thought would lead into another room, but it revealed elevator doors. They were dinged up pretty bad but still glided open, and they stepped in. “Zander, you’re with me.”

The floor dropped from beneath Slade, and he squeezed Lena’s hand. Heat stormed his stomach and tingled through their connection. She was taking some of his anxiety and fear. Addie was gone. If not dead, then Votar had her.

And Slade knew exactly what that bastard was capable of.

The elevator jerked to a stop, and the doors rolled open. “Go. And remember, he’s my Mate.” Unspoken words passed between the two Gatekeepers for a long breath, then she planted her stare on Slade. “Do not leave his side. I’m going to check the Artifacts. They’re in a few places on the fourth floor. Brenton will let me know when you’re done.” She eyed the young Shomrei.

“I got this,” he said. “Come on.”

Slade stepped onto a real floor and steadied his legs. “See you in a few.” The doors rolled shut. The calm she’d given him while holding his hand vaporized, leaving a cold void.

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