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Cinderella Substitute (19 page)
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Nell Dixon
Cinderella Substitute
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Nate leaned against the desk in front of her, his brow creas
"But..." Jenni said, confused. There had to be something mor
"The man she's living with is another kettle of fish altoget
Jenni digested the information in silence for a moment. The
"I don't know. I presume she knows all about this man. She s
"Why would it involve me in any kind of danger?"
Nate shrugged. "I'm not sure. All I can think is that he doe
Jenni shivered. "Should I go to the police?"
Nate scratched his chin, deep in thought. "I don't think it
A chill of fear ran up Jenni's spine. "What shall I do until
* * * *
Nate sighed. Today was not going to plan at all. He had inte
He wasn't sure what Jenni should do—he didn't want to cause
"How long do you think it'll be before the detective finds o
He could see the fear in her beautiful blue eyes—eyes that t
The same look that had been in Cerys' eyes.
Nate took a deep breath, fighting to drag air into lungs whi
"He was hoping to have something by next week." Nate forced
"What am I going to do?"
Her voice held a note of despair. Nate gritted his teeth.
"Stay at my house for tonight. You'll be fine there. Tomorro
Jenni looked at him. He knew what few options were available
"Nate, I couldn't impose on you like that. For all we know w
"Do you want to go back to your flat? Stay on your own? Unle
She nodded. "Okay, but I'll have to collect some things from
"We'll stop by after work and you can pack your toothbrush."
"Thanks for doing this, Nate." She stood up and crossed over
* * * *
Jenni closed the door behind her as she left Nate's office.
Nate being around her all the time for the next few days was
It was dark. Almost everyone else had gone home by the time
She opened it a crack and saw he was deep in conversation on
"That was Sam Woods. We did it. We've won the contract." A b
"That's fantastic, Nate. You deserve it."
Nate advanced across the room. He picked her up and swung he
She felt a little giddy. "It was your design. I told you it
His hands still encircled her waist. She felt his warmth thr
"We'd better go. The cleaners will be here in a minute. I ne
Jenni's stomach rolled with a sick nervousness as they pulle
Fortunately, from Jenni's point of view, the only resident a
"I'll show you where everything is. Then I'll make some tea
"The bathroom is through there. Make yourself at home, Jen.
She looked around at the comfortable bedroom, with its restf
He looked a little irritated by her thanks. "You're welcome.
Jenni took a few minutes to unpack her things and freshen up
"Rose has left a lamb casserole for us." Nate handed her a m
"That's very kind of her. Can I do anything to help?"
"No, it's all ready. Have a seat and I'll dish up."
She sat down at one end of the long beech table where he had
He sat down opposite her and began to eat. Jenni wondered if
"Are you alright, Nate? You seem to have a lot on your mind.
"Sorry, I was miles away." He picked at the casserole on his
"You don't seem very hungry."
"I'm just tired, I guess."
Nate looked far too attractive sitting there at the end of t
She shifted on her seat and wondered what was on his mind. A
"I wish we knew more about what was happening with Tracey."
"We should know a little more about Tracey's situation tomor
"I will. Thank you." He looked at her for a moment as if he
She switched on the lamps before she crossed over to the win
A small photograph in a simple silver frame stood close to t
Nate had no pictures of Cerys in his office. Until now, Jenn
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean, I was after a book..."
Nate's attention stayed fixed on the photograph, his express
"Nate..." Her voice came out as a husky croak.
"I'd almost forgotten that was still there." His speech slow
Jenni lifted her hand from the picture, her eyes still fixed
Unable to stop herself, she moved to his side and placed a t
"You need to let her go, Nate." Jenni's heart tore in two as
"It's not that easy, Jenni," he said, "you don't understand.
She swallowed hard. "I know you loved her."
"I killed her, Jenni."
She stared at him in disbelief. "It was an accident, Nate. T
He lifted his head and met her gaze with tear filled eyes. "
Jenni was convinced he had taken leave of his senses. He rub
"I've never told anyone what happened that night."
"But the police report cleared you of any blame. The acciden
"I wasn't the driver that night. Cerys was the one behind th
"That's impossible." Jenni blurted the words out before she
He sighed, "To understand, Jenni, you have to know what Cery
"She had a group of friends, "the crowd' she called them. I
"Cerys tried so hard to be everything to everybody, I didn't
Jenni's head reeled. "No one else knew?"
Nate shook his head. "Only me. She swore she'd get help. Tha
"The night of the crash, Cerys was at the wheel. I'd discove
Jenni saw him relive the nightmare, the scene that tormented
"She hit a patch of black ice and the car started to spin. C
"There wasn't anything you could have done. It wasn't your f
"I should have stopped her, made her go for her treatment. I
Jenni longed to hold him close and take some of the burden h
He closed his hand over hers, stilling the movement of her f
She closed her eyelids as his lips brushed her mouth with th
She opened her eyes again and rose jerkily to her feet. "You
He didn't answer for what seemed like a long time, before gi
He had dismissed her. Her heart still troubled, she left him
* * * *
The next morning Nate's housekeeper had bustled in and taken
"Morning Nate, you look as if you've had a rough night. Baco
"There's an extra person for breakfast this morning, Rose."
"Oh? Will they want bacon and eggs as well?" Rose looked thr
"I'm not sure. She'll be down in a minute I expect." He busi
"Will the young lady be staying tonight as well? I'll need t
Nate shot her a glance. He knew Rose's attempts of old to fi
"For just you? Or will you be having guests?" Her cheeks glo
Jenni slipped into the room. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear—oh!"
"Rose, this is Jenni, my secretary. Jenni, this is Rose, my
Rose must have approved, because she gave Jenni a cheerful s
If the atmosphere between Nate and Jenni appeared a little c
Nate only half-heard Rose's questions, his attention was giv
Panic gripped Jenni's heart. Why had Rose asked Nate about h
"I won't leave you in the lurch, Jenni," he murmured while R
"But what if I can't go home?" Jenni blurted her fear out, u
"Then you'll have to come with me."
She looked at him, expecting him to be joking, but his face
"It's only for a few days, and anyway, things are winding do
"Maybe the detective will say everything is fine and I'll be
She continued in a hopeful voice. "It could be that we've bl
"And the moon is made of green cheese and I'm related to Mic
They stopped at the supermarket on the way, and Nate bought
The staff soon assembled. A buzz of excitement filled the ai
In the midst of the hubbub and chatter, Nate drew Jenni to o
Jenni bit her lip. Nate smiled at her and squeezed her cold
"I suppose so." Jenni's worries about her birth mother had b
Mr. Field arrived right on time at twelve o'clock. A dry lit
It quickly became clear that Tracey's only crime had been he
Jenni listened in numbed disbelief as Mr. Field recited a li
"Do you think my mother is in any danger?" Jenni asked as th
"Not at the moment. However, I think you would be wise to he
A sudden tremor ran through her body. Nate slipped his arm a
"Why did I try to find her? Why? My father warned me. Oh Nat
* * * *
Nate had asked himself the same question.
"I think you should do as Mr. Field suggested. Lie low. Come
"It's very generous of you to offer, Nate, but I'm sure ther
He interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. "Je
She looked at him, her expression anxious. He could see her
"You're coming, Jenni, and that's final. We'll finish off he
Her eyes flashed. "There must be another solution."
"I'm not debating this any more, Jenni."
Jenni looked at him again. He read the mixture of hurt and f
* * * *
Jenni fumed to herself all the way to her flat. She knew dee
To be alone with Nate in a small cottage beside the sea shou
Jenni didn't want to be an honorable obligation, not to the
* * * *
Rose packed enough food for an army. By the time the Range R
Nate selected an easy listening station on the car radio as
"We'll stop off halfway. Rufus will need the exercise."
They stopped at one of the many motorway services. While Nat
He eyed her full hands with astonishment and, she thought, s
"What on earth have you been buying?"
"Just a few things to make us more comfortable and something
She pulled out some boiled sweets. "Want one?" He accepted h
Before she knew it, they turned off the main roads. The car
"Where are we?"
Rufus stood up in the back, panting in excitement.
"The cottage is just at the end of this lane." As he spoke,
"Wait here. I'll go and switch the electricity on." He jumpe
A few minutes later, the cottage lights came on. Nate reappe
Nate hefted the overnight bags from the car. "Come on. I'll
He led the way along a narrow path skirting the back and sid
The cottage had a simple layout. When they entered the front
Nate dropped her bag on the end of the bed in the bigger of
"This is yours," he remarked gruffly. "If you'll unpack all
Jenni looked about her as Nate left to get the cooler bags i
She unpacked her things into the wardrobe, then walked downs
Jenni hummed to herself as she turned on the oven and popped
* * * *
Nate paused in his unpacking. He could hear Jenni singing as
He crossed the landing to make up Jenni's bed with the linen
Since her death, he had shunned as many of the celebrations
He stopped in the doorway, not quite taking in the scene bef
Red scented candles were lit along the welsh dresser. He cou
* * * *
Jenni turned around, the tray of lasagna in her hand. The ca
He hated it, she could tell. He had that frozen, closed expr
By the time he returned some fifteen minutes later, she had
"I'm sorry, Jenni."
She saw the Adam's apple in his throat move as he swallowed.
"Over-reacted?" she supplied.
He had the grace to look sheepish. "I guess that's the word.
Her heart raced and tension hung like an invisible thread be
"I'll get your supper. Sit down."
For once he obeyed her. He sank down onto the low floral cov
Jenni forced herself to sip slowly at her drink. Inside, her
"I guess I owe you an explanation."
Jenni shook her head. "No, Nate. You don't owe me anything.
His eyes, which had been half-closed and hooded in the firel
"I've never shared this place with anyone before."
She became conscious of her body stilling, only her pulse ra
"It's been my refuge, an escape from things. That's why it h
"I know." Suddenly she did know. Jenni had been the one who
She saw the mixture of emotions in his eyes. Compassion, gui
"If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go to bed, Nate. I'll see
* * * *
She wasn't sure what had woken her. It had taken her a long
Then she heard Nate's voice; urgent, distressed. She pulled
Jenni opened his bedroom door. She saw him clearly in the mo
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