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Cinderella Substitute (16 page)
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Nell Dixon
Cinderella Substitute
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She blinked back the tears that threatened to brim behind he
"I'm sorry, Jenni." Nate slipped his arm around her shoulder
"Why do you think she didn't come?" Disappointment gave way
Nate shrugged. "It could be anything, Jen. She might have ha
She knew he was probably right, but it didn't stop her feeli
The grey, cold weather matched her feelings as they walked b
Nate opened the door of the car for her. "It was her loss, J
"Any mother would be proud to have a daughter like you." He
He started the engine and pulled away from the curb. "What a
His question took her by surprise. She answered him before s
"Good," he said. "You can come out to dinner with me."
She stopped wiping her glasses and turned to look at him. "W
He threaded his way through the traffic, unable to look at h
The trouble was he seemed to be asking her for the wrong rea
"I think I'd rather just go home. Thanks, anyway." She schoo
"If you're tired, we don't have to go out," he countered. "W
She gave a deep sigh. "Nate, it's very kind of you, but you'
"Who said you were imposing? I thought we were friends, Jenn
Jenni pondered the dilemma in silence. She didn't particular
"Well?" They were at the traffic lights and he waited for he
Soon they were outside Nate's house. The lights were on down
The wimp in question came bustling along the narrow hall to
Nate clipped on Rufus's lead and they set off. They took a p
It was very dark. The cloudy sky almost eclipsed last vestig
"You're cold. Come on, we'll head back." Nate whistled. Afte
The street lamps lit up as they made their way back to the h
"Jenni, if you really want to go, I'll take you home, but if
"Meaning?" Nate had aroused Jenni's curiosity. He never reve
"You know an invitation to dinner means dinner and nothing m
She swallowed. Well, that was plain enough. She was an asexu
He grinned. "I wouldn't dare!"
Back in the house he hung the dog lead up on the kitchen wal
"I don't mind. Whatever you prefer." She wasn't sure about s
"I know a good pizza place," he suggested.
Relieved, she smiled. "That sounds great!"
He grinned back at her as he zipped his jacket. "And after d
She discovered he wasn't kidding. The place for pizza turned
"Come on Jen, I'll show you how to play."
Nate demonstrated the hold and quickly potted a few shots. H
She felt awkward as she attempted to copy how he had held th
Her hands shook as he removed his fingers. She bent again to
"That's not bad for a first attempt." Nate leaned in to take
She swallowed nervously as she took her time to position her
"Try to keep the action nice and smooth, don't jerk." His br
Her knees shook as she made the shot. To her surprise, it ro
"There you go! Told you it was easy."
Nate straightened up with her to watch the shot. His express
The tense moment passed and he shook his head, laughing. "Cu
The evening passed all too quickly. She soon discovered a na
He refused to allow her to call a taxi and insisted on drivi
As the car slid to a halt, she realized they had arrived out
"Thank you for everything today, Nate."
He smiled at her, but his eyes stayed serious and businessli
"Well, you did warn me not to get my hopes up." But the hurt
"I'd better get back to Rufus."
Relief tinged with regret swept through her. "Well, goodnigh
He leaned across her to open the door.
"Goodnight, Jen." His lips brushed her cheek. Her heart and
It had been a lovely evening. Jenni had been nice, funny and
He pulled to a halt outside his house and switched off the e
He sighed as he let himself into the house. Rufus padded up
Nate sank down in a leather armchair. He swished the glass i
That had been the worse part. The silence. It had seemed to
He swallowed the rest of his scotch in a single gulp and tur
* * * *
Jenni watched from the window as Nate's car rolled out of si
Jenni paused in her self-analysis, not sure she wanted to go
After she changed for bed, she replaced her precious photogr
She woke the next day with a mild headache and a discontente
"You know an invitation to dinner means just that." Nate's w
Maybe she should take Lorna's advice and revamp herself. Ent
Later that night, Jenni surveyed her day's handiwork with a
* * * *
Jenni felt self-conscious of her appearance as she walked th
Lorna waved to her from the reception desk and Jenni hurried
"You look different," Lorna announced. "I don't know what yo
"I'll tell you everything at lunchtime." Jenni automatically
Lorna lifted an immaculately pencilled eyebrow. "Sounds inte
Jenni caught sight of the time and cut her friend short. "I
She squeezed in to the lift as the door started to close. Th
"It's Jenni, isn't it? Mr Mayer's P.A? I'm Mike, I work in a
"Yes, I'm Jenni. I thought I saw you at the meeting last mon
The lift door opened and he followed her out onto the landin
Jenni knew she must be as scarlet as a poppy. She paused, fe
The door opened in front of her before she had time to turn
"When you've finished flirting, Jenni, we've got a meeting."
Her breath whooshed out of her at his sudden appearance. Sha
"I'll just be a minute," she heard herself say as she slippe
The door slammed shut behind her and she heard the deep rumb
* * * *
The meeting passed by in a blur. The workload was fast and f
"You'll need to check your passport is valid if this project
She almost dropped her stack of cups. "I don't have a passpo
"No passport? You mean you've never left the country or that
She carried on placing the dirty cups on the tray. "I've nev
He stood staring at her in disbelief. She returned his gaze
"Well, you'd better get one sorted out quickly. If this all
She wasn't sure what to say. The prospect of traveling excit
"A little notice would have been nice," she suggested.
He frowned. "This isn't something new, Jenni. I know I haven
She paused with the tray in her hands. "No. It's just that,
A trace of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. Just l
"And did you?" he asked, his voice smooth. "Have plans?"
She could see amusement glinting in his eyes. She gathered u
She swept into the tiny kitchen where the conference supplie
She filled her friend in on her weekend over a cheese salad
"I've been telling you for ages to make more of yourself, Je
Jenni sighed and sipped her tea, ignoring Lorna's teasing. "
Lorna stared at her. "Why would you be making a fool of your
Jenni shook her head in reproof at Lorna's blatant hint. "Ye
* * * *
Nate watched Jenni depart in a huff along the corridor. He w
No wonder Mike Walker had started to pay her attention. Jenn
He heard Jenni sneak back into the office after her lunch br
* * * *
"Did you have a nice lunch?"
Jenni gave a guilty start as Nate entered the office. Had he
"Lovely, thanks." Nate in a bad mood could be very trying. S
"Go anywhere nice?" He drummed a pen against the top of her
Her temper rose. What on earth was the matter with him today
"Only to the café down the road. Did you forget something, N
"I just wanted to let you know that we have a hectic time ah
She looked at him and tried to interpret the expression on h
"What I mean, Jenni, is it might not be a good time to, you
Now he really had her beat. She was horrified. Was he hintin
"I wasn't aware my private life was any concern of yours, an
He drew himself up to his full height. She knew by the frost
"I was referring to your friend Mr Walker," he announced in
"Well, that told you," she muttered.
How to completely humiliate yourself in one easy lesson. It
She switched off that particular memory.
Nate's door exploded open. "Have you done those memos yet?"
"Almost," she lied, and started to type, forcing herself to
* * * *
The morning turned into a long and horrible afternoon. By th
She switched off her monitor with a sigh. Nate still remaine
He looked as tired as she felt. Dark circles had formed unde
"I'll take you home. I've had enough for today." He switched
Even with her higher heeled shoes he still loomed over her,
She trailed along the corridor behind him to the lift. The d
"I can catch the bus, Nate. It would save you from going out
He checked the messages in the "in" tray. "No, I'll take you
She accepted the slip of paper from him and started to read
Her mother's words leapt up at her from the cheap lined pape
"Sorry I couldn't get away to meet you. I'll be in touch whe
The signature said Tracey, her birth mother's first name. Th
The guard's footsteps rang muzzily in her ears. She heard hi
"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." She never fainted.
"I thought you were going to pass right out. You looked as w
"I'm fine, honestly."
His nearness made her nervous. The faint masculine scent of
"I'll drive you home." He placed his arm around her waist on
* * * *
Nate's heart raced as he supported Jenni on the walk across
He relinquished his support with relief when they reached th
"How do you feel now?"
She looked at him. "I'm okay, just feeling rather foolish. I
"It was a bit of a shock. I asked the security guard if he k
She seemed to be digesting the information. "If Lorna had be
He grunted an assent. It sounded logical.
Jenni must have spoken to Lorna about the weekend's events.
There had been enough rumors after the accident, along with
He glanced across at Jenni. Behind those awful glasses she w
He pulled the car to a halt in the lay-by opposite her home.
"Thank you for the lift." She paused as if trying to come to
Her suggestion took him by surprise. He'd had the feeling th
* * * *
Second thoughts occurred to Jenni even before she opened the
She escaped into the kitchen to prepare the supper before sh
Her cupboards were pretty empty as she hadn't had chance to
He appeared so vulnerable, sprawled in her tatty throw-cover
Fifteen minutes later, she had two fluffy ham and cheese ome
He didn't stir, so she placed a tentative hand on his arm an
"Supper's ready."
He groaned and pulled himself straight while he rubbed his e
Nate ate his dinner like a starving man. Soon both their pla
Jenni followed him down the narrow stairs so she could slip
"Don't stay down here, Jenni. It's too cold." His dark blue
Jenni watched Nate leave before she closed her door and trud
The downside soon followed the high of his kiss. Nate was st
She peeled off her clothes and promised herself a few days a
She clicked off the bedside light after she hopped into bed.
* * * *
The following week passed by in a blur of late hours. Nate r
When her phone rang on Friday afternoon, Jenni had the start
"Are you all set for tomorrow then?" Lorna chirped.
She had finally relented to Lorna's nagging about going shop
"If I must," she said, only half joking. The idea of change
"Don't tell me you're feeling chicken? Listen, pop down late
Jenni hung up to cross the office, ready to feed the invitat
Nate had already made it clear he expected her to go this ye
The light on the copier started to blink and Jenni ducked do
"Yes, it's at the Langstone Club this year." She scooped up
"It's that new hotel-cum-country club on the outskirts. It's
Mike handed her back the leaflet. She noticed his round, ple
"I'm afraid that won't be possible." Nate's voice cut in.
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