Read Chronicles of Eden - Act VIII Online

Authors: Alexander Gordon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Epic

Chronicles of Eden - Act VIII (39 page)

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act VIII
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Clover and Doku jumped with a gasp and quickly looked around as they heard the woman’s voice echoing in their ears.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,”
Twilight giggled.
“I thought now was as good a time as any to speak up.”

“Twilight,” Clover said catching her breath. “When did you get here?”

“I’ve been watching you all for the past few hours. I finally rested enough to focus my power and peer into the outside world again, and I was eager to see what you all had been up to. It seems I caught you all at very interesting times.”

“So you saw what happened with me and those men?” Clover worriedly asked.

“Yes, and I’m glad to see you’re back safe and sound where you belong. Clover, I do hope you won’t do something so foolish as that again, it would break my heart to see something terrible befall you.”

“I know, I know. I fucked up. Just don’t tell Dan, okay?”

“I won’t even hint at it.”

“Twilight?” Doku asked. “Have you also been watching Daniel and the others?”

“Why yes, I have,”
Twilight chuckled.
“Of course I didn’t want to interrupt them. As you can probably guess he’s quite occupied with his many lovers in the bedroom.”

“He’s really doing them all, isn’t he?” Clover wondered with a worried smile. “That guy’s got endless stamina.”

“Those lucky girls,” Doku softly said lowering her head. “They must be in heaven right now.”

“Why the distraught looks, girls?”
Twilight asked with concern.
“Is something troubling you?”

“Well…” Clover slowly said.

“It’s just…” Doku hesitated fidgeting her wings together.

“You both wish to be in there with him right now, don’t you?”
The two girls nodded and looked up at the sky as the woman murmured with intrigue.
“Well, you two are very beautiful and charming girls. I’m certain he’ll accept you as his mates as well in time.”

“I hope so,” Doku fretted. “I need to do my best and show him and all the girls how much they mean to me, and that I can… I can handle being naughty in bed with them too. Oh dear, that idea alone… almost makes me faint just imagining it.”

“You’ve got a better chance than I do,” Clover muttered looking down. “I’m thinking they would rather have Kitten join them in there than me.”

“Girls, you really must have more faith in yourselves than this,”
Twilight encouraged.
“I can see how much he means to both of you, and you do know he cares for each of you greatly. All you must do is be the kindhearted girls he hopes for you to be, just as the others have done. I’m sure your love will be returned once you do that.”

“I’ll always be a good girl,” Doku insisted. “I just fear I’m not good enough. Daniel means the world to me and I don’t want to fail him. I just couldn’t stand it if I let him down.”

“I need to be more than just a good girl,” Clover feared holding her head. “I need to be fucking nice to all of them, big time, or else I’ll never get their approval. Goddammit, we may sleep in the same bed but I’m so fucking far away from him now.”

Watching from the unseen Twilight observed Doku and Clover anxiously fretting about their fears of not being chosen by Daniel as his mates, with the harpy nearly breaking down into tears as she kept going over all of her faults while Clover was cursing her own name for the way she had been treating Daniel up until that point.

“Alright then,”
Twilight hesitantly spoke up.
“Well, just… try your best. That’s all you can do now.”

Ceasing her mental link with them Twilight sighed tiredly as the harpy and elf continued to work themselves up with their daunting task of gaining Daniel’s favor against all supposed odds, neither seeming to realize Twilight wasn’t even talking to them anymore. She then shifted her view over to Star and saw the jinx still staring at her timepiece while mewing in rhythm along with rocking her head side to side as she always did.

“And then there’s you,”
Twilight mentioned to herself.
“I do wonder if Daniel Sorres has any idea the kind of trouble you’re capable of bringing him.”

Chapter 10
Hidden Nature

In the world of Eden sometimes one’s true nature could be masked extremely well. Maybe they themselves were unaware of their inner desires, or perhaps they knew but chose to keep them hidden from others with a deceptive outer appearance. The world would see them in the light they created, either out of accident or on purpose, and most would assume that to be their true selves. Though there could be those who discover the truth about these mysterious individuals, to actually see what kind of person they were past all the fables or presumptions about them. A terrifying and intimidating soul could turn out to be a real angel in life.

And a real angel could turn out to be a dangerous and malevolent demon.


From behind her locks of crimson hair her visible eye showed both curiosity and concern as she watched Daniel riding Kroanette in a carnal fashion. The centaur’s breasts bouncing about as she cried out in pleasure would normally have been all Pip could focus on, however this time her attention was drawn to where Daniel was joined with Kroanette and pushing into her repeatedly as he made love to his dear centaur. The way he was thrusting into her, the smacking of his hips against her rear, the sounds she made while relishing the sensation of mating with him, and the look of pleasure on his own face as he enjoyed the extremely tight embrace of her insides. It was all beautiful, wonderful, and also troubling as Pip couldn’t help but notice one big difference between herself and her co-mates.

“I’m too small,” Pip quietly whimpered.

“Pip?” Alyssa asked. The fairy turned her saddened eye up to the witch while sitting in her hand. “What’s wrong?”

“What am I going to do? I can’t do that with Daniel, I’m too small.”

“I… don’t really know,” Alyssa unsurely replied with a shrug. “Just… love him in your own way, I guess.”

“But how?” Pip whined waving her arms around.

“DANIEL!” Kroanette cried out, actual tears coming out of her eyes as she dropped forward and gripped the sheets with a shaky breath. “I can’t-
I can’t take it!”

“How many times has she hit her limit now?” Triska wondered.

“I lost count,” Specca answered shaking her head. “She’s so sensitive to it, she’s climaxing over and over again.”

Kroanette arched back and screamed with eyes shut tight as Daniel continued to ride her, the overwhelming sensation of him thrusting into her causing endless waves of pleasure to roll through her body. She had gotten overly wet from her excitement, something Daniel noticed as he used a great deal of willpower not to let himself be taken to the edge so quickly with how tight and warm her insides were.

“She’s really loving this,” he chuckled as he held onto her bucking rear. “She’s squeezing me so tight now.”

“Tighter than even me?” Alyssa innocently asked.

“Yeah, sorry to say she has you beat,” Daniel replied with a glance to her. “Her body is really trying to get me to cum inside.”

“Centaurs really are rough rides, aren’t they?” Falla giggled.

“She looks like she’s enjoying it,” Luna complimented happily.

Squeak slowly nodded while watching Kroanette’s massive breasts bouncing about, a quick glance down to her own being made before she looked at the centaur’s endowments in wonder as to how her back was able to support them.

“You doing alright, Daniel?” Triska asked with an amused smile. “Looks like the ride is a bit of a workout for you as well.”

“I think I’m nearing my limit too,” Daniel admitted while trying to steady his breath. “She just keeps squeezing me more and more.”

Pip watched as Daniel continued riding Kroanette, the centaur wailing in ecstasy while her words had become slurred to the point of being incomprehensible. Even with her large breasts bouncing about the tiny fairy could only focus on what Daniel was able to do with his other mates and what she wouldn’t be able to do at all with him.

“I think you’re breaking her mind, Daniel,” Specca giggled. “She hasn’t spoken one clear word in quite a while.”

doing alright, Kroanette?” Triska laughed as the centaur moaned loudly into the air. The only response given was Kroanette then dropping down face first onto the bed while her body convulsed from another orgasm rolling through her.

“I think she’s broken,” Falla snickered.

“Is that what happened to me?” Luna wondered.

“You at least stayed up on your hands and knees during it,” Alyssa mentioned with a shrug. “Kroanette looks to have lost all her strength now. I don’t think she can get up.”

“I can’t-
I can’t move!
” Kroanette cried out into the bed.

“Called it,” Alyssa said raising a hand.

After a few more hard thrusts into the girl Daniel pulled out and dropped onto his rear, his breathing heavy while he struggled to hold in what had been building up inside.

“Daniel, how was it?” Specca asked as she and Squeak moved over behind to hold him upright.

“I really enjoyed that ride, can’t lie,” Daniel weakly laughed while panting.

“Kroanette?” Alyssa said to the dazed centaur. “Um, he’s not finished yet.”

“Kroanette?” Triska asked as she crawled over to her. The centaur wearily said something into the sheets before dropping onto her side with a flushed face and a glazed look in her eyes. “Wow. Daniel, you destroyed her.”

“I did?” he asked as all eyes turned to Kroanette.

“You still in there?” Triska mused playfully as she shook the girl by the shoulders.

Slowly Kroanette lifted a hand up to Triska’s cheek, the centaur’s weary eyes trying to focus on the teen’s face while the pounding of her heart was heard in her ears.



“I was a… fool…”

“We told you, didn’t we?” Triska gently replied. “Daniel loves you, everything about you. We all do. You had nothing to worry about.”

“No… not that…”

“Then what are you talking about?”

“I thought… I could handle it…” Kroanette breathed out as her hand started to lose strength. “Daniel tamed a demon with that mighty sword of his… what chance… did I have?”

With that she passed out, hand dropping to the bed as all fell silent in the room. Triska gently brushed the centaur’s hair away from her face then glanced to Daniel with a smirk.

“You slayed her, Daniel.”

“That was actually very touching, in its own way,” Alyssa commented.

“May she rest in peace,” Specca jested.

Squeak nodded and blew Kroanette a kiss with the same mocking smile.

“Is she alright?” Luna worried.

“I’d imagine so,” Falla reasoned with a smirk.

“Oh dear, Daniel,” Specca cooed into his ear. “You ravaged her into submission. You’re such a monster.”

Squeak gently squeaked into his ear as well before licking it, getting a soft sigh then a grunt out of him as he struggled to keep his composure and hold in what was still ready to blow.

“He’s still worked up,” Alyssa mentioned with a playful eye on his erection. “And I don’t think Kroanette is going to be able to help with that now.”

“I’ll do it!” Falla and Luna quickly offered, both rushing over to grab onto his member. They tackled Daniel onto his back along with Specca and Squeak, the sisters each trying to jerk him off while Daniel laid in Specca and Squeak’s arms trembling slightly.

“Back off, Luna! I got this!”

“But I wanna make him feel good again!”

“Easy there, girls,” Specca urged while holding Daniel close. “Everyone gets a turn with him, you know that.”

Squeak shook her head and squeaked at the two sisters then looked at Daniel with a sympathetic smile as he gasped and felt himself being pushed to the edge with their combined efforts.

Falla and Luna bumped heads while each using their hands on his hardened member, the two girls glancing to one another with annoyance before they both started kissing and slurping around the tip. Daniel gasped then looked down to see both sisters mashing their lips together and over the head as they kept stroking him at the same time.

“You two… wait…
” he managed to get out before releasing himself, the white liquid spraying into the sisters’ mouths before they jerked back in surprise and took the rest onto their faces. Their hands continued to work on him out of reflex while they flinched and squeaked from him giving them both facials with more than they were prepared for. After he finished with giving them everything Kroanette had built up earlier he collapsed back breathing heavily from the massive relief and pleasure he had endured.

“Oh my,” Specca mused as the girls saw Luna and Falla slowly opening their eyes while having semen all over their faces and antennae.

“That was a lot,” Alyssa giggled.

“Well done, you two,” Triska said with a nod.

The butterfly sisters slowly looked to each other, jumped a bit at seeing how much was on them, then turned to Daniel as he was still reeling from the experience in Specca and Squeak’s arms.

“Daniel?” Luna softly asked. “Did that feel good?”

“Is he okay?” Falla wondered.

“I’m fine,” Daniel weakly assured waving a hand in the air. “Better than fine even. Thank you, girls. That felt incredible.”

He slowly sat up and smiled at them, each girl smiling brightly in return from his approval, then looked over to Kroanette and laughed a bit as he saw the centaur still unconscious with a deep blush on her face.

“And I’ll be sure to thank her when she wakes up,” he chuckled.

“Um, girls?” Specca playfully mentioned pointing to the sisters. “You have some on your faces.”

Falla and Luna blinked then looked at each other as they saw all the semen dripping from their cheeks, hair, antennae, and foreheads.

“Wow, we got covered,” Falla giggled. “We’d better get cleaned up, don’t you think?”

Luna nodded then gently took her sister’s head and began licking her cheeks.

, Luna?” Falla gasped as her sister licked and kissed her face all over before smiling gently at her.

BOOK: Chronicles of Eden - Act VIII
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