Christmas with Two Alphas (8 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Christmas with Two Alphas
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him,” said Maisey, glancing at Lucas.

how do you know him?” asked her father.

met when I was up there one time,” said Maisey, wondering what her parents
would think if they knew she’d had sex not only with Lucas, but Nick too, and
both at the same time.


see. You know that we’ve had this talk many times before and we’d prefer for
you to follow in academics like us,” said her mother.

know and maybe I’ll do that when I’m older, but for now I want to do what makes
me happy.”

smiled at her.

I can’t say that we approve of this.
worked hard
to give you a good education. Your mother almost lost her life
you into this world and this is the
thanks we get?”

stood. “I’m sorry you feel that way, and if you don’t mind, we have to leave
because Nick has invited Lucas and me to his cabin for some dinner.”

put his arm around her as they left the room. Tears slid down her cheeks. When
would her parents accept her for who she was?


his world famous venison chili
encourage Maisey
to eat. She pushed it around the bowl while he and Lucas dived into it. She
know if she was upset over her parent’s words or what,
but on the drive to Nick’s place she’d felt light-headed and sort of strange.

go out and cut a tree and bring it back in here. I have a few decorations we
can put on it and we’ll start to make this place look like it’s the holidays,”
said Nick, clearing up the dishes.

loved Christmas. She did have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season—like
Lucas and Nick making
her dream of owning her own business
come true

know what I’m going to get you for Christmas?” she asked Nick as they cleared
away the dishes.

certificate for yoga classes,” he said, loading the dishwasher.

I’m going to find you a mate.”

Will she
gift wrapped?”


Which reminds me.
I hope you two guys can come for Christmas
dinner,” said Nick.

love to,” said Lucas.

with two alphas, am I lucky girl or what?”

smacked her on the butt. “Okay, let’s go get this tree cut and brought back and
start making this place look like a winter wonderland.”

three pulled up their coat collars when they stepped outside only to
be met
by heavy snow falling.

just go get the
from the shed and be
right back. I saw what I
will be
the perfect tree over there to the left of the property,” said Nick.

and Lucas held hands while they waited for Nick and the three of them headed
down the hill a bit.

“That’s the one I was looking at. You think it
fit into
the living room?” said

hugged herself and shivered, positive that she was coming down with a cold or

we get this over with quickly because I’m freezing,” said Lucas.

you want to give me a hand?” said Nick.

took the
and chopped away at the trunk
and then he and Lucas laid it on the ground.

can you carry the
and Lucas take care of the tree?” Nick asked her.

handed it to her. It was heavier than she thought so she dragged it beside her
as she walked a few feet behind the
who carried
the tree between them. Snow got into her eyes and mouth, and it felt like she
was going to pass out. Before she could call for
she went down in the snow

hold up, Maisey’s fallen,” Lucas shouted.

saw both of them suddenly kneeling beside her.

wrong?” Lucas asked her.

don’t feel so good.”

she’s fallen on the
,” she heard Nick

looked at her outstretched arm and the blood seeping from it.

looks like a pretty deep cut and nothing her body will fix for itself so we
need to get her to the hospital,” said Nick after
ripped her coat sleeve open. “You stay with her and I’ll go call Charlotte
Renner and tell her we’re bringing Maisey into the new hospital. It’s not
completely finished yet, but it’s the safest thing to do.”

baby, hang on because we’re going to get you help,” said Lucas before kissing
her on the cheek.



Chapter Twelve


had volunteered to make
the call
to Maisey’s
parents, the one telling them
lost a lot of
blood and they needed to get to the hospital to donate some to her.
He looked through the window where
both her mom and dad lay on gurneys. Charlotte was getting great at all this
shifter stuff. She was learning about blood types for shifters and that every
few could survive without blood from their
family members so she knew straight away that both he and Nick would be of
little help.

just hoped it would be enough to save Maisey. Maybe they
have gone out cutting trees or made her carry the
, but she hadn’t said a thing about not feeling good. Charlotte
took the two bags from the stands and headed outside with her lab coat pulled
over her growing belly

don’t you and Nick go in and wait with Maisey’s parents while I go and give her
this blood.”

going to be okay, isn’t she?”

I get this into her system I think she’s going to be just fine.”


opened her eyes to see Charlotte Renner sitting on a stool beside her, her arms
folded over her baby bump.

back,” she said, stroking the back of Maisey’s hand.

what happened?

fell on an
while you were helping Nick
and Lucas cut down a tree. Your parents donated blood and you’ll be back on your
feet in a couple of days.”

felt light-headed.”

you know you have diabetes?”

shook her head. “Is that bad?”

as long as you eat right and monitor your blood sugar. When’s the last time you

“This morning?
So you can
I mean I’m not going to die?”

“Definitely not going to die.
And I’m going
to take
care of you.”

will I be able to have a family?”

don’t see why not. Aiden told me that he saw you and Lucas together last week. Does
that mean you’re a couple?”


a nice guy, cute too.”

you know what you’re having?” said Maisey, pointing to Charlotte’s belly.

we want to keep it a surprise. So you feel up to seeing your parents and
I think Nick’s still around here someplace too.”


watched as Charlotte left the room and soon her parents and Lucas were by her

mother leaned over and kissed her. “You had us worried.”

you for donating the blood,” said Maisey.

our daughter, it was our duty,” said her father. “How’s your arm feeling?”

“Sore and numb.”

is so
. Aiden’s even more brilliant
to marry a woman like that,” said her father. “Now you see what
an education
can do for a woman,” he said.

this isn’t the time or place for that, and I think I have to agree with Maisey,
it’s what makes her happy, not us,” said her mom.

said her father, throwing his hands into the air.

my darling husband, I’m sure that Lucas would like a chance to visit with our
daughter alone.”

winked at Maisey and then Lucas as she almost pulled her dad from the room.

like them a lot,” said Lucas, sitting on the bed and taking her hand into his.

have diabetes,” said Maisey. Best he knew all her faults up front.

means I’ll have to take even better care of you.”

means you’ll have to eat more of my mom’s cookies and cakes because they’ll be
off limits to me now.”

both burst out laughing. “I might have to sign up for the yoga classes to burn
off all those calories. Pure luck she’s such a great cook.”

smiled. Life was so much better with a mate.

are you really going to get Nick a girlfriend for Christmas?” asked Lucas.

there’s only twelve shopping days left so it might have to be in the New Year,
but I never break my word.”

know what I’m getting you?”

chocolates?” asked Maisey.

and in fact, I shouldn’t tell you because it will ruin Christmas morning at Nick’s

Christmas with two alphas, one her mate,
one her new business partner.
How much better could
a she
-wolf’s life get?




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