Christmas with Two Alphas (7 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Christmas with Two Alphas
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might have guessed it would be salmon. Those bears and their salmon,” said her

what are you going to serve when Maisey gets married?” asked one of the other wolf-shifters
at the table.

of course,” said her father.

When I get married.
She looked over
at Lucas.
The other night I might have
blown my chances of ever doing that.





glanced over at Lucas. He nodded to him, and it was time to put their plan into
action. He noticed Maisey was talking to two other women. He stood up and
walked over to her.

love this song and I’m looking for a partner to dance with me.” He put out his
hand to her. At
he thought she was going to turn
him down but she finally put her hand into his palm and let him lead her to the
dance floor.

see what sort of moves you have, yoga lady.”

hold back. She certainly was agile but of
he knew that from their threesome.
gotten her body into some fantastic positions.

band eased into a slow tune, and without
being asked
if she wanted a second dance with him, he pulled her into his body.

you still interested in running your own yoga studio?” he whispered into her


I think I can help you. I’ve found a piece of land just outside town and we can
build a yoga studio to sort your needs.”

I don’t have enough money saved.”

“No problem because I’ll back you and
continue to be your silent partner.”

what if I couldn’t pay you back?”

squeezed her close to him. “Maisey, if you’re going into business one thing you
have to do is have positive thinking. So you want the yoga studio or what?”

yes, I do.”

I’ll have my attorney draw up all the paperwork on Monday and we can get


smiled. Now onto to surprise number two.

arrived by limo, my driver is over there sipping ginger ale and I have a gift
for you sitting on the back seat. You want to come collect it?”


head was spinning as she headed toward the limo with Nick. She was finally going
to have her own studio, but how she was going to break the news to her
quite know.
been so deep in thought that she
didn’t see Lucas already sitting in the limo when Nick opened the door.

is where I say adios for the evening,” said Nick. “Go and have some fun with
your mate. My driver’s been instructed not to disturb you for an hour so make
the most of it.”

looked between Lucas and Nick.

on, what are you waiting for?” said Nick.

held out his hand to her. She quickly kissed Nick on the cheek and got inside.
Nick closed the door and they were alone.

you guys plan this?” she asked sliding next to him.

did, and I hope you accepted his business offer.”

I did.”

turned to face him. “I want to say that the other night. I mean the threesome
was totally out of …”

put his fingers over her lips and then quickly replaced them with his mouth. He
glided his tongue into her mouth and tickled her own one. She
in her cycle
but this guy still knew how to make her feel horny.

pulled away and began unzipping her dress, exposing both her bra and panties.

red, red, and red,” said Lucas.

slid down onto the limo floor, first helping her ease out of her dress and then
reaching up and unclasping her
bra which
was secured
at the front. It fell onto her lap and she flicked it off until it landed on
the seat.

ran both his hands up her thighs.

You going
to show me some yoga positions later?”

“Only if you’re good.”

I’m going to be good all right.”

lifted her butt, allowing him to drag her panties down her thighs, over her
knees, and then she raised her feet so he could free her of the underwear.

are the sexiest she-wolf in town.”

actually felt like it too. He pushed her thighs apart, quickly running his
fingers around her folds, outlining her entrance. He spread wide her pussy lips
and soon his head was between her thighs, lapping at her
he would drink her dry.

dragged her fingers through his hair, feeling the heat of his scalp, loving the
roughness of the stubble on his face as it brushed against the delicate area
around her pussy.

glided her handover the leather seat, hoping her long nails
tear into it and ruin Nick’s limo, but Lucas and his talented tongue were
making her go crazy. He speared her
pussy and flicked and
and made her groan.

limo had tinted windows so no one could see in, but
it was soundproof too.

lifted her legs, pushed up against this mouth, bucking slightly as he brought
about not one but two orgasms in very quick succession. She held her body in
that same position as Lucas lapped some more, making her howl as she enjoyed
another climax.

looked up at her before spinning her around and pushing her down flat on the limo
seat. He unzipped his fly, and Maisey reached up and stroked his erection.
Lucas leaned over and kissed her, putting his hand around hers as they both
him inside her.

sat up just a tad, feeling Lucas’ cock hit the back of her pussy making her
almost whimper as he gently began to thrust. She took some of his weight before
bringing her legs up over his butt, crossing them at the ankles, and setting up
more friction.

evening had taken some unexpected turns and now she was glad that
taken her father’s advice and attended the wedding.
been right; it was the perfect place to find a mate.

closed her eyes, thinking how nice Nick was, and how wonderful and lucky she
was that
found a wolf-shifter like Lucas
wandering around in the woods.

toes tingled, her thighs burned and her pussy,
she wasn’t quite sure how to describe it because it was even different from the
other night. Maybe
because she was with a man who
was destined to me hers and she, his.

stopped thrusting for a few minutes, and then started back with more gusto,
taking her by surprise and bringing about another orgasm. She playfully bit his
neck, making him laugh.
And then
with one fluid
movement, he lifted her up and sat himself down on the limo seat.

straddled him as Lucas pushed the hair away from her face and eyes. He kissed
her nose and then lifted up his cock so she could impale herself on it. He played
with her nipples as her breasts bounced together, the limo slightly rocking and
making them laugh.

no one’s outside walking around,” said Maisey.

What if my
parents are outside getting some fresh air?

won’t know it’s you,” said Lucas.

read my mind. My parents can talk to one another like
but I can’t.”

I’ll have to teach you.”

bounced up and down, hearing their flesh smack against one another, feeling the
brink of another climax. Lucas did his vibrating cock thing and she squeezed
her thighs together so as not to waste a single second of pleasure.

reached out, grabbed both straps on the side of the limo panels, and held them
tight, closing her eyes and just letting the sensation and pleasure wash over
her. She put the straps over her wrists and pulled, howling like mad when she
had not one, not two, but three orgasms one after the other.

was fast, so fast, she
realized he’d moved her
off his lap, leaned her over the seat, and had parted her cheeks, plunging deep
within her pussy.

grand finale,” he said, pushing into her, making her draw her nails along the
limo seat, hearing the squeaking noises it made, enjoying another orgasm, and
then feeling Lucas finding his own release within her.

laid on her back, both of them trying to get their breathing back to normal. He
bit the nape of her neck, a sure sign he wanted her as his mate. They had one
more thing to do and it was going to be freezing.

need to go for a run,” said Maisey.

make it a quick one so neither of us freezes before we can shift.”





was the first time he was seeing her in her wolf form and she was just as
spectacular as she was in human form. She was
and white and those familiar green eyes looked at him as they took off running
in the woods with snow beginning to fall. He overtook
but she quickly caught him up. They ran side-by-side, dodging
trees and low hanging branches.

was only three weeks away and
be spending this
one with his mate.

circled back when the snow began falling harder. As they got to the edge of the
they both stopped suddenly
and looked straight at Aiden Renner and his brother Christopher.

that you
and Maisey isn’t it?” asked Aiden.

Lucas shifted back into his human form, he could tell Maisey was reluctant
but finally gave in and covered her breasts
and lower body with her arms crossed over her.

the hell do you think you’re doing? What if it wasn’t
me and
Christopher who saw you
These are the sort of things
that could ruin everything.
Next time think.”

walked away, leaving Christopher standing there smiling at them.

a little touchy about this sort of thing since that dancing bear video turned
up on YouTube. It was one of our shifter’s three children, and you know how it
pisses him off when we let our guard down and do that sort of thing,” said

know, and we’re sorry, but we needed to run,” said Lucas, knowing Christopher
would know what that meant.

winked at them. “Congratulations.
better go catch
up with Mr. Grouchy. And you’d better hurry and get dressed because Dane and
Melanie are leaving by horse-drawn carriage any minute now and they’ll be
passing this way.”

quickly opened the limo door and they hurried inside.

how did you like me as a wolf?” asked Maisey, putting her panties back on.

and I guess we should get back to the reception.”


had hoped that her parents would like Lucas. She’d invited him to the house not
only to introduce them to one another but she thought it best that she break
the news that she’d be running a yoga studio and not going to university and
following in their footsteps, with someone by her side.

first part had gone just fine. They were talking non-stop and her mother was
offering him more cakes and cookies than the poor
could handle. She looked across at him sitting with a mug of tea in one hand, a
cookie in the other, and a cupcake balancing on his
e. She raised her eyebrows at him, hoping her mother
have sandwiches out in the kitchen too.

Dad, there’s something I want to tell you.”

stopped talking and both turned to look at her. “Someone’s kindly offered to
set me up with my own yoga studio, and after the holidays, I’ll be running it.”

swallowed. It was
but they
said anything.

And who would
this be?” asked her father.

name’s Nick Pearson, a wolf-shifter who you might have seen me dancing with at
the reception last week.”

he own the cabin near us?” asked her mother.

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