Christmas for the Wolves & a Wolf for Valentine's Day (Grey Wolf Pack) (6 page)

Read Christmas for the Wolves & a Wolf for Valentine's Day (Grey Wolf Pack) Online

Authors: E. A. Price

Tags: #Romance, #shifter, #Short Stories, #Fantasy

BOOK: Christmas for the Wolves & a Wolf for Valentine's Day (Grey Wolf Pack)
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Luke sneered at him. “Did you really think I’d let you steal my mate?”

After Luke attacked Delilah, the Alpha, and then Andy, had challenged him to a fight to the death. Luke chose to leave the pack rather than face either challenger, citing that Delilah wasn’t worth it. They had barely given the cruel wolf a second thought, believing him long gone.
Clearly they misjudged his twisted obsession for Delilah.

“You took her from me, but when you’re dead, she’ll be mine again!” Luke spat, eyes flashing.

The bear howled.
This wolf would never have their mate!
The bullets were stinging; he tried to work up the energy to stop the demented wolf shifter. He could see Luke’s angry red eyes, filled with hatred for the bear.

“She was always meant to be mine! I had her before you did; you took something that didn’t belong to you. And I’m going to take it back.”

The crazed wolf raised the gun again, and the bear lunged. Vaguely, the bear was aware of another bullet searing through his flesh. He ignored the white hot pain, as his claws dug into the wolf. He could only think of one thing, his mate.
This male was not allowed to have her!

The wolf yelped as the huge bear charged at him. He dropped the gun and roared as he started shifting. The wolf scrambled as the bear’s claws sliced through his skin; he limped away before rounding on the bear, and leaping, jaws snapping.

The bear swiped his massive paws, as the wolf locked his sharp fangs into the bear’s shoulder. He growled in a mixture of pain and fury. Blood oozed from his wounds; the burning ache permeated his body. He felt himself slowing, and falling.

His beautiful mate flashed before him; he thought of her long black hair, her sparkling silver eyes, and the playfulness of her little wolf.
No, he couldn’t give in
. He couldn’t allow this monster to win.
God only knows what he had planned for their mate.

Power surged through him. The bear pushed back at the smaller animal; he dug his razor sharp claws into the wolf’s skin. The wolf let go and howled in surprise. Without hesitating, the bear tore his fangs through the wolf’s throat.

The bear dropped the wolf to the ground, panting heavily. He yowled unhappily as he tried to walk away, every inch of his body screaming.

Soft flakes of snow flurried to the ground. The bear soldiered on as long as he could, thinking only of his seeing his mate again before darkness took him.



“Thank god!”

Andy groaned and opened his eyes to find his mate hovering over him. She squeezed his hand and smiled as tears flowed down her cheeks.

He blinked, taking in the strobe lights, his hard, uncomfortable bed and the pain flooding every inch of his body. Everything came back in a rush.

Andy tried to sit up. “Luke…did he…”

Delilah softly pushed him back down on the bed. “We found him; he’s dead. I felt you through our link; I knew you were in pain, so we searched for you. Thank god we found you, I don’t know what I… how I would have…” She choked up.

Relief poured through him. His mate was safe; the threat was over. “All right let’s go home.”

He tried to sit up, and once again she pushed him down. “I love your optimism, big guy, but you’re going to be here just a little while longer.”

Andy swallowed a couple of times. “Where are we?”

“Darlington hospital. We found you passed out, so we rushed you here. They took the bullets out, but they won’t release you until your wounds have healed up. Hopefully, it won’t be long.” She paused and looked at him, sadly. “God you scared me! For a second, I thought… I thought I was going to lose you.”

Andy tried to laugh but soon decided against it. “I’m fine, honey.” He tried to shift his shoulder and a sharp twinge shot through him. “Or at least, I will be.”

She bent down and kissed his temple. “I’m so sorry you’ve been unhappy recently, but I do love you more than Adam, please don’t doubt that. I have to obey the Alpha, but I need to be with you. If you wanted, we could leave the pack. I could…”

Andy clasped her fingers. “You’d leave the pack for me?”

“Of course! I can’t live without you. I know it hasn’t been easy for you fitting in with the pack, I know that after everything you went through with your clan, you would rather be alone. So if you want to leave, just say the word. I’d follow you to the ends of the earth if I had to.”

Andy raised an eyebrow. “The ends of the earth?”

Delilah shrugged. “More like the ends of the Universe. You’re not getting away from me so easily, especially not now, not since I’m… I mean not since we’re… umm…”

Andy looked at her curiously as she blushed deep red.

She started babbling, as she always did when she was nervous. “I wanted it to be a Christmas surprise. Well, actually it has gone midnight now, so it is Christmas right now. So yeah, happy Christmas, big guy! I can’t believe I almost lost you, I love you so much, and you are the most important person in the world to me, and I’m pregnant!”

Andy could swear his heart stopped beating. “You are?!”

Delilah nodded, fearfully excited. “It’s still early days, and I know we said we were going to wait to have pups… or cubs… but it just sort of happened. And I’m thrilled! I hope you are too, and honestly pup or cub, boy or girl, I couldn’t be happier!”

Andy stared at her in complete shock. When they first got together, Delilah had been adamant that she wanted pups, or cubs but that she wanted to wait a few years.
She was only 23
. Andy hadn’t wanted to wait,
he was already 30
, but he had acquiesced and respected her wishes. She made sure she was on the pill, and yet here they were. That must have been why she was so quiet this past week, wanting to save the news for Christmas.
Damnit, he should have scented the pregnancy!

Delilah hopped from foot to foot, chewing her cheek. “So what do you think?”

“Honey, let me make myself clear, I would never ask you to leave your pack. And as for the cub, that’s the best damn news I’ve ever heard.”

Joy blossomed over her beautiful face. “It’s not too soon? It’s not too sudden? You don’t wish it had happened in a year or…”

“No, it’s perfect.” His bear howled to the sky in ecstasy.
Their mate was having their young!
He couldn’t be happier.

Delilah twinkled at him. “I’ll remind you of that in nine months time when you’re doing the midnight diaper change.”

Andy chuckled before coughing. “Don’t make me laugh.”

“Sorry, big guy. Do you want me to get you anything?”

He gave her a half-smile, before bringing her hand up to his lips, and planting soft kisses on her palm. “I already have everything I want. I love you.”

“Me too… daddy.”

“Seriously, don’t make me laugh.”


Kayleigh & Don – Christmas in Texas

December (very, very early in the morning)

Don Cross shifted uncomfortably.
Air travel was not for him
. The waiting, the security checks, the enclosed spaces... it was torture for a wolf shifter. His wolf had started whimpering the second they got on the plane and was refusing to let up.

He needed wide open spaces, not tiny metal boxes with mini dictators patting you down, convinced you’re smuggling a lethal weapon in your underpants...
well it certainly wasn’t lethal

This was his fifth time in an airplane and he wasn’t looking forward to it. It was his mate Kayleigh’s first time, and she was virtually bouncing up and down with excitement. Growing up, she and her mother never had much money, so they could never afford to vacation anywhere that meant taking a plane.
Or at least, her mother could never afford to take Kayleigh with her when she was chasing after one of her many boyfriends

However, after his visit to his home town of Charming a few weeks ago,
after a twenty year absence
, his family was keen to see him again and repair the damage to their relationship. They had offered to pay for first class tickets for both him and his mate to visit them over Christmas. After much nagging from Kayleigh, he had agreed.

Now, strapped into a flying death trap, he was having second thoughts. They’d just completed take-off, and the captain had turned off the seat belt sign. Kayleigh pried away his fingers from her hand,
he’d held her hand in a vice-like grip from the moment they’d started moving.

She undid her belt and keenly stared out the window. It was night so she couldn’t see anything, but it didn’t dampen her excitement.
Nothing did
. It was one of the many things he loved about her.

Rolling his shoulders, trying to unwind his taut muscles, he undid his own belt.

Right after the Alpha’s wedding reception ended, they’d gone home to change and collect their luggage. Don had driven to Alexandria while Kayleigh napped in the passenger seat. They were on an overnight flight to Dallas, and when they arrived there, one of Don’s brothers would pick them up from the airport and drive them to the hotel just outside Charming.
Home of his childhood pack, the Cross pack.

“The other passengers are looking at us,” whispered Kayleigh.

He covertly glanced around and sure enough they were getting quite a few looks of interest, a lot were from men. It wasn’t that much of a surprise. While other women were wearing jeans and jumpers, Kayleigh looked stunning in a full ‘50’s style green dress which showcased her hourglass figure, from her nipped in waist to her plump breasts.
Kayleigh always stood out in a crowd, she was spectacular, he thought proudly

Don huffed. “They probably think you’re my daughter.” He was well aware that the eighteen year age difference between the two of them caused a few looky loos, but mostly he ignored them.

She leaned over, her voice husky. “Then let’s give them something that will either change their minds or freak them out.”

Kayleigh clutched his face to hers for a deep, almost pornographic kiss. She moaned as he darted his tongue into her mouth, glorying in her sweet taste. His wolf calmed a little, finding his mate’s attention soothing. They pulled apart to find people staring more avidly.

The men were openly looking at Kayleigh with lust and, when they caught Don’s eye, they gave him a thumbs up. The women were looking at Kayleigh with hostility; and at Don like he was an adorable little puppy.

“They’re still looking!” she said a little grumpily, avoiding eye contact with the women.

Don chuckled. “Now, they probably just think I’m rich and you’re my trophy wife.”

While Don could complain all day long about how other men lusted after her, she could easily say the same about him. He was now 40 years old and found himself at an age where he appealed to all women between the ages of 18 and 60. In particular, older women just assumed Kayleigh was using him.
They were insane!
Don was gorgeous; even if the two of them weren’t true mates Kayleigh would want him.
Jealous cows

Kayleigh brightened. “Really? You think I’m hot enough to be a trophy wife?”

He rubbed a thumb down her cheek. “Darlin’, you’re the hottest woman in the world as far as I’m concerned.”

“Oh cowboy, I love you!”

She kissed him again and they sat back in their seats holding hands. After a little while some of the lights were turned out so people could sleep.

The plane rocked a little and the remaining lights flickered. Don grimaced and gritted his teeth, clutching her hand tightly. His wolf was back to whimpering pathetically.

Kayleigh giggled in sympathy as she felt his unease flow through their bond. “Awww, poor baby, you’re so tense.”

He grunted in response. She bit her lip, thinking, before her expression became downright mischievous. “Maybe we could do something to make you feel a little better...”

Extricating herself from his death grip, she threw one of the complimentary blankets over her legs and shuffled around for a few minutes. His wolf held stock still and Don was hit by both the tantalizing scent of her arousal and strong feelings of desire from her. Man and wolf became restless with expectation.

After a few more seconds she turned to him, a lovely flush settling over her body. Pressing something warm and soft into his hand, she told him to wait a couple of minutes and then follow her.

She got up from her seat and headed to the front of the plane. She stopped at the door to the toilet and winked at him, wiggling her ass before she went in.

Don opened his hand to find the thong she had been wearing, moist from her honey.
Proof of her considerable lust.

His wolf was panting at him, goading him to go to their mate. But Don held fast, trying to wait out the two minutes. He tapped his foot impatiently staring at his watch.
He could swear the second hand was actually going backwards.

He managed fifty five seconds before he leapt to his feet, pushing her thong into his pocket, and ran to the toilet,
casually of course
, as his wolf danced around in his head.

Quietly he knocked on the door, looking around a little hesitantly.
He wasn’t shy about sex; he’d just never had it in a place where you could get arrested.
The door was swiftly flung open and small hands grabbed his shirt and pulled him inside. She twisted the lock shut and directed his face down to hers for a hungry kiss.

It was cramped and awkward,
which just made it hotter!
Kayleigh’s breasts were crushed up against him and as they kissed he unbuttoned the front of her dress, thanking god the opening was at the front. He freed her breasts from her bra, and began kissing and licking his way down her neck. Stooping slightly, one by one he began suckling her breasts and gently biting her nipples.

She moaned and propped herself up, so her ass was in the basin and her foot rested on the toilet seat. She ran her fingers down his chest until she reached his groin. Unbuckling and unzipping his pants, she liberated his throbbing cock. Smearing the pre-cum from the tip over her hands, she began stroking his fat length.

Kayleigh licked her lips smugly as his gorgeous manhood grew bigger and hotter in her hands. He let go of her breast with a wet pop and batted her hands away from him. He lifted her voluminous skirt up to her waist and pushed one finger into her slit. Finding her already soaking wet, he groaned in anticipation.

She rested her hands on his broad shoulders. “Inside, now!” she commanded.

He cocked an eyebrow at her as he positioned himself at her entrance and his wolf yowled in happiness. “You’re the boss!” With that, he drove himself inside her, filling her completely. She put one hand over her mouth to muffle her shrieks of pleasure.

Don allowed himself a couple of seconds to enjoy the tight sheath of her sex, before quickly pistoning in and out. There wasn’t much room to maneuver, so he took her with short hard jabs, his hands gripping her thighs. The fear of getting caught both turned them on and drove them to hurry.

Her eyes practically rolled into the back of her head, knowing that someone could hear them excited her, making her already stimulated body go into overdrive. She leaned back against the mirror and lost herself in the moment. Her body was tingling, awaiting the oncoming release. Everything was conspiring to ensure that she was going to enjoy a tremendous orgasm.

Don bent over to lave and kiss her breasts. She moaned at the added sensation, and when he bit her nipple she climaxed. She bit her hand to stifle the scream she desperately wanted to let out.

Pleasure poured through her body and her inner muscles convulsed around him, fiercely clutching him. The added tightness, and the feeling of bliss coursing through their bond, sent him over the edge. Slamming into her one last time, he hardened and burst.

Kayleigh clamped a hand over his mouth as his wolf roared and he tried to bellow out her name. He held still inside her, allowing her pulsating sex to massage and milk the seed from him.

After a few moments, Don kissed her palm and snuggled her closer to him.

“That was wonderful cowboy,” she murmured.

“No arguments here, darlin’, but I guess we better get back to our seats.”

She sighed. “Yeah, I guess.”

Reluctantly he pulled away from her and tucked himself back into his pants, whilst she adjusted her bra and buttoned up her dress. He gave her the thong and she slipped it on.

Kayleigh peeked outside. “All clear.”

They left the cubicle and unhurriedly sauntered back to their seats. One of the flight attendants caught Don’s eye and smirked, before he gave Kayleigh an appreciative glance.

When they sat down, Kayleigh looked at him with wide eyes. “Do you think they knew we were having sex?”

Don gave her his sexy crooked smile, it always made her quiver inside, and this time, although having been thoroughly satisfied minutes before, was no exception.

“Would you care if they did?” he drawled languidly.

“Well, no...” she admitted grinning naughtily.

“Besides,” he grumbled, “maybe they thought I was your father and you had to help me go to the bathroom...”

Kayleigh rolled his eyes, not this again! “Hey, if you’re going to start harping on about your age again, I will drag you back into that bathroom and make love to you, over and over until you realize just how virile and hot you are!”

She stared daggers at him to show it wasn’t an idle threat. “Is that what you want?” she demanded.

Don chuckled. “Kind of, yeah...”

Her face softened before turning impish. “Meet you in the bathroom in two minutes?” she asked saucily.

“Sounds like a plan.”

She blew him a kiss before sashaying back to the toilet. He chuckled as his beast practically purred.
Perhaps he could get used to air travel after all.


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