My Seductive Highlander

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Authors: Maeve Greyson

BOOK: My Seductive Highlander
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My Seductive Highlander
is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

A Loveswept Ebook Original

Copyright © 2016 by Maeve Greyson

Excerpt from
Sadie's Highlander
by Maeve Greyson copyright © 2016 by Maeve Greyson

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Loveswept, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York.

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colophon is a trademark of Penguin Random House LLC.

This book contains an excerpt from the forthcoming book
Sadie's Highlander
by Maeve Greyson. This excerpt has been set for this edition only and may not reflect the final content of the forthcoming edition.

Ebook ISBN 9781101968161

Cover design: Carrie Divine/Seductive Designs

Cover photographs: Period Images (couple), Fairytale Backgrounds (landscape)



Author's Note

Dear Readers,

I can't believe we've already arrived at the final book of the Highland Hearts series.
My Seductive Highlander
finishes our journey with the time-traveling Sinclair sisters and the men destined to love them.

I hope you've enjoyed following Granny Sinclair's carefully orchestrated plan to see her four granddaughters firmly settled in their happily-ever-afters before she ends this life's journey.

Granny's scheming started in
My Highland Lover
with Trulie, the eldest sister, discovering that Chieftain Gray MacKenna, her true love, resides in thirteenth-century Scotland.
My Highland Bride
sees Kenna, the next sister in line, called back to the past to tame a man nearly as stubborn as she is—Colum Garrison, Clan MacKenna's womanizing man-at-arms.

Then it was time to get better acquainted with the last two sisters. Youngest in the family and twins, they still reside in the twenty-first century, enjoying modern-day conveniences as long as possible. In
My Tempting Highlander,
Granny pairs eldest twin Mairi with Chieftain Ronan Sutherland to break a centuries-old curse and repay a debt.

And now it's Lilia's turn, the baby of the family by a few short minutes after Mairi.
My Seductive Highlander
is the final round in Granny's masterful game—not only bringing together Lilia and Graham but firmly bonding the Sinclairs, Sutherlands, MacTavishes, Garrisons, and MacKennas into a powerful close-knit clan spanning the centuries.

During my time with this series, I've fallen in love with the characters and come to think of them as dear friends. I hope you've enjoyed meeting the Sinclair women and the men who love them. I know they've all enjoyed meeting you, and thanks to Granny, everyone's found their happily-ever-after. Here's hoping you find the peace and contentment of a happily-ever-after too.

Highland Hearts
My Highland Lover—Book One

Gray MacKenna
—Chieftain to Clan MacKenna. Seeks the murderer of his parents but finds a great deal more when a lovely dark-haired lass tumbles out of the sky and lands on his chest.

Trulie Sinclair
—Eldest time-traveling sister. Loves the twenty-first century but feels duty-bound to heed Granny's wishes to return to the past for a last visit. Little does Trulie know she's traveling back to find her future.

My Highland Bride—Book Two

Colum Garrison
—Once Clan MacKenna's man-at-arms but now promoted to war chief by his best friend and chieftain, Gray MacKenna. Easily charms the skirts off any woman—except the one he really wants: the desirable Lady Kenna.

Kenna Sinclair
—Jumps back to the thirteenth century because Trulie's due to give birth and Granny says it's time. Time. Kenna's biggest enemy. Short on patience and long on the need to get rid of her virginity, Kenna's got to play Colum just right and risks losing more than just her innocence.

My Tempting Highlander—Book Three

Ronan Sutherland
—Cursed before he was born, wolf-shifter Ronan Sutherland has to find the woman foretold to break the curse and free not only himself but his mother and mentor from a lonely eternity of walking the earth in the unnatural forms of wolf and dragon. Granny Sinclair assures him she's got the woman he needs—she just happens to reside in the twenty-first century.

Mairi Sinclair
—Sidestepping Granny's orders and staying safely in the twenty-first century, Mairi thinks she's got Granny's scheme beat—until Chieftain Ronan Sutherland shows up in modern-day Edinburgh.

My Seductive Highlander—Book Four

Graham MacTavish
—Freed from the prison of a witch's curse, Graham embraces all he's missed—including other men's wives. Sent to the future to not only escape a hangman's noose but also protect the last Sinclair sister, Graham agrees to the arranged marriage, figuring it won't be that big of a deal—but that's before he meets the irresistible Lilia.

Lilia Sinclair
—The last of the sisters still in the future, Lilia figures Granny's so busy helping her sisters care for their ever-growing families that she's safe from Granny's meddling. But when sexy, hot Graham steps into the pub, the Fates themselves zap Lilia with a premonition that assures her she's not been forgotten.

Chapter 1



“Dammit, man! Did ye no' think to learn her name afore ye decided to bed her?” Gray MacKenna, chieftain of Clan MacKenna, moved to the edge of his seat as though ready to lunge across the room, wrap his hands around Graham's throat, and choke the livin' shit out of him.

Graham MacTavish edged back a step whilst rubbing the nape of his neck. He stole a quick glance about the room. All eyes were locked on him and 'twas no small wonder. This was thrice in a fortnight that the MacKenna had publicly chewed his arse over what he had honestly deemed as sound choices at the time that he'd made them—but apparently, once again, he'd chosen poorly.

Dammit all ta hell and back
. Graham swiped a hand across his mouth, vainly attempting to wipe away any forthcoming words that might damn him even further. He'd ne'er picked his words wisely. He thought back to the particular debacle in question.
Nay. Neither lass had hinted at their surnames.
Why had the one no' mentioned her husband was bloody chieftain to the Buchanans?

Ah well…it doesna verra well matter now. What's done is done.
He squared his shoulders and locked his fists to the small of his back. Lifting his chin, he boldly met Gray's infuriated glare. “I didna take her to m'bed. We stayed in the stables.”

From the purplish shading of the MacKenna's face and the vein twitching along the man's temple, perhaps that was no' the best defense Graham couldha chosen. He'd better try again. “But ye'll be pleased to know, I didna lift any of their cattle—nor a single horse this time.”

“I should turn ye over to the Buchanan and be done wi' ye.” Gray huffed out a rumbling growl, fixing Graham with a murderous look. The sorely annoyed chieftain threw himself back in his ceremonial chair centered on the dais. The great meeting hall fell silent, all poised to hear what Graham's punishment would be.

Graham's gut tightened. That would no' be good at all t'be turned over to the Buchanans. But if that was the MacKenna's wish…

Snorting out a silent humorless laugh, Graham shook his head. 'Twould be a damn shame to die o'er one such as that lass and her maid. The women's shrill tirades and dead aims with clods of dried horse shit on the morning after the quite enjoyable romp had taught him a thing or two—mainly that ye best ne'er get too deep in yer cups when charmin' the lasses because their druthers could sorely change when ye sobered up and faced them the next day.

A soft clearing of a throat drew Graham's attention to the chieftain's wife sitting quietly at her husband's side. Lady Trulie smoothed a hand atop her husband's tensed forearm and sat taller in her chair. “Now, now. We can't do that, Gray. You know what would happen if we turned him over to the Buchanans.”

She leaned forward the slightest bit, staring down at Graham from the raised platform as though he were a disobedient child. “We understand your need to experience all that you missed while cursed but”—Lady Trulie's face darkened like a building storm—“dammit, Graham, pull your head out of your ass and stop endangering the peace and safety of this clan just because you can't keep your britches on and your hands off what belongs to somebody else.”

What the hell are britches?
Perhaps the Lady Trulie was referrin' to his trews? Actually, he'd nay even removed his
while samplin' the sweet lasses, but perhaps now was nary the time to get into the particulars.

Graham slightly bowed to his chieftain's wife. “I am truly sorry to bring such strife to this clan that has so graciously taken me in. Ye ken my fealty to the MacKenna is true. I'd ne'er wish to cause the clan harm nor bring dishonor to the name.”

“He wants yer head on a pike, ye ken?” The MacKenna's voice had calmed to a more congenial snarl. He even came close to smiling as he covered his wife's hand still resting atop his forearm. “And I can no' say that I blame the man. Ye bedded
his wife and his mistress under his verra nose.” The chieftain stretched forward and jabbed a finger toward the center of Graham's chest. “And perhaps ye didna personally help yerself to any of the Buchanan livestock, but whilst ye were busy dippin' yer wick, Angus managed to lead away the Buchanan's favorite pair of roans.”

Aye. Well—there was that.
Said roans were currently resting quite comfortably in their new stalls in the MacKenna stables. “Perhaps we could return them?” Graham turned and waggled a brow at Angus, who was currently doing his damnedest to stay hidden in the shadows of the gallery overhanging the right side of the crowded meeting room. “If Angus releases them close enough to Buchanan Keep, the pair would surely find their way back to their stable.”

Angus yelped as Mother Sinclair came up behind him and latched hold of his ear. She yanked him out of the shadows, jerked him to the center of the room, and firmly positioned him in place beside Graham. Leaning her slight body against the support of her twisted staff, she shook a bony finger in both their faces. “Those who play together, pay together.” She stamped her staff hard against the stone flooring, the blue crystal ensnared in the claw of roots at its top sparking with an angry blue-white glow.

Ever so slowly, she ambled over to the head of the room, hitched her way up the narrow stone steps, and eased herself down into the smaller seat beside Lady Trulie's chair.

The thick braid knotted at the base of the old woman's neck shimmered with a silvery white gleam beneath the flickering light of the torches as she nodded toward Graham. “We owe him protection…guidance while he adapts. He's wild as a buck deer in rut after being trapped in the form of a dragon and locked to the land around Loch Ness for over three centuries—but he was Ronan's protector, his best friend. And Ronan is now family.” Granny Sinclair leveled the softly glowing crystal of her twisted cane until it pointed directly at Graham. “But you keep endangering Clan MacKenna with your thoughtless actions and we don't owe you a damn thing, Graham.”

Aye, well, he'd no' exactly been entirely shackled to the land around Loch Ness. After all, he'd traveled quite freely whene'er he'd kept to the sea. Graham forced the memories of those long-ago adventures to the back of his mind. He was quite thankful that that part of his life was well behind him. He cleared his throat and remained silent. He'd best concentrate on gettin' his arse out of this current mess—especially now that Granny Sinclair was involved.

Granny's gaze shifted and she angled her staff at Angus. “And you know better than to pull such stunts against an allied clan. What the hell were you thinking, Angus? You're supposed to keep him out of trouble.”

Angus tucked his chin to his chest and anxiously shuffled back and forth in place. Sidling closer to Graham, he shot him a dark, threatening look. “I'll ne'er harken a single word from yer lyin' arse again, ye wicked bastard,” he hissed under his breath.

Still fidgeting in place, Angus hooked his thumbs in his belt. His face deepened to a ruddier shade as he turned his back to the dais and continued the shielded rant in a huffing whisper. “And if ye wish to return those horses, yer own goat-swivin' arse can do it alone. I'll no' be goin' back there. I nearly took an arrow in me tail.”

Graham stood taller, rolling his shoulders at Angus's words. He'd no' let another be held responsible for his own behavior. Best get on with this and find out what his punishment was to be. “Leave Angus be. Me actions are me own.”

Mother Sinclair's narrow-eyed gaze slid aside to meet with Lady Trulie's. The women smiled in unison—cold, calculating smiles that stabbed a sense of dread deep in the center of Graham's heart.
May the gods have mercy on me soul and doubly watch over me arse.
He shivered against the sudden eeriness to the air, chilling him to the bone. “Pray speak my fate. I accept whate'er ye decide. I ne'er shirk my responsibilities, ye ken that well enough.”

“It pleases me greatly to hear that. Doesn't it you, my husband?” Trulie turned and smiled at Gray with a slow meaningful nod.

“Aye.” Gray flexed his hands then curled his fingers over the ends of the carved arms of his chair. His gaze trailed about the hall, studying the many folk standing along the walls and seated at the long rows of trestle tables. He slowly rose, stepped forward then stopped atop the last step of the raised stone platform as though he were about to announce clan war.

“After much consideration and consultation”—Gray paused, tossing back a quick glance at Lady Trulie and Mother Sinclair before returning his attention to Graham and Angus—“I have decided upon yer punishment since ye seem so incapable of exhibiting the least bit of self-control.”

Angus hid his mouth by rubbing the tip of his nose with his fist; his voice dropped to an even deeper whisper. “Oy, yer doomed straight t'hell now, man.”

Graham eased a step forward and threw out his chest. “Aye. Am I to be turned over to the Buchanans then—to face the pike or the dungeons?”

“Oh no, my friend.” The MacKenna shook his head. “I have decided on something much worse. Ye shall face the severest punishment of all. A life sentence, in fact.”

Graham swallowed hard. He didna suppose he could blame the man. After all, a clan could no' verra well go to war over the womanizing ways of one individual—especially when that individual wasna even blood kin. “Aye. I would hear it then. What is this severe punishment I'm ta receive?”


The word echoed down the length of the hushed hall as the MacKenna patiently clasped his hands in front of his waist and waited.

Angus snorted out a belly laugh.

Graham whirled about and smacked the back of his hand across Angus's chest, effectively knocking the man's hearty laugh down to a hissing snicker. “
Haud yer wheesht
afore I snap yer neck.”

There was no' a damn thing funny about what the MacKenna had just proposed. Graham turned back to the chieftain and repeated the dangerous word, “Marriage?”

Gray nodded, his stance visibly more relaxed. “Aye, marriage. Yer in need of a good woman to teach ye the error of yer ways and keep ye to the proper path.”

A trickle of sweat rolled down the center of Graham's back and settled in the crack of his arse. Damn, the room was suddenly too warm and there wasna even a fire. Graham rubbed his knuckles against the small of his back while shifting in place. “And who might I ask is this woman that is prepared to mold me into a better man?”

It couldna be the Buchanan sweetling nor her luscious maid. Those two already shared the bear of her husband—Chieftain Buchanan himself—hence the problem.
Oh God, dinna let it be her sister.
That one had the screeching voice of a sea bird and a bloodcurdling scowl to match.

Lady Trulie stood and moved to her husband's side. “You're the perfect match for my sister Lilia—and the twenty-first century is the perfect place to keep you out of sight and out of mind until our allies calm down.”

“Oh holy hell.”

“Aye.” Gray nodded, his slowly widening smile lighting his face brighter than a newly pitched torch. He lifted his hands to all in the room. “All here bear witness: Graham MacTavish shall be duly matched and wed to my good sister Lilia Meredith Sinclair.”

Tankards thumped against tabletops and a chorus of hearty “ayes” echoed to the dark rafters of the high-ceilinged room.

Her fingers laced into a prim knot at her waist, Lady Trulie descended the steps, slowly approaching Graham and Angus with her long skirts gracefully whispering across the stone floor.

Damned if he didna feel as threatened as a wee mousie facin' down Mother Sinclair's cat.

Lady Trulie paused once she reached the men, pulling in a slow deep breath while she studied them. Head barely tilted to one side, her brow furrowed the merest bit as her eyes narrowed.

Sizin' up our weaknesses, no doubt.
Graham swallowed hard. No force on earth struck fear into his soul like that of the Sinclair women. Able to skate back and forth across the strands of time at will and control inexplicable powers, the Sinclairs were the bloodline chosen by the verra Fates themselves to break the curse of the vile witch who'd shackled him into the form of a dragon by day and a man by night, then bound him to the shores of Loch Ness and the depths of the sea for more than three centuries.

These women were powerful and—God a'mighty—he'd seen each of their tempers flare hot and wicked more than once. From Mother Sinclair down to the MacKenna's wee daughter, Chloe. Berserkers appeared meek as lambs when compared to enraged Sinclair females.

“You and Angus come to the solar. We'll go over the details of your trip there.” Lady Trulie lightly patted his arm then turned toward the stone arch leading up to the chieftain's private tower. “Come now. Both of you.”

“Beggin' yer forgiveness, m'lady.” Angus angled around in front of Graham and held his clasped hands up to Lady Trulie, shameless pleading written all over his face. “Surely, ye dinna mean to send me off into the unknown too.”

“Helluva friend ye be.” Graham shouldered Angus aside. “Leave the coward here, m'lady. I'll be fine on me own.”

One of Lady Trulie's dark brows arched a notch higher in a chilling look of displeasure. With a quick shake of her head, she waved both men forward. “
of you. To the solar. Now.”

The sound of Granny's staff rapping hard against the floor behind them hastened their steps. Graham cast an imploring look back at the MacKenna bringing up the rear. Surely the MacKenna's mind could be changed. Surely he'd no' damn a fellow Highlander to the scheming of the Sinclair women.

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