Christmas Delights 3 (58 page)

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Authors: Valynda King, Kay Berrisford RJ Scott

BOOK: Christmas Delights 3
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There was a first time for everything. Beside, Manny’s
proposal sounded like a perfect birthday/Christmas present for someone special.

“Can Bob start working on Shelia now, like on the weekends?
You said she needs a new muffler and shocks. I’d also like to hook her up with
a good sound system. Tony loves to sing when he drives to college.”

“Absolutely. I’ll drop her off myself. Promise me I’ll be
able to— boss, hey, come on, I know you’re good for what you promise. I just want
visiting rights.”

“Yeah, and the chance to take a ride alone with Tony.”

Manny grinned. “If you want to throw in that special treat,

“You are somethin’ else.” Rob started laughing. “Sounds like
we have a play date for Christmas Eve.”

“It will be my best present ever.”

“You really are a pervert.”

“That’s me all the way, boss.” Manny winked.


* * * * *


Three Months Later:




Tony stood up from the deep bath water. Water drops slid down
his heat-tinged body. He adored pushing free from the hot bath water to let the
room temperature air flow against his wet skin. He stepped out and snuggled his
toes into the fluffy dark blue bath mat. Mmm. The rolling water drops tickled
like little wet kisses.

Time to complete the next ritual. Tony pressed his
sumptuous, ridiculously expensive Egyptian cotton towel against his face. He
stroked up, drying his skin using slow, precise caresses. He leaned toward the
mirror to wipe away the steam. He tilted his chin heavenward for his weekly
throat inspection. Hey, twenty-nine wasn’t too young to wage the wrinkle war.

Tony’s strict skin-care regime and expensive towel obsession
prompted Rob’s teasing. Ha, dear virile Rob acted uberbutch; in his mind, hand
cream belonged in the please-never-let-that-shit-touch-the-skin realm. Yet Tony
knew his lover appreciated the care Tony devoted to looking and feeling smooth.
Rob’s potent cock, lips, and adoring fingers displayed total devotion as much
as possible.

Tony decided his skin still obeyed his strict will. Perfect.
He flung his wet hair forward, leaned over, and spread his legs apart for
balance. Tony started rubbing at his crown. He gently worked the plushy towel
down his perfectly conditioned lengths of hair.

An unexpected cool breeze teased his exposed ass. “Rob?” No
answer. Ah well, just another capricious breeze. The heating sometimes acted
like a prima donna. His exasperated Rob waged a constant battle against the
newly-installed system, but Tony didn’t care. He loved their old Victorian
painted lady mainly for the fine mahogany woodwork, their unique tower bedroom,
and the massive claw foot tub. The bountiful tub was his playground. He let Rob
rage against other sundry details. Raging had turned into a hobby for Rob.

He repeated his slow rubbing process. He started singing.
His half-singing, half-humming, all off-key version of “Jingle Bells” cracked
the air. Tony knew his singing voice frightened the mice hiding behind the
baseboards. He was the house’s personal exterminator.

He grinned under the towel. Yeah, cool, he thought up a new


        Jingle balls, jingle balls,

        Jingle all the way.

        Oh! what fun it is to ride

        My big hot man every daaa-aaay.


       Jingle balls, jingle balls,

        Jingle all the way.

        Oh! what fun it is to ride

        My big hot man every daaa-aaay.


As he tormented the song’s words, Tony nursed the water from
his wavy hair. No hair dryer ruined his mane. No way. He refused to tolerate
the damage. That’s why he showered in the afternoon, usually after teaching his
advanced botany class. Tony needed time to dry his waist-length hair. Today no
class screwed up his schedule, but he was used to his ritual.

He glanced at the clock. Good, Rob would be home soon. Rob
had muttered something about a last minute stump-removal job before he raced
off late this morning. Tony bet Rob had forgotten a present or two. Not Tony.
Presents wrapped in rainbow silk sat under the blue spruce.

Tony couldn’t wait to unwrap his favorite present of all.
Peeling the clothing off his tall, muscular Plantman really was like unwrapping
the most special present known to gaydom. Rob was Tony’s ultimate Christmas
birthday present. Yeah, when he had been little, Tony hated his holiday

Not anymore.

He sang all the louder.




Below the raucous performance, the front door opened in slow
intent to hide a stubborn loud creak. Rob regarded the creak as additional
security. Rob inhaled. Yep, seductive Tony had already enjoyed his traditional
Tuesday 3:00PM bath. Evidence arrived via the rich aroma of Tunisian cypress
oil. The oil made his self-pampering beauty smell like a magical forest,
although Rob would never admit that to anyone. The appalling singing was
another clue.

Rob was in luck. His timing was impeccable.

“Jingle Balls”? Man, he tried not to laugh.

He glanced at the obviously nervous Manny. “Time to imitate
air, OK? Keep dead silent. If you make a sound, I swear I’ll lay you off for
two weeks.”

Manny arched an irritated brow at Rob. He nodded with
ill-concealed lust.

Rob would never resort to such a brutal tactic. Over the
years, he’d grown used to acting like a hardass. He knew he sometimes acted a
little too tough, but running a successful independent landscaping business
required big brass balls. Rob battled undercutting, untalented fuckers, and
spoiled rich fucks who had more money than sense. Rob often wondered how he
controlled himself from pruning arrogant dipshits into kindling. Well, jail
never sounded fun.

He couldn’t wait to glory in the next two weeks. The
financial hit would be hard, but spending quality time with Tony more than made
up for the lack of money.

They quietly piled their leather jackets and sweatshirts on
the foyer chair. Tonight’s forecast had called for steady flurries, perfect for
Christmas Eve. Flurries hadn’t graced Christmas Eve in years, South Jersey’s
weather was always damned unpredictable. The New Jersey autumn had been brutal,
peppered by thirty-degree nights followed by seventy-degree days. Torrential
rain hit every other day. Everyone had been sick as fuck. Hopefully they were
in the winter groove for good. Rob’s landscaping business also performed snow
removal for corporate business parks. Rob said let it snow, let it snow, let
the money flow.

Rob decided to give Manny a little advance present. He
slowly stripped off his sweat-damp black T-shirt. The stump removal had
required plenty of sweaty action. He flexed his hairy, hard pecs, and furry

Manny flicked his lusting gaze over Rob’s body before he
looked away. Manny swallowed like ten times, his Adam’s apple bobbing like a
duck in the river. Yeah, poor Manny. Rob imagined Manny’s inner argument:
oh real bad to admire the studly boss, especially when he’s already claimed,
yeah, by a sweet hottie. Fuck

Mmm, look at Manny squirm. Rob bent over and unlaced his
grimy work boots. He deliberately teased Manny with a clear view of his
muscular back. He felt like a total silly show-off. Why not? In minutes, Rob
planned to show off all his manly goods.

Huh? A quick fondle teased Rob’s right ass cheek until Manny
darted his fingers up to Rob’s spine. Pretty damned daring of Manny. In light
of the holiday season, Rob ignored the tentative grope. Huh, until that fateful
night, Rob had never known his second-in-command hid a major secret desire
involving Rob and his fair Tony. Man, it was one helluva secret desire.

A desire Rob had agreed to fulfill for an extremely good

When he straightened up, Rob pointed down at Manny’s
battered brown work boots. “Take ‘em off down here and leave ‘em. We don’t need
you clumping around.”

Manny shrugged and immediately complied. He always obeyed
Rob’s hardass orders. Now Rob knew Manny regarded him as the desirable hardass.
Sorta weird to find out a close friend swung both ways. In a way, it was fun to
know that Manny followed Rob’s orders for more than a mere paycheck. In Manny’s
case, every day was boss appreciation day.

Rob carried his boots up the carpeted front stairs. He
sternly pressed his finger to his lips before he beckoned Manny to step into
the upper hall.

There it glowed. At 3:39 PM on a cold Christmas Eve, a
stunning full moon already shone in the sultry bathroom.

Rob playfully winked at the gaping Manny.

The stunned Manny quietly dropped to his knees and conducted
dedicated lunar worship. He acted like he had never viewed anything so lovely,
not even when stoned to the gills. Rob smiled.
Yeah, dude, join the club
He shook a halting finger at Manny. Rob detoured into the bedroom to grab the

Rob unzipped his muddy jeans and slithered them down,
kicking them to the bedroom floor. He crept back to the bathroom. Manny still
knelt in the doorway. He looked like someone had hit him with another tree

Before them an enticing world-class ass swayed, wiggled, and
bobbed in time to Tony’s fractured vocals. Despite the open door, fragrant
steam, redolent with exotic tease, still haunted the wainscoted bathroom’s air.
The semi-tropical heat had tinted his lover’s firm legs pink. Somehow Tony’s
perfect ass still glowed like two rare pearls. Tony’s dick swayed with fine
pendulum form.

Rob stepped in the bathroom. He heard Manny frantically
unzipping his jeans. Shit, they never agreed on wanking off. Fuck. Wellll, no
harm, right? Let the poor lusting guy enjoy a little fun on Christmas Eve.
Instead of halting Manny, Rob turned, pressed his stiff finger to his lips
again, and lowered his reddish brows into his classic fierce scold.

Manny crawled forward to kneel next to the toilet on the
bathroom’s far side. He nodded his thanks. His wet lower lip sagged like a
defeated boxer. Rob glanced down. The sight of Tony’s naked ass had granted
Manny an immediate boner needing swift attention.

What a bizarre situation. Rob allowed himself a triumphant
smile. He raked his right fingers through his short hair and flexed his chest.
Nothing like enjoying a ridiculous alpha male moment!
Yeah, buddy, that’s
what my dynamite young lover offers me on many nights and weekend mornings.
And always on Christmas Eve afternoon. Their Christmas Eve ritual usually took
place later in the afternoon, before the old marble fireplace. Not on this
particular Christmas Eve.

Rob knew it felt sacrilegious, but every time he viewed
Tony’s decadent ass, he reverently thanked something on high for his romantic
fuck luck.

He lubed up. Yeah, time to jingle someone’s balls.

Since he had recently refinished the shining marble bathroom
floor, Rob knew where a few annoying creaks lay in wait. With his wailing, Tony
would banish the subtle sounds. Fuck, a splintered wooden bucket held a tune
better than Tony. Ah well, even perfection displayed minor flaws.

Quiet, there, Rob walked forward on the balls of his feet.
He sculpted his work-rough hands just above the gently swaying cheeks. His dick
stood at stiff attention. Tony’s pristine ass always had a dangerous effect on
Rob’s eager to fuck libido.

Enough admiring. Rob clamped his hands against those
tempting, lightly fuzzed cheeks. He spread them wide until he squeezed the
flesh against itself. Rob knew a little rude fondle thrilled his man.

From under the ivory towel the word “jingle” cracked into
frantic gasp. “Rob?”

“Yeah, Tony. Who else knows what you like?” Robs rotated the
delicious globes before he spread them wide again. He brushed his cock against
the puckered cleft hiding between the globes.

Tony shivered. He pressed his ass backwards. Rob’s demanding
hard dick prodded Tony forward. The towel dropped to the floor. Tony gripped
the barber sink’s blunt edge.

Savage joy danced across Rob’s skin. He knew Tony loved it
when Rob surprised him and pulled him close.

As he fondled Tony, Rob darted one last fierce glance at
Manny. He willed compliant silence on his friend. Wait, Rob needed to know. He
looked down. Yeah, well now, when fully erect, his drinking buddy’s cock looked
like a world beater.

Fuck, enough about Manny and his fine dick. All Rob cared
about was his lover’s willing ass tilted up toward his cock. His left hand
stroked Tony’s cock while his right hand massaged smooth chest muscles.

The scent of simmering clean boy flesh filled his nostrils.
Rob slowly pressed his cock into Tony’s snug accepting depths. Yeahhhh. Each
time felt as fine as the first. They had met six years ago during a native
plant seminar. During registration, Tony had chatted while provocatively
displaying his black jean-clad glory to the world, well, at least to the amazed
Rob. That most likely illegal in every Bible-Belt state ass had screamed for
Rob’s attention. The sinful sight had made him trip over his engineer booted
feet. Rob considered himself a major ass connoisseur so he knew he needed that
succulent ass forever. Luckily, the tall young botany professor attached to the
stellar ass had accepted Rob’s loving possessiveness.

Tony proclaimed his ass adored Rob’s cock, and Rob always
felt ready to plunge into Tony’s intoxicating depths. Never any petty
arguments, never any sexual power plays. They were the ultimate bottle and
cork. Smooth and hairy, refined and rough— no matter, the pair had fallen in

This Christmas Eve afternoon reinforced their perfection.
Rob kept sliding his right hand against his squirming lover’s chest, working
his fingers over warm flesh. His left hand slowly began pumping Tony’s erect
cock. Rob’s acidic sweat mingled with Tony’s fresh scent. Paradise, nirvana,
fabulous, and other words that blunt-spoken Rob never used, at least not out
loud, rolled across his dazzled mind.

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