Christmas Delights 3 (52 page)

Read Christmas Delights 3 Online

Authors: Valynda King, Kay Berrisford RJ Scott

BOOK: Christmas Delights 3
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"Just fine,
thanks." Matt was unusually subdued. He paused a little before asking his
question. "How did you know to kiss me?"

"Oh, a friend helped
light the way for me. With his nose so bright." Shaun chuckled at his pun.
“Let's get home.”


* * * * *


Matt slid himself onto
the couch next to Shaun. "So, we had our first date."

"Ah, so you were
paying attention. Good." Shaun's smile was a bit on the goofy side, he
couldn't help himself, and he was having a good time.

"Yep, so we can move
onto the next stage whenever we like." Matt slid a hand on to Shaun’s
thigh and squeezed gently as he shuffled a little closer to Shaun. He leant in
to brush his lips softly against Shaun's. Feeling Shaun return the pressure, he
deepened the kiss.

The kiss sent tingles
exploding throughout Shaun’s head, sending him off balance for a moment. Shaun
pulled them apart. "You're sure?" He wasn't sure where his hesitancy
was coming from. "You don’t think this is rushing things?" Shaun
wanted this, possibly too much. But he needed to check it was right for Matt

"I'm sure."
Matt moved back in for another kiss, lips fiercer this time. He pushed onto
Shaun's lips, parting them. On a moan Shaun opened his mouth to welcome the
tongue that slowly made its way towards his. They both brought hands up to the
others face, as if this kiss would need them to support each other.

Shaun pulled Matt closer
and closer, pulling him in with his hand on the back of Matt's neck. He wanted
more of that mouth and as much of Matt as he could have. Matt took the hint and
slid his hands around Shaun's waist, pulling himself onto Shaun's body, until
they both lay flat out on the couch. Torsos touching, legs entwined and feet
hanging off the end of the couch, while they kissed some more.

Matt broke the kiss to
ask "Close enough for you now?"

Shaun nodded in assent,
kissing Matt again. His mouth far too busy to be speaking with. They needed to
touch, with hands wandering up and down chests, sliding around waists,
caressing buttocks, and mussing up hair, they aimed for maximum coverage of
each other. What was once a familiar sight was new to touch and they both

Matt eased open Shaun's
shirt to reach the warm skin and traced his hand from Shaun's side onto the
taught, flat, stomach. He gently moved the fluffy body hair first up, then
down, causing the abs to ripple under the soft touch, and Shaun to gasp in
pleasure. Matt followed the contours of Shaun’s gently rising torso in search
of his goal. He moved his palm over to Shaun's nipple and circled it, teasing
it to hardness under his touch.

With that accomplished,
he broke the kiss and trailed his lips down to the nipple. There he blew gently
on it, flicked the tip of his moist tongue onto the erect stub, and sucked it
into his mouth. Shaun's appreciative moans provided him with the guidance he
needed to find just the right spots to seek out.

Not willing to beak their
exploration they fumbled at belts, zips, and buttons. They loosened trousers,
and with a little shuffling, they lay in nothing but underwear. Shaun made the
next move; sliding a finger down Matt's hip, and into the waistband of the
boxers. Slowly, he slid it around to the front and delved a little deeper
inside, searching out the heat of flesh. Matt gasped when Shaun made contact
and bucked his hips. Encouraged, Shaun moved deeper still, letting two fingers
gently stroke the soft flesh of Matt's engorged dick. Provoked to further
passion Matt swooped in for another kiss and inched his tongue into Shaun's
mouth as softly as Shaun had slid fingers into his boxers.

Unwilling to wait any
longer, Matt lifted Shaun into his arms and hoisted him off the couch.
"Move. To bed." Was all Matt managed, eyes hooded and lips plump,
passion looking good on him. Shaun nodded, motioning for Matt to lead the way.

Once they made it to the
bedroom both wanted maximum touch. With hands in boxers and mouths connecting
they sparked up the passion again. The boxers didn't last long.  Matt pulled
Shaun's down to free him from the cotton prison that hampered his access to
Shaun's dick. His lips moved down Shaun's chin, nuzzled at his throat, and
moved to the soft skin above the collarbone. He lingered there and kissed to
the left and right. Shaun writhed under the gentle, provoking touch, dazed by
the sensations Matt was arousing in him.

Matt continued down
between Shaun’s pecs and onto his quivering stomach. He turned his head a
little to see Shaun's dick straining and twitching as it waited for Matt to
reach it. Not one to tease, he dove straight for it and engulfed the head
between his lips; tonguing the slit to capture the bead of pre-come. He inched
down the shaft, opening wider to accommodate Shaun's full length. Shaun's moans
and gasps gave all the encouragement he needed.


Shaun wanted in on the
fun too. He gently flipped himself one-eighty on the bed, keeping himself in
Matt’s mouth. Now where he wanted to be he pressed his face into Matt’s boxers
and nuzzled at his dick. Making short work of removing the boxers, he let
Matt’s dick spring free. Then he inched forward to start a slow, languorous,
blow job. They both stretched out, mouths occupied, brains overloaded; feelings
of want and desire for each other building.


Moving his lips lower he
dotted Matt’s balls with small kisses and slid his tongue under them, let them
rest there a moment, then pushed his tongue between Matt’s legs. Matt parted
his legs wide to invite the tongue further. Shaun took the encouragement and
slid a hand between Matt’s legs. He focused back on dick sucking and moved a
finger into the crack, searching for Matt’s pucker. Finding the spot, he
whorled his finger around it.

Matt gently pumped his
hips forward in response, and pushed more of his dick into Shaun’s throat. Soon
they were both gently stroking and fingering at each other’s holes. Pressing
more and more with each circle they were soon inside each other and throats
were moaning their pleasure onto dick ends. Eyes scrunched closed as the waves
of joy rippled through them.


“Hang on a moment.” Matt
launched himself off the bed to fetch lube and condoms. He lay them to the side
as he knelt between Shaun's legs and bent down to capture Shaun’s dick in his
mouth. Making Shaun squirm in delight as the warmth enveloped his dick once
again. Matt flicked open the lube with one hand and squeezed a little out to
spread onto Shaun's waiting hole. Shaun gave a little shudder at its coolness,
then was easing back again, encouraging Matt’s finger to find the spot.
Entering with a second finger, and gently twisting his fingers left, then
right, Matt worked Shaun open and ready for him. They looked into each other’s
eyes. Was this what they really wanted, where they wanted this to go?


Nodding to Matt that,
yes, this was what he wanted, Shaun was ready and so very willing. Matt rolled
on the condom and lubed himself. As he leant forward he eased into Shaun in a
single motion. Kissing again, and capturing Shaun’s gasp at the entry. Kissing
back, harder and faster in encouragement, Shaun wanted all of Matt inside him.
Matt started a slow hip movement so that Shaun could get used to the sensation
of fullness that it brought him, not quite uncomfortable and not quite
pleasurable. Shaun flexed around him and rocked a little to get entry at just
the angle to hit his tender spot and give Matt the friction needed not to go
hard and fast. This was going to be slow and sensual. Building a gentle and
steady rhythm, waves of pleasure raced through them both. Matt eased himself in
and out of Shaun, giving his friend all that he had. His rhythm built in
intensity, but stayed gentle. Matt wanted to give Shaun pleasure, he didn't
want to hurt him.

Not wanting it to end so
soon, they paused. With a lingering kiss they disentangled and lay facing each
other. Unwilling to totally part they kept the kiss going, gently stroking each
other’s cheeks as the kiss deepened once more.


“Your turn” Matt broke
the kiss and murmured into Shaun's ear. He slid out, and pushed himself up to
reach for the condoms. Rolling one onto Shaun's hard dick and lubing up, Matt
positioned himself over Shaun, and eased slowly onto him. He slid his palms up
onto Shaun's chest steadying himself, and rested himself for a moment to get
accustomed to Shaun inside him. He gave a little wiggle with his hips. He
clenched his butt cheeks tight, squeezing Shaun in a little deeper. Flicking
Shaun's nipples he began to ride Shaun's shaft, working them both into the slow
sensual pace once more.


They were heading towards
their climax. They could feel it building inside the other, a sensation
connecting them that looped back the pleasure between them. Reaching out to
kiss, they cemented the physical connection. As tongues intertwined they could
feel it coming at them.

Matt was the first to
spurt, his cum splattering between them. The tightening of Matt's muscles
tipped Shaun over the edge and he too began pumping. Groaning they bucked
against each other and were quickly spent.

Exhausted, they lay, one,
on top of the other, panting for breath. Hoping the intake of air would clear
their lust fogged brains. Had they really just made love? Did that mean they
were now more than just friends? Matt moved first, easing off Shaun to lay next
to him, and still panting for air as Shaun did the same. As they caught their
breath they turned towards each other, mouths seeking each other for a deep
kiss. They broke the kiss and inched backwards to focus on each other.

"Well, that was
awesome." Matt's smile beamed into Shaun's face. He looked as handsome and
sexy as he could after a bout of sex; still managing to look mostly unruffled.

"My pleasure. No
really, it was." Shaun replied "Hopefully yours too, of course."

Matt just rolled his
eyes. "At least my walk of shame won't be too far in the morning." He
fluffed the duvet over them both, making the bed ready for sleep. Shaun rolled
on to his side and cuddled in to Matt before the bedding had settled, or the
lights went out.

"It's your turn to
bring me coffee in the morning you know." Matt murmured into Shaun's ear
as he snuggled into him.

"I can do
that." Shaun reached round Matt and pulled him in closer. "So, do you
want to date again?" he asked.

"How could I say no
to the one man who gets me, sparkles and all." Matt nodded his approval
and moved into nuzzle at Shaun's neck.

"Well, we could do
another date tomorrow. It's Christmas Eve, you can be my Christmas Angel

With that Shaun started drifting into sleep.







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Waiting for Snow,
JC Wallace


Dain's life is filled with nothing but pain. Can a man
without hope find a Christmas miracle and learn to believe in love?


Edited by Julie Lynn Hayes

Proofed by – Sharon Schofield

Chapter One


Dain was alone for the first time ever on Christmas Eve.
The word reverberated through his hollow body in a never-ending echo. Driving
through the cold, dark deserted streets of Wilton, he was unsuccessfully
fleeing the ghosts of his past. A month ago, he’d lost everything. After the
accident, his partner Mick had left and taken Dain’s job with him, and his
father and church had disowned him. Even Dain’s shoulder-length curly blond
hair was gone, shorn to the scalp; a knit cap covered the scary scar on the
back of his head. His life could be a thousand times worse, but to him it
seemed like the end of his world.

Earlier that night, sitting alone in the emptiness of his
apartment, Dain contemplated an unopened bottle of vodka, wondering if there
was something better than getting stinking drunk. At that moment, visiting the
church that had excommunicated him had seemed like the answer. Anything to
escape the ghosts, right? But those relentless fuckers had followed him to the
one place he felt closest to the momma he still mourned ten years after her
death. Drowning in vodka was sounding better by the moment because going to
that church had been a thousand times worse.

“You’re no longer welcome at church, faggot.”

Twenty minutes ago, his father’s venom-filled words had
stabbed painfully into Dain’s chest on the walkway of St. Joseph’s Church, in
view of dozens of parishioners, Father Ryan, and God. Needing to feel closer to
his momma, Dain had stood outside of the church she’d loved.  He was so lonely
and miserable, and his momma was his comfort when things became too much to
bear, and Christmas and churches were about miracles, right? Dain needed every
miracle he could get. 

Daino, wait for the snow that brings miracles...

Momma’s sweet voice filled his head, and his given name
pulled a lump into his throat.  He knew there was more to her adage, but the
years had erased most of the words.

“I’m waiting for that snow, Momma. Waiting for someone to
see the real me.”

Gasping for what little air his burning lungs allowed, Dain
drove aimlessly, clutching the steering wheel as if it were a life preserver.
Hands down, no fucking contest, this holiday evening topped the two previously
tied for the worst of all time. Definitely worse than the Christmas Eve his arm
was fractured by his father. “
You burned the fucking roast, you useless
Worse than the upper cut to his jaw by Mick last Christmas
Eve. “
Where’s the fucking ice I asked for? I swear to God you’re such a
useless piece of shit.”
Swiping at his face, Dain pulled his palm away and
stared at the wet sheen glistening beneath the passing streetlights. When had
he started crying? Shit, he hoped it had waited until after he’d fled the

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