Chosen (16 page)

Read Chosen Online

Authors: Lisa Mears

Tags: #fantasy, #magic, #gods, #portal

BOOK: Chosen
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‘I think you’re attracting a
bit of attention,’ said Gilster, nudging Haven in the ribs.
‘I think we all are,’ said
Haven in reply, looking at the faces turned in their
‘At least they’re smiling,’
said Max smiling back, ‘that must be a good sign.’
Elkeira turned around, ‘of
course they are smiling, they are happy to see you,’ she said,
‘they know who you are and why you are here. We have all been
waiting for you to arrive so we can begin the long journey.’ She
continued. ‘Our ancestors were told of a time when the people’s
help would be needed. They were told strangers would come from
other worlds to help us. The Chosen would open a doorway to another
world. This story was given to my ancestors by our gods, Isis and
Ragar, but my father can tell you more.’
‘Ah, they’re not g . . ., ow!
What was that for,’ asked Haven rubbing his arm where Max had
elbowed him sharply. Elkeira seemed not to have noticed.
‘It’s not up to us to tell them
about the Uthians, if we were in my world I would say it’s like the
“Prime Directive”.’
‘The prime what?’ said Haven,
still rubbing his bruised arm.
‘Don’t worry about it you’d
have to be a “trekker” to understand.’
They finally reached the centre
of the encampment and saw before them, a huge skin tent with
coloured flags fluttering from poles outside the entrance. A young
man holding a short, black sword stood stoically to one side of the
entrance, seemingly on guard. He was much larger than any of the
people the three had seen previously; he had the look of a warrior
about him.
‘I think we have arrived,’ said
Gilster looking up at the huge tent.
‘It’s very impressive,’ said
Max, ‘much larger than any of the others we’ve seen.’
‘My father is the Clan Chief
and as such it is his right to have the best for himself,’ snapped
‘I...I’m sorry,’ said Max
apologetically, ‘I didn’t mean anything by that, of course he
deserves the biggest tent.’
Elkeira seemed happy with the
apology. ‘Follow me,’ she said, bending down to enter the tent,
‘and don’t tell my father you saw me as the cat,’ she hissed back
over her shoulder as she disappeared inside.
Entering the tent the three
noticed a small man sitting on a skin mat surround by fur pillows.
He stood. ‘Father, I have brought the outsiders as you bid me do,
may I introduce Max, Haven and Gilster,’ said Elkeira in an
official tone. She stepped back and swept her arm wide to encompass
the three. ‘And this is my father, Roki, leader of Clan Predator.’
The little man stood smiling before them, the similarity between
father and daughter was immediately apparent.
‘Welcome,’ he said, ‘we have
waited a long time for your arrival, but wait . . . one is missing,
it was foretold four outsiders were coming.’
‘Father,’ said Elkeira stepping
forward again, ‘they have told me one was taken, there is only one
Chosen among them,’ she gestured for Max to come forward. Max felt
uncomfortable despite the genuine welcome, it was a bit like coming
before royalty and she wasn’t quite sure how to act.
Bowing slightly, she said,
‘Roki, leader of Clan Predator, it is an honour for us to meet you.
Our friend Daria, one of the Chosen, was taken by force by
followers of Anubis, but we have vowed to rescue her, we’re just
not sure how,’ she added quietly.
‘That is an honourable vow,’
said Roki, his smile gone. ‘It is vital you find and save her, for
without all the Chosen the ritual cannot be completed and the gods
will not be saved. We will help you any way we can while you are
here, but we cannot help you find your friend, she is not here but
in the next place you must go.’ He changed subjects. ‘When the time
comes for you to enter the portal my daughter will be leaving with
you, for she has been Chosen by the gods. But come now,’ he said
gesturing towards an opening behind him, ‘later we will talk more.’
Turning to Elkeira, he said, ‘go daughter, organise some
refreshments for our guests, and then after, you can show them to
the guest-tents, they must be hungry and tired after their long
journey. The hour grows late, so we will have the welcome feast
tomorrow, we will combine it with your “Coming of Age”,’ Roki
patted his daughter’s hand. ‘I think that would be appropriate as
you are one of the Chosen.’
Elkeira nodded meekly, ‘yes
father.’ She didn’t seem happy about the idea.
‘Can you last that long?’
whispered Max, seeing the look of disbelief on Haven’s face.
‘I suppose I’ll have to, won’t
I,’ grumbled Haven goodnaturedly.
‘Don’t forget what I said,’
hissed Elkeira to the three as she left the tent.
‘Please, be seated,’ said Roki,
‘I must leave but we will speak again in the morning. My home is
your home, be at peace until we meet again.’ With that he turned
quickly on his heel and disappeared out the entrance.
The rear of the tent was much
more of a personal living area: it had various animal skins
scattered over the floor, wooden carvings of animals stood around
the room and the stuffed skin sofas draped with blankets and
covered with cushions looked comfortable and inviting. Candles
stood on low tables, illuminating the area with a soft flickering
Just then Elkeira returned with
a platter of food and a jug of water.
‘Here,’ she said, handing the
platter to Max, ‘I will return in an hour to show you to your
tents.’ Before any of the three could speak, she was gone.
‘Well,’ said Gilster, his back
to them as he studied one of the animal carvings, ‘what do we do
Haven and Max sat on one of the
sofas. ‘I think we should keep our voices down,’ whispered Max, ‘we
don’t know if anyone is listening.’
‘You don’t trust them?’ said
Haven, already helping himself to a leg of some sort of cooked
‘No it’s not that,’ said Max,
‘I just don’t want to say anything to upset anyone, remember what
Elkeira said, “don’t tell my father about me changing into a cat.”
I wonder why she said that, and then she jumped down my throat
about the tent.’
‘She can be a little on the
brusque side, can’t she,’ said Haven reaching for another leg.
‘Let’s just wait until we see
Roki again,’ said Gilster, ‘I’m sure he will be able to explain
things to us, until then we can relax and get some well earned
Haven sat happily munching away
as Max began to doze, her cheek resting against his shoulder. He
leaned down and kissed the top of her head. ‘Look at her Gil,’ he
smiled, ‘am I not the luckiest man alive?’ He put the bones of the
bird he had been eating on the edge of the platter and then gently
lifted his arm so Max could nestle against his body. He wrapped his
arm protectively around her and fell asleep too. Gilster looked
over at his companions.

‘Yes,’ he said
quietly, ‘you
lucky man.’

When Elkeira returned an hour
later she had to wake the three friends to show them to their
tents. Haven and Max shared one tent and Gilster was close by. ‘I
will return for you in the morning,’ said Elkeira and left. The
three fell back asleep almost immediately.
The day had dawned clear and
warm when Elkeira returned as promised the next morning. The three
where already up and waiting for her. They followed her back to
Roki’s tent, nodding and smiling to people as they made their way
through the camp. Elkeira ushered them inside and said, ‘my father
will return shortly, he has gone to find my brother. I need to go
and organise the feast for tonight.’ She turned and left. By now
they were getting used to her quick announcements and rapid
When Roki arrived half an hour
later, the others were sitting inside talking quietly. He entered
the tent closely followed by a huge man. He was easily as large as
Haven but look much stronger. His thick, long brown hair was tied
loosely at the nape of his neck with a piece of leather. Around his
neck was tied another piece of leather, hanging from it was a
small, metal amulet in the shape of a bear. He was dressed in a
similar fashion to everyone they had seen so far: leather leggings,
leather boots reaching to his knees and a suede jerkin which was
unlaced, exposing a long white scar across his chest which stood
out starkly against his tanned skin. He carried a long bow in his
right hand, the quiver on his shoulder was made of fur; these he
placed near the entrance. A small dagger was tied to his right
thigh. His face was deeply tanned with a slightly jutting brow, his
dark, brown eyes had a hint of vulnerability about them; his strong
aquiline nose and full lips added to his warrior appearance. A
number of small scars marred his face, some disappearing into the
closely cropped beard and moustache he wore. Altogether he was a
very imposing man and he knew it.
‘I apologise for taking so
long,’ said Roki, ‘a few people needed to speak with me urgently,
and it took longer to find Tallon than I anticipated, he only
arrived back this morning from a hunting trip with the other
warriors. I hope you were comfortable while I was away?’
‘Yes, thank you for your
hospitality, it’s been very much appreciated,’ said Gilster,
speaking for the three of them.
Roki smiled. ‘I’d like you to
meet my son Tallon,’ he said gesturing towards the huge man, who
bowed his head slightly, ‘Tallon, this is Max, Gilster and Haven.’
Introductions out of the way, he continued, ‘Tallon will be going
with you when you leave.’ Holding up his hand to forestall any
comment, he continued, ‘before you say anything, please hear me
out. I realise the more people in your group the harder it will be
to remain unnoticed, but Tallon is a formidable warrior and when
the time comes he will be able to help you rescue the Chosen one
from the Anubians, also he is the protector of my daughter, I have
already lost her mother, I will not risk losing my daughter as
Gilster stepped forward. ‘I’m
sure I speak for my friends when I say, Tallon will be a welcome
addition to our group, at this stage we will take all the help we
can get.’ Max and Haven both nodded in agreement.
‘Good, then it is settled,’
said Roki, clapping his hands together. He had anticipated an
argument and was relieved when it didn’t eventuate. ‘Now please,
relax, make yourselves comfortable. Can I offer you any
refreshments before we begin?’
‘That would be nice,’ said Max,
‘I’m afraid I fell asleep last night and didn’t get to sample the
food Elkeira kindly brought for us.’
‘Off course,’ said Roki.
Turning to Tallon who was still standing by the entrance, he said,
‘please bring some refreshments for our guests, we will wait for
your return.’ Tallon ducked out the entrance and left without a
word. ‘Is there anything you would like to ask me before Tallon
returns,’ asked Roki.
‘There is one thing,’ said
Gilster, ‘my friends and I have certain . . . abilities which we
have not been able to use since entering your world.’
‘Do you mean magic?’ asked
‘I suppose magic would be
another word for it . . . yes.’
‘I’m sorry,’ said Roki, ‘long
ago our gods decided that no one but those born of this world would
be able to do magic on this world, as soon as you leave here it
will return, but tell me, what is the magic that you do?’
Gilster answered. ‘Max is a
healer, Haven is a telepath and I am a singer,’ he said.
‘I understand healer,’ said
Roki, ‘but not singer or telepath, what are these?’
Keeping it simple Gilster
continued, ‘as a singer I can alter the shape of the elements and
as a telepath Haven can hear people’s thoughts.’
‘How very interesting,’ said
Roki, sounding intrigued. Just then Tallon returned with a platter
of food. Ignoring Haven and Gilster completely he went directly to
Max, lowering the platter for her to make a selection.
‘Thank you,’ said Max taking
some fruit.
‘Max . . . what a strange name
that is.’ It was the first time any of them had heard Tallon speak.
It was deep, rich and rumbling and suited him perfectly. Max liked
it. She smiled.
‘Actually my name is Maxine,
but people call me Max for short.’
‘What did your parents call
you?’ came the rumbly voice again.
‘Maxine,’ said Max, ‘in fact
they hated it when people started calling me Max.’
‘Then I will call you Maxine,’
said Tallon. He placed the platter on the table without offering it
to Gilster or Haven and returned to his place by the entrance.
Haven wasn’t sure if he liked the way this dangerous looking man
had fixated on Max; not being able to hear Tallon’s thoughts left
him at a distinct disadvantage.
Roki began, seemingly unaware
of the underlying tension in the room. ‘First let me tell you the
stories of Tallon and Elkeira.’ At the mention of his name, Max,
Gilster and Haven all looked towards Tallon waiting for him to say
something, but he just stood there, stoically silent. Roki
continued. ‘Tallon was brought to me by an unknown woman, she told
me Tallon’s mother had died in child birth, she did not give me her
name nor the name of Tallon’s mother. She would not even tell me
from which Clan she came. She told me that my wife and I were to
raise him as our own, she also told me that in time we would have a
girl child of our own who would be the Chosen and Tallon would be
the protector of this child. Before the woman left, she gave me a
small scroll with marks on it,’ he leaned down and opened a wooden
box sitting under the table and removed the scroll, holding it up
for all to see. ‘She told me Elkeira was to take it with her when
she left.’ There was a sharp intake of breath from Max. ‘You have
seen something like this before?’ asked Roki, returning the scroll
to the box.

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