Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations (Chicken Soup for the Soul) (9 page)

Read Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations (Chicken Soup for the Soul) Online

Authors: Jack Canfield,Mark Victor Hansen,Peter Vegso,Gary Seidler,Theresa Peluso,Tian Dayton,Rokelle Lerner,Robert Ackerman

BOOK: Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations (Chicken Soup for the Soul)
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Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.


Gladys Berthe Stern


Footnotes for Life




he close of the front door ended the abuse. I watched my husband, once my best friend, and the father of my three children, walk out of our lives. Tears of relief and a trickle of regret emptied down my cheeks. Money was scarce and it was difficult keeping the kids safe and well cared for, but all of those challenges paled in comparison with the peace of mind and the emotional security we felt as soon as the abuse stopped. I drew strength and confidence with each smile on my children’s faces and every hug told me any sacrifice was worth giving our family of four another chance.

Cynthia Borris


You grow up the day you have your first real laugh–at yourself.


Ethel Barrymore


Footnotes for Life




hen my three-year-old son was diagnosed with autism I made a promise never again to let a day go by that I didn’t hug him and tell him I loved him. It no longer mattered if he returned my love or if he continued to push me away. He would never leave this Earth without knowing how much I loved him. I kept my promise and he has done very well. Today he is a very happy, loving little boy and I am a believer in the power of unconditional love.

Linda C. Bird


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.




Footnotes for Life




od, do you know how hard it is for me to love you? Do you know how hurt I am? Do you know that even though I don’t understand
why I am an alcoholic–why I had to lose my child. I don’t need to know the answers to those questions anymore. In spite of every burden that I carry, either by my own free will or by your command, even though my soul cries for release, even though I will always feel this way–I still love you, God. Though I wanted to blame you and hate you, I love you anyway.”

With that prayer, faith, courage, honesty, acceptance and surrender became the foundation of my recovery.

Julie Orlando


I want to know God’s thoughts. The rest are details.


Albert Einstein


Footnotes for Life




elieve in your body, it will lead you toward recovery. Your legs will carry you to the meetings when you don’t want to go. Your hands will write in the journal every day even if you think you don’t have anything to say. Your heart will beat stronger than it ever has because now it beats in a drug-free body. Your soul is your strength to continue to guide you through one day at a time. Your mind will remind you of your past so you don’t repeat it. Your eyes will see the future of living a drug-free life. Have faith in yourself and keep moving forward.

Christine Learmonth


They lied to you, sold you ideas of good and evil, gave you distrust of your body and shame for your prophethood of chaos.


Charles Donaldson


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aul had been sober for fifteen years and I was acting as if he was still drinking. His kindness was greeted with my recriminations. His gentleness fueled my defensiveness. My anger flared like a fire suddenly out of control provoked by something he did to show he cared. He was trying so hard to make up for lost years and I was thwarting him at every turn. Late one night, I lay awake thinking. As tears rolled onto the pillow, I realized I could never release my anger until I forgave Paul. The more I thought about this, the more free I felt. I was not the judge and jury. I could not continue to judge my husband, only to love and forgive him.

Sallie A.Rodman


Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.


Kahlil Gibran


Footnotes for Life




ound judgment about what is right and what you need to do is based on your system of values. It is only when you are standing on the foundation of your values that you are able to maintain your truth, no matter what the circumstances. The ability to live according to your values, in an unwavering way, depends on how well you have realized your true spiritual identity, and have begun to cultivate that innerstateofdignity.TheawarenessofbeingGod’schildallowsyouto claimyourdivinity.Theawarenessofbeingastudent,learningnotjust fromGodbutalsofromthosearoundyou,ofbeinganexample,of becoming a model of whatever you want otherstolearn,allowsyoutounderstandyour highesttruthandbegintoliveit.

Brahma Kumaris
World Spiritual University


In your golden heart there is no limit to forgiveness, and no space for disheartenment.


Brahma Kumaris


Footnotes for Life




ince I had cancer twelve years ago, I have created my own recovery. Every day, I must tend to my body and to my mind. I cannot forget that I am always in recovery. I cannot say to myself, “I do not matter,” for I must believe I do. I matter to my family and friends who reach out to me and I to them. I matter to my pets who think there is no person more important in the world. I matter to myself because that is essential to my recovery. To matter. To someone. Somewhere. Every day.

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