Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations (Chicken Soup for the Soul) (6 page)

Read Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations (Chicken Soup for the Soul) Online

Authors: Jack Canfield,Mark Victor Hansen,Peter Vegso,Gary Seidler,Theresa Peluso,Tian Dayton,Rokelle Lerner,Robert Ackerman

BOOK: Chicken Soup for the Recovering Soul Daily Inspirations (Chicken Soup for the Soul)
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Kay Conner Pliszka


Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.


James Baldwin


Footnotes for Life




egardless of the things that I thought I had gotten away with, I have learned that there are no free rides. Being responsible for my recovery also means being responsible for my actions, as well as the effects that my actions may have on others.

When I made my direct amends to my children, they immediately forgave me–no questions asked. I was grateful for their unconditional forgiveness and in accepting it, know that I must unconditionally forgive those in my life who had wronged me in the past.

Sala Dayo


I have not failed. I have merely found 10,000 ways that won’t work.


Thomas Edison


Footnotes for Life




hen confronted with impossible and confusing situations, remember three profound thoughts given in four words at many railroad crossings: Stop, Look and Listen.

If we really consider each of those words when dealing with difficulty, even when we’re not necessarily negotiating an automobile across a set of railroad tracks, we’d be well on the path of resolution.

Stop and take a deep breath. Look and concentrate on the situation. Listen within yourself or turn to others for guidance.

Bruce Squiers


Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him, and then choose that way with all his strength.


Hasidic Saying


Footnotes for Life




y name is Debbie and I am an alcoholic. I had reachedout toA.A. andwantedtomake anhonest effort toworktheStepsbut Iwas a confirmedathe-ist. Onedaymy sponsor askedme tolist allof the characteristics I wanted my Higher Power to have. For several days I consideredmy list and settled on supportive, caring, forgiving, understanding, patient and non-controlling.One evening as I wasdrivingtoameeting,mentallyreviewingmylist,Isuddenly heard a voice say, “You already havemewith you.” I immediately felt as though a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I could stand straight and hold my head up proudly. My name is Debbie and I am in recovery.

Debbie Heaton


I am not a phoenix yet, but here among the ashes, it may be that the pain is chiefly that of new wings trying to push through.


May Sarton


Footnotes for Life




fter work I often found myself at the drive-thru window, ordering lots of food and consuming it in my car before going home. When I complained about the grips of my addictive behavior to a wise friend she simply said, “Do something different and you’ll get different results.” That night I told myself that I wanted to cook a healthy meal. I stopped at the grocery store, got the ingredients and did just that. Occasionally, I still find myself at the drive-thru but I don’t beat myself up. I acknowledge how poorly I feel after bingeing and contrast that with the calm I feel after I cook for myself. The pattern is broken.

Lisa Jo Barr


Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is.


Will Rogers


Footnotes for Life




owerful emotions stir as I recall the places from which I have come. Worlds of seemingly unrecoverable loss and immense pain until his words brought peace and a hand of beauty, love and grace reached into the vile darkness to rescue me. Tears, no longer of rage and anger, roll down my face in thankfulness for the life I have now found.

Sobriety; a life no longer dominated by drugs, alcohol, rage and pain. Each day brings with it the promise of something better, this can only be so as the words he spoke echo somewhere deeply in my soul.

Godwin H. Barton


We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.


Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


Footnotes for Life




hen I am in a bad mood and feel like blaming someone else for it, I will try something new–I won’t. Blaming doesn’t work. It makes the other person defensive and deaf to what I say, and it postpones my seeing and understanding what the feeling beneath the blame is. Today I will recognize that beneath my urge to blame is probably either self-condemnation or a fear of being blamed myself. I will stay with those feelings and see what they are about for me before I act on them by blaming someone else.

Tian Dayton


I will connect with my Higher Power today and see where the connection leads me.


Tian Dayton


Footnotes for Life




arly in my recovery A.A. members told me, “Let us love you ’til you can love yourself.” I surrendered. As my sobriety grew, they offered, “Don't get too hungry, angry, lonely, tired.” I accepted. When they advised, “It's the first drink that gets you drunk, just stay away from that first drink.” I understood. When they suggested, “Don't think about not drinking for the rest of your life, only today.” I knew. When someone told me, “Don't quit before the miracle.” I believed. And when I heard, “Remember alcohol gave you wings to fly but then it took away the sky,” I was free. What wise words!

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