Chicken Soup for the Nurse's Soul (2 page)

BOOK: Chicken Soup for the Nurse's Soul
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Working Christmas Day
Victoria Schlintz

Proud to Be a Nurse
Barbara A. Brady

Joan Filbin

All in a Day’s Work
Naomi Rhode

Kathryn Kimzey Judkins

Heather Black

A Matter of Believing
Scot Thurman

Wake Up!
Kathleen Dahle

The Night Al Heel Broke Loose
Elizabeth Turner

Jelly Hearts
Joyce Mueller

Boarder Baby
Zaphra Reskakis

What Day Is Today?
Dennis Sibley as told to Allen Klein

Fresh Sample
Donna McDonnall

Codes for the Holidays
Jamie L. Beeley

Christmas Magic
Barbara Bartlein


A Forever Kind of Love
Christy M. Martin

Happy Birthday, Grace
Nancy B. Gibbs

In the Arms of an Angel
Elaine Gray Dumler

The Greatest of These Is Love
Roberta L. Messner

You Held My Hand
F. A. Thompson

Love in Its Purest Form
Maryjo Relampagos Pulmano

A Single Act of Love
Laura Hayes Lagana

My Promise
Linda C. Bird

Billy’s Good-Bye Gift
Susan Spence


All Our Hearts Have to Offer
Janie K. Ford

The Touch of Kindness
Tricia Caliguire

A Part of the Team
Viola Ruelke Gommer

To Care for Them
Christine Ehlers

The Hip in 46B
Linda McNeil

I Baptize You . . .
Beverly Houseman

A Visit from an Angel
Sarah Webb Johnson

New Job
Barbara A. Brady

The Depth of This Career
Diane Stallings

How Could I Stay in This Profession?
Kathleen Brewer-Smyth

Women in the Military
Janis Nark


Diabetic Teaching
Johanna Tracy

First Injection
Barbara Bartlein

Lini R. Grol

A Healing Truth
Virginia L. Clark

Finding Your Easter Sunrise
Cindy Bollinger

The Old Woman
Mitzi Chandler

Communication Is the Key
Karyn Buxman

Meeting Her Needs
Judy B. Smith

Susan Pearson

Where Do Babies Come From?
Elaine Stallman

Raspberries and Cream
Marie D. Jones


Now We’re Talkin’
Denise Casaubon

You Can Do Anything!
Susan M. Goldberg

“I Am,” I Said
Shirley McCullough

One Smile at a Time
Rita Kluny

Do Your Best and the Lord Will Bless
Marilynn Carlson Webber

Mary Jane Holman

Sadie, Sadie, Special Lady
Andrea Watson

Charlene Vance

LeAnn Thieman

The Race
Anne Riffenburgh

He Conquered It
Lance Armstrong

Mr. Jackson and the Angel Pin
Linda Apple

Will She Ever Smile Again?
Ana Wehipeihana


Stormy Delivery
Debbie Lukasiewicz as told to LeAnn Thieman

Summons to the Danger Zone
Joan Wester Anderson

The Hand of God
Jo Stickley

Bernie Siegel

Afraid of the Night
Nancy Harless

And the Angels Sang
Mary Saxon Wilburn

A Cherished Angel
Margie Seyfer as told to LeAnn Thieman

Lori’s Wish
Gwen Fosse

By Accident
Candace L. Calvert

Johnnie Dowdy

Voice in the Night
Carin Klabbers


Impacting the Process
Catherine Hoe Harwood

Just What I Needed to Hear
“Dr. Mom” Marianne Neifert

All Pain Being Equal
Corinne Pratz

The Nurse’s Best Medicine
Don Haines

Always a Nurse
Shelly Burke

A Nurse Named Gloria
Lisa Ray Turner

Laura Vickery Hart

Bringing the Cows Home
Susan Townsend

The Crisis of Today
Karyn Buxman

The Assessment
Rebecca Skowronski

Taking Care of Joey
Donna Strickland as told to LeAnn Thieman

Pennies from Heaven
Raymond Bingham

Take a Number Please
Naomi Follis

Reasonable Resignation
Sylvia C. Chism

Black Stockings
Elsie Schmied Knoke


My Mission of Hope
Cherie Clark

The Heart of a Nurse
Beatrice Sheftel

Nurse Puss ’n Boots
J. C. Pinkerton

The Pinning
Dawn Koehn

Last Rites
Jacqueline C. Hadeland

Rhona Knox Prescott


A Piece of Paper
Sherri Sorenson

The Call
Virginia L. Clark

Love in Your Hands
Ken Cyr

Silent Angel
Duane Shaw

Child’s Praise
Dolores Curran

Ministering Angels
Allison Leigh Usher

A Gift from Nana
Terri Murcia

Thank You, Mrs. Dickenson
Georgann Phillips Schultz

There for Me
Carolyn Gavalas

To the Nurses of the World
John Wayne Schlatter

More Chicken Soup?

Supporting Nurses Everywhere

Who Is Jack Canfield?

Who Is Mark Victor Hansen?

Who Is Nancy Mitchell-Autio?

Who Is LeAnn Thieman?





It’s been an honor to write, compile and edit
Chicken Soup for
the Nurse’s Soul.
What a privilege to read such outstanding stories from such loving caregivers. So first and foremost, we must thank the nearly three thousand health-care workers who shared their hearts and souls. Scores of them thanked
for prompting them to write about their experiences. Many wrote sentiments such as, “I know this won’t be published, but thank you for the inspirational, healing journey of writing it.” What a gift you’ve been to us!

To Peter Vegso, our dear publisher, we love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for publishing
Chicken Soup
for the Nurse’s Soul.
Thank you on behalf of all of the
Soup for the Soul
family. We appreciate and love you, Peter!

Bless our families for all of their love and support on this project: Inga, Patty, Mark, Kirk, Christopher, Travis, Riley, Melanie, Elizabeth, Christie, Angela and Mitch.

We are grateful to the following people who read and scored nearly two hundred stories and helped make the final selections: Helen Colella, D’ette Corona, Berniece Duello, Margaret Hill, Mary Hjerleid, Ellen Javernick, Sondra Keeler, Sally Kelly-Engeman, Barbara LoMonaco, Heather McNamara, Linda Mitchell, Linda Osmundson, Carol Rehme, Gayle Stringer, Christie Thieman and Mark Thieman.

A special thanks to the nurses on our reading team who brought their experienced perspective to the selection process: Linda Beckwith, Jeannie Eylar, Bonnie Ford, Susan Goldberg, Lisa Heiney, Jackie Johnson, Holly Leo, Mary McMahon, Tonya Motley, Suzanne Phelan, Pat Richardson, Kay Rosenthal, Cheryl Roth, Diane Sieg, Jery Sigl, Bonnie Urie, Sharon Williams and Kristina Winch.

Josephine Adams donated her skill as a college English professor to do final editing of the manuscript. Her expertise was invaluable.

Thanks to Pat Mahan from
who encouraged contributions in each monthly issue of his e-zine publication. And Kay Rosenthal, Ph.D., R.N., for sharing stories from her
Rural Nurse Organization’s Anthology

Mark Victor Hansen’s entire staff: Patty Hansen, Trudy Marschall, Maria Nickless, Laurie Hartman, Michelle Adams, Tracy Smith, Dee Dee Romanello, Dawn Henshall, Lisa Williams, Kristi Knoppe, David Coleman, Laura Rush, Paula Childers, Tanya Jones, Faith Fuata and Shanna Vieryra.

And Jack Canfield’s entire staff: Patty Aubery, Deborah Hatchell, Heather McNamara, D’ette Corona, Veronica Romero, Cindy Holland, Robin Yerian, Vince Wong and Geneva Lee. Special thanks to Leslie Riskin for her efficiency and kindness in acquiring the permissions. Leslie, we love you and cherish your friendship!

A special thanks to Health Communications for their ongoing support: Terry Burke, Kim Weiss, Kelly Johnson Maragni, Allison Janse, Christine Belleris, Lisa Drucker and Susan Tobias.

To LeAnn’s assistant and marketing agent, Amy Williams, who managed LeAnn’s speaking business brilliantly while she read stories and read stories and read stories. . . .

And to LeAnn’s mom, Berniece Duello, who by living her life in compassionate service, taught LeAnn the virtues of nursing.

A tremendous thank-you to Mark, LeAnn’s graphic designer, webmaster, technical-support technician, editor, soul mate and husband of thirty-one years: “Couldn’t do it without you; wouldn’t want to try.” And to Angela, Christie and Mitch who believed in their mom even before she did.

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