Chicken Soup for the Nurse's Soul

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What People Are Saying About
Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul
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Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul
is a book long overdue. These stories cannot help but touch the hearts and souls of all who read it, nurses or not. Nurses will recognize their own experiences somewhere in these stories, which affirm the personal nature of nursing and the importance of personal touch involved in the care of others. The authors have done nursing a wonderful service in bringing to light the touching, funny, heartfelt anecdotes shared by those at the bedside.”

Sally Russell, M.N., R.N.
educational director, Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses


“Written by nurses, this collection honestly champions the contributions, commitment and sacrifices endured daily by nurses, portraying the compassion, intellect and wit necessary to meet the dynamic, complex and ever-challenging demands of the profession.
Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul
will be cherished by nurses and by everyone whose lives have been touched by a special nurse.”

Mary H. McMahon, M.S.N., R.N.C.
director of nursing, Maternal Child Services
Salem Hospital, Salem, Oregon


“Nursing, the gentle art of caring, is vividly reflected in this collection of stories. Each provides a snapshot of the caregiving, compassion and depth of feelings encountered in the daily activities of nurses. With all the challenges of workplace issues facing nurses today, this collection of personal stories brings focus back to the motivations for choosing a career in nursing, as well as nourishes the soul of the practicing nurse.”

Linda Kubik Goeldner, C.H.E., C.A.E.
executive director, Iowa Nurses Association


“I was inspired and reignited about being a registered nurse as I read these stories. I was overwhelmed with tears, goose bumps, reflection and laughing out loud. In these challenging times we live in, I think these stories are a must for people interested in health care, receiving health care, and most importantly, for nurses of all ages, to be reminded of the importance in the work they do.”

Jeannie Eylar
director, Patient Care Services
Pullman Memorial Hospital, Pullman, Washington


Chicken Soup
for the ‘angels of mercy’ who have always been there for everyone else! Words of encouragement just for us! After that difficult shift at work when the patient load was heavy and the ‘moon was full,’ kick off your shoes, brew a cup of hot tea and relax in your favorite chair with some inspiring stories that remind us we are not only a blessing— we’re also blessed!”

Joan E. Edwards, R.N.C., M.N., C.N.S.
director, Women’s & Children’s Services
Kingwood Medical Center, Kingwood, Texas


“A powerful and inspiring book! The authors have captured nursing at its very best—demonstrating the art of caring for another human being. These nursing experiences vividly portray the integrity, compassion and intrinsic rewards of the nurse–patient relationship. This book will touch the heart and soul of novice and experienced nurses alike who share a common value of preserving human dignity—in health and in illness.”

Martha G. Lavender, R.N., D.S.N.
professor, dean of nursing
Jacksonville State University


“To my nurse colleagues: I urge you to read this book from cover to cover. It will inspire you to remember all those reasons why you became a nurse—an exercise that will result in a warm glow of happiness and the self-satisfaction of knowing you made the right career decision.”

Mary Henrikson, M.N., R.N.C.
chief operating officer
Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women
San Diego, California


“These inspiring stories illustrate the incredible difference we, as nurses, get to make in people’s lives every day. Thank you for reminding me of the honorable profession of nursing.”

Diane Sieg, R.N., C.L.C.


“These stories gave me a wonderful sense of community among other nurses. I was able to relate to almost every story with a similar experience of my own. I was reminded over and over why I went into nursing and why I love what I do. I feel an increased pride in my profession and a great sense of belonging to a universal community of caring.”

Susan Goldberg, R.N.


“Why did I become nurse? I didn’t choose this profession for the big bucks or my name in lights! These stories convey the spirit of what it means to be a nurse!”

Suzanne Phelan, R.N., B.S.N.


“Nurses are the heart and soul of health care. In this book, our colleagues have shared brief glimpses into our profession, opening this heart and soul to the world.
Chicken Soup for the
Nurse’s Soul
gives us all a chance to laugh and maybe even cry, as we see ourselves provide our unique brand of care and caring to those we serve. So kick back and enjoy this marvelous book!”

Lynn Komatz, R.N., C.N.O.R.


“These stories refresh my spirit as a nurse and inspire me to stay on in this great profession.”

Kristina Winch, L.P.N.


“As I read
Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul,
I was reminded of the many adventures, challenges, joys and sorrows of the career. It has not always been easy, but certainly rewarding. It forced me to grow up and see the real world. I have always believed that nursing is a blending of art and science. This book certainly illustrates that profound blending of two essential pieces of ‘who we are.’”

Jery Sigl, R.N.


“Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul
reminds me why I am so grateful to nurses for supporting me in my work and helping me to become the doctor I am today. Decades ago, when I began listening to patients’ stories and helping them to heal, the nurses knew I was on the right path. They were into intensive caring while most medical professionals were into diagnosing and treating the disease, not appreciating the patients’ experiences. Nurses taught me that a good doctor is one who is criticized by nurses, patients and families. Their criticism polished my mirror. So, let me take this opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to all the nurses who trained me.”

Bernie Siegel, M.D.
Love, Medicine and Miracles


“Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul
pays grateful tribute to nurses—those exalted and capable servants who selflessly tend the sick, injured, aged and downhearted with deep compassion and unceasing dedication. Containing more than one hundred true stories of service and sacrifice, this uplifting book tugs on your heartstrings and tickles your funny bone, while artfully honoring the noble profession of nursing. Anyone who has ever been the recipient or the provider of health care will be challenged, motivated and enlightened by these inspiring, true-life examples of exceptional courage, commitment and caring.”

“Dr. Mom” Marianne Neifert, M.D.
speaker, author and clinical professor of pediatrics
University of Colorado School of Medicine


“Each story will fill nurses with a sense of pride in their chosen profession, helping them feel good about the work that they do, enabling them to thrive, not just survive, in this health-care arena.”

Mary Garlick Roll, R.N., M.S.




101 Stories to Celebrate,
Honor and Inspire the
Nursing Profession


Jack Canfield
Mark Victor Hansen
Nancy Mitchell-Autio, R.N.
LeAnn Thieman, L.P.N.


Health Communications, Inc.
Deerfield Beach, Florida


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


Chicken soup for the nurse’s soul : 101 stories to celebrate, honor, and inspire the nursing profession / Jack Canfield … [et al.].


p. cm.

ISBN-13: 978-1-55874-934-4 (hardcover)
ISBN-10: 1-55874-934-9 (hardcover)
ISBN-13: 934-1-55874-933-7 (trade paper)
ISBN-10: 1-55874-933-0 (trade paper)
1. Nursing—Anecdotes. 2. Nurses—Anecdotes. I. Canfield, Jack, date.

RT61 .C376 2001



© 2001 John T. Canfield and Hansen and Hansen LLC


All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.


HCI, its logos and marks are trademarks of Health Communications, Inc.


Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.
              3201 S.W. 15th Street
              Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-8190



Cover design by Lisa Camp
Typesetting by Lawna Patterson Oldfield


To all nurses who,
perhaps more than any other group
on Earth,
truly ease the suffering in the world.






The Florence Nightingale Pledge

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