Chasing You (Thirsty Hearts Book 4) (16 page)

BOOK: Chasing You (Thirsty Hearts Book 4)
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Chapter Twenty-Three

lexa left
Trista a voicemail to assure her that she still had a job at Starlight Fitness and to schedule a meeting after her new hire’s first early morning classes. Locked in the employee bathroom, Alexa stared into the mirror and gave herself a pep talk.

Professionalism. That’s how she would get through today and the few weeks it would likely take for her to get over the weekend’s events.
You put on your game face and be professional.

Trista sat in front of her desk, back straight and arms to the side facing upward as if she were in a contemplative yoga pose. Alexa relaxed.

“Good morning.”

Trista jumped, and she whipped her head around. “Good morning.”

“Thanks for stopping in.”

Alexa rounded her desk and sat down. “This is incredibly awkward, so I’d rather just acknowledge that than pretend this is a perfectly normal conversation to have on your first day of work.”

The corner of Trista’s mouth twitched, almost smiling, so Alexa continued.

“That was an ugly scene on Saturday night, and I’m sorry to have involved you in some silly drama. It won’t happen again, and I’m hoping that you’ll join team and enjoy working here.”

Having delivered the speech she practiced all day Sunday, Alexa held her breath and waited for Trista to respond. The other woman relaxed her grip on her knees and sat back in the chair.

“I had no idea you and Graham were dating,” she blurted. “Nothing happened. He and I were together for a while, but that was a long time ago. Maybe I hoped we might reconnect, but trust me, not anymore. You and he…I wish you luck. Honestly.”

“You don’t need to worry about that. That’s…over. The reason I wanted to have this meeting is to let you know that none of this is going to impact your work here. At least, I hope it doesn’t.”

Even if Alexa didn’t mean it, she knew assuring Trista was her only option. She couldn’t very well fire the woman over personal issues. Beyond legalities, Alexa would never want anyone to find her that petty.

“It won’t. I promise. The classes this morning went really well, and I’m excited.” Trista managed a sincere smile, and they both laughed. “How long exactly before this stops being weird though?”

“I think this one goes down for the ages in weirdness, but how about we start now deciding to let it go?”

“Sounds good. And I’m really, truly sorry for getting in the middle of all this.”

“It’s not your fault.”

No, this was Graham’s fault. He’s the one who created this sticky situation. He was also next up for an awkward conversation.

She texted him that morning, and asked if he could stop by in the early afternoon. Trista would be on the other side of the building teaching, so that time gave them the best chance to not have a repeat run-in as a threesome.

* * *

ven though he
’d agreed to meet in Alexa’s office, Graham texted her at lunch to move the meeting to neutral territory. They met at a coffee shop halfway between her gym and Graham’s office.

Graham stayed at the shop all morning working, so he could ensure she wouldn’t beat him there. His laptop and bag were strewn over the table next to his half-eaten sandwich and empty coffee cup. He got up to throw away his trash and saw Alexa walking through the doors. She noticed him and marched over.

“I don’t have much time since we’re not in my office, and I have to drive back to meet with a personal training client. Where are you sitting?”

The chill emanating from her could cool an outdoor patio in August.

“In the back corner. You don’t want to get a coffee or sandwich or anything first?”


She pushed past him and took a seat at the table he’d indicated. Graham dropped his trash in the bin and trudged back to the table at the speed of a man walking the plank.

“Thanks for meeting me here.” He folded his computer closed and moved it to the side. His steepled fingers looked like a prayer.

“Listen, I’m only here to talk about one thing. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t come around the gym. I talked to Trista this morning, and we’ve worked things out, but having you around will just make everything awkward all over again.”

As she spoke, she folded her arms neatly in front of her and kept her face still. No flirtatious humor or teasing bravado. She gave him nothing.

“I see. And you don’t want to discuss at all what happened on Saturday? I wanted to have the opportunity to explain again and apologize. I do apologize for creating an awkward situation for you and Trista. I wasn’t thinking.”

“I appreciate the apology, but it’s not necessary.”

She scooted back from the table and grabbed her purse.

“That’s it?”

“I don’t want to cover old ground.”

“It’s not old ground when we haven’t even had the first conversation about it. Can you give me five minutes?”

She tensed up, but swung her bag onto the neighboring chair and sat back down. “Go.”

“I let things get out of hand on Saturday, but I had no intention of getting involved with Trista. I’m aware of how sleazy it would be to be involved with both of you. Not to mention the fact that anything between Trista and I died a long time ago. I hate that you walked in at that precise moment. It couldn’t have been worse timing.”

“Yeah. That’s the problem. You got caught. Otherwise, you’re right. We wouldn’t have an issue. I’d be clueless. Trista would be hanging onto the idea that you were interested in her. No problem at all.”

“That’s not true. I was telling Trista that there was no jumpstarting a new relationship. And there’s nothing going on for you to be clueless about.”

“Is that what you wanted to say to me?” She crossed her arms tightly through the handle of her purse, ready to bolt.

“I suppose that sums it up.”

“Thanks for understanding about coming to gym. I think this will be easier on everyone.”

Alexa sprang from the chair and charged out of the coffee shop, her tight butt swishing side to side. Graham watched, missing it already.

Chapter Twenty-Four

lexa paused
with her hand poised on the car door. She wanted to crawl home and curl up under the blanket on her couch until the sun came up and she had to go to work again tomorrow. Instead, she climbed out of her car and walked toward the Tex-Mex restaurant on South Congress where she agreed to meet Adam for dinner.

The days since her finale with Graham hadn’t removed the tight band of hurt and regret that made it hard for her to breathe easy.
She couldn’t let a guy—especially a player like Graham—have a grip on her like this. She squeezed her eyes shut and clicked the button on her key fob to lock the door.

She found Adam chatting closely with the bartender and sipping on a rocks margarita.

“Hey.” Tapping him on the arm got his attention.

“Hello. How are you? The bartender was just telling me where to go for salsa dancing. Have you ever been?”

“I’m good, and I have.”

Alexa loved salsa dancing. She hadn’t dated many guys who were interested in going. The image of Graham swaying his hips to the rumble of a Latin band made her giggle. Could you salsa in chinos and loafers?

“You enjoyed it. We should go.” Adam smiled. “With your friends or whatever. I don’t want to be presumptuous.”

He held his hand up in what Alexa interpreted as gallant concession to the fact that she was seeing someone else. She wasn’t ready to open the door to Adam, so she didn’t say anything about Graham.

“No worries. Although, it is more fun in a group. I may have to recruit some of Melissa’s relatives. I went to a party at her place once, and the Navarro clan knows how to dance.”

“You can invite Graham.”

Alexa shook her head and shrugged.

“What happened?”

She examined the line of liquor bottles behind him, thinking about her choice of cocktail. “What ever happens with these things. It’s not worth talking about.”

“Absolutely.” Adam held up his margarita, grinning. “I’d toast to exciting new possibilities, but we need to get you a drink.”

“I’ll get something when we get to the table.”

His wide smile coaxed her into a better mood.

Dinner rolled along with easy conversation that kept Alexa’s mind mostly off of the other man. She introduced Adam to chili rellenos—fried poblano peppers stuffed with spiced chicken, cheese, almonds, and raisins.

“That was amazing. Now, what kind of dessert should we order? I’m in the mood for something sweet.” His licked his full bottom lip and drew it into his mouth as he perused the trifold dessert and cocktail menu on the table.

“They have good sopapillas, but I say we close out and head up the street to Amy’s Ice Cream. It’s amazing and an Austin tradition.”

“Sounds perfect.”

Alexa motioned for the waiter to bring the bill, and when it arrived, she placed her credit card in the leather bill holder. “My treat this time.”

“No way. I’m on an expense account. Let me get it.”

She waved him off. “Nope. My treat. You can get it next time.”

His white smile beamed. “Okay. If we are in agreement that there will be a next time, I’ll relent.”

She signed the check when it came back, and they meandered up the street, past storefronts like a music store advertising “RECORDS” in red letters. She peered in at the tattered album covers shielded by plastic from further damage. “I thought about getting a record player to listen to old vinyl again.”


“It’s mostly nostalgia. I still have some of my albums from when I was a kid. Or my parents do at their house.”

“Like what?”

Sesame Street Fever
.” She chuckled and kicked at bottle cap underneath her foot. “That’s kind of a big leap.”

Sesame Street
? Like the puppets on television?”

“Yep. I loved listening to Ernie sing to his rubber ducky.”

Adam laughed, and they walked on. Alexa wiped her palms on her thighs. The thick night air threatened rain. A man with a mohawk rolled by in his classic car, reflecting the street lights off of its sleek lines in emerald and chrome.

“My dad always wanted to get a classic car from the ‘50s. For a while, I thought about getting him a model or something. I know nothing about those old cars.”

“That was a Chevrolet Bel Air.”

She grinned. “You know about old American cars?”

“I went through a phase where I was obsessed with mid-century design. There’s something alluring about the industrialism of those old, heavy machines. There’s an artist who paints classic cars, showing off their angles and shiny chrome. God, I can’t remember his name. I adore those old cars. That was a fascinating time. Things were more traditional then.”

“I didn’t peg you as a traditionalist.”

“I am. In my own way, I suppose.”

She took his arm and stepped to the curb, looking both ways. “We need to cross the street.”

They hustled across to the ice cream shop, which consisted of a small stand and a smattering of picnic tables outside. Strains of Latin guitar grew louder on the street corner. The musician launched into a soft, melodious song in Spanish.

“This music is beautiful. We should dance.” Adam stroked her hand and patted it. As the music rose on the night air, Alexa found herself gently rocking to the melody.


Adam pulled her into his body. Holding one hand up and wrapping his other arm around her waist, they began to move together. At first, Alexa stepped right when Adam guided her left, but after a couple of missteps, they glided together on the bare dirt between the haphazardly arranged tables.

The rhythm picked up, and so did their feet. Adam released her waist and sent her twirling around, arms in the air. Alexa’s bubble of laughter mixed with the twangs of the music as she whirled. A few fast strums of the guitar, and the song was over.

Adam drew her back to him. He tucked his chin on top of her shoulder, and his laughter warmed her neck. Alexa grabbed his hands and took a step back.

“Another!” Adam called to the guitarist, and the man struck up another song, faster this time, throwing the couple into more of a cha cha. Her hips moved instinctively in response to the beat and Adam’s motion.

The small crowd enjoying their ice cream began clapping. The lightness of Alexa’s feet shocked even her as did Adam’s ability to keep up as the pace increased. Back and forth, their bodies mirrored each other in perfect synchrony until the music halted.

Adam panted. “That was amazing. We have to make a date to go dancing. All night next time.”

“I don’t know if there’s a place to dance all night, but I’m sure I could find something.”

“We still need to order our ice cream. Tell me what’s best.”

“I like Mexican Vanilla with M&Ms. Let’s see what they have.”

Alexa led Adam to the line and, when they got up front, surveyed their options. She put in her order and then advised him. “Lemon custard is tremendous. It depends on what you like. Chocolate or vanilla. Nuts. Candy. She’s known for the Mexican Vanilla. You can get that and mix in some extras.”

“Mexican Vanilla and Snickers.”

Graham’s perfect food.
Alexa crumpled up the thought and threw it away.

The young, dreadlocked woman behind the counter took Adam’s money and started making their order. In profile, Adam’s shining grin was shadowed, but Alexa leaned into the pull of its exuberance. She was having a good time.

He grabbed their cups of ice cream and motioned with his chin toward the tables.

“Lead the way.”

* * *

. You have another delivery up at the front.”

“Can you bring it back, Holly? I’m in the middle of something.”

Alexa looked up as Holly rapped on her office door, which stood slightly ajar.

“These are gorgeous. Are the apology roses going to work?”

Alexa waved her receptionist into the room and gestured for her to set the crystal vase on the cabinet in front of the window. The dozen crimson roses spiked with baby’s breath could only be from Adam.

“Thanks, Holly, but I’m pretty sure these aren’t from Graham.”

“No?” Holly gave her a sly smile.

“No. Dollars to donuts, they’re from Adam—the guy I met in London.”

“The one who was in town for the festival? I thought you and he were just friends.”

“I guess.” Alexa rubbed the bridge of her nose, squeezing her eyes shut to forestall a growing headache. Holly leaned over the floral display, inhaled, and then shook her head.

“Two guys are after you. Don’t look so depressed.”

She wrinkled her nose. “It’s drama. I hate it.”

“What’s the drama? Graham pulls that stunt, and I told you all the things I’ve heard women in the gym saying about him. Tell him to go pound sand and heat things up with flower boy.”

Alexa poked absently at the floral offering, so Holly searched through the stems herself. She plucked a tiny note from the forked card holder and handed it to her boss. “Open it.”

Alexa popped open the envelope with Holly hovering.

“Do you want to tell me what it says or am I being nosy?”

“‘If ever any beauty I did see, which I desired, and got, ‘twas but a dream of thee.’ It’s not signed.” Her cheeks tingled with heat.

“It sounds British-y.” Holly’s tone turned speculative. “Kind of bold not to put his name.”

The line sounded familiar, but Alexa couldn’t place it. She rotated in her chair and opened her laptop. A second later, she had her answer.

“It’s a John Donne poem. ‘The Good Morrow.’ And, yeah, John Donne is British.”

“Romantic and literate.” Holly counted the traits on her fingers. “And you said Adam was handsome, right?”

“He is all of those things.”

Holly threw her hand to her hip. “You have zero problems.”

Alexa stared at the card. “We went to dinner the other night and then walked up Congress to Amy’s for ice cream. I had a good time. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

She dropped the card onto her desk and rubbed the back of her neck.

Holly slid the note closer so she could read it. “The same thing that’s wrong with all of us. We’re jaded. We’re tired. We’re suspicious. Men disappoint us. But this guy sounds like a peach, and at least you know he hasn’t slept with half of Austin. With all his running around, Graham might need a penicillin dip.”

Alexa frowned. “True.”

“Guys like that are good for a while, but when they show their colors, you move on.”

moving on. That’s not even the decision.”

“Bring Adam by the gym or out to happy hour. I’ll meet him and grill him and tell you what I think.”

A stuttering laugh escaped Alexa’s lips. She could always count on her friends to come through for her. “Okay. Maybe.”

“No maybe. I, at least, want to set eyes on him. You can tell a lot just by looking a guy in the eye.”

Yes, you could. From the moment Alexa met Adam, he’d put his focus entirely on her. He had that way about him of being totally present. His gaze and his intentions never wavered. At this point, Alexa should admire him for his consistency alone.

“Alright. Alright. We’ll see.”

“I better get back to the front.” Holly looked at her watch. “Get excited. I can’t tell you the last time a guy sent me flowers. Maybe I need to go find a foreigner to get a guy with romantic instincts.”

“Hey, American men aren’t so bad.”

“Aren’t they?” Holly tossed over her shoulder as she started back down the hallway.

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