Chasing Air (20 page)

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Authors: Delaine Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Chasing Air
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“Love me?” he asked with a sexy smile.

“With all of my heart.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and filled her hands with his hair. She kissed him sweetly, allowing her lips to linger on his.








With only a couple of days left before the wedding, the final to-do list was growing for Makenzie and Ryler. They both had the day off to finish Christmas shopping as well as clearing the list of wedding needs before her family arrived the next day.

They stopped in Astoria’s Bistro for breakfast. Makenzie took one whiff of her meal and didn’t feel so well. She didn’t want Ryler to worry, so she played with her food and just kept chatting away. She stopped a few times to check on Daisy, who was ringing her bell on purpose by rolling in circles in her carrier. Every time her bell would jingle, Makenzie would roll her eyes at Ryler.

“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” He smirked in fun.

“You and that darn bell. Did you really think it wasn’t going to be annoying? And the bad part is that she loves to make noise. When I take it off, she brings it to me if she can find it. She wants the crazy thing on.”

“I’ve noticed that she shakes her head to make it ring. We could solve the problem with a playmate.”

“We’re working on it. I thought you’d be patient, you promised. Are you changing your mind on me?”

“Oh no, I wasn’t talking about a baby this time,


I was actually thinking about getting another schnauzer. I read that they do better in pairs. You could leave her at home more and she wouldn’t tear up things. She’s lonely on the days and nights that you work. She waits by the front window for you. It’s so sad.”

“I know, we’re inseparable and I shouldn’t spoil her so much.”

“No kidding. I take second chair to her,” he laughed, but he locked his fingers with hers and brought her hand to his lips. “It’s okay, I know you love me, too.” His laugh was light-hearted and his eyes were full of mischief.

He was up to something as usual, she was sure of it.

Mak loved the way he laughed. His whole body took part and his blue eyes twinkled liked they were infused with glitter.

“Ah, is my baby jealous? You know you come first. If you think that she would do better with another dog, we can talk about it. But not until we get home from Aspen.”

“Aspen. I’m so ready to have you all to myself. I don’t know how much skiing we’ll get in, but the cabin has a great fireplace and the owner assures me that we’ll find it completely stocked with everything.”

“I can’t wait. Can we just skip the wedding?”

“You’re kidding me, right? You want to now, after I begged for weeks? You’re killing me woman.” They shared a laugh.

“I’ve thought about it many times, but my parents need this more. They love you like crazy.”

“Ditto.” Ryler touched her cheek softly. “Okay, this isn’t getting our errands done. Let’s get out of here. If we stay here any longer, I can’t be responsible for my public display.”

“There’s room in your car,” she suggested with a coy smile.

“I’ve got a better idea. We’ll run home, drop Daisy off, and make time for a little treat, eh?” He gave her a half-cocked grin. She saw the look of need in his eyes and she felt the stirring within her body as well. The way her body responded to him always amazed her. Just the way he looked over her curves left her skin sizzling. His touch left her heated and purring with need. Until Ryler’s seductions, she never knew how sensitive the inside of her elbows were or the sweet spot on her left hip bone that made her crawl in bed.




Ryler always had surprises planned and that day, things were no different.

“What’s the first stop on the list?”

“Picking up the gowns at the boutique in Highland Park.”

“Nice. I get to finally see them, right?”

“Nuh-uh, you have to wait in the car. They’ll be bagged, so swear to me they’ll be no peaking.”

“We’ll see about that.” He grinned and she saw the same look on his face that was visible the very first time she met him. It said, “I eventually get my way, you’ll see.”

While she was at the boutique, he decided to slip over to another specialty boutique and buy a few things for his wife-to-be. He’d never purchased beautiful lingerie before, but when he pictured Makenzie in some of the pieces, he found himself painfully hard against his zipper. With his gift stowed away in his car, he went back to the bridal shop to pick up Makenzie.

He saw a tight look on her face. “Everything okay with the dress?”

“Yes, it’s fine, they all are. Where did you go?”

“Can’t tell you now, you have to wait.”

“Hm, torture techniques? I know it’ll be fun, whatever it is.”

“Uhm hmm. Where to now? The florist?” He behaved like a hired driver, taking orders to deliver her.

“No. They’re meeting us at the chapel. Let’s pick up the tuxes.”

With the car loaded and the florist cleared, Ryler didn’t head for home. He drove west out towards the Dallas/Fort Worth airport. Makenzie looked at him, awaiting her surprise. She didn’t ask where they were going, she just enjoyed holding his hand and being with him.

When he pulled the car into the valet at the Gaylord Hotel, Mak looked at him with big eyes. “We’re getting a room here for a quickie? What about Daisy?”

“Daisy’s all taken care of. Come with me.”

They left the car with the valet and took a meandering stroll arm in arm through the beautifully decorated hotel. The Gaylord was decorated to the hilt in everything holiday-themed. Makenzie was completely in awe of the indoor landscaping, evergreens, and even the river running through the hotel.

“Ready for your next surprise?” he asked with a cocky grin.

“Um-hm. What is it?”

Without a word, he decided to show her, and led her by the hand through the hotel to the Ice Exhibit. They donned parkas and gloves and entered the special, life-sized North Pole with Makenzie completely giddy with excitement. They viewed one ice sculpture after another, but when they got to the end of the ice show, they came upon the room-sized slide carved completely out of ice. Makenzie squealed with excitement.

“How did you know about this?” she asked as they rode down the slide for the tenth time.

“Our family has been coming here every year since they’ve had it. We come as a group the week after Christmas. I thought we’d come on our own since we’ll miss the family time this year. Next year we’ll join them.”

“That was so much fun. I loved it.”

“We’re not done, there’s more.”

“More?” Her eyes lit up like a small child’s. He waited for her to start jumping up and down.

Makenzie followed Ryler’s lead, hand-in-hand, bouncing with excitement. They picked up the car from valet and he drove them back into Dallas where they pulled into the valet at the Crescent Hotel.

“What’s here?” The December air touched her neck and mixed with her anticipation, sending chills down her body.

Ryler escorted her past the lobby to the elevator. He only spoke to her with his intense eyes, but his message was loud and clear, and it was smokin’ hot.

He opened the door to the suite. She found rose petals strewn on the floor and two massage tables in the room.

“Good evening, Mr. Buchanan, Miss Holder.” The masseuse welcomed them.

“Would you care to join me for a couple’s massage?” Ryler asked as he held his hand out to her.

“Honey, you’re spoiling me. What did I ever do to deserve you?” she said, presenting her hand to him. He twirled her around before pulling her tightly into his arms.

“Your heart rescued mine, that’s what.”

“I love you so much. I love us.”

The masseuses’ worked diligently massaging all of Ryler’s tired muscles and Makenzie’s tension away. They listened to soft music and enjoyed champagne while skilled fingers worked their magic. Makenzie requested a silky body scrub while Ryler got his first experience with hot stones. 

“This is truly an evening to remember,” she mumbled through the hair covering her face.

“Babe, it’s far from over.”

“Hmmmmm.” She approved.

After his massage was over, he sat in his robe and watched his fiancée enjoy the moment while he sipped champagne.

Makenzie cracked one eye open and saw his body splayed out in an oversized chair, watching her. “Are you starting without me?”

“Yes and no. From the sounds of your moans, you started without me.”

They both laughed.

With the room finally to themselves, Ryler poured Makenzie a glass of champagne. “To every breath of air you chase, I’ll be there with you chasing it together. I love you, Makenzie.”

The luxury bathroom was truly designer in every way. The jacuzzi had a row of rain shower heads over it.

He wrapped his arms around her silken skin as she rested her back to his front. Her red toes peaked out of the white bubbles as she ran her toes up and down his shin. He had thought of everything, including soft music circulating throughout the suite.

Makenzie eyed a gift bag on the counter. “What’s in the bag?”

“Something for me.” His tone was spirited and his body shook from trying to hold back his laughter.

“You got a gift? From who?”

“You.” He let out a cocky snicker.

“Nope, I didn’t get you anything.”

“Oh yeah? We’ll see about that.” He was playing coy, but she only wanted to enjoy the moment in his arms.

“Why couldn’t I have met you first?” She blew at the bubbles creeping up into her face.

“Mak, you can’t look at it that way. We both had to live through our pain to appreciate the beautiful blessings we’ve been given. No doubt the road has been a painful bitch for both of us, but I can’t imagine anything different.”

Ryler turned Makenzie around to face him. “Don’t let past regrets creep in to our future. Love me with all your heart. Appreciate everything good about us and marry me.”

“I already said yes.” She laughed.

“It’s a date.” He paused to take her cheeks in his hands before continuing, “Set in stone.”

She kissed him back quickly, again and again.

Their passion tossed water onto the floor but they didn’t let that stop their connection or their need to be together. No interruptions, no haunts from the past, nothing in their way of being together.

“I need you,” she said between kisses. She felt his thickness under her hips. She wanted him and was doing her best to blend their bodies into one.

With her breasts in his hands, she raised up and lowered herself onto his thick shaft. Their position and the length of him penetrated her deeply and took her by surprise. She let out a loud sigh.

“Easy, baby, no need to rush.”

“I’m not rushing, I want to love you, all of you.”

She slowly raised and lowered herself on him as he thumbed her in gentle circles. She felt her heartbeat escalate, heard her own breaths quicken and let her head fall back. “Yes,” she gasped.

He didn’t stop his stimulation although she stalled her movements as a climax shuddered through her body. When the thunder stopped riveting through her, she slowly began to raise and lower her hips in unison with him. He pulled her tightly to his body and wrapped her hair around his wrist. With a tight tug of her hair, the position presented her sensuous neck and shoulder to him. He drew circles on her skin with his tongue. He felt her heartbeat quicken at his touch. The little bites that he left on the hollow of her shoulder stimulated her nipples into stiff peaks.

“You’re so beautiful, do you know that?” he mumbled against her breast.

“Only with you.”

With her hips in his hands, he gripped her tightly, penetrating her in smooth strokes. He felt her tighten around him, and sensed she was close. He slid his hands around her ribcage and pulled her close to him while he sat up straight and bent his knees. The change in position was exhilarating to both of them, as their peak hung in the air amidst their burning desires.

With his lips around her nipple, he gently bit at the tight bud. Her deep channel exploded around him, clenching him so tightly it was almost painful for him.

She felt him explode inside her as she held his head to her breasts.

“My heart is now alive because of you,” she said later, her voice soft.

“I’m alive because of you,” he said with devotion.


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