Charmed Vengeance (20 page)

Read Charmed Vengeance Online

Authors: Suzanne Lazear

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

BOOK: Charmed Vengeance
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Kevighn studied her out of the corner of his eye. She looked even more beautiful than she had the last time he’d seen her, before he’d been exiled. He sucked in a sharp breath. Magnolia was no longer mortal. When had


The captain took the seat at the head of the wooden table. Kevighn tried to sit next to Magnolia, not that he could speak with her so publically, but she ended up between Jeff and the large dark man he’d seen earlier in the bar.

Supper was uncomfortable. Every time he even looked in Magnolia’s direction someone got his attention and pelted him with questions.

The message was clear–yes, if he was going to speak with her he’d have to be very discreet, otherwise they might make a detour over the Grand Canyon.

Noli put away the dress she’d had laundered off ship. The clever laundress even managed to get the grease out. The newest member of the crew could pose a problem.

Kevighn. On this ship. Flying figs.

He was exiled from the Otherworld, just like V’s family had been. That meant he had to make it on his own in the mortal realm and take up an occupation. Kevighn had been a pilot before and even owned his own airship once. It wasn’t as if exile would make him respectable all-of-thesudden.

Why couldn’t he have simply gone to work in an opium den? Certainly he’d spent enough time in them.

Kevighn wished to speak with her, she could see it in his eyes. Noli didn’t want to have the discussion of how she came to be here and why she was no longer mortal. No, it still hurt too much, and Kevighn …

Well, a man of opportunity such as he would see V breaking her stone as a chance to court her. No matter how handsome and dangerous he might be, she wasn’t about to be pursued by the likes of him. Fortunately, Jeff and the crew did an excellent job of deflecting him.

Someone rapped on her bedroom door. Her insides knotted as she closed the latch on her footlocker.

“Who’s there?” Noli prayed it wasn’t Kevighn.

“It’s me.” Captain Vix.

“Come in.” Noli place her new plant, a pot of mint, on her worktable next to her roses.

Vix popped her head in. “The new crewmember isn’t bothering you, is he? Winky said he was poking around.”

“No, though I have to admit, him being here surprised me.” She sat on her hammock, toying with the curls of the redheaded doll.

“If he bothers you, let me know. I’m not completely certain about him.” She twisted a little as if unsure. “I’m actually here because I want to know if during your repairs you by chance did anything to make the engines faster.” The gleam in her eyes told Noli that she hoped the answer was

Noli grinned. “I may have tweaked a few things. Why do you ask?”

“Good, stand by in case there’s a problem, we’re leaving.”

“Now?” Noli threw her leather apron over her good dress she’d yet to change out of and stuffed her work gloves in her pocket.

“We’re going to chase some
baddies.” Her eyes danced with delight, like a child opening an enormous bag of sweets. “We’ve been chasing them for months, but it always seems like they never have cargo when we’re in a position do anything. Since the federal government won’t do anything about it, we—me and a few other ships—do. Try, at least.”

The conversation she’d had with Jeff came back to her as she grabbed her tool box. “Human trafficking. You mean these girls are transported by air?” Vix nodded. “It’s less regulated than sea or rails. Now stand by. If we’re going to catch these sons of dogs we’re going to have to give it all we’ve got.”

As if nothing were wrong, Noli sat at her worktable weaving her watch chain. Not that anything was amiss. No, the entire crew, sans Winky and Jeff was boarding the ship of bad air pirates, the traffickers. It was as if she had no value since she couldn’t use a pistol.

What she needed to do was check the engines; also, the hull was going to need repairs, as was whatever else the baddies shot up when the Vixen’s Revenge attacked them.

But no, Noli had been ordered to stay in her room like a naughty child
so she wouldn’t get in the way.
Perhaps she couldn’t use a pistol or fight, but surely she could do something more useful than work on her watch chain … or practice throwing her knife into the door, which she’d done until the sprite threatened to take over. Thad said she had a knack for knife throwing, which was good because she didn’t seem as adept at knife fighting.

I like making the watch chain. It’s much more fun than playing with the knife. James is going to love it so much. See how the beads sparkle?
the sprite interjected as Noli wove the tiny silver beads she’d bought today into the pattern.

They are pretty,
she replied. This would be part of the alternating sections of the watch chain, which would be made of five sections united with the silver clasps she’d also bought today. Ideally, it should only be three sections, but Charlotte’s hair wasn’t long enough and a shorter piece was easier to start and stop.

She’d just finished off the section when someone knocked on the door.

“Noli?” Captain Vix asked.

“Come in.” She took the weights off the finished section glad she hadn’t been practicing knife throwing. The last thing she wanted was Thad to get in trouble. Vix cocked her head. “What are you doing?

Making a watch chain. What can I help you with? May I check the engines now? Do you need me to go up top to make repairs?”

“We’re going to have to limp along until we reach San Fran. Especially now that we’re heavy with their supplies and cargo. Whatever you did to the engines worked perfectly. Hopefully, Hayden’s Follies will get here to fly decoy before we cross MoBatt territory, since the quickest way to San Fran is through Deseret. Right now I need you down below.” Noli followed, skirts rustling as Vix led her down to the main cargo hold.

“There’s no place else, so we’ve put them in the hold. But I’m no good with small children,” Vix told her. “I know you’re an engineer not a nursemaid, but perhaps you could help me with them? They’re afraid of the men—and rightfully so.”

Noli nodded, imaging what horrible things they’ve been through. “They’ll warm up to Winky soon enough.

I think they will.” Vix gave her the slightest of smiles and opened the door. “I’ll have him bring down some supper.”

Six little girls peered at her with wide eyes. Some had cuts and bruises, one was naked, and the others wore everything from rags to ripped party dresses. The eldestlooking girl was as dark as Asa. Another had almond eyes and yellowish skin.

A tiny blonde with giant blue eyes toddled over to Noli and wrapped her arms around her leg. “Are you taking me home to my Popi?”

Noli ran her fingers through the girl’s tangled hair and looked to Vix for the answer.

“We’re taking you someplace safe; the ladies there will help get you back to your mommies and daddies.” Vix used a baby voice, bending down with her hands on her knees.

Noli bit her tongue to keep from laughing at such ridiculousness.

“What should I do?” Noli surveyed the group, the torn dresses and bruised faces.

“See if anyone has any major injuries. Also, could you just stay with them for a little while? Please? I need to return to the bridge.” Vix shifted her weight from foot to foot.

“Go ahead. We’ll be fine, right?” Noli looked down at the little blonde girl.

The little girl nodded. “I’m hungry.”

Other heads bobbed in agreement.

“Winky will bring down some food.” Vix left.

Suddenly, Noli felt herself shoved out of her body as the sprite took control. “Hi girls, I’m Noli. Why don’t we get you all cleaned up so we can have supper?”

Noli watched as the sprite paraded them up to the engine room where she’d secretly rigged a way for the heat of the engines to warm a barrel of water that was
to be used as a ballast, which she’d snuck up from the hold. That was going to be her bath later. Ballast water didn’t need to be clean to be useful and there’d been no time in Denver for a hot bath. She’d planned on returning the barrel to its rightful place when she’d finished with it.

“I only have one bar of soap, but we’ll make six wash cloths.” The sprite used her little knife to cut rags into pieces and gave one to each girl. “We have some nice warm water so let’s get everyone clean.” She helped the girls wash up, then dressed them, deftly using the fabric from her walls and hair ribbons. Actually, it wasn’t half bad. Still …

Let me back in, I can do this.
Noli tried to shove her aside.

I’m a much better hair-braider
, the sprite shot back as she sat everyone down in a long hair brushing chain. Noli hadn’t even realized she owned that many combs and brushes let along brought them with her.

It’s my turn,
Noli demanded after everyone’s hair had been combed and braided
No, it’s always your turn. No fair.
“Let’s see if Mr. Winky has your supper.”

“Miss Noli, are you and the girls in there?” Winky said from the other side of the engine room door.

“We’re coming right now.” She led the girls back down the stairs, into the hold, and sat them down on crates. The sprite peered at the tray Winky carried. “What

Winky bobbed his head. “Oatmeal, Miss Noli, we weren’t planning on taking passengers.”


Noli wanted to smack the sprite.
Don’t hurt his feelings—tell him he did a good job.


Because it’s nice, and he’s nice.

The sprite didn’t like to hurt anyone’s feelings. She gave him a huge smile. “It was nice of you to make this, Mr. Winky. I’m sure it’s delicious.”

“I try my best, Miss Noli.” He gave her a little bob of the head as he helped her dish out six bowls of surprisingly unlumpy oatmeal.

“Could you try to find some spare blankets?” the sprite added.

“Of course, Miss Noli.” Winky left.

Noli watched in a combination of horror and boredom as the sprite fussed over the girls, made a bed for them out of blankets, and told strange stories that made no sense to Noli but had the girls rollicking with unladylike laughter.

Every time Noli fought for control, she lost. Fear consumed her. What if she couldn’t regain possession of the body? What if she never did and eventually her real self faded away, leaving only the sprite. No one would ever know something else resided in her body, that she wasn’t truly like this.

You worry too much,
the sprite scolded as she stroked the little blonde girl’s hair, the girl’s eyes heavy with sleep, as the sprite hummed an unfamiliar tune.

Finally, the little girl fell asleep. All six girls slept, a redhead snoring softly in the corner. Noli knew girls her age could often be found in joy houses, but this young? The tiny blonde was five, the eldest of the lot only ten. She’d like to convince herself they were destined for factories. Unfortunately, factories weren’t any nicer and probably wasn’t where they’d been headed.

The sprite yawned.
I think it’s time for us to go to sleep.

Too bad we used all the water
. Noli tried not to sound sour.

But I only used one barrel, the other is for us. I was just trying to be nice.
Hurt leaked into her mental voice.

There were two? When were there two? This was getting to be too much. Noli sighed inwardly.
Being nice is good, especially to hurt little girls. Yes, let’s take a bath and go to bed.

Perhaps in the morning she could wrest control of her own body back from the sprite.

Desperation to speak with Magnolia chased Kevighn like the air patrol pursued air pirates Kevighn crept into the engine room; his eyes fell on the flowers painted on the engine as he snuck past. It reminded him of Creideamh— his sister would do something like that, though she’d been a more accomplished painter.

The door wasn’t closed all the way and he pushed it open. “Magnolia?”

The only light came from the engine room, illuminating the sleeping Noli, sweetly cradled in the hammock. Her ears poked out slightly from her sleep cap, a doll cradled in her arms. She looked so …vulnerable when she slept.

“Magnolia? It’s Kevighn.” He stepped inside her tiny room, so he wasn’t obvious if anyone walked into the engine room, and closed the door behind him.

Her eyes flickered open. “I know you.”

Kevighn took a step backward, nearly crashing into the wall. What an odd thing to say. “Um, yes, you do.”

She sat up, green blanket slipping to reveal a white ruffled nightdress. “You’re fun. I like to have fun. It’s boring here.”

Magnolia flashed him a flirtatious smile—something

His stomach churned and the hairs on his arms stood up. Something wasn’t right. This wasn’t his little blossom. This wasn’t even the Magnolia he’d seen at supper.

“Who are you?” He peered into her steel eyes, which didn’t quite seem like hers. No. It was like someone else looked
of Magnolia’s eyes.

“I’m Noli,” she giggled, tossing her head a little.

That wasn’t her laugh. It reminded him more of those vapid courtiers the high queen kept. Magnolia never tossed her head like that, either.

“Where’s Noli?” he demanded. This girl who looked like Magnolia wasn’t a changeling or simulacrum—but she wasn’t quite Magnolia either.

“I’m Noli.” She giggled again. “Oh, you mean the other Noli? The boring one? She’s sleeping.” Magnolia made an exasperated noise. “Finally.”

“What do you mean
the other Noli?”
His heart sped as he leaned against the closed door. Something was amiss. “She lives here, too.” She tapped her head with her index finger. “She’s so bossy. She
lets me have a turn.”

His heart seized. “There are two of you in one body? How did

“Queen Tiana. One day I was just
, in this body— but the other Noli wouldn’t leave. She was supposed to leave.” She huffed, blowing a wayward piece of hair out of her face. “How am I supposed to have fun if I have to share with

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