Celestial Desire (8 page)

Read Celestial Desire Online

Authors: Abbie Zanders

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Celestial Desire
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Chapter 11

              “Till death do us part,” James said, emphasizing the vow with the back of his hand. The force of the blow was enough to knock her from her precarious perch on the edge of the bed and onto the floor. Her head bounced off the lamp table beside it before landing face down in the filthy avocado green carpeting.

There was nothing she could do, her limbs had long since gone numb; her wrists and ankles were securely bound with zip ties, her mouth gagged. At some point James had removed the blindfold, but it did little good. Whatever James had pressed over her mouth to render her unconscious left her feeling nauseous and fuzzy-headed. The lingering stench in the sleazy motel room wasn’t helping at all, either.

Celeste tried to breathe through the stabbing along her temple, opening her eyes in an attempt to stop the horrible spinning sensation. When she spotted the healthy-sized rat peering out at her from beneath the bed, she momentarily forgot the pain and tried to rock her weight away from it. She only succeeded in making it onto her back, increasing the pulsating ache tenfold.

“When I said
vows, I
them.” Celeste heard a muffled groan like the sound of a wounded animal, then realized it was her as she choked on the blood dripping down the back of her throat. James was there a moment later, reaching beneath her shoulders to lift her off the floor. He was not an overly large man but had always been in great shape, and six months in prison had only made him stronger.

He sat down on the bed and pulled her onto his lap. He steadied her with one hand and removed the gag with the other, then pressed a cool, damp cloth against her nose. “In sickness and in health,” he murmured, his actions as gentle now as they had been harsh only minutes earlier. “You look so different, Celeste. Did you think I wouldn’t recognize you?”

“Restraining … order,” she mumbled against the cloth, fighting the urge to retch. “Breaking… law.”

              “Laws!” James spat, his voice dripping with scorn. “Worthless words written by faithless men. Laws change daily, hourly, based on whims and the public opinion of the sinful. The only law that matters is God’s law. You are my
, Celeste.
What God has joined, let no man put asunder

Celeste floated in and out of consciousness, trying hard to stay awake even as James rocked her gently back and forth. “Sweet Celeste,” James whispered, his voice pained. “Why do you drive me to do such things? What part of love, honor, and obey do you not understand?”

“You …
…. me,” she wheezed, the words nearly unintelligible.

“I didn’t mean to,” James said sadly. “When I came home early and saw that guy leaving…”


He sighed and held her tighter. “Yes, I know that now. I was wrong, Celeste. I saw him coming out of the house… he was smiling, you were smiling. Something just snapped in me, Celeste. And then I tried to apologize, but you wouldn’t let me explain…”

“Need… help….”

“I will take care of you, Celeste. We’re going to start over, you’ll see. I got us a special place in the mountains, just like you’ve always wanted. It’s in Canada, so it will take a few days to get there but then it will be just you and me, Celeste, like it was meant to be. No more interference. I’ll give you lots of babies, and we can be a real family, just like God intended.”

Celeste tried desperately to stay awake, but it was like trying to swim against a powerful tide. Those parts of her that weren’t numb hurt like hell, and unconsciousness promised a temporary respite that was getting harder and harder to resist. She wished she was stronger, or braver, but she wasn’t.

James held her until the bleeding stopped, rocking her gently and murmuring how everything was going to be all right. Celeste knew better than to disagree; it would only antagonize him, and if she sustained any more injuries there would be no hope of escape. No, the best thing she could do was remain quiet and non-combative until an opportunity presented itself. Attempting anything else at this point would be counterproductive, if not suicidal.

At least James didn’t seem to know about Zane, which meant Zane was safe. She couldn’t bear it if anything happened to him because of her. She’d lost track of time, but knew that several hours had to have passed. What had he thought when he’d arrived at her place and found it empty? He was probably worried, as was her mother, but at least they were safe. That was all that mattered.

With that in mind, she closed her eyes and hoped against hope that it would lull James into a false sense of security.


“Celeste, wake up, darling. It will be dark soon.”

Celeste cracked open her eyes to find James pulling her still-bound wrists up over her head and securing her hands to the back of the bed frame. Then he moved toward her feet and snipped the bonds around her ankles.

“Be a good girl, now,” he warned. “I’m going to get you out of these dirty clothes and into something warmer.” James quickly tugged her shorts down over her hips and along her legs. “It’s going to be much colder where we’re going and we don’t want you getting sick.”

Celeste tried in vain to move her legs, but it was no use. “Can’t move…” she whispered hoarsely.

“No,” he confirmed. “I gave you a mild paralytic with that last sedative; I had some things to do, and I couldn’t take the chance you’d wake up too early and try to slip away on me again, Celeste. It should last another hour or so, but we’ll be back on the road by then. I’ve already gotten us a new car and switched the plates, but we’re better off traveling at night, I think. At least until we cross the border.” James spoke calmly with just an edge of anticipation, as if they were going to spend the day picnicking at the park instead of fleeing the country.

“No…” Celeste knew if they made it that far, there was no hope.

“I know you still don’t understand, Celeste, but you will. I thought you were the one being tested, but I know now that I am, too. The plumber, prison, finding you – don’t you see? I have to prove that my love is pure.”

For all intents and purposes, James Bradley looked like a perfectly normal, ordinary man. With his tan, no-wrinkle Dockers and maroon Henley, he could have blended into any crowd and not raised even the slightest sense of concern in anyone around him. But Celeste could see the madness glittering in the dark brown eyes she had once thought so kind. It hadn’t been kindness at all. It had been cleverly-concealed insanity.

James exhaled, looking down at her bared legs. “You’ve lost a lot of weight, Celeste,” he said approvingly. “You look even better than I remember.”

His hand moved up at down her calf, over her thigh. “And so smooth. I know I told you to keep yourself natural, the way God made you, but I like it. See? I’m willing to compromise.”

              “It’s been so long, Celeste. I’ve missed you. Once a man knows his wife, it physically hurts not to be with her, did you know that? It’s God’s way of reminding us of our spiritual bond through physical joining.
And the two shall become one.

He continued to move his hand up and down her leg, each time getting closer to the juncture of her thighs. “Mine,” he said in a fierce whisper as he palmed her mound through her panties. “I was going to wait until I carried you over the threshold again, but you are so tempting, Celeste. It feels almost sinful, but you are my wife, and that makes it okay.”

“No,” she breathed, the true horror of his words seeping into her like ice.

James grabbed the hem of her bloodied shirt and raised it up until it bunched at her wrists above her head. His eyes glittered when he took in her lace and satin bra. “So pretty…” he said, tracing the outline with his fingers. “You will not deny me this, Celeste. It is a sin for a woman to deny her husband his marital rights.”

Placing his fingers at the center of her bra, he flicked once and released the clasp, then peeled back the sides from her breasts with nothing less than reverence. “So pretty,” he repeated, cupping first one, then the other, pleased when she still overflowed his palms. “I can’t wait to watch our children suckle at your breasts, Celeste.”

He took another wet cloth and began to wipe the dried blood from her skin carefully, thoroughly cleaning her breasts before working downward to her belly. His hand froze right over her navel and he let out an evil sounding hiss as he noticed the piercing there.

The roar that came after was enough to rattle the lamps on the night tables. “
What have you done?

Her panties were suddenly torn from her body and she felt his fingers over her tattoo. His voice was little more than a choked gasp as he roughly flipped her over, wrenching her shoulders in the process as he examined her back for more markings.

“You have defiled yourself!” he said, the familiar maniacal gleam re-entering his eyes. “How could you let a man do this to you?!”

The sound of the bedside light crashing to the floor had Celeste trying to burrow into the bed in an attempt to protect herself, but she was barely able to move more than her head. She braced herself for the blows she knew would be coming any minute.

It took several moments for her to realize that someone was pounding at the door. Celeste lifted her head from the pillows and screamed as loud as she could, hoping that whoever was at the door would realize something was wrong and call the police. The sound brought James’ attention back to her and he slammed his fist down hard on the side of her face. The crack was audible and Celeste’s head snapped with the impact. She fell face-first into the pillow, and didn’t move or cry out again.

* * *

Zane forced himself to take a deep breath, swallowing the panic that threatened to overwhelm him and calling upon his inner discipline as he crept around the corner toward his target. This wasn’t a training exercise, and the people involved weren’t nameless, faceless strangers.

The exact situation within was unclear; the door was closed, the drapes were drawn. From the room to the left, a television game show host droned on; from the one on the right, a particularly spirited tryst was clearly audible through the low-quality door. The only functional illumination on this side of the building – a single exterior light on the corner - flickered in the darkness, off, then on, then off again.

What he wouldn’t have given for a thermal image scanner or some high-tech receivers at that moment! Zane paused, his body hugging the shadows, and focused. The murmur of voices - one male, one female – was barely audible. The female’s he recognized as Celeste. She was both alive and conscious, and that filled him with both relief and a renewed sense of hope.

That relief was short-lived when the man’s voice suddenly exploded in rage, followed almost immediately by a loud crash. Celeste’s terrified scream rent the air, and Zane no longer cared about anything except getting to her. Sig in hand, finger on the trigger, his turned his body and delivered one powerful kick to the flimsy door.

The door flew open, the wooden frame around the outside splintering under the force of the kick. Zane rushed into the room and came face to face with a stunned James Bradley. Bradley reached back, presumably for a weapon. His peripheral vision affirmed that Celeste was not in the direct line of fire, Zane didn’t hesitate. He squeezed the trigger twice in quick succession, firing once in the head, once in the heart; both lethally accurate kill shots by an expert marksman.

James Bradley slumped to the floor, landing with a sickening thud. After confirming that he was no longer a threat, Zane stepped over his body to get to where Celeste lay motionless on the bed.

“Celeste. Celeste, baby. It’s over. It’s going to be okay.”

Tucking the gun into the back of his pants, he pulled out his Ka-Bar and sliced through the ties around her wrists. Tinged a sickly purplish-blue, her hands dropped limply to the bed. She didn’t answer; she didn’t move. She didn’t acknowledge his presence at all.

Panic shot through him; his heart rose up into his throat as he took in her bruised, battered face and the blood.
Zane refused to accept what his brain was telling him.
He couldn’t be too late. Not again.

His first impulse was to turn her over, but his field training kicked in, his instincts warning him not to move her until he assessed the situation. With trembling fingers, he touched the pads of his index and middle fingers to her neck. He held his breath until he found a pulse. Celeste was alive!

Exhaling in relief, Zane did a quick but methodical exam, his inner rage growing with each new bruise and scrape he uncovered. Celeste remained unconscious, and was unable to provide any information on the extent of her injuries, but given the swelling and bruising between her jawline and collar bone, a broken or fractured neck was a very real possibility.

He pulled the covers up over her naked body as far as he could, wishing he could do more as he dialed 911. He dared not move her just yet; even the slightest shift could result in irreversible paralysis. Very carefully, he ensured that she had enough room to draw breath, then dropped beside the bed, praying for the paramedics to come in with the backboard as quickly as possible.


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