Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series)
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She climbed over to kneel between his legs.
“You need to be more careful.” Running both hands up his chest, she purred, “this is too beautiful to mar.” Finishing off her words she lightly nibbled his hip bone. The sensation was so sudden that his hips jerked off the bed.

When she sat straight up again, she clasped the elastic to his underwear, and maneuvered them down to release his ever growing erection.

Her eyes immediately flew to his.
This was a normal reaction. Nephilims are bigger than the average human; it’s only natural that
would be bigger. The smugness he felt soon evaporated when he saw her face. This was where women usually looked excited, not…nervous? “What?”

“That’s somewhat terrifying.” She shrugged and went back to what she was doing.
“Thank goodness this is just a dream.”

Relaxing back, he set his mind back to enjoying the feel of her touch, which was now moving to where he needed it the most.

She ran the tip of her finger up the length of him, making him jerk in surprise.

“Hold still.”
Her whispered voice was just as commanding as her touch when she grasped her hand around him and squeezed.

The only sound in the room was the sound of him sucking air into his mouth through clenched teeth.

Just like everything else on him, her mouth shortly followed her hand. She ran her tongue up the underside of his cock while clasping his balls in one of her hands.

He couldn’t stop thinking how beautiful she was as he watched her.

His hands tangled in her hair so he could move it out of his view of her.
She didn’t seem to mind him touching her now because she didn’t slow down what she was doing. When she finally enclosed her mouth around him, his head hit the pillow underneath him.

“Hell’s fire!!
Oh man, that feels good.”

She didn’t stop to respond, just kept moving up and down, in and out, sucking then licking then pulling.
She gradually increased her speed and forcefulness. When she started to moan around him, he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.

He gently tugged on her so she would release him.
Her response was to gently graze him with her teeth and tighten her grip onto the base of his cock to show that she wasn’t going anywhere.

Residing to the fact that she wasn’t stopping, he used both hands to grip her hair and hold on for dear life.

She wouldn’t ease up, always sucking, moaning… When she had just the tip in her mouth and sucked, Malachi involuntarily moved his hips up, burying himself deeper in her mouth.

So Sorry.” He was out of breath.

When he realized she hadn’t moved since it happened, he looked back down at her.
They locked eyes, and he knew what she was doing. She was waiting for him to move again, inviting him to.

He let out a loud groan before bending his knees slightly and tightening his grip on her hair.
Lifting his hips, he started to fuck her mouth; slowly at first, but quickly gaining speed, moving harder. He marveled at the look of utter bliss on her face and the throaty moans she was making that were muffled by his cock.

He couldn’t hold it any longer!
He looked in her eyes right before throwing his head back…

Malachi’s hand hit something and he heard a loud crash.
He sat bolt upright and tried to catch his breath. Looking around, he found himself sitting in his recliner, in his own living room. He must have fallen asleep here. The next thing he saw was his lamp that was on the table next to him, lying broken on the floor.

He should really clean that up, but he didn’t want to move.
Looking down at his painful erection, he told himself he would get the lamp later. First, he unbuttoned his pants and carefully lowered the zipper. He took himself out and shut his eyes so he could picture the last thing he remembered of his dream; this beautiful woman with her mouth around him and her striking violet eyes locked onto his. With that in mind, he took himself in hand.







On the way to work, Trinity was driving and could barely keep her eyes open.
Yawning again, she didn’t know how she was going to make it through the entire day. She knew she needed to get some rest, but she didn’t know how to accomplish that. If only she could have the dreams but still feel like she had gotten a full night’s rest. That would be nice, she thought.

Ever since she woke up, Trinity had perfect clarity of her dream and the one from the night before.
She couldn’t help the “cat that ate the canary” smile when she thought back to everything they had done. It was hard to believe that she was the same person she dreamt of. In real life, she would never have the courage to act the way she had. She could feel the heat rising to her face when some of the details popped into her head.

The last thing she needed was to resemble an apple in front of her students.
Trinity rolled down her car window just to try and diminish the flush before reaching school, immediately rolling it back up when the rain hit her face.

She was really getting tired of it raining all the time. They needed the rain after the incredibly dry summer, but this is insane. What she wouldn’t do now for another one of those dry days.

She was almost to work when she saw that there was some activity on the street corner.
When she drove by, she noticed some students from school. It looked as if a confrontation was taking place. Trinity decided to pull around and put a stop to whatever was happening. She spun the car around, passed the group of kids again then turned around a second time to be able to pull on the side of the street.

When she threw her car into park and stepped out, she walked around it to look at the group of people in front of her.
She could tell that things had begun to get heated, and she was glad she stopped when she had.

On one side, there were three boys.
One she recognized, the others, she did not; one of which was advancing on the other kids. When Trinity looked over, she noticed the other two kids right away from her first period. They just happened to be two out of the three students who were late to her class yesterday. The boy, Hugh, had put himself in between the girl and the other boys and started advancing as well. At a closer look, she noticed the girl sported a split lip.

Hurry! Gotta make it there, Trinity thought to herself, when she was getting closer.

Hugh pulled back his fist to throw a punch at the exact moment Trinity stepped in between everyone. She put one hand up in each direction to stop the advancing boys.

Stop this right now!”

Hugh, obviously startled, jumped back and dropped his hand.
“Ms. Bradshaw?”

“What the hell do you think you guys are doing? What happened to make you think this was remotely okay?”
Trinity’s heart was pounding.

“He hit her!!”
Hugh yelled. “I just thought he might like to see how it feels.” With his last words, he lunged at the other guy.

Hugh pressed against her hand that she still held out.
“Whoa! Settle down!!” She didn’t know how to stop this, but she had to think of something quick before things got too rough.

Standing as tall as she could, she put her shoulders back and tried to look like she meant business.
She had enough history dealing with bullies that she figured she could handle this.

She rounded on the group of boys and addressed the one Hugh had tried to attack.
“Did you hit her?”

He just shrugged.
“She was trying to interfere in my business after I already told her it was none of hers. It’s kind of like what you’re doing right now.” He eyed her close. “Who the fuck are you anyway?”

“How can it be none of my business?
He’s my brother and you won’t leave him alone!” Stephanie yelled from behind Hugh.

After close examination of the boy, she noticed his pupils were over dilated and he smelled of something that she hadn’t smelled since college.
Then and there, she knew the best response. “I’m the person that just called the police before I got out of my car. They should be here any minute now, and by the looks of you guys, I don’t know if I would want to meet with them.”

They started looking around at the road and at each other, more than likely trying to figure out what to do.

“You’re lying…” one of the boys said, but not sounding too sure.

“Am I?
I don’t think so. I don’t mess around when it comes to my students.”

Looking at the one obviously in charge, Trinity continued.
“Speaking of which…I didn’t catch your name. I need to be able to tell Sherriff Johnson, a very dear family friend, the name of the young adult that has been beating around my young student.” She started slowly stepping toward him. “What are you…eighteen, nineteen? How does it feel to smack around a smaller, weaker, sixteen year old girl? Does it make you feel tough?” By this time she was inches away from him and finished it off with a more menacing voice. “How about this “tough guy”, the next time I hear about you being anywhere near her or her brother, I will have you put in jail so fast your head will spin; harassment, assault, and I’m pretty sure we can figure out more.”

Finishing her little speech, she stepped back and pointed to the boy she had seen in school before.
“And you…you better get in that school, you’re late. Maybe think about a better influence in friends next time.”

The boy in the middle finally spoke up before backing away.
“Come on guys, let’s go.”

“Good choice” was all Trinity said before she turned around to address her students.
“Come on, get in the car. We’re already going to be late as it is.”

Stephanie looked at her warily.
“No, we can walk. I don’t want to talk to the police; you should stay since you’re the one that called.”

“There not coming.
Come on, let’s go.” Trinity walked over to her car and opened the passenger door for them.

They didn’t move.
“But Ms. Bradshaw, that would mean you lied.” Hugh spoke up but his tone was mocking.

“Yes I did.
It was a good bluff at the time. If you remember, I put honesty and respect in the same context. That boy did not deserve my respect and was not showing any in kind.”

Stephanie, looking exhausted, mumbled.
“Let’s just get out of here.”

Trinity stepped forward and grabbed Stephanie’s upper arm to guide her to the car.
“You know, you don’t have to go to school, I can take you home.”

I’m fine.” She climbed into the car and maneuvered to the back seat.

When Trinity turned to walk over to the driver’s side, she noticed Hugh had made no move to get in.
She looked back at him with a questioning look and he spoke up. “I was handling that you know? You didn’t have to get involved.”

“I know, but this way was less violent and cops would have definitely been called the other way, and you
have gone to jail.”

He relented and climbed in the car. When they were back on the road, Hugh made another observation. “There’s no Sherriff Johnson, is there?”

She kept her eyes on the road and her face expressionless as she answered.
“Maybe somewhere, but not that I know. Like I said, it was a good bluff.”

The car was silent for the remainder of the trip.
When she pulled into a parking space, they all got out and started walking up to the school. Looking over at Stephanie, she noticed that her lip was starting to look worse. “You know, you should probably get to the nurse so she can ice your lip. It will help with the swelling. Just tell her I sent you.”

Stephanie nodded and broke away when they had made it to the doors.
She turned after only being a few feet away and addressed Trinity. “Thank you. You know…for everything.”

“You’re welcome.”

Hugh made a short strangled noise and when Trinity looked over; she could tell he was still fuming.

She started to head to her class and addressed Hugh without looking at him.
“Walk with me.” After a minute of walking in silence, Trinity knew she was going to have to be the one to speak up first. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”

He didn’t answer for so long, she was afraid they would be at the classroom before anything got settled.
Finally, he answered in a clipped tone. “I had that back there! Those guys…they needed to be taught a lesson, and you just let them walk away!”

“You wanted to solve violence with violence?”
He pursed his lips, but said nothing so she continued. “I get it, you wanted to avenge her, but you just would have caused more trouble. Sometimes things are better solved subtly. Will what I said work? Who knows? My goal, today, was to keep you both out of harm’s way.

She could tell he was getting really agitated now.
“Guys like that don’t deserve to be able to walk around hurting whoever they want!”

All of this was hitting a little too close to home for her.

“I completely agree.
The world would be a much better place without people that thought it was okay to pick on a weaker person. They all get what’s coming to them in the end. You just have to be patient.”

Hugh, who was at eye level with her, just stared.
Damn, she did it again…let too much show. “Is that what you’re doing?”

Trinity ducked her head and sped up her pace.
“Hurry up. I don’t want to be too late.”

With that last statement, the two of them briskly walked to the classroom.
Trinity spent the last minute they had composing herself after her trying morning. She would have never thought she would have gone through all this before her first class even started. Now, it felt like she had had a full day and all she wanted to do was go home and crawl in bed to go to sleep.

She then had a genuine smile.
Yeah, sleep and dream about… Did she ever give him a name? Hmm, she’ll think of something later. It’s weird how all she had to do was think of him and calming warmth spread through her.

She was still smiling when she walked into her classroom.
“Sorry I’m late. There were things that needed to be tended to, and I apologize that it took away from your class time.” She propped herself against her desk. “Anyone have anything they would like to share? Any ideas on how we can get to know each other better?”

That’s how it went on for about ten minutes.
Students were reading, laughing at the funny stories and giving comments on others.

She went around to the back of her desk to get out her notes on what she wanted to talk about today.
That’s when she saw it. There was another rose on her chair and she froze in place. This was becoming too much. Memories swarmed her and all she wanted to do was run, hide, or scream; not knowing exactly which one first. After what felt like an eternity, she slowly stood up and squared her shoulders. She wouldn’t do any of those things, because she promised herself that she wasn’t going to be a victim ever again.

Roses were Seth’s thing.
He got her roses all the time. The color would depend on his mood. If he wanted to be romantic, it was pink, lustful…red, orange…he was displeased. She got a blue rose twice from him. He told her that the blue reminded him of the ice in her veins. After the first blue rose, she got a broken wrist and a busted cheek from “falling”. She never wanted to remember what happened after the second. After that, she broke away from him the best she could. He didn’t make it easy, but she made it.

Finally, she remembered where she was.
When she looked up, she saw the class was staring at her speculatively. As a way to brush everything off, she started to laugh. Giving a halfhearted chuckle and a shake of her head, she apologized for dazing off and started again. “Okay, today we are going to talk about photos we like and why. By the end of the class, everyone should be able to tell what type of prints another person might enjoy taking.”

The next thirty minutes until class was over seemed to go by fast.
With the use of her blown up prints of miscellaneous things, they had a good class discussion about themes, lighting, setting, and more.

The bell rang right when they were discussing advantages and disadvantages of natural sunlight.
The kids were still discussing these things as they were leaving the classroom, and Trinity thought how satisfying it was when the kids liked what she taught.

When she turned around, Hugh was standing by her desk.

She jumped back and got startled enough to screech a little.
Holding her hand to her chest, she caught her breath and addressed him. “Did you have a question, Hugh?”

He stood there with obvious interest on his face.
“Why don’t you like them?”

At her confused look, he added, “The roses…”

give them to me?” Shocked, she could have sworn they were from Seth.

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