Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series)
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While contemplating this, he couldn’t help notice that the woman from before and the boy known as Jeremy, were now arguing.
It really looked like she was ripping him a new one. All at once, the kid turned and walked away, and the woman was left standing there with her head bowed. Just then her head snapped back up and she squared her shoulders. Then, to his astonishment, she turned around and started walking back toward them.

“Heads up G, she’s coming back.”

This immediately made Gemariah stand at attention and turn around to watch her approach. When she stopped in front of the two of them, Gemariah crossed his arms over his chest and scowled down at her.

Clearing her throat, she glanced away before looking back at them.
“I have it on good authority that you two dropped these in the store earlier.”

When she was done talking, she held out two wallets.
Hot damn, but they were theirs. They were both so caught up in what was happening that they didn’t realize they were missing.

They each grabbed their own wallet from her hands.
Malachi immediately put his in his back pocket, but Gemariah looked inside his to make sure everything was there. When Gemariah opened his mouth to say something, she beat him to the punch.

“Good day.”

With nothing but those two little words, she turned on her heel, and walked away.

What the hell was that?

Chuckling at his friend’s words, Malachi spoke out loud. “I’m not exactly sure, but I do know you have your wallet back and I still need coffee. Let’s go!”







Malachi couldn’t believe it.
A full day had gone by and there was no call to say he was needed to come into work or go on a mission that night.

He knew of the meeting that was planned for the next morning though.
There was no way he could break free that long. Apparently there had been elevated conflict on the east side of the city. The meeting tomorrow is to discuss the strategic maneuvers to observe for a possible demon entity.

Today though, was different.
Besides the whole situation at the coffee shop, today was kind of a mellow day. He tried to relax and do nothing after Gemariah left, but that never works out well for him.

Gemariah stayed just for a little bit longer, but Malachi could tell that he was still going over everything from this morning.
More than likely, when he left, he would head home to cook something up. Cooking is his way to unwind just like working on his motorcycles is for Malachi.

That is precisely what Malachi did too.
It had been a long time coming since he managed any time for them, therefore it didn’t take too long to end up in the garage.

Nephilims always needed an outlet.
It is what helps to keep them sane. They all had the deep down urges of their demonic sides and found that it’s easier to suppress them when they have a specific thing to focus on. His is the inner and outer workings of the bar and shield motorcycles. When the urge to possess and turn rears its ugly head, he works on his bikes to diminish it.

They have been his saving grace.
He has two different ones and when he needs to be somewhere else other than the real world, he comes to his garage. The black Springer is for his every day driving, but the Knuckle is his baby. His mood is what determines what bike he messes with that day. With being as distracted and worn out as he was today, he didn’t want to get near the Knucklehead.

Of course once he got in the garage, Malachi lost track of time and spent longer in the garage than he planned on.
This wasn’t an unusual occurrence, but he was still shocked at the time tonight. It was just about 1opm and he still hadn’t eaten anything. That’s what actually drove him out of the garage, his growling stomach.

Heating up some leftovers was perfect for him tonight, he thought.
No fuss…heat and eat.

Wanting to just kick back and unwind, he decided to eat in the living room.
He quickly scanned his recorded list to see what he had, but nothing stood out. He finally landed on the History channel. That was something he liked to watch every once in a while to see what they got wrong. There was always something, he thought.

After eating a generous portion, he took his plate to the kitchen but decided to relax a little more before going to bed.
It didn’t take long and he was starting to feel a little euphoric, lounging in his chair. Pretty soon he was struggling to keep his eyes open. He remembered listening to the television talk about the gladiators in Rome when he relented and let his eyes shut for a moment.

When he opened his eyes again, he was in a bedroom and lying on his back in an enormous bed.
It was hard to find one he could fit into comfortably and this one did that and more.

Then it hit him.
This was the same room his dream took place in last night. The same cream sheets as well as the same dark mahogany bed. As much fun as last night had been, he needed to wake up early. He didn’t have time for this; he needed to be refreshed in the morning for work. All day yesterday he dragged his feet and didn’t have the same sharp focus he normally did. He was hoping to not have a repeat of that tomorrow.

He shut his eyes and tried to will himself to wake up.
That was when he felt the slightest movement from the other side of the bed. Turning his head to the right, he finally saw her.

She was lying on her side, facing him.
With her hair pulled back he could see her entire face and neck, and all of her characteristics that had started to fade in his mind throughout the day, came back with phenomenal clarity. Man, but she is beautiful, he thought.

He knew that if he wanted to get out of here, he should just leave well enough alone, but for some reason, he couldn’t.
His hand slowly inched toward her face and very lightly, he ran his finger from the top of her cheek and stopped at her chin.

Before he knew it, he was staring into the most vivid violet eyes he could ever remember seeing.
Amazingly, she then smiled at him; not just a grin, but one that didn’t stop until it reached those amazing eyes.

What happened next, surprised him, but at the same time made his heart feel as though it could beat out of his chest.
She reached up and cupped the hand that was still touching her face and whispered, “It’s you.” Moving his hand around to her mouth, she then kissed the palm and gave him another heart stopping smile after removing their hands.

He needed to be careful and remember that this was just a dream and not reality.
If he got too caught up in this fantasy, he was scared that he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the two and then he might never want to leave.

He attempted to lighten the mood a little. “Miss me?”

“Maybe a little.”
Her smile turned into a smirk.

Malachi took the hand that was still being held by hers, and turned it around to grasp her wrist.
Slowly, he started to pull her towards him.

“What about you, did you miss
?” She was now turning the tables back on him.

“Maybe a little.”

Did his voice always sound so gravelly, or was it just him?

He finally glanced down at what she was wearing and had to swallow the lump in his throat.
“You look awe inspiring. Is this for me?” Malachi focused on the skinning silk straps that he would love to pull down her arms with his teeth. Then his eyes traveled all the way down to the hem of her nighty, noticing how it barely covered what he desperately wanted to see. He had seen more elaborate negligees from previous women, but this one on her, made the others pale in comparison.

Before he had been done talking, she started to blush and Malachi knew the answer.

She’s blushing? Imagine me, dreaming up a woman that blushes. Maybe my subconscious has a thing for the shy ones, he thought.

“Doesn’t matter.
You could look amazing in anything. Remembering you in your t-shirt and flannel pajama pants still makes my blood boil.”

Disbelief rang in her voice.

He finally had her close enough where he could put their foreheads together.
His lips were just inches away from hers when he whispered, “Really. You looked good enough to eat.”

His words had his desired effect.
When she immediately shut her eyes and let out a low groan, he knew she was recalling when he did just that.

He couldn’t stop himself, if he wanted to, from kissing her at that exact moment.
This wasn’t one of those, cherry pie, nice but ho-hum, kisses. No, this was amazing; fireworks going off, never want it to end kiss.

Malachi had their bodies pulled so close together that he could feel her erratic heartbeat mixed with his.
This fueled his desire even more and made him realize that they both were still wearing too many clothes. She must have agreed, because she had already started to peel his shirt off him.

Once they managed to get him undressed, he grabbed her again to resume their kiss.
This time his hands started caressing her body. He was learning all the different sounds she made while his hands explored…his own little symphony.

His mouth made its way from her mouth to her ear, then her neck.
Finally he was where he wanted to be. When he reached her shoulder, he took the strap to her negligee between his teeth and pulled. He must have tugged harder than he thought, because immediately the strap tore free from the material. Oh well, same end result, he thought. Making his way to the other shoulder, he was betting that if he did the same thing she would let out that sexy little yelp again. He bit down, pulled, and smiled about being right.

He let his hand pull down the top half of what she was wearing to reveal her breasts right before his mouth latched onto one.
She then ran her fingers into his hair, arching a little into his mouth. He continued to feast while he was marveling at the feeling of her hands.

One of his hands started to travel south.
It stopped at her hip and gave a small squeeze before continuing its descent down to her knee. Once there, he started moving his hand back up, but taking with it, the hem to her nightgown. He didn’t stop until she was showing everything.

When his hand slowly moved to the apex of her thighs, she pulled slightly away and shook her head.
“Me first.” Her whispered words made him pause in his advances, but her next statement made his heart stop.

“It’s my turn to touch
…do a little exploring of my own.”

Would he even be able to handle her touch?

“Because I’ve barely gotten to see any of you.
I want to look at you, touch you…memorize you.”

It had been a long time since he had trusted anyone with complete access to him before.
It was just a dream though. What’s the worst that could happen? Eying her warily, he slowly laid on his back, not taking his eyes from her. When he was settled, he opened his arms to her. “Okay, I’m all yours.”

She quickly got to her knees beside him then tentatively put her hand on his chest.
Locking eyes with him, she slowly moved it to one side, then the other before bringing her attention back to what she was doing. When she moved it to an arm, she whispered, “You’re so strong, you have muscles everywhere.”

He automatically resorted to what he would have said to any other human that made the comment; never wanting people to become suspicious of what he really was.
“Well…yeah, um…I work ou…”

He was stopped mid-sentence when her fingers pressed over his lips.
“Shh…I was just going to say that it’s nice. It feels good when you’re on top of me; makes me feel…sheltered.”   

He couldn’t help the small smile that came to his mouth. Here, he was just an ordinary man with a beautiful woman.

She slowly lowered herself till she was lounging beside him with her head propped in her hand.

“You have the most beautiful eyes.” She said when they locked gazes. Malachi shut his eyes when her finger tips went to caress them. He then opened them back up when he felt her fingers move down his nose. Her fingers proceeded to follow over his lips and down to his throat.

She meticulously moved her hands all over his upper body.
When her hands left any area, her mouth followed.

Malachi had never felt so worshiped in his life.
No one had ever taken this much time doing anything for him. He was always the one to look after everyone else, and it felt nice to be on the receiving end.

Trying hard not to move too much, afraid that she might stop, he lifted up his hand to caress her face that was kissing down the muscles of his abdomen.

She looked up at him and without stopping what she was doing, took his hand and gently pinned it beside him to the bed. She was still holding his hand, but the message was clear, no touching.

When she got to just below his belly button, she stopped and sat up.
She then turned her attention to his legs, running her hands over his thighs and squeezing slightly. When her thumb touched the inside of his knee, she stilled and he knew what she felt. Taking her finger, she traced one of his more noticeable scars down the length of his leg. “What’s this from?”

Something about her, about tonight, made him not want to lie, but at the same time, he wasn’t ready for this blissful bubble to pop.
For sure that the dream would change into a nightmare if he told everything, he stayed as close to the truth as he could. “When I was younger, I got into a few arguments with people that were above my skill at the time.”

That was true enough.
Nephilims did not come into their powers until adulthood, which includes the power to heal. He was a cocky teenager that thought he could take on the world by himself. It was lucky he was still alive. He hated his scars; they made him feel weak by reminding him of the times he almost didn’t make it. It was a wonder why he had them here, since it was his fantasy.

“Is that what happened here too?”
She asks as she sat up and ran her hand over the side of his torso.

He did not want to talk about that one!
What would he say? “Yeah, I tried to entrap my great grandfather too soon and now I have a permanent reminder.” Not likely. It had been a stupid mistake that almost cost him his life, but it did make him realize he needed to slow down a little so he would live until adulthood.

“Something like that.”
He managed as an answer.

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