Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series) (43 page)

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The angel just smiled patiently at his outburst, and once more spoke with a soothing tone.
“Of course she is. Just like all of you are, as well as all of God’s messengers, and including any human that does a single good deed. Everyone has an important part they play.”

Once again, the angel’s gaze went to Trinity.
“This little one has a very rare ability that will come in handy someday. Have you ever heard of a Dreamwalker?”

The question was directed toward Malachi, but it was Terah that groaned and spoke up.
“I can’t believe I didn’t think of that.”

Malachi shook his head in confusion.
“What’s a dreamwalker?”

“It’s a person that can enter into anyone’s dreams they want.
That would explain the dreams you two shared before the day at the river. Her soul was calling out to yours.” Terah answered, frustrated that the pieces were just now falling together.

The angel nodded his head.
“All of that’s correct, but when someone is a dreamwalker, it also leaves their mind susceptible to more powerful beings entering theirs. Azazel felt her enter your dreams through your connection, and knew he had an in.”

Malachi nodded, still processing all this new information.
When he turned, he placed his hand once more onto Trinity to lock into her spirit. When he was in, there was a feeling of completeness that hadn’t been there before. It was so overwhelming that he almost forgot what he was doing. Eventually, when he felt the ripple of something being out of place, he honed in on her heart. Sure enough, it was struggling on trying to form a beat because of the hole that was still present.

He focused there and started to mentally fuse the heart back together.
Because of everything that had gone on tonight, along with the loss of blood, it took longer than he would have liked. Eventually, everything was perfect once again. His own heart swelled when hers made its first strong beat.

When he pulled back, the feeling of completeness never left, and he wondered if it ever would.
At that moment, he prayed that it never did. He felt that after so many years, he finally had something to lose. The feeling was utterly terrifying, but at the same time, very comforting.

Everyone was now waiting around to see her wake up.
They wanted to all be there for her, but at the same time, all were a little curious if she would wake up a true nephilim.

The angel stood and addressed them all.
“Well, I better be off. I’ve already spent too much time here.”

Malachi stopped him.
“What about Azazel? Where is he?” He needed confirmation that it was finally over.

The angel let out a small breathy chuckle.
“You don’t have to worry about him ever again. The Lord has him now.” Turning serious, he addressed Malachi only. “Be safe and remember everything you have learned tonight. One day we might need her help.” He nodded to Trinity before starting to walk away. Before fading away, he partially turned and addressed Malachi once again. “You did well tonight, son.”

Malachi asked in a whisper.

The angel gave no answer, just winked and turned back around.
The next second, he was gone. Malachi continued to stare at the spot where the angel once stood. He was trying to rack his brain for any memory where he could see the face of his father. Nothing came up, so he tried to reach deeper. He couldn’t…


The softly spoken whisper made his head jerk back around. Looking down, he gazed into the violet eyes that he would never tire of seeing. “Hey. Welcome back.” His voice was more of a croak than anything.

“What happened?”
As if remembering something, she jerked up and looked around. “Where is he? Are you okay?” She grabbed onto his arm and started looking him over.

The fact that she was more concerned with him, and not the fact that he just brought her back from the dead, was humbling.
“Everything’s fine. He’s gone.”

“I’m fine too, thanks for asking.”

Ignoring Gemariah’s comment, she sighed and looked troubled. “Do you have an idea where to look for him next? Obviously he won’t come back here.”

“No, Trinity.
He’s gone, as in never coming back.”

He watched as the information soaked in and she smiled.
“You did it?”

Her joy was infectious and he nodded.

“Never had any doubt.”

He couldn’t hold back anymore. He laughed and leaned down to kiss her. He practically devoured her lips, but he couldn’t help himself. She was alive, and she was his. When he felt her fingers in his hair, he slanted his head and deepened the kiss, marveling in the fact that she was holding him in place.

Someone cleared their throat and successfully broke the spell they had been under.
Slowly and reluctantly, he sat back up.

Tori knelt on the other side of her and eyed her skeptically.
“What’s the last thing you remember?”

Trinity stared over their heads as if thinking.
“Um, Azazel telling Seth to kill me. Dodged that bullet, huh?” As if an afterthought, she remembered who else had been at the clearing. “Seth! What happened to him? Did he get away?”

It was Gideon that ended up answering her.
“He was handled and got what he deserved.” Malachi looked over and saw that he was stone faced. Gideon’s hatred for Masters was almost as much as his own.

“I completely agree, heads down.
Hands down, I meant hands down.” Gemariah insincerely corrected his words.

The joke made everyone shake their heads at his audacity, but Malachi noticed one or two smirks.
He had difficulty holding his own back as well.

“Can I get up?”
Trinity’s words brought everyone back to the situation at hand.

Malachi jumped up and reached down to slowly help her up.

“Why am I on the ground anyway?
What did I miss?”

Gemariah was on the other side of her, helping until she was steady.
“Oh, there is so much, Little Sis.”

Obviously, she didn’t remember everything that had happened while she was gone.
He hoped she still felt the same way. Turning her towards him, he enveloped her with his arms and held on tight. “What if I told you that something did happen to you, and the only way to save you was something kind of drastic?”

For a moment she looked worried.
“Am I okay?”

He ran his fingers down her face and into her hair.
Ever since she came back, he couldn’t help but continually touch her. “You’re perfect, just like you always have been.”

“Do I still get to be with you?”

“Always.” The moment the word came out of his mouth, he felt a tremendous amount of love, more than he could ever remember feeling before. It was then, he realized what was going on. He obviously felt his love for her, but the rest of it was coming from her.

“Then we will figure everything out together.”
She pulled him down and brought their lips together again. Finally pulling away, she looked him in the eye. “I love you Malachi Starkman.”

He would never tire of hearing those words.
“And I you”




Gemariah was standing back and watching everything unfold. He was happy for Malachi, he really was, but all the new information was a little jarring.

A soul mate?
What did he want with one of those? He was having fun being with as many women as he could and didn’t want to be shackled to just one.

Even though he didn’t want her, the thought of her being tormented, because of him, didn’t sit well.
Maybe he should just find her and stop whatever was going on, then he could go on his way. That was a plan, he thought. Maybe he would look into it.

He felt the presence before they made themselves known.

“I know you’re there.”

“So I am.”

Gemariah looked in the direction of the voice. “I thought you left.”

The angel that had “helped” them all, shrugged.
“I wanted to talk to you.”

Raising an eyebrow, Gemariah waited for him to continue.

“I was wondering if you had heard anything on the whereabouts of Ramiel.”

Afraid he’ll come back and reclaim his position?”

The angel had the gall to laugh.
“Not at all, but if he did, I would willingly step down.”

Gemariah was doubtful. “Is that all?”

“Do you want some advice?”

He was not in the mood right now. “Not really.”

Ignoring his answer, the angel continued.
“You need to focus more on the little things happening around you. Big things are coming and you need to be prepared.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Gemariah looked over, but he had already disappeared.

Big things…what big things?
This couldn’t be good.







“Are you sure you want to do this?” Trinity eyed Nicci out of concern. She had been sick now for over a month, granted, it wasn’t as bad as the beginning, but she was still not top notch.

“Are you nuts?
Of course.” Nicole spoke as if Trinity has a screw lose. “Today’s a good day anyway. This morning was a little rough, but now I feel totally normal.”

“I still don’t like it.
When’s your doctor appointment again?” Trinity looked at her friend through the mirror and noticed, not for the first time, that she was too skinny. Noting her color, she appeared a little washed out as well.

“Next week Wednesday.
You can even come with, if you want. That is, if you can pull yourself away.” The answer was said in an offhanded manner, but Trinity felt the shake in her friend’s hands as she buttoned the last button. She was nervous.

Trinity didn’t even crack a smile at her attempt to lighten the mood.
“I wouldn’t miss it.”

Nicci gave her a loving smile through the mirror, before her face broke out into a huge grin.
“Plus, if you think I would miss your wedding because of a little stomach bug, then you need to be locked up. Do you know how long I have waited for this day?”

Trinity chuckled.
“You sound like a mom.”

“Not a mom.
A sister.”

Trinity grabbed her hand and gave a slight squeeze.

“You know it.
I see us as old women sitting on the beach together, drinking cocktails and ogling younger men.” Nicole reached up to adjust Trinity’s headpiece and she felt like crying.

Nicci didn’t know, that future would never be possible because she would never grow old.

Finding out that she had died had been a shock.
Finding out that to be brought back, she had to become a nephilim’s equal and now will live as long as Malachi, was way beyond being a shock. It took almost a week to finally be comfortable with the idea. Discovering all her different abilities has been difficult, and she was still trying to understand the basics. What helped the most was that Malachi would always be there for her.

Trinity had conditions of her own, though.
If they were going to be together for thousands of years, they were going to do it legally, as a married couple. Malachi didn’t understand why. He said that they were already connected in every way and that there was no need, but this was something she wasn’t going to budge on. It was how she was raised. She had entered into a whole new world, but she was trying to keep as much of her old self as possible. This included marriage to the man she intended to spend the rest of her life with.

Everything probably would have been easier to cope with, if she didn’t feel so isolated at times.
She could always talk to one of the team or Malachi, but it wasn’t the same. The one person she needed to confide in, she couldn’t. Malachi and her had gotten in more than a few arguments regarding the topic. He would explain how dangerous it was to all of them, but this was Nicci. She needed her friend. It had been two weeks, and it still wasn’t getting any easier keeping this from her. In the end, she always agreed not to say anything, but she was never happy about it.

Why are you so sad?

She was still trying to learn how to block her emotions from him.
There were some things that she wanted to keep for herself. She almost had it down, but on occasion, would unknowingly let it slip, like now.

You’re not having second thoughts are you?

Would he ever get over his self-doubt?

ot on your life. I just can’t decide whether to wear the white corset and matching panties or the baby pink set. the white is classic, but the pink panties are crotch less. I would love for you to be able to do naughty things to me in this dress.

She loved being able to project to him whenever she wanted, and hear him as well.
It came in handy so much. Of course, she had already decided on her undergarments and was now in her dress, but at least that would keep him on his toes. She giggled and earned a confused look from Nicci. She waved her hand in front of her. “Don’t mind me.”

I’m coming over.

No, you’re not.

Tell me again why we can’t see each other before the wedding.

It’s tradition and it’s what
I want.

There was a moment of silence, and she thought he was going to ignore her.

Fine, see you soon. I love you.

I you.

Just then, the door flew open and Trinity grabbed Nicole to put her in front of her as a shield, in case Malachi had ignored her.
They both laughed at the idea, since Nicole was so much smaller than her and didn’t cover much. Having nothing to worry about, Renée came in and shut the door behind her.

“Oh, you look so beautiful.
Your parents would have been so proud.”

The mention of her parents brought forth the ache in her chest.
It was considerably less painful now, but still there. She would always miss her parents and constantly want them here, but she realized that she now had a large family that was there for her whenever she needed them. There’s Nicole, Joseph and Renée. They are sweet, and the immediate family she always craved. She finally figured out that they thought the same thing towards her when she asked Joseph to walk her down the aisle. He fought the tears and said that nothing would make him happier, before hugging her and telling her how much he loved her.

Then there was her extended family, coming from Malachi.
The best way to describe them was as a dysfunctional group of misfits, but they were hers and she loved all of them.

Trinity reached out to hug Renée and there was a knock at the door.

“Hey, it’s me.
Let me in.”

“Not happening, Gemariah.
Go away.” Trinity yelled out.

“Malachi wanted me to ask you something.”

This peaked her interest, but not enough to open the door. “What?”

“He wanted to know what your favorite color was; white or pink?”

The nerve! “You can tell him neither, if he keeps being nosy.”

“I don’t think he’d care.”
She could hear the laughter in his voice behind the door.

“Go away.
You guys should be headed down soon anyway.” Trinity had the goofiest grin on her face. She was so happy.

After they heard him leave, Nicole scoffed.
“I can’t believe I have to walk down the aisle with him.”

“Don’t forget the dance at the reception, too.”
At Nicci’s look of disgust, Trinity laughed. “He’s not that bad once you get to know him. Plus, this stuff comes with the territory of being Best Man and Maid of Honor.”

“I know, I know.”

There was another knock on the door that had her sighing at another interruption.
“I said go away Gemariah.”

“It’ me.
Are you descent?”

Trinity smiled and went to the door.
She paused before opening it. “Is the coast clear?”


Trinity opened the door and waved the young man in. Standing in front of her was a very sophisticated looking Hugh in a tux. The doctors didn’t know how, but he survived the first night, then the next one, then the one after that. Soon, he was taken off the critical care list and just recently got released from the hospital. In no way was he completely healed, which was evident by how slow he walked.

Trinity went to visit him in the hospital as much as she could and quickly became friends with both him and his mom, Malachi as well.
That was why, when Malachi needed another man to stand next to him, he instantly asked Hugh.

She knew she had God to thank for the miracle of saving his life, and she did every day.

“I have to go line up, but I just wanted to give this to you.”
He handed over a semi flat package.

“Ahh, thank you.”
She started opening it up and noticed that it was a picture frame. When she flipped it over, she gasped. It was a beautiful photo of Malachi and her. “Where did you get this?”

“Well, I have this pretty cool photography teacher, and she taught me well.”
His grin said it all. It was a great photo and he knew it.

It was really good. “When did you take this?”

“It was the first time he came to the classroom.
I took it while you were talking.”

Trinity looked at the photograph and remembered back to that day.
They had just begun seeing each other, but no one would know that by this photo. Anyone could see how in love they were, even if they didn’t know it at the time. That was only part of what made it breathtaking. The other part was the celestial glow that surrounded them; almost as if someone was shining down on them. “What’s this?” She indicated the area.

“I don’t know; it was in the picture.
That’s part of what made it so cool, I thought.”

All Trinity could do was nod before handing the picture over to Renée to look at.
Her gasp indicated that she loved the photo as well. “Thank you.” Her voice was a whisper and she gave him a quick hug before sending him off.

After shutting the door, she closed her eyes to concentrate.
She focused on all the love she had for Malachi and opening the barrier, sent it all to him.

Wow…are you okay?

More than okay. I just wanted to give you all my love.

There was a short pause and she was overwhelmed by the amount she got in return.

White or pink,

Should she tell him?
The feelings of love and lust she was receiving from him were her undoing.


He didn’t say anything, but instead sent her emotions that were so strong, she had to fan away her blush.

Get down here and make me yours.

Oh Malachi, you are already mine just as I have always been yours.






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