Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series) (37 page)

BOOK: Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series)
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She pushed against him with her hands, but at the same time grabbed ahold of his shirt.
“I don’t get it. Why you? Or better yet, why doesn’t God do something?

“God always has a plan.
All the fallen angels are stuck on earth till their judgment day, when they find out if they’ll be allowed back in heaven or not. Some are lying low, biding their time, while others either don’t care or can’t help themselves from the evil things they do. The last ones are the ones that have to be contained, until the day of God’s choosing. That’s where I come in.” 

“Years ago, the angel Raphael, was told to chain him inside a pit; a place to spend the years waiting for his judgment. The plan failed.
That was when they found out that only a blood relation can accomplish this. My falchion was blessed by the almighty himself and tossed from the heavens, meant only for me. It’s indestructible and burns the skin of anyone besides me that tries to wield it.”

“It’s also the only thing that can send Azazel into that same pit as before, chained and no longer able to hurt people.”
Malachi looked pointedly at her, hoping she got what he was trying to say.

Trinity closed her eyes and shook her head.
“You have to understand how impossible this all sounds.” Taking a fortifying breath, she opened her eyes to look into his eyes. “If I hadn’t had the dreams I did, it would be harder to believe, but it all boils down to one thing. I trust in you, Malachi.”

He already had his arms wrapped around her in a crushing hug by the time she finished speaking.
He couldn’t think of anyone in his life that has ever had this much faith in him. It was humbling.

“So, do you have a plan?”
Her voice caressed over his skin as she spoke into his chest. He couldn’t help the reaction his lower body had to her being this close.

Knowing that she was talking about Azazel, and not what he wanted to do to her, he brought his mind back to the here and now.
“Not for today, I don’t. Today it’s all about us, so…what would you like to do?”

She ran her hands up the sides of his body and he gave a low groan.
“I could figure out a few things.”

“Mmm, I like how you think.”

She started to lightly caress his chest with her lips, talking in between the small kisses. “So. do. I, but. do you know. what I would like. to do first?”

Malachi could barely form the word.

“Go on that motorcycle ride you promised me.”
It took a moment to realize that she had stopped kissing him and was looking up at him with that mischievous smile of hers. What a little vixen!

Looking outside, he saw the sun was out and it was an abnormally warm day for the end of October.

“Fine.” He grudgingly agreed.

No sooner did he agree, than she jumped back and let out a loud squeal, while clapping her hands.
Her happiness was infectious, and he soon found himself laughing with her.

He started walking past her to get to the kitchen.
“You go get some suitable clothes on, while I finish up in here.” He couldn’t help giving her delectable derriere a slight slap as he passed, marveling in the yelp she let out.

Malachi walked into the kitchen and looked around at the cleanup that still needed to be done, but he couldn’t get the feel of her tight little ass off his hand.
Thinking about it, she might not know what clothing is suitable for riding. He should go help.

He reached Trinity by the time she had made it up half the stairs, and he scooped her up to toss her over his shoulder.

“Hey! What are you doing?” She squealed.

“Helping, what does it look like?”

“Helping with what, exactly?” He heard the delight in her voice and had to smile.

“I can do it all, Baby.
First I can help you out of these clothes.”

There was that infectious laughter again, as he made his way into to bedroom and unceremoniously dropped her onto the bed, before lowering himself onto her.




Almost two hours later, he was helping her onto his Knuckle to go for the ride she had been begging for.

It took a while to finally leave her house, but they eventually made it to his, to grab a bike. He had every intension to take her out on the Springer, but she took one look at the Knucklehead and deemed “that one” as the one she wanted. Looking into her excited eyes, he found that he could deny her nothing.

Years ago, Malachi was at a job and was getting his ass handed to him.
The attack was unexpected and took him completely off guard. Just when he didn’t think he could take anymore, a complete stranger, human, jumped in front of him to take the brunt of the attack. No human could withstand what the demon dished out, and it didn’t take long before the man was on the ground. The delay ended up giving Malachi the resolve he needed to finish off the demon. Afterward Malachi tried, but was just too weak to heal the man that had saved his life. He apologized, but the man just smiled and shook his head. Reaching into his pocket, the man pulled out a set of keys and handed them to Malachi, with his promise to “take care of her.” Needless to say, he wasn’t expecting the ‘her’ to be a motorcycle, but he’s been taking care of it ever since. Anytime he gets discouraged about the direction humanity is going, he works on the bike and remembers the man that gave his life when he didn’t have to.

He had never taken anyone out on it before, as it was always something he reserved for himself.
Today, he guessed that all changed.

Placing a helmet on her head, he strapped it under her chin and moved to get onto the bike.
“Don’t you need one?”

Malachi gave her a look that basically said, “You’re kidding right?”

“Oh, right.” She actually started to blush. “Isn’t it the law, though?”

He swung his leg over and sat down.
“Not in Illinois, it’s not.”

“Then why do I have to wear one?”
Was that a pout in her voice he heard?

He helped her climb on behind him, before turning to look at her.
He clasped her behind her neck and brought her closer so he could kiss her. “Because I couldn’t take it if anything happened to you.”

“I trust you to keep me safe.”

“And I love that you do, but I can’t control everything out there. Mother Nature can be a bitch and so can other stupid drivers. I’m not taking any chances.”

Just when he was about to start it up, he felt her small hand touch his back.

Can you hear me?

His heart sped up at the thought of her using their connection to speak with him.
He turned his head so she could see his affirmative nod.

I hear you?

“No, it’s just the one way.”
Even though he wished she could.

“Okay, just wondering.”

“Hold on tight!” He yelled as he started up the engine. It was loud and sounded mean, just the way he liked it. Trinity wrapped her arms around his chest as he slowly drove the bike out onto the street.

From there, he just started to ride.
They rode all around town slowly, but when he got to an open road on the outskirts, he opened up the throttle. He instantly felt Trinity’s grip tighten and he was about to slow down, thinking she was scared.

Holy cow
Malachi! This is AMAZING!

His grin had to of reached his ears, and he lightly squeezed her knee to let her know that he heard her.
That my little firecracker, he thought.

They managed to ride into the city and were enjoying the day together.
He stopped occasionally so she could stretch her legs, but she couldn’t wait to get right back on. Throughout the day, she projected to him to look at certain things and to tell him again how great it was. He loved it. He loved that she not only acknowledged their bond, but embraced it as well.

It was early evening by the time they made it back to town, and the daylight was starting to dim.
They were just outside the town limits when he got a different sensation coming off of Trinity. All day long he had gotten a mixture of excitement, joy, relaxation, but this was different. This was carnal, she was aroused.

That was the only warning he had before her hand traveled seductively lower on his body, stopping just above the waist of his pants.
Her arousal soaked over him, and he felt the blood rush to his already semi-hard erection.

Thank you for today
Malachi. You just keep showing me new ways to get something big and powerful between my legs.

Stay focused! Ride strait! Maybe if he didn’t acknowledge her, she would stop.

No such luck. Her devil of a hand found the hem of his shirt and slipped underneath to press directly against his skin.

Ahh. Her touch was so warm. By the way his jeans kept shrinking, he was pretty sure he just had grown even more.

Damn, all this vibration is making me so wet.

Following her declaration, which still had him reeling, she moved the hand that had thankfully before stayed where it should have, up to his nipple and gave a small pinch. He made a choking noise but tried to control his reaction.

When the hand on his stomach moved even lower, he placed his on top of it to stop its descent.
Noting his surroundings, he knew they could be to his house in five minutes if he sped up, but he wasn’t willing to take the chance with her on the back, so he resigned himself to a little fewer than ten. She could wait!

She wiggled the fingers that were trapped underneath his hand.

Let me touch you.

Wait! Fuck, how he wished she could hear him right now. When he didn’t move his hand, she tried again.

Malachi, let me. You keep us steady and I’ll keep you happy.

Her sultry voice was his undoing.
Seven minutes, he could do this. Slowly, he removed his hand and placed it back on the handle bar.

She immediately flexed her fingers, then ran her nails lightly over his skin.
The sensation caused a shiver to course through his body, which in turn, made her do it again. Finding the top of his jeans, she ran her fingers along the hem, gently caressing his skin. He had grown so hard for her by this point, when her fingers made their way across, they ended up lightly skimming the head of his erection. Six minutes!

He sent up a silent prayer that she wouldn’t touch him again, but inwardly begged for her to as well.
Sucking in a breath, he waited as her hand slowly moved back the way it came. When she stopped to concentrate solely on the area begging for her attention, he let it out slowly.


The view of her hand was blocked by his shirt, but he still took the route to his house that always had less traffic. He slowed to make a turn, and as he was leaning, her hand slid deeper into his pants to grip him with her fingers. Fuck!


Was it just him, or was her projection towards him a little breathy? He had to wonder if she was talking to him or herself.

When he straightened back up, she pulled him higher out of his pants.
The force of her pull made him clench his teeth as his hips bucked forward. Four minutes!

She started to run her hand up and down his exposed length, and he had to fight to keep his eyes open and on the road.
This was by far the best and worst ride of his entire life.

Almost there...
When he saw his house, he almost thanked God, but thought better on it; best not get God’s attention for at least the next hour or so. Taking another deep breath, he returned his focus to the house.

You feel so good…softly covered steel

Bringing her hand up, she gripped the tip and squeezed before running her nail gently over the slit, enticing a bead of desire to come out.
Taking her thumb, she rubbed the moisture over the head.

Malachi, how I wish I could lick this off of you.

That did it.
He wasn’t going to make it. At this point, he was glad that he built his garage behind the house. Originally, it was to not bother the neighbors if he wanted the doors open while he worked, but now it was about to come in real handy.

Driving around to the back, he stopped in front of the garage door.
Immediately he put down the kickstand and turned to pull her off the bike, without even bothering to turn off the engine. “Get off.”

If he was abrupt, it wasn’t intentional, but the look on her face said that she didn’t know that.

“I’m sorry. I was just having fun.” She removed her helmet as she spoke, and he took the opportunity to free himself completely from his pants. “Malachi, say something!”

“I hope you’re not attached to these jeans.”
He reached over and gripped the material covering each delectable ass cheek and yanked, not stopping till her jeans were almost in two pieces.

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