Caught Up In You (Edgeplay Part 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Caught Up In You (Edgeplay Part 2)
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The next time I wake the jet is taxing and Connor is seated beside me. “We’re here.”

“Where’s here?”

“East Hampton. I have a house here.”

Of course he did. Shaking off the fog of weariness, I follow him down the steps of the plane and out into the waiting limo.

The elderly driver leans in. “Everything you requested has been secured, sir.”

“Thank you, Randolph.” Connor nods politely.

“What did you ask him for?”

“Clothes for you, some food, and a few other sundry items for our stay.”

“What about your guests at the Rosemont?”

“Fuck them,” he growls, turning those glittering blue eyes on me. The layer of ice has thawed, leaving behind a fire that warms the cold places inside of me,

“No thanks,” I murmur.

The corner of his mouth kicks up. “You don’t care for my circle of friends?”

“They’re a bunch of back biting ass-muppets.”

His grin is full-fledged. “I’ll subtract five, just for that.

“Five what?”

He merely smiles. A shiver zips the length of my spine.

Connor’s house here isn’t nearly as ostentatious at the Rosemont. In fact it’s more of a refurbished seaside cottage, done in a slightly grander scale. Connor helps me from the limo and escorts me into the house. The main room has vaulted ceilings and the entire rear wall is made up of reinforced glass that comes to a sharp point in the middle. Though it’s dark, I can just make out the white froth of sea foam.

“It’s lovely,” I murmur, running my hand over the marble countertop, taking in the glint from stainless steel appliances.

Connor merely grunts, steering me through the main room toward the back of the house.

“Bathroom’s through there.” He points across the large space. “I’ll be back in half an hour.”

He shuts the door and I hear a lock tumble. Oh no, he didn’t just lock me in his room? There’ll be hell to pay when he gets back if he did.

It’s then I notice the sliding glass door. Vertical blinds hang in front of it, but when I try the door it slides open, letting in a whiff of cold, salty air. Okay, he’s not trying to imprison me, just make a point. I can deal with this.

I use the bathroom, and wash my hands and face, ridding myself of all the remaining makeup. Since I have nothing to change into, I keep my dress on but kick off the heels. I’d fantasized about Connor stripping away each layer as I’d pulled them on and damned if I was going to give up that fantasy just because he had his jock in a twist.

A fire snaps in the hearth, dispelling the damp chill in the air. Though the house must have been closed up, it doesn’t have that musty, unused scent, instead smelling clean, like a fresh breeze. The bedside clock tells me it’s after five in the morning, but I’m wide awake, heart pounding, adrenaline pumping and almost sick with anticipation.

The lock tumbles and Connor appears carrying a black suitcase. “Come here.”

I think these are the clothes he’d mentioned earlier, until he flips the lid open. All the air rushes from my lungs.

It’s a portable sex toy kit, clearly brand new as many items are still in the packaging. Dildos, vibrators, plugs, clamps, oils in every color of the rainbow. And then there’s the darker stuff. Cuffs, switches, paddles, in different shapes and sizes, floggers, a crop, lengths of rope and even a coiled whip.

My mouth has gone dry but I manage to croak. “QVC having a special?”

He doesn’t even crack a smile. “Not exactly.”

Unzipping the top portion of the suitcase he extracts a manila envelope, which looks oddly out of place next to
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Handing me the envelope he whispers, “As promised.”

I feel my eyebrows knitting, displaying my confusion. What did he promise me that would fit in an eight by ten envelope?

Moving closer to one of the low lamps I scan through the first page. My mouth falls open when I realize I’m looking at the test results from Connor Edge’s last physical, six weeks before.

“A clean bill of health,” I whisper, “You remember that conversation?”

Connor nods once.

I swallow past the lump in my throat. “Will you remember this one?”

“I don’t know,” he admits. “But you will. And you’ll help me remember what I need to know.”

Our eyes meet and hold and he lunges for me. The way I’d wanted him to this morning in the forest. No, that was yesterday morning. It feels like a lifetime ago.

His hands are in my hair, his lips fused to mine, tongue plunging, marauding until my oxygen starved lungs demand I push him back.

“Connor,” I breathe as he kisses his way down my neck, one hand sliding up my leg, toying with the garter there. My body is wet for him. I wish he’d rip my clothes off and take me hard against this very wall.

Connor pulls away, “No.”

I feel dizzy, and stumble without his support. “No?”

His eyes glitter in the firelight. “First, I have to punish you.”












Chapter Four


unish me?” Is he kidding? “But I already told you—”
“It doesn’t matter why. Bottom line is you didn’t trust me.”

“You don’t even trust you!” I scream. My hands are fisted at my side and I’m shaking with absolute frustration and rage.

“That’s why I need you to.” Connor says quietly.

My indignation deflates at his words. He’s right, I told him I trusted him and then I didn’t support my words with actions. I’d been so insecure about the soiree, so convinced he’d been looking for a way to ditch me that I’d listen to his bitchy little secretary instead of seeking the truth from him. I could have called his cell phone, or gone looking for him, even checked to see if his car was still there. But instead I’d abandoned all hope. “What are you going to do?”

“Take your dress off.”

Closing my eyes, I reach for the knot at my neck.

“Look at me.” His words snap out like a lash from that whip. “Keep your eyes on mine.”

 My eyes pop open and I swallow with effort. Somehow, it’s harder to do with him holding my gaze that way. There is no dark corner where I can hide because he sees everything. My fingers are shaking as I slowly fumble with the knot. Finally, after what feels like a lifetime, it’s free. I catch the fabric as it slithers over the swells of my breasts. It’s ridiculous, I’m still wearing the corset bodysuit and Connor has already seen my body. But there’s just something about knowing he’s looking that heats my blood.

“Baily, look
at me
,” he repeats and I realize that though I’m staring straight at him, my focus is internal. Somehow, Connor knows it.

My lip quivers and I sink my teeth into it. He sucks in a sharp breath. “What did I say about that?”

I squeak and release my bite, but it’s too late. Gripping my wrists, Connor pulls my arms apart, setting the fabric of my dress free. We watch it snag on the flare of my hips for a moment then pool at my feet. He helps me step out of it and skims his fingers across the bare expanse of my chest.

“On your knees.” His voice is husky.

Said knees are wobbling so it’s probably just as well to kneel before him.

“Undo my belt.” He rocks forward until his fly is in my face.

I stare up into his eyes, wondering if this is part of my punishment.

“No,” he says. “This is my reward for not throwing you onto that bar and claiming you right then. I’ll paddle your ass red after. Unzip me.”

A sharp thrill tears through me like a bolt of lightning. I like his cool, crisp commands, I realize. He’s taking what he wants from me and that turns me on, makes me wet for him. It saves me from having to second and third guess my every action.

 I push his pants down and shiver at the sound of the belt buckle hitting the floor.

He’s not wearing underwear and his massive erection is all I can see. Leaning forward, I’m about to take him in my mouth when he says, “Wait.”

He moves away, and my chest fills up with disappointment that he’s changed his mind. I want him in my mouth. I want the taste of him on my tongue, want to feel him doing as he promised, fucking my mouth. Somehow I know he won’t make me choke or gag, it’ll be perfect like everything else about him.

He makes me feel perfect.

Connor snags a pillow from the bed and drops it before the hearth. He snaps his fingers and points and my sex creams at the display of outright dominance. This man deserves every last ounce of pleasure I can ring from his body.

“Now, show me what that wicked little mouth of yours can do.”

Using the very tip of my tongue, I dab at the slit in the crown. His cock bobs and I grasp it in one hand while tracing the vein down the length to the root. He’s all salt and masculine spice, the velvety smooth skin encasing rigid steel.

 Fingers spear into my hair, holding it away from my face. My mouth is watering for a deeper taste even before he orders, “Suck on me.”

Staring up into his eyes, I suckle the crown into my mouth, swirling my tongue over the end , teasing him.

The fingers in my hair tighten to the point of pain and I wince as he growls. “More, Baily, take me deeper.”

Oh, how I love tormenting him this way. But we both want the same thing. His cock is huge and I don’t know how much of him I’ll be able to manage this way, but it won’t be from lack of effort. Widening my jaw, I slide farther down his shaft.

He throws his head back, the very picture of ecstasy as I suck on the hard male flesh. I can feel it throbbing in my mouth, pulsing with every beat of his heart, desperate for release. Hollowing my cheeks I slip back and then forward again, taking him deeper than I’d ever imagined I could.

But still he isn’t satisfied. His hips buck forward, shoving the hard length even deeper. I suffer a moment of panic before he withdraws and then does it again, hitting the back of my throat.

“You can take me.” His voice is soft, that jagged edge hooking me, making me believe whatever he says. “Just breathe through your nose and relax.”

I don’t have the will to fight him. Removing my hand from the base of his shaft, I stare up at him, trusting him completely.

The wetness of my mouth coats his girth, making each slide easier. Sinking my nails into his the taut muscles of his ass, I let him show me the rhythm, just like when we danced earlier. He’s leading us, all I have to do is let him.

“Good girl,” he rasps as I swallow when his length hits the back of my throat. The muscles there are milking his head the same way my pussy does, urging him to give my body everything he’s got.

Our eyes lock, him fighting for control and me on my knees but feeling oddly powerful as I see him hit his breaking point. His eyes seem to shimmer as he starts to come, spurting hot jets down my throat. I swallow it all greedily, alive with feminine power like I’d never known before.

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