Caught in the Devil's Sheets (13 page)

BOOK: Caught in the Devil's Sheets
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Chapter 11

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I walk into the hospital and find that Jaime has been moved to a more casual room. Jay is standing outside the door and Angela is inside sitting with Jaime, who is eating an In-N-Out burger. He must be feeling okay. Of all the people that I could walk into it has to be Angela. She sneers at me with her overly made-up eyes.

“Nice of you to show up,” she says, crossing her legs and glaring up at me.

Jaime says nothing to my defense, filling his face with fries.

“Nice to see you, too.” I am in no mood for her right now. “Give us a minute please,” I say using the word please lightly.

Jaime looks up at me probably trying to gauge my mood.

Angela stands up, grabs her purse, and scoffs as she walks out of the room.

She is such a bitch!
I take her seat next to Jaime. “How do you feel?” I ask tentatively.

“Sore.” He shrugs, but I can tell he’s wincing.

“What happened?” I ask him seriously.

“I don’t remember.” His head is still wrapped in a bandage. I know people often forget the moments that lead up to their coma, but I still don’t fully believe him.

“Sergio came by the house,” I tell him.

“That’s what Dad said.”

“What’s going on between you two?”

“Nothing, Lila, it’s a big misunderstanding. I’m going to straighten it out with him as soon as I get out of here. Don’t worry about it. How was your trip?” he changes the subject.

I don’t believe him at all, but I can hardly see fighting about it here. “It was fine.” Two can play at this game. “Is it safe for me to be at the house until you’re able to sort it out with Sergio?” Truthfully, that’s all I really need to know.

“Of course,” Jaime says, almost shocked that I would ask. Rick must have told him about Sergio trailing me. Either he is sure it’s an empty threat, or he’s just being negligent about my safety. I make a note to myself to be cautious.

“Clean going on four days now,” Jaime says almost jokingly.

“Oh really? No one willing to bring you take out?”

He doesn’t respond.

We chat briefly about Chuck and Crystal and we talk about things he’d like to do to the house when he comes home. He also tells me that he has to meet with James Devine next week sometime to start going over his testimony for court. May 5
is coming up quick. I hope James is right about Jaime’s accident winning him the jury’s sympathy.

Clearly they didn’t test him for cocaine.
Lucky him
. Angela never comes back so I hang out until after dinner is served on a hospital platter.

“I’d stay, but I’ve been on the road a few days. I really need a fresh shower and a good appointment with our bed,” I say feeling exhausted sitting in this hard hospital recliner. Jaime understands and calls Jay in to give me a ride to my car.

“See you tomorrow,” I tell Jaime and he pulls me in for a kiss. The same spiteful spirit in me that pulled away from Odin bids me to pull away from Jaime, but I don’t. I lean over and kiss him.

The instant I get home, I’m so paranoid. I check all the rooms in the house to make sure they are empty, and lock the door behind me. I smoke a bowl by myself on the back porch to calm my nerves. Part of me is a little afraid to get in the shower and let my guard down. I dig through my purse and find the crumpled up receipt with Odin’s address on it. I open it up to look again. Tempting, but I better not.

Pull it together Lila, just get in the shower!
I pull my clothes off and grab the gun from Jaime’s nightstand, checking to see that it’s cocked and loaded. I set it on the windowsill in the shower, and lock the bathroom door. I feel ridiculous, but I have no idea what’s going on between Jaime and Sergio, and I’m scared.

I exit the bathroom with gun in hand and check through the whole house. Erica makes it home a little later which makes me feel better. She and I catch up over a late cup of tea after the kids are in bed.

Eventually I head to my own bed, my nerves still a little uneasy. I have a text from Odin asking when he can drop my pay off and wishing me a good night. I’d sleep better if I wasn’t worried Sergio was going to come knock my door down. I lie in bed and try to catch some sleep. As exhausted as I am, I lie in bed awake for at least another hour. Jaime, Sergio, Odin, Billy, and all kinds of other madness spin around in my head.

The next day Erica is finally cleaning up the kitchen without being asked and I couldn’t be happier. I head to the grocery store and when I’m on my way home I text Odin. {Heading home now if you wanna stop by}-Lila.

Erica is gone when I get back. I walk into the house with hands full of bags, looking over my shoulder as I turn the corners into the kitchen. My phone goes off in my pocket. {Be there in 15}-Odin.

I pass by the mirror in the hallway. Despite spending only 10 minutes on my physical appearance this morning, I look fine. My hair is pulled into a messy ponytail, curls falling down my back and around my right shoulder. I’m wearing a black tank top with the words ‘Ride On’ in white and gray filigree, and one of my best pairs of dark blue jeans with small rhinestones on the back pockets. I stop into the bathroom anyways to put on a little eyeliner and some mascara. I know I shot Odin down, but I’d be lying if I wasn’t happily entertaining the idea nonetheless. It makes me giddy to know that he wants me. Even if he is just after sex, it’s nice to know I have the eyes of someone as sexy as him. Sad, I know, but here I am in the bathroom gussying up.

When the doorbell rings, I check to make sure it’s Odin before I open it. He looks freshly showered, and his hair is neatly gelled back. I open the door for him to come in and lead him into the kitchen.

“Can I get you anything?” I ask, pulling a Shock Top for myself out of the fridge.

“I’ll take one of those,” he says, standing in the entry way of the dining room.

“Care for a bowl?” I ask, handing him a beer.


He follows me out to the back porch where I plop down in the swing, and grab my stash from inside the wicker table. Odin sits next to me in the swing and his long legs extend out, revealing his black, Red wing work boots. I break up some pot and pack it into the bong.

“So what’s up with Jaime?” he asks me, placing his hands on his knees.

“He should be home later this week.” I offer him the first hit.

“Did he say what happened to him?”

“He says he doesn’t remember,” I say after exhaling and passing the bong back to Odin.

“That’s convenient,” Odin rolls his eyes before taking his hit. “Do you believe him?”

Why does he always have to get into my head? What does he care if I believe Jaime or not?

“I don’t know,” I say honestly, and somewhat exasperated, taking another hit. “I know I’m constantly looking over my shoulder, thinking Sergio might come after me,” I admit.

“What did Jaime say about Sergio?” Odin’s voice is collected.

“He says it’s a little misunderstanding and I don’t need to worry about it.” I can’t hide the doubt in my voice.

“Well, you’re smart not to believe that,” Odin says, and I stare at him, holding the bong in my lap. If he knows something, he better tell me.

“Micah and I picked up Sergio yesterday,” he says, holding his hand out for the bong.

I feel a little betrayed that he would go to Micah with this, but I know that they are extremely close. And hell, at least someone is getting me some answers! I gesture for him to go on.

“Says Jaime sold some coke to one of his buddies, only he cut it with something fake and got caught.”

Holy shit! Jaime is dealing drugs to the Kings?
Bad drugs?
He needs permission to deal with them. He can get in a lot of trouble with the club for this. And he ripped them off! Is he that fucking stupid? I bet someone wants his head right about now. Little misunderstanding my fucking ass! All I can do is shake my head at Odin. I’m surprised, I really am. I didn’t think Jaime was that dumb. Maybe I should have seen this coming.

“Now what?” I ask, completely lost, wondering what happens when Micah tells the rest of the Bandits.

“I don’t think he’s working alone. Rick maybe?” Odin suggests, and he begins rocking our swing with one foot, putting his other knee up and facing me. It didn’t dawn on me that Jaime might have an accomplice. Rick seemed shocked to hear about Sergio though. Maybe it was just an act.

“I have no idea. You could be right.” I pull my hands up to my head and let my hair down, using my fingers to fan through it, feeling stressed.

“I talked to Micah. I think maybe it’s best we don’t tell anyone what Sergio had to say, except maybe Jaime,” he says.

I can sense he’s leading up to something else, but I have no idea what. Micah dislikes Jaime, it’s no secret, and I can hardly see him doing Jaime any favors.

“Okay?” I say, confused.

“If Jaime knows that we have this kind of heat on him, you can leave him, Lila. He’ll have no other option then to let you go peacefully. You take whatever you want, the house, car, money. If he argues with you, we turn him into Felix. If he has an accomplice, we can point the finger at them for now.”

I’m completely shocked by his offer. Odin is dead serious, staring up at me through his lashes with his piercing blue eyes. I can hardly believe my ears.
Am I ready to leave Jaime?
What about my standing in the club? Will I lose all my friends, my life?
I don’t want that. Even if Jaime and I can make peace with a divorce, I can’t see him not turning people against me. I let out a long bellow of air.

“Why would Micah do that for me?”

“Because I’m asking him to.”

I stare at Odin, I don’t know what to think.

“What do I have to do?” Clearly there must be some catch. Why else would Odin call in a favor for me?

“Leave Jaime,” he says, like it’s obvious.

“And?” What does he expect from me?

“That’s it. I’m just offering you a hand up.” Odin’s look is sincere. But I can’t understand why he would do this.

“I will consider it,” I say biting my lip and avoiding eye contact.

“Now is the perfect time. He’s weak—”

I stop Odin here, though he’s quite insistent.

“Exactly. I don’t want to be the bitch that kicks him when he’s already down. If I leave him and want to have any hope of it being peaceful, I need to be as civilized as I can be about it and wait for the right time. Besides, I need to think about it anyways. I’m not sure if I’m ready to leave, but I will consider it,” I say, not sure how Odin will respond to hearing this.

He sighs, looking down at his feet. I think he’s disappointed, possibly even irritated.

“Okay,” he says after a few moments of silence, and I feel a wave of relief.

I pack another bowl. “I wouldn’t worry too much about Sergio. I warned him not to come around here anymore. After I beat his face in,” Odin says, taking the bong from me.

“Great! So now if he does come, he’ll have that to take out on me, too,” I say, less than pleased.

“Lila, if you’re worried about him, you can stay with me. I have a spare room,” Odin offers.

“And leave Erica and the kids here?”

Odin makes a face. Seems like he forgot I have semi-permanent house guests at the moment.

“Do you want me to stay here? I’ll take the couch,” he says, as though he wouldn’t mind it at all.

I want to say no. I don’t want to hold him up like that, but it would be really nice to be able to let my guard down in my own house, especially now that I know exactly what the situation is.

“Would you? That would make me feel a lot better.”

“Of course I will.” Odin seems more than happy to stay, which makes me feel better about asking.

“Thank you. I owe you one.” I mean it.

“Just, consider what I’m offering you,” he says, and he locks me in his gaze.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” I have to ask.

“Is it so hard to believe that I care about you?” His response catches me off guard. It’s obvious that he cares, I just can’t understand why.

“I guess I’m just not used to people caring about me. I’ve always had my own back,” I admit, staring down at my fingers. I have to fight back the urge to be sad, it’s always bothered me that no one really cared about me all my life. Billy did, but where is he now? Odin senses something’s a miss, and he uses his curled index finger to lift my chin.

“I got your back, Lila,” he promises.

My heart lurches in an all too familiar way. I nod and break free of his gaze, before I try to do something stupid, like kiss him. I have always been a sucker for anyone pretending to care about me, not that I’m accusing Odin of pretending.

“I need to run to the hospital and see Jaime. I will give you a spare key and let Erica know you’ll be in and out. I’m not going to say anything to Jaime yet. I want to keep the element of surprise to my advantage, if that’s possible.”

“I’ll talk to Micah. I’m gonna get some things from my house and I will come back this evening,” he says, and we both make our way to our feet.

I walk Odin back into the house. When we are in the kitchen I pull a spare key out of my drawer. As I hand it to him, Rick’s warning about Odin flashes through my head. I will figure out what he was trying to tell me eventually. Right now, whatever Rick’s concerns are about Odin, they are far superseded by my concerns with Sergio.

Odin takes the key and puts it on his key ring. On his way out of the kitchen, he places a carefully bundled wad of cash on the dining table in front of me. It’s my share of our Houston run.

“Want a lift to the hospital?” he asks, as we make our way toward the front door.

“No, I’ll take myself. I have some other things to take care of,” I say once we are lingering in the entryway.

“Come here,” Odin says pulling me in for a hug. “Everything’s going to be okay, Lila. You’re not stuck with him if you don’t want to be. Hear me?”

My face is pressed against his chest, and I try not to cry as his words sink in. One of his arms embraces me and another hand is in my hair, holding my head to him. I wrap my arms around him, holding on to him for the strength I need to keep going.

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