Catching Serenity (23 page)

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Authors: JoAnn Durgin

BOOK: Catching Serenity
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Are you hungry? It’s been a few hours since we ate. How about a sandwich?”

I can eat, but don’t feel like you need to wait on me, Serenity.”

Nonsense,” she said. “You’re in no condition to be up and moving around. You rest and let me go see what I can find.”

You’re the best,” he murmured, closing his eyes again.

few minutes later, Serenity brought him a plate with a ham and Swiss on rye sandwich and settled herself in the armchair next to the sofa. The creases on his forehead had eased, and it appeared as though the over-the-counter medicine had finally taken effect.

Thanks. I realized I’m starving.” Positioning one of the sofa pillows on his lap, he put the plate on it. “Why didn’t you make yourself a sandwich? I hate to eat alone.”

I’d rather watch you eat.” She shrugged at his frown. “I’m not hungry.”

Jackson lifted the corner of the bread.
“Nothing was green, right?”

Her laugh escaped.
“Not even close. The dates are all still good.” She waited as he bowed and said a quick prayer. “I hope you noticed my concession.”

Ah, yes, the potato chips.” He gave her a grin as he chewed a bite of his sandwich and gave her a thumbs-up. “My compliments to the chef.”

You’re most welcome.”

He bit into a chip and
then offered one to her.

She hesitated.
“Oh, why not?” Taking it from him, she eyed it before popping it in her mouth, enjoying the salty, tangy sensation. She hadn’t enjoyed a potato chip in as long as she could remember, and it tasted

Good, huh? Bet you can’t eat just one.” When he smiled, she melted a little bit more. All it took was sitting in the man’s living room, watching him eat a ham sandwich. This was getting seriously dangerous. Jackson was every bit as addictive as that chip, and much more so.

All right. Give me another one, please.” Serenity held out her hand, and he obliged, giving her three more.

He seemed to enjoy watching her eat.
“Glad to see you walk on the dark side every now and then. It’s strangely alluring.”

She rolled her eyes.
“You’re delusional.” Hearing a knock on the front door, Serenity startled. There it was again, more insistent. “Shall I get it?”

I’m not expecting anyone, but sure. Thanks.” Jackson sounded rather annoyed.

News must travel fast.” Serenity felt his eyes on her as she crossed the room. Opening the door, she couldn’t miss the obvious disappointment on the young, dark-haired visitor’s pretty face.

Oh, hi Serendipity. Is Jackson here?”


eaning around Serenity, Hayley checked out the living room, not bothering with subtlety. Her blue eyes lit when she spied Jackson.

Jackson! Are you hurt? What happened, sugar?” Hayley flew to his side in a matter of seconds, dropping to her knees and putting a hand on his forearm.

Got a little too involved in a game of touch football. I’m fine.” He shifted his gaze to hers and moved his arm out of reach of Hayley’s fingers which now caressed his arm. “Serenity’s taking great care of me.”

Well, wasn
’t he magnanimous? At least he hadn’t called her Serendipity. Oh, sure, that “sugar”
endearment from Hayley irked her, but why should it? She had no claims on Jackson. But the same as seeing them talking outside the church, it
bother her. Could be the exaggerated southern accent or the way Hayley couldn’t stop touching him. The woman was incredibly pretty and employed her femininity to full advantage. This was a woman who knew how to find a man’s weakness and play right into it. Jackson deserved credit for making a concerted effort to avoid her overly-familiar gestures. Whatever it was, all this fawning turned her stomach sour. If she saw or heard any more, she might say or do something she’d regret. Best to leave now.

I’ll say good-bye now.” Serenity bit her lip so she wouldn’t voice the childish thoughts that would betray her. Not to mention make it sound like she was consumed by the green-eyed monster. She’d wanted to voice her concerns to Jackson about someone—Carmen?—either spying on her or following her. But no, that sounded crazy in her own head. It’d probably only serve to convince the psychologist
was delusional, so she’d hug that thought to herself for now. If it happened again, then she’d say something.

You don’t need to go, Serenity,” Jackson said, pushing himself up on the sofa.

Serenity grabbed her purse and pulled it over her shoulder.
“I think I do.”

Thanks. For the sandwich and everything. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.” The regret in his voice didn’t escape her. From the corner of her eye, she noticed his eyes held a
Don’t leave me alone with Hayley!
look. Jackson was a big boy and could take care of himself. After all, the man held a doctorate in figuring people out. As it was, she’d been way too obvious in her reaction to Hayley’s arrival.

paused with one hand on the doorknob, trying to ignore Hayley’s smug smile.
Say your good-byes and depart.

I’ll take over now,” Hayley said. “Thanks for taking care of Jackson until I could get here.”

Lord, hold my tongue
. It was all she could do not to huff. The expression on Jackson’s face was pretty entertaining. Maybe the good doctor’s higher learning hadn’t included the lesson on wily women. Yes, this woman wanted Jackson and was unashamedly staking her claim.

Any time.”

I mean,” Hayley said with an odd but suspicious lilt to her tone, “I’m sure you need to get back to your dad. He needs you more than ever, and—seeing as how he’s the only man in your life—you probably want to spend as much time with him as you can.”

That does it
. “That’s true,” Serenity said, measuring her words carefully. “Hayley, do you know Spencer Walton, by any chance?”

You mean the quarterback from high school?
Spencer Walton?”

The same.”

Sure. Who doesn’t? Why do you ask?” Hayley brushed Jackson’s bangs off his brow, her fingers lingering on his face.

No reason other than I think the two of you might really hit it off. He’s actively seeking a woman to settle down with and, like you, Spencer’s a—oh, I don’t know—a very
kind of person.”
Lord, forgive me.

Hayley stopped her hand mid-stroke up Jackson
’s arm and stared at her. Obviously trying to suppress his laughter, Jackson pulled his arm away from Hayley’s reach and coughed into his fist.

I’m off to see Dad now.”

Take my car again, if you want,” Jackson said, picking up the keys from the table and tossing them to her. “I won’t be driving it for a while and you left yours at the park.” The look on
face this time around was reward enough.

I appreciate the offer, Jackson, but I can’t in good conscience take something that’s not mine.” Serenity tossed the keys back to him and it took everything in her not to glance at Hayley again. “A long walk sounds really appealing right now, anyway.” She gave him her best smile. “Feel better, sugar.”



After fixing a quick, healthy lunch for
her dad on Monday, Serenity met with the part-time nurse who’d be helping for the next couple of weeks, going over the instructions for his daily schedule, diet and care. Her Dad waved her off and encouraged her to keep her planned lunch date with Deidre. Of course, all her friend could talk about was the upcoming dinner date on Saturday night. After protesting and telling Deidre it wasn’t a date—at least not in the traditional sense—she finally gave up trying. After Serenity vetoed The Black Oyster, they’d agreed on Melvin’s, a nice but not overly pretentious restaurant.

Just think,” Deidre said with an exaggerated sigh, “you’ll get to see Jackson in a suit.”

It’s not the prom, so please don’t suggest he bring a corsage.”

pouted. “Shall I come over and help you get ready?”

I think I can manage, thanks,” Serenity said, taking a sip of her water with lemon. “As soon as I figure out what to wear.” All it took was a raised brow for Deidre to read her unspoken suggestion.

That settles it, girlfriend. Thursday after work, we’re going shopping downtown. Clara’s Boutique is open late. We’ll find an absolutely gorgeous dress you can’t resist...and Jackson—”

I really shouldn’t spend the money,” Serenity said, frowning. “I’m sure I can find something in my closet that will work. Or I can spruce it up with a pretty pin or scarf or something.”

No offense, honey, but a khaki skirt and cotton top isn’t going to do it this time. And a scarf? The way to a man’s heart isn’t in how you can knot a scarf, trust me on that one.” Chewing a quick bite of her salmon, Deidre speared asparagus and waved her fork at her. “I mean, the way you dress is fine for your run-of-the-mill, nine-to-five business meetings, but you need something flirty that will knock the good doctor right between the eyes. Show a little—”

I’m not showing anything I shouldn’t, Deidre. But sure, I’ll knock Jackson out, figuratively speaking, and then Hayley Foster can swoop in, dripping with all that ingratiating southern charm and take care of the handsome doctor.”

Deidre eyed her above the rim of her coffee cup before lowering it to the saucer.
“You’re not honestly worried about competition from Hayley, are you? Mark my words, that girl’s a clinger. Why do you think she’s not married? As pretty as she is, that girl’s got attachment issues. Big time.”

erenity shook her head with a grin. “No, I’m not worried because it’s not a competition.”

Dabbing her lips with her cloth napkin, Deidre shook her head.
“Let me see if I’ve got this pegged right. You’re not ready for a relationship—a romantic one—but you don’t want to see Jackson in a relationship with anyone else, either.”

No, that’s not it,” Serenity said. “I’d hate to see Jackson in a relationship with...well, Hayley Foster.”
Or anyone else.
When Deidre watched her, as if waiting for more, she relented. “Okay, I don’t want him to date anyone else. Satisfied? I can’t believe I’m even talking about this. It’s not fair to Jackson to give him false hope.”

’s lips curved. “Oh, I think you’ve already got the psychologist hooked, sweetie. All you need to do is say the word and he’s yours to reel in.”

Serenity frowned.
“That’s just it, Deidre. I’m not fishing. I shouldn’t

I’m not buying
for one little second.” Deidre took another bite of her asparagus. “Protest all you want, but you’re only deluding yourself.”



Walking to her office
a short time later, Serenity chastised herself. How could she have left her dad so soon after his release from the hospital? Stopping and sitting on a park bench a few blocks from her office, she called him. “He’s fine,” the part-time duty nurse told her. She could hear her father speaking in the background. “Clinton said to tell you he’s okay. Stop worrying.”

Tell him I’ll be there in a few hours to fix his dinner.” She told the nurse to call if he needed anything. When she lived in Atlanta, she rarely worried about her dad. One medical procedure later and she’d apparently turned into a certified mother hen? Perhaps a close brush with mortality
put an entirely different slant on life. In the back of her mind, she’d known he wasn’t well and that was another underlying reason she’d come home again. If it was within her power, she’d do anything to keep him healthy and safe as long as she could.

Who’s your new friend?” Kelsie thumped a pencil on her desk and shot a wry grin in Serenity’s direction when she walked into Inner Serenity a few minutes later, lost in thought. If Kelsie hadn’t spoken and waved her hand to get her attention, she might have breezed right past her.

She gave her assistant a blank stare.
“Other than Jackson, I don’t know who you’re talking about.” Picking up her mail on the corner of Kelsie’s desk, Serenity walked into her office and dropped her purse beside the desk.

Following her, Kelsie stood in the doorway.
“Not Jackson. The other guy.”

’s frown deepened.
Please don’t tell me Spencer’s come back for round two.
“I don’t know who you mean. A potential new client? Did he leave a name, a card or anything?”

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