Carter's Cuffs (14 page)

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Authors: Lacey Alexander

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Carter's Cuffs
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Finally, he pulled out—only to carefully turn around and straddle her once more, facing the opposite way.


“Shhh,” he said, then reinserted his cock between her lips, effectively quieting her.

Strange, her mouth was so tender, but she welcomed it back anyway, wanting to pleasure him still more.

He leaned forward over her until he was on hands and knees. Still sucking him, she could see through the space between their bodies, and she thought he might lick her pussy some more. The poor thing was starting to feel neglected, so she found herself lifting, arching her ass slightly toward him—a silent request.

But then he reached for the flogger.

Oh. She sucked in her breath. He was going to rub her with it. Okay. Fine. She didn’t even care, so long as she got some stimulation down there.

And yet…why was he turning it around, holding onto it by the tail?

His cock still thrust in firm, even strokes between her lips as he—oh God, he was positioning the leather handle at her cunt. Like a dildo!

That’s when she saw it—the end was shaped that way, and just the right size. Not a lifelike representation and it was not quite as big or thick as Carter, but indeed, someone had designed it with dual purposes in mind.

“Ohhh!” she cried around his shaft as he pushed the handle into her, all the way.

Without responding to her reaction, he began to fuck her with it, to slide it in and out in the same rhythm as he moved in her mouth.

Oh Lord, it was too much stimulation. One cock in her mouth, and something very
a cock in her cunt. It was too much and too

That quickly, she was lost to it, consumed by it.

She sobbed around his shaft as he filled her at both ends. She shut her eyes and simply absorbed the pummeling pleasure that was enough to overwhelm her. It drove away thought or worry or wonder or decision—and it left only sensation. Hot, consuming sensation like she’d never experienced before.

She had no idea how long he fucked her that way, only that when it stopped, she felt almost numb with pleasure. She no longer even thought about the fact that she was cuffed to the bed. She no longer thought about being at his mercy. She no longer worried about what would come next. She simply
. She was his willing, content sex toy.

And unlike other times, he didn’t ask if she was okay. He didn’t say anything soothing or sweet. He only withdrew the handle after a long while and said, “Turn over, on your knees.”

She hadn’t realized it, but having the cuffs looped only around one little bit of wrought iron made it so that she could easily flip in the bed without them being removed.

“Good girl,” he said deeply as she turned. “Now draw your knees up under you.”

She did so.

“That’s right,” he told her. “But lift your ass some.”

She followed the instruction, still aware of little more than obedience and pleasure.

That’s when he brought the strips of the flogger down across her bottom in a soft but stinging slap. She flinched, yet felt the surge of heat rippling through her, centering in her pussy.

“Tell me you’re a bad girl.”

She never thought of not doing it. “I’m a bad girl.”

He smacked her with the flogger again—the other side of her rear this time. “Tell me you’re a bad girl for ever fighting me.”

“I’m a bad girl for ever fighting you.”

Another snap of the leather on her ass. Mmm, yes—so hot, delicious. “Tell me
want what
want, whatever I demand of you.”

want what
want, whatever you demand.”

And then things got blurry, strange. She couldn’t see him any longer, so she had closed her eyes and now only absorbed. He used his hands to knead her bottom—and then, then, he dragged one finger down the valley of her ass, ever so slowly, and when he reached her anus, he stopped…circled…

She bit her lip. What an odd sensation. It almost felt good.

He rubbed some more and…it
felt good. Who knew?

And then…wetness there, something cool and gooey. The aloe from before?

Whatever it was, he was rubbing it into her, lots of it, and after that, oh God! He pushed one fingertip into the fissure and she sobbed with the shock of pleasure. Behind her, his breath came heavier, audible. She realized both of her cuffed hands gripped the wrought iron of the headboard, tight.

His finger slid deeper, deeper, all the way. Oh Lord. So good. Strange. A bizarre sort of intrusion where she’d never really imagined one before. But a
intrusion. She even heard herself whimper, “Yes.”

He slid his finger in and out, in and out, as Erin sank deeper into the strange, murky delight the penetration delivered. Maybe the wine earlier was finally setting in, making her feel fully drunk now, or maybe
surrendering to Carter
had made her drunk. Whatever the case, she was no longer in control of her responses.

When his finger disappeared, she didn’t worry—she knew something else would come, and she waited patiently to see what it would be.

Yet, for some reason, she hadn’t expected what she got—the leather handle of the flogger nudging at her ass. “Oh Lord,” she heard herself whisper when she realized.

“Relax, baby.” His voice was soothing now, but that was all he said.

So she tried to relax. It wasn’t hard—she was so aroused now, and so into him, into whatever he wanted to give her.

At first, she thought it wouldn’t fit. He prodded, gently, then began to move it rhythmically against her, and it felt impossibly thick for that particular hole—until, suddenly, it went in.

“Jesus,” she said, assaulted by a head rush that accompanied its entry. And like before, with his finger, the pleasure was…strange. New and different. She was experiencing it
of him. And
him. “Yes,” she said again, just to let him know she truly wanted this. Yesterday, she wouldn’t have. An hour ago, no. But he had intoxicated her, and now it was easy to just let go and

…” she moaned as the handle edged deeper into her ass, filling her impossibly. Behind her, Carter groaned, too.

Every nerve ending in her body tingled, tensed, as he began to move the flogger in and out, and she wondered—strangely—if she looked like she had a tail. The leather strips tickled her from behind. “God, oh God,” she sobbed, pushing gently at the tool, amazed when Carter was able to thrust it in and out with relative ease.

“So good, baby,” he murmured hotly over her. “Your sweet little ass is taking this so good.”

I love you.

Shit—she almost said it. Now, of all odd times. She bit her lip, shoved the words back, resumed only feeling, not thinking. Maybe that was safer for a
of reasons.

And then…he pulled the flogger out. And she moaned at the emptiness it left behind, but once more felt patient, waiting to see what came next from her lover.

“Now,” he said, suddenly close to her, and she opened her eyes to see him right next to her, his face on the pillow near hers, “is where you really have to trust me, honey.” He looked so serious. And so hot.

Her first thought was,
Anything, I’ll do or be or give you anything you want.

But the break in the action had brought back at least a small pinch of sanity, so she stayed quiet, only met his gaze, only gave a small nod.

“Good,” he whispered. And then he covered her eyes with a black blindfold.

She sucked in her breath, but he said nothing to reassure her, only tied it tight behind her head.

Then she sensed him leaving the room. Oh Lord. Where the hell was he going?

Her heart beat wildly in her chest, but she told herself to calm down. She’d kept her eyes shut through a lot of this anyway. And she’d wanted to be his slave, his toy, hadn’t she? That was hard for her to accept, but she couldn’t deny it now. And the reality of it girded her for whatever was to come.
You want to be his sex slave tonight. He said he would never hurt you. That’s all you need to know.

That’s when she sensed him joining her in the bed again, when warm hands closed firm but gentle at her bare hips.

Carter said, “Get on your hands and knees,” but his voice sounded farther away than he actually was.

She pushed up onto her knees, and she couldn’t brace her hands on the bed due to the cuffs, but found leverage by gripping the wrought iron again. She arched her ass upward, so ready to be fucked she wondered how she’d withstood waiting for it this long. “Please,” she begged. She knew she shouldn’t ask, knew he was calling the shots, but she couldn’t help it. “Please give it to me. Please fuck me.”

The hands on her hips flexed, tightened, then his large cock eased smoothly inside her cunt. She moaned deeply, always stunned by how big he was inside her, the way he filled her body so wonderfully.

“Is it good, baby?” His voice still sounded strange, distant.

She nodded beneath her blindfold. “God, yes.”

“Good. That’s so good.”

And then he began to move, to pound in hard, deep strokes that stretched all through her. He felt different than before somehow—in some way she couldn’t explain—but still powerful and oh-so pleasing. Her body felt hypersensitive—her orgasm seemed a long time ago now, and she’d had so much stimulation to every part of her body since then that she simply wanted to be fucked, wanted to take it as hard as he could give it. She mewled and cried out with his strokes, listened to his breath and her own, and thrust back against him.

Until he went still and…and…oh God, what was happening?

A pair of hands closed over her shoulders. Only…Carter’s hands were still on her ass. Weren’t they? What…what
this? How could this be? There were too many hands.

Then she sensed a leg grazing her side, the curve of her waist—but Carter’s cock was still inside her, his thighs still stretching along the backs of hers, so this made no sense.

“Carter?” she asked.

“I’m here,” he assured her, his voice suddenly near her ear, the warmth of his body stretching across her back. “Don’t worry.”

“But what’s—”

“Shhh,” he told her like once before. “This is so fucking good, baby, and you’re so damn beautiful. Don’t be afraid. Just trust me. That’s your job right now. Trust me. And let yourself feel good.”

Erin could hardly breathe. She began to understand then…the man who’d just been fucking her, who was
fucking her, wasn’t Carter!

Who the hell was it? Was he young, old? Would she find him physically appealing? Was he using protection? God, how could this be?

And now Carter was going to…what was he going to do? What were the
two of them
going to do to her
? This was insane! How could Carter do this to her?

The controlling part of herself thought of screaming, fighting, stopping this. He’d said he wouldn’t hurt her, so if she freaked out, he’d stop—she knew it.

So maybe she should do that. Stop this somehow. Because it was insane. Impossible.

And yet her body roiled with sensation.

What she’d just found out had startled her, but it hadn’t killed her excitement.

And the truth was, with two men’s hands now on her, and with one cock in her pussy and another rubbing stiffly against the small of her back as Carter reached around to caress her breasts, her arousal blossomed anew. It blossomed
, her body going crazy hot at the wild and unexpected turn things had taken.

She heard her own moan and knew as she arched, thrusting her cunt against the cock inside it and her breasts into Carter’s grasp, that she wasn’t going to stop this. Instead, she was going to do what Carter had told her to—what she’d been doing all night. She was going to trust him, and she was going to

Because she
. She
trust Carter. She
to. And she knew in her heart that his promise was true—he’d never hurt her.

And this was still just as insane as it had been a minute ago, but the insane part now was that she wanted it. For
for Carter.

The mystery man behind her fucked her deeply as Carter continued touching her, kissing her shoulders, her back. His cock rested in the valley of her ass and she grew nearly overwhelmed with envisioning what they must look like on the bed together and wondering how close Carter’s cock was to his friend’s and if he took any pleasure from being close to another naked guy right now.

But her focus shifted and such pondering ceased when the head of Carter’s big shaft pushed at her asshole.

Oh Lord. He’d been getting her ready. Ready for
. Ready to fuck her ass while another man fucked her pussy.

Jesus God, would they both fit? Would she be able to stand it?

She drew in a ragged breath, tense, heart pounding, wanting this—wanting them both in her—like she’d never wanted anything before. She yearned to be reckless and hedonistic for Carter, because he made it okay for her to express her most forbidden desires, things she’d never even wanted before meeting him.

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