Carter (5 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

BOOK: Carter
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“I’d never say to her that the baby needed surgery, but I would be concerned about her. But this isn’t the same thing. He’s a boy. Eventually going to be my son. And I can’t have him being mouthy to anyone. You didn’t think so.” Mom nodded at him. “Then what did I do that was so different?”

“I was wrong.” He stared at her, waiting for her to say she was kidding. “I should never have hit that young man. And I’ve told his mother and him that. He was—and I want you to think about what I’m saying—he was protecting his family. Not like you are with all your supposed superior knowledge on having a family, but he was all the same.”

“I wasn’t being superior to either of them. And I still don’t get what I did wrong.” His mom stood up and moved to the door. “Wait, you said you talked to them. When was this?”

“Right after she left you here in a huff. And my goodness, does that girl have some control over her temper. She was, like her son, polite when she told me if you come near them again she will cut you up. And I don’t think she means that as a threat. I do believe that she will cut you to ribbons.” Mom opened the door, then turned back to him. “I’m not telling you this to make you mad or even to make you do the opposite. I would prefer that you stayed away from her. She’s angry and has been, for a long time and without your prick self, been caring for her son very well. She’s kept them both safe for a long time, and I’m sure they will continue to care for each other long after you’re over your snit.”

She was gone a few seconds later, and he felt like hitting someone. Or breaking something. Going to the chair that his mom had been sitting in, he picked it up and started to throw it just as Danny came into the room.

“You do that and I will tell your mom.” He set the chair down with extreme care and looked at the doctor. “Now, I would like for you to tell me something, and you’re going to do so calmly and without any kind of threats.”

“I’m not a child and I don’t appreciate being treated as one.” All he did was look at the chair, then back at him. “What do you want?”

“There’s a man down in the lobby who is insisting that he is Murph’s father.” Carter felt his cat stir under his skin. “He also seems to think that she has something that belongs to him. A boy that she kidnapped from him. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but he’s got these goons with him that seem to think they’re bigger and badder than us.”

“Where is Misha?” He told him that he’d left a while ago. “Call him for me, please? And would you also call in anyone else that might be here that is my family?”

“Linyah is here already. She’s with her brother. Misha is coming.” Carter nodded. “Might I make a suggestion? Don’t mention that you are her mate. I don’t know why, but I don’t think he’d take too kindly to that information. And so you know, he’s human, but the goons aren’t. One is a bear and the other is a shifter.”

Carter took the elevator down to the lobby and saw right away what had Danny so upset. They were standing in front of the doors to get in, and they didn’t seem to be letting anyone out or in. Carter asked one of the nurses to go to the side of the building and open those doors. She nodded and ran down the hall. She must have spoken to one of the crowd trying to come in because they made their way toward her. A doctor started leading the ones trying to get out down the hall and one of the goons, as Danny called them, followed. There was going to be hell to pay once they were down there, and he almost felt sorry for whoever tangled with this guy.

“He’s not going to let anyone out or in.” The man laughed. Murph’s father, Carter thought, continued, “I’m in charge here, and until I’m satisfied by getting what I want, you are all going to do as I say.”

Linyah stood on his left, Nic to his right. Carter let a little of his cat go and the big bear of a man did the same. He saw Thomas with Misha coming down the hall from where the shifter and the nurse had gone. He asked Misha if things were taken care of down the hall.

Misha nodded to him.
He’s been…taken care of. When will shifters learn the rule of being in one’s territory? You need to deal with this man or I will. But it will go better for you in the long run if you do. Oh, and Thomas has gone to get Rider since he knows this guy.

“Mr. Murphy, I’m assuming.” The man nodded. “Daniel, right? I guess you think you’re some big shit around here. I don’t, but that’s the impression I’m getting from you and this show of force. You think that because…what? That you should get your way because of your name? Doesn’t mean shit to me, so you know.”

“It’s not a show, my darling little kitten, but force. You should learn to speak better to those that are much higher on the food chain than you.” Daniel laughed again. “You’ll bring my daughter down here now and my kid, or so help me, I will tear you apart limb from limb.”

“He will.” Daniel looked confused when Carter answered him. “You said you will, but I’m betting that you’ll try and make the bear behind you do it. You don’t look like a man who will get his hands dirty on something as mundane as trying to fight one of us. He won’t, by the way, tear anyone limb from limb. He won’t have a chance, just so you know. I’m pretty sure that my sister-in-law here can take him without any problems. Can’t you?”

Linyah nodded, and the man fell to the floor crying out in pain. When she took a step toward the man, he shifted to bear and then man three times before she smiled at him. She was enjoying this a great deal, and he thought he’d try his best to stay on her good side from now on.

“You think this will stop me?” Daniel laughed hard, but it was forced and Carter knew it. The man was scared. “Think again. Dane knows where she’s supposed to be, and I want her there now. I’ve messed with her long enough. Bring her and the child to me and I’ll go without any more incident. Or at least no one will die today if you do what I tell you.” Carter laughed. “You think that I’m kidding? That this is a joke?”

“Yeah, as a matter of fact I do. My brother Misha here has taken care of the shifter. He’s the leader of our leap, and with the fact that your shifter had been a leopard once or twice in this area, he had full power over him.” Daniel looked at Misha, then at him. “You’re wondering now why I’m doing the talking to you. Well, I’ll tell you. I’ve had about the worst day possible and my cat, a big leopard of a pissed off cat, is just itching to tear someone to pieces. That would be you, in case you missed it.”

“You’ve no right to speak to me like that. I’m only here to get my daughter and her errant son. You’ll bring them to me now and I’ll pretend that this never happened.” Carter took a step toward the man, and a gun appeared in his hand. “I will shoot you. And I do know enough about your kind to know that a silver bullet will kill you faster than anything on this earth. So you’ll back the fuck up from me right now and you’ll get that fucking daughter of mine and her son.”

He felt her touch his mind. Murph was pissed, but at who he wasn’t sure yet.
Tell him that I said that he will roast in hell before I let him come near me.
Then she sighed heavily.
Never mind. All you’ll do is piss him off more, and that won’t do you any good. I’m not anywhere that he can find me, so tell him for me that I said to fuck off. If he shoots you, it will save me the trouble.

Carter didn’t know what to say and looked at Misha. Christ, she really didn’t care. He looked back at Daniel and told him what she’d said, then let his cat take him. If he was going to die, he was going to go down fighting.

Chapter 5


“It smells.” Max was right, it did smell. But it was only temporary. “And I’m hungry again. Do you think we can go and get some burgers and bring them back here?”

“Burgers it is then.” She sat down on the lumpy couch, and he sat down beside her. “We’re in deep trouble here, Max. You know that, don’t you? He’s hurting others now to get to us. You especially.”

“I know. I feel really bad for Carter. He tried to protect us.” She reached out again to the arrogant cat and found that while he was still angry, he was doing much better than before. “Maybe we should go back and help them. They’re going to need us.”

“I know. But he wants to be my mate, Max. You know what that means. He’ll be your stepfather, and you don’t care for him.” She didn’t say she didn’t either, but let him think that she was doing this for him. “He’s bossy and an asshole.”

“Yeah, but so are you sometimes.” She turned his face to look at him. “You can be. Especially when things are all messed up. Like today. His mom hit me and we talked to her. We should have gone to talk to him too. Don’t you think?”

“When did you get this smart?”

He told her that he’d always been this smart, she was just too bossy to notice. They ended up wrestling on the couch, her tickling him until he said he gave in, then them both laying back, laughing. It was nice to be here with him, but she was going to have to do something soon. Her dad really was becoming a problem.

“We should go see him, and maybe his mom will make me some of those really good cookies.” She nodded, not really thinking about it. “Mom? Listen, even if we don’t go there and Grandda comes to get us, what will happen to them? He knows we were there. And what if they hurt that nice lady, the mom of them all? I’d really hate that, and you would too. We have to keep him from hurting them. And we’re the only ones that can.”

“I know you’re right. But Max, I don’t need him bossing either of us around. We’re good at keeping ourselves out of harm’s way.” He asked her about being shot. “I don’t really know who hired him to kill me, but he’s dead now. When he came back to see us at the apartment, one of the men took him out. He might have just been working on his own because I made sure he lost his job.”

She would not lie to her son. Not about the man who had shot her or anything else that she knew the answers for. They were all they had; each of them had to trust the other or they’d be killed. And they’d been close this time. Too close to think that her father was just going to give up. He was set to have them and she just didn’t understand why. Max wanted her to call the man, tell Carter they were going to give him a chance. But Murph was afraid. Not of Carter, but what might happen between them if she stayed with him.


Murph looked at her son. He asked her for so little. Nothing really. And she so wanted him to have a good life, a settled life. And they never would so long as Dad was around, or even men like him. But they had left the Lanning family exposed, and that couldn’t be a good thing.

“One week.” He nodded. “And if he gets in one of his moods again, I’m hurting him. And you for making me do this.”

“Okay.” He put out his hand, and she stared at it. “Mom, if we don’t shake it’s not a done deal. You have to shake.”

“Max, he’s my mate. That means it will not be just you and I that we have to worry about, but all of them. Hannah and her baby, Misha and his mom. All those men will be related to you. All of them.”

“I know.” He grinned at her. “And they’ll be related to you too. And maybe, just maybe, I can go to a real university and get my degree. I can have a room of my own. A Christmas tree like we’ve never been able to put up before. I know that it sounds lame, but I want a house too. One that has a yard and maybe one of those cheap blow-up pools. I don’t even know how to swim.”

“I’m sorry about that.” He waved her off. “I’m afraid of him. Not physically, but…what if I fall in love with him and he hates me for what we are?”

“Then fuck him.” She stared at her son. “You have to admit, that’s right. We don’t really need him. He needs you more than…will you have other kids with him? You think I could have a sister or brother? Not that I’m sure I want them, but that is something to think about.”

“I have no idea what he wants or doesn’t want. But you’re more than enough for one person, thank you very much.” When he laughed, she looked at his hand. Murph knew nothing about this man Carter, and yet she knew that for whatever reason she could trust him. If he kept his mouth shut. “All right. But one week. That’s all.”

They shook hands and he asked her when she could contact him. Murph had no idea. She needed to do so much. And there was her job. Which, she supposed, she might have lost along the way. It had been…hell, it had been nearly a week and she’d not reported in. For all she knew they thought she was dead.

Reaching for Misha because she knew that he’d be a little more receptive to her than Carter might be, he answered her almost immediately. She tried to think how to ask him what she should do when he laughed.

It’s hard, I know, but just say it. Say to me, “Misha, I’d like to come home.”
She snorted at him.
You don’t want to come home? I thought for sure you would.

It’s not my home and you know it. I don’t want anything to happen to your family, but it might now that my father has figured out who you are. Just because I dislike one of you doesn’t mean that everyone has to get hurt. And you guys are more than likely going to get hurt from this, and I know that I am as well.
He asked her why.
Because one or all of you are going to kill me when I murder Carter in his sleep. But that’s not why I called out to you. I want some ground rules and you’re the one that can make him listen. I certainly can’t.

All right. What are the rules? I’m not saying that I’ll like them any better than Carter will, but I’m willing to listen and…ah, so that was the plan. I see. Okay, I like the way your mind works. And speaking of which, why can you reach me when I can’t you?

Because I don’t want you to.
She took a deep breath
. There is one thing you can help me with. It’s my son. I don’t want him hurt in all this. Physically or mentally. And I need someone to…I have no idea what to do with Christmas.

What do you mean about Christmas?
She told him.
Since he was born? You’ve never had a tree since he was…what have you been doing to celebrate the holiday, if you don’t mind my asking?

I gave him what he wanted, within reason. And we had a nice dinner. Not that I cooked it, but we had one. We’ve been on the run since…well, since before he was born. And I had to work hard at keeping him out of my father’s hands.

Yes. Had the misfortune of meeting him today. Not really what I’d call father of the year.
Max came and sat near her again, and she held him.
We can certainly help you with Christmas. This is Hannah’s first one too. She’s…she’s had a rough life as well.

I know.
He said he thought she did.
Look. I don’t want you to make him do this. If he doesn’t want to listen to reason, then…well, we don’t need any of you. Max…this is his idea.

Okay. You tell me the rules you want him to go by, and I’ll tell him when he wakes up. I’m assuming you know that he’s been hurt. Thanks to Linyah he can heal almost as soon as he’s hurt, but he is…restless and sort of depressed.

She knew that as well but said nothing about it. Murph told Misha the rules that she wanted him to try and abide by, and told the big leopard that if Carter had any, they were willing to entertain them as well. He laughed and told her he’d talk to Carter and get back to her.

But I need something from you. Even if this doesn’t work out the way you want—I’ve never seen two more stubborn people in my life—but if it doesn’t work out, I’d like for you and Max to be our guests at Christmas. I promise you that it will be a treat he will remember forever.
She asked him about what Carter would say about that.
You let me handle him when it comes to his part. Will you?

I’ll talk to Max and we’ll see. We’re all we have, and we talk things out before making that sort of decision.
Misha said he’d not have it any other way.
Thank you. I mean, really, thank you.

It’s my pleasure. And for what it’s worth, Murph, Carter will take care of the two of you. And he’ll learn over time that running over you will not work. It’s a hard lesson, but he’ll get it.
He laughed.
It took me a while to get it through my thick head that asking is better than ordering.


Misha was waiting for Carter when he came down from his room. All his brothers had rooms there, but few of them stayed that much anymore. When he ignored him for a glass of tea and some toast, Misha let him. It was going to be difficult to talk to him about this, but he thought it might be fun too.

“I talked to Murph.” The knife in Carter’s hand hit the sink. “So you’re not as indifferent to her as you said last night.”

“No. And you damned well know it. And so you know, I’m sick of people telling me what a jerk I was to her. I get it. Ask first.” Misha thought he didn’t get it at all, but knew that Murph could get him to sooner or later. Provided he let her have her way on a few of her rules. She was a smart woman, his brother’s mate. “What did she want? To tell you to keep me away from her?”

“No. She wants to come here to live.” Carter turned so quickly that he lost one of his pieces of toast. “Yeah, I was surprised too. But she’s not doing it for you but for her son. And you’ll notice that I didn’t say your son, but hers and only hers. Because ultimately, until that kid accepts you, that’s all you’re ever going to be to him; nothing more than the man who fucks his mom.”

“When is she coming? And do you mean here or at my house?” Misha had thought of that too, and told him for the time being, she should be here where everyone could keep an eye on them. “Okay, that makes sense. There are more people living in the building I bought. I’ve sort of…never mind. I just have more people living there. I want to find a house for us.”

“That’s good, but I’d wait for a little while. She has ground rules. And I agree with most of them. One…not so much, but you’ll understand her hesitance once you hear them all.” Carter sat down, and Misha thought this might go better than he’d thought. “She is giving you one week to test the waters.”

“A week? That’s not enough time for anything. What the hell am I supposed to be able to prove in a week?”

Their mom entered the kitchen just as Carter spoke. She just stared at Carter, then looked at Misha.

“Murph?” Misha nodded. “Do you suppose she’ll mind overly much if I call her Dane? It’s so much better than Murph. That sounds like a burp gone wrong.”

“You can ask her.” His mom nodded and began pulling out things from the ice box. “I was just telling Carter here the rules that Murph wants him to abide by, and she’ll come here if he agrees to them.”

“What else besides the week?” Misha looked at Carter when mom asked and he nodded. “I’m assuming that she’ll want to bring young Max here as well. I think he’s a good boy. Did you know that he’s going to college? At such a young age too.”

“I did.” Misha asked Carter if he was ready. At his nod, he gave him the next rule. “You’ll not touch her son. You do—or for that matter, any of us do—without probable cause and she will end us. Her words, not mine. And Carter, that is nonnegotiable.”

“All right.” Carter looked at their mom but said nothing. Misha didn’t agree with the next one, but he doubted that there was going to be any change on this one either.

“She won’t sleep with you. Not unless she asks you.” Mom turned and looked at Carter, and Misha was ready for the fireworks. “She said that she doesn’t need it nearly as much as you do, and she hasn’t had any needs since her son was created. It’s just not something that she has a desire to have messing with her life.”

Carter got up to pace, but he still was quiet. When Carter nodded and looked at Mom, she only smiled. She had something up her sleeve and Misha just knew it. He changed the subject and told his mom his plans for Christmas, and had already mentioned it to Hannah.

“That poor boy. I know that she’s provided well for him. And to have given up so much just to keep him safe. Can you imagine having to hide away someone as precious as your son? I can’t.” Mom looked at Carter when she continued. “There are times when I wished I’d have taken you out back to be beaten more, but not hide you away.”

“What else?” He looked at Carter. “I’m sure there is more. What else is she making? Demands that I follow? I’m sure it’s a lot.”

“Carter, are you this stupid?” He looked like he was going to argue, but Misha raised his hand. “Do you really think this woman needs an overbearing ass in her life? Did you even listen to her dad when he…? Hell, Carter, did you ever hear the way that Dad used to talk to Mom? Give me my sons. Get me some dinner. You’ll do what I say or I’ll hit you.”

“I’d never do that.” Both he and his mom snorted. “What the hell did I say to her that even sounded like that? Nothing.”

“You told her that she was a shitty mom.” Hannah came into the room and sat down hard. She was so tired lately that Misha worried for her. But she looked at Carter when he didn’t answer her. “You remember the day you met me? The woman across the counter telling me how I was a lowly cashier person and that she was so much more important than me? Or my mother demanding that you guys give me up to her? Do you remember?”

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